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Wii U Community Thread

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These heavy NDA's are ridiculous. Apparently Nintendo's NDA's are so strict that if your a third party developing for Wii U but your game won't be out at launch window, you can't talk about it (I read this somewhere earlier in the thread). I could understand the NDA's up until E3, but now this is getting ridiculous. I mean, gamers like me want to see what games are coming out in the future, not just launch window, so that we have a reason to purchase the console at full price day 1.

Pikmin 3, NSMB U, NintendoLand, and ZombiU won't keep me entertained for four months. Two months max of entertainment from those games (Reggie says launch window is approx four months for Nintendo).

All I needed from E3 was a 30 second trailer of cgi or alpha footage of a Retro, Monolith, or Tokyo EAD#1 game.

They dont need to do any of this. People will line up to buy the wuu. They will talk about these games after launch. They want to keep every one on message.


They dont need to do any of this. People will line up to buy the wuu. They will talk about these games after launch. They want to keep every one on message.

What people is key here. I don't think they care about "core" gamers getting it day one. I bet they're banking on Nintendo loyalist getting it regardless of what they show. They might be right but that's pretty crappy of them taking these people for granted. So what's likely important to them is hooking those that bought the Wii for Wii Sports. Wii Sports 2 won't work with the new controller so we have Nintendoland. Which isn't as easy of a sell as Wii Sports was with the Wii remote. That was extremely easy to demonstrate to people and had never been done before on a large scale. This possibly explains the long drawn out explantion on the Luigi's Mansion game. Not for use but those in the non-gaming media. With the hope they'll be feed enough info to write a detailed write up on the game.

The lack of talking about 3rd party game is possibly setup as to not scare these people off by making them think or feel the system isn't another Wii. They likely want people to think this system will be just as friendly as the Wii was. That explains why there is a 2D Mario as well. Why there is Just Dance 4 and Sing. Why they are publishing Sing and why Wii Fit U was at E3 as well.

Those that don't desire these games, even though they may find them enjoyable on their own, don't matter at all at the moment. Ports, Pikmin 3, ZombiU, P-100 are the bones they're tossing us with the hope I bet that we understand this or at least figure it out on some level until casuals fall in line again. The system "launch" for these consumers is likely sometime in 2013. I think this is why there are likely to be two colors this time around.

At least this is why I'm telling myself now.


aka Cabbie
WOOOT! I have been approved! It only took 3 months, I don't know where wikipedia got its 6 months-2 year timeframe!

Now that I got that out of the way....

Been lurking NintendoGAF since WUST #1 and would like to say I love you all. I love all consoles and PC btw, but Nintendo has the most exclusives that I enjoy (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Smash Bros are my top 5).

E3 dampened my spirits for Wii U but I know the Nintendo whore in me will pick this up day 1 (if it's in black).

I look forward to posting with you all!

Good day, nice to see a new face. :)

So, junior rush?


"lol, it's Nintendo" :)

Wii U's Miiverse won't connect with other social networks

"What we have discussed so far... I think it is the other way around, from any devices in the future you will be able to access the Miiverse, from mobile phone or laptop," said Nintendo of Europe's Laurent Fischer. "You can check what's going on and even participate."

Rival console networks have at least allowed users to download specific social networking apps, but Fischer said Nintendo's policy is not to offer a service that is already available on multiple devices. "I have three devices permanently doing that already, what is our benefit to do so also?" he said.


Facebook apps are a terrible idea, like in general. But it would still be nice to associate your n" account to your Facebook account, so then you could effortlessly add a trusted friend. Better than the "OctoG123" method of trust.

If the browser is good enough, I'll use that, but I wouldn't mind a custom app to be honest. I use my iPad for email, browsing and facebook, twitter etc. I would like to be able to do all that shit on the GamePad.

One thing I don't need is all my Nintendo achievements being posted to my wall - I'm OK with that not being added.


It just hit me. If we don't care that Wii U will get downgraded versions of PS480 games due to lesser power but similar architecture, we shouldn't care that Wii U may get slightly downgraded versions of PS360 games due to more power but dissimilar architecture. Wii U may not have the definitive (power-wise) version of any third-party game ever, but all we wanted with Wii was versions at all of the big multi-platform third-party games even if they were downgraded. Therefore it makes sense to just want the same thing now.

Having played a lot of AC: Brotherhood lately, a Wii version of that would've had to have been as gimped as Dead Rising Wii with Turok levels of fog, but if somehow Ubisoft would've made AC on Wii with Capcom's RE4 engine, it might've still been worth a buy. :lol

WOOOT! I have been approved! It only took 3 months, I don't know where wikipedia got its 6 months-2 year timeframe!

It's been slower, at times, but it's probably more from some frustrated people updating Wikipedia. Mine was ~2 months back in 2005, for example.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Mine was less than a day back in 2002.



I just don't agree with Nintendo's "NDA unless launching soon" mantra. A console is not like any other piece of electronics you buy. With other electronics you know what you're getting before you buy it. You need a toaster, you check it out. You need a DVD player, you check out the features. Same with TV's (Although this is changing slowly with Smart TVs). So when you get it home it's going to do exactly what it does from now until it stops working. Game consoles are the anti-thesis of this, especially now in this online world.

Consoles have new software coming out all the time over its life-span not to mention firmware updates for new features. These are the things we need to know about before putting our money down. Unfortunately Nintendo still seems to treat their consoles as appliances which might work for the mass consumer, but not for me.
The strategy has been working alright for Apple. And generally you'd like to be able to get the mass consumer market if you only have a single product in the space.


A few observations on tonight's Nintendo Direct...

First - Nintendo just told E3 to go fuck itself.

Second - Namco on the Smash Bros. team is an interesting choice, but at the same time, the art director is from the Soul Calibur series, so we at least know that it's likely to be a very PRETTY game. I'm not sure what to think of the others involved, perhaps Japan-GAF can shed some light into this and tell me about the men involved in the game mechanics end.

Third - eShop sales....? Ummm, didn't see that one coming. I swear, Nintendo is drip-feeding news about Nintendo Network to us purely so that every time someone opens their mouth saying Nintendo still doesn't "get" online, they just look increasingly foolish doing so. Where's that Johnny Depp GIF when you need it?


Looks like someone's rumor came out somewhat true.


"*The team that worked on Smash Bros 64, Smash Bros Melee, and Smash Bros Brawl transferred the assets of the game to another developer to work on it. The original Smash Bros team is not working on this new Smash Bros title."

Now you have news about Namco building a completely new team for this Smash Bros game with the entire Tekken team and people from Soul Calibur, Tales, and Gundam.

Sora is still working on it, but the rumor came out at least half true.


Also I just realized something.

If 3DS XL is $200...does that kind of kill the chance of Wii U being $250? Why would they price a console 50 bucks more than a handheld.


It seems clear like Nintendo is going to move more and more towards making Nintendo Direct their main means of communicating.

And it works.. they control the flow of information, and thus far very little has leaked from them.. since announce them so shortly ahead of schedule.

And they get the message out across the globe.


It seems clear like Nintendo is going to move more and more towards making Nintendo Direct their main means of communicating.

And it works.. they control the flow of information, and thus far very little has leaked from them.. since announce them so shortly ahead of schedule.

And they get the message out across the globe.

I noticed this too. It's a pretty good strategy.

The problem with E3 is when you put announcements out there, they can get lost in the middle of E3's madness.

It's easier to put announcements out there when there's less distractions.


I noticed this too. It's a pretty good strategy.

The problem with E3 is when you put announcements out there, they can get lost in the middle of E3's madness.

It's easier to put announcements out there when there's less distractions.

Exactly, and they pretty much will control headlines throughout the weekend unless Sony or MS have anything major to say.
It is a great stratergy. Not only does it create a 'persona' for people to connect with directly, it makes them feel special - because these presentations are for 'fans' not press releases for journalist or investors.

Given the 24 hour nature of the internet, it means most fansites will have the info up quickly now too so it doesn't matter as much when the info is released, especially going into the weekend. By also focusing on third parties it may also encourage a closer relationship with them too.

EDIT: When is game heaven for vita again?


Also I just realized something.

If 3DS XL is $200...does that kind of kill the chance of Wii U being $250? Why would they price a console 50 bucks more than a handheld.

250$ for Wii U??

Not happening :p

299$ is going to be a loss, with the Upad + tech they're putting in there. Consider the higher priced PS3 is still 299$. I'm expecting 399$, or at the very lowest, 349$ with a pack in game for Wii U


250$ for Wii U??

Not happening :p

299$ is going to be a loss, with the Upad + tech they're putting in there. Consider the higher priced PS3 is still 299$. I'm expecting 399$, or at the very lowest, 349$ with a pack in game for Wii U

Oh I'm just bringing up $250 cause of crazy Pachter saying Wii U needs to be $250 or it'll fail. :p

I think it'll be $300 with a pack-in game.


aw god.. finally a member ;_;
I have been following all of you lurking since the first Wii U Speculation Thread

Is there enough madness here for you to share with me?


Looks like someone's rumor came out somewhat true.


"*The team that worked on Smash Bros 64, Smash Bros Melee, and Smash Bros Brawl transferred the assets of the game to another developer to work on it. The original Smash Bros team is not working on this new Smash Bros title."

Now you have news about Namco building a completely new team for this Smash Bros game with the entire Tekken team and people from Soul Calibur, Tales, and Gundam.

Sora is still working on it, but the rumor came out at least half true.
Don't have anything to say about the news/rumor, but thought this was funny:

I am willing to risk everything on these predictions. If I am wrong on any of these predictions, I will never write an article again.
Her first prediction? (among many)
*Paper Mario 3DS coming before Christmas (Before end of 2011)
Oops.  Not that it stopped her.
It seems clear like Nintendo is going to move more and more towards making Nintendo Direct their main means of communicating.

And it works.. they control the flow of information, and thus far very little has leaked from them.. since announce them so shortly ahead of schedule.

And they get the message out across the globe.
I mentioned this a while ago (and again a few posts above) that they're basically copying Apple here...it's really bizarro (having followed both companies for a while) how similarly they're handling information.
aw god.. finally a member ;_;
I have been following all of you lurking since the first Wii U Speculation Thread

Is there enough madness here for you to share with me?

A word of advice, since you're still a junior Member. These threads have gotten quite a lot of regular members permabanned with the madness, make sure you won't be swept up by the rampant hype-depression, random moodswing cycles that go on in this thread.

And yeah welcome to GAF.


I'll re-read the previous pages now and am sure others have come to the same conclusion, but this Nintendo Direct (along with P-100) confirms one thing for me:

E3 is not relevant anymore. (except for "casuals")


I'll re-read the previous pages now and am sure others have come to the same conclusion, but this Nintendo Direct (along with P-100) confirms one thing for me:

E3 is not relevant anymore. (except for "casuals")

Like I said before. The core market will find their news regardless of E3. Core doesn't need a huge event for news. The companies need mainly focus on casuals at a huge event like E3, that's televised and reported just about everywhere.


It seems clear like Nintendo is going to move more and more towards making Nintendo Direct their main means of communicating.

And it works.. they control the flow of information, and thus far very little has leaked from them.. since announce them so shortly ahead of schedule.

And they get the message out across the globe.

I would still prefer big announcements like Zelda or Metroid to be at a show, with a bit of spectacle.
Oddduck said:
Also I just realized something.

If 3DS XL is $200...does that kind of kill the chance of Wii U being $250? Why would they price a console 50 bucks more than a handheld.
They're unrelated, and they're not going to go out of their way to overprice one just to make them different. Game Boy Advance and GameCube were $100 beside each other for a time. DSiXL came out for $180 when Wii was $200.
AzaK said:
I would still prefer big announcements like Zelda or Metroid to be at a show, with a bit of spectacle.
With NSMB2 first being shown in a Direct, the precedent is set for that to be a platform for the biggest game announcements.


They really knocked ND out of the park this time. I was starting to question the hype surrounding it, but I guess from now on we know anything could happen.


El Capitan Todd
They really knocked ND out of the park this time. I was starting to question the hype surrounding it, but I guess from now on we know anything could happen.

Anythin within their pre-ND description: they are earnest enough to declare which wil be the focuses of the Direct: 3ds and Wii, and they gave a lot of info about those two systems.
So one could be not over-hyped :p


It just hit me. If we don't care that Wii U will get downgraded versions of PS480 games due to lesser power but similar architecture, we shouldn't care that Wii U may get slightly downgraded versions of PS360 games due to more power but dissimilar architecture. Wii U may not have the definitive (power-wise) version of any third-party game ever, but all we wanted with Wii was versions at all of the big multi-platform third-party games even if they were downgraded. Therefore it makes sense to just want the same thing now.

Having played a lot of AC: Brotherhood lately, a Wii version of that would've had to have been as gimped as Dead Rising Wii with Turok levels of fog, but if somehow Ubisoft would've made AC on Wii with Capcom's RE4 engine, it might've still been worth a buy. :lol

It's been slower, at times, but it's probably more from some frustrated people updating Wikipedia. Mine was ~2 months back in 2005, for example.
Haha. Yesterday was a good day for me. Portugal won (Portuguese-Canadian) and after the game I check my mail on my iPad and see neogaf validation email. I jumped for joy! :)

I signed up around the time the Wii was unveiled. Go check my profile and see what it lists as my "Join Date".
When they release high profile games, I hope they can do 15 minute showcases like video Iwata Asks. Was messing around in 3ds eShop this week and found some good segments from E3 timeframe
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