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Wii U Community Thread

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My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
More likely what will happen is that games like Lego City willbe delayed into Q2.


"I have heard people say, 'You know, you've got these fantastic franchises, beyond what you're doing in Smash Bros., isn't there a way to leverage all these franchises?' So we create Nintendo Land and they say, 'Ho-hum, give me more.' So it's an interesting challenge."


"They want all the Nintendo franchises, so we give them a minigame compilation! I don't understand these fanboys, they're never happy."


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Do you think the Treehouse people warned Reggie about the potential reaction from the E3 lineup?



"They want all the Nintendo franchises, so we give them a minigame compilation! I don't understand these fanboys, they're never happy."

Yeah, I LOL at this one... but what about his other quotes? Doesn't he have a point?

It's really impossible to please their fanbase. That coupled with the fact that many of their fans always have some knee-jerk reaction to almost every game or concept Nintendo attempts, even though in the end, things usually turn out pretty well once they actually learn more about or encounter the experience for themselves.

If things go as planned, NintendoLand will have the Wii Sports effect all over again, and may turn into something many fans didn't knew they wanted...until they got it.
Yeah, I LOL at this one... but what about his other quotes? Doesn't he have a point?

It's really impossible to please their fanbase. That coupled with the fact that many of their fans always have some knee-jerk reaction to almost every game or concept Nintendo attempts, even though in the end, things usually turn out pretty well once they actually learn more about or encounter the experience for themselves.

If things go as planned, NintendoLand will have the Wii Sports effect all over again, and may turn into something many fans didn't knew they wanted...until they got it.
I think their fans aren't limited to people who read gaming websites and neogaf more than actually playing games, and I am fairly certain that people will still buy NSMB U, etc. in millions.


Yeah, I LOL at this one... but what about his other quotes? Doesn't he have a point?

It's really impossible to please their fanbase. That coupled with the fact that many of their fans always have some knee-jerk reaction to almost every game or concept Nintendo attempts, even though in the end, things usually turn out pretty well once they actually learn more about or encounter the experience for themselves.

If things go as planned, NintendoLand will have the Wii Sports effect all over again, and may turn into something many fans didn't knew they wanted...until they got it.

Its not "that impossible". In order to please the fans you have to give them what they want plus a surprise. The trick is finding the suitable surprise for the fans to be completely satisfied.

For instance, if Nintendo ended the conference with a trailer from Retro, I bet you most people would have sung a completely different tune.
Its not "that impossible". In order to please the fans you have to give them what they want plus a surprise. The trick is finding the suitable surprise for the fans to be completely satisfied.

For instance, if Nintendo ended the conference with a trailer from Retro, I bet you most people would have sung a completely different tune.
Retro is a very small studio; they probably won't be able to make more than 2 HD games for Wii U and I believe the first game won't be released in the 1 year;

I sometimes think people are just so oblivious to the situation.

Nintendo is publishing as much as 1st party titles as probably Sony+Microsoft+EA+Acitivison are releasing together; however, the reason that it still doesn't look enough, is that 1. their systems severly lacks 3rd paty support 2. most of their releases are in a few genres (notably platformer)


Retro is a very small studio; they probably won't be able to make more than 2 HD games for Wii U and I believe the first game won't be released in the 1 year;

I sometimes think people are just so oblivious to the situation.

Nintendo is publishing as much as 1st party titles as probably Sony+Microsoft+EA+Acitivison are releasing together; however, the reason that it still doesn't look enough, is that 1. their systems severly lacks 3rd paty support 2. most of their releases are in a few genres (notably platformer)

I didn't say it had to be Retro, it was just an example. If you want a more solid example it would be announcing the 3DS XL at the conference, or confirming Fire Emblem NoA release, or reveal P-100 AT the conference.

In retrospect, if you added all the Nintendo Direct videos with E3 you will realize Nintendo had a lot of information to share (exciting information, at that), but they just didn't distribute it well at all.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Having a 5-minute demo of Platinum's P-100 on stage would have gone a long way (though people would have initially been shock-disappointed Platinum's Wii U game is family-friendly). We'll never know, but I suspect Reggie pulled it from the show in order have something to impress Geoff with.


Retro is a very small studio; they probably won't be able to make more than 2 HD games for Wii U and I believe the first game won't be released in the 1 year;

I sometimes think people are just so oblivious to the situation.

Nintendo is publishing as much as 1st party titles as probably Sony+Microsoft+EA+Acitivison are releasing together; however, the reason that it still doesn't look enough, is that 1. their systems severly lacks 3rd paty support 2. most of their releases are in a few genres (notably platformer)

From what we've heard though, retro did have something showable.


Having a 5-minute demo of Platinum's P-100 on stage would have gone a long way (though people would have initially been shock-disappointed Platinum's Wii U game is family-friendly). We'll never know, but I suspect Reggie pulled it from the show in order have something to impress Geoff with.

I feel like the game benefited from coming after the press conference. Just re-read the reveal thread and the initial disappointment in that title. It would have been the scapegoat instead of NintendoLand.

The fact is, Nintendo had the content for a good show, it was just their presentation/pacing that ruined it all.
WOOOT! I have been approved! It only took 3 months, I don't know where wikipedia got its 6 months-2 year timeframe!

Now that I got that out of the way....

Been lurking NintendoGAF since WUST #1 and would like to say I love you all. I love all consoles and PC btw, but Nintendo has the most exclusives that I enjoy (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Smash Bros are my top 5).

E3 dampened my spirits for Wii U but I know the Nintendo whore in me will pick this up day 1 (if it's in black).

I look forward to posting with you all!
It took me 6-9 months to get validated. It took my wife 2 weeks!


Having a 5-minute demo of Platinum's P-100 on stage would have gone a long way (though people would have initially been shock-disappointed Platinum's Wii U game is family-friendly). We'll never know, but I suspect Reggie pulled it from the show in order have something to impress Geoff with.
Platinum's game is in no way spectacular-looking on video, and much of the positive response to it has been because of the developer pedigree combined with lengthy walkthroughs of the demo gameplay. The former information wouldn't have made much of a splash because Platinum is a niche developer, and they wouldn't have allocated the time on stage for the latter.
Platinum's game is in no way spectacular-looking on video, and much of the positive response to it has been because of the developer pedigree combined with lengthy walkthroughs of the demo gameplay. The former information wouldn't have made much of a splash because Platinum is a niche developer, and they wouldn't have allocated the time on stage for the latter.
Nonsense. You put together a trailer of epic things happening and you're done. You don't need to explain the game, you just need 1 full minute of gigantic robots falling apart, people turning into swords and kites, etc. It would have had a lot of people going "woah, what is this all about?!" It would have been the kind of trailer that gets dissected moment by moment as we wait for gameplay.
I didn't say it had to be Retro, it was just an example. If you want a more solid example it would be announcing the 3DS XL at the conference, or confirming Fire Emblem NoA release, or reveal P-100 AT the conference.

In retrospect, if you added all the Nintendo Direct videos with E3 you will realize Nintendo had a lot of information to share (exciting information, at that), but they just didn't distribute it well at all.

Having a 5-minute demo of Platinum's P-100 on stage would have gone a long way (though people would have initially been shock-disappointed Platinum's Wii U game is family-friendly). We'll never know, but I suspect Reggie pulled it from the show in order have something to impress Geoff with.
I think 3DS revision not being announced were for two reasons: 1. They didn't want the focus of news to be on 3DS revision instead of Wii U 2. They are almost selling as much as hardware and software for 3DS in Japan as the rest of the world (at least software), and E3 is not really a good place to announce such things.

Regarding P-100, just read the first two pages of reveal thread; it's a wall of shame.

From what we've heard though, retro did have something showable.
But that doesn't mean they should show it; I really don't understand announcing games anytime sooner than 1 year till release

If my purchase is going to depend on a game being release like 1 year after I buy the console, I personally will not buy it till then anyway; it's not like Wii U will be the only system I can play my games on till then, it is not even the only Nintendo system.

I think it's just statistically wrong to expect a system selling to more than probably 10% of the final purchasers in just the launch window; it's just not reasonable to have a launch so good that 20m people become convinced to buy it in the first few months; even 10m is a stretch


E3 isn't relevant anymore, now, is it? :(
Yeah at first I thought 2014 at earliest, but now thinking holiday 2013.. to combat the launch of the other consoles.

Also, I assume Sakurai and his team will work exclusively on this title, just kind of be ball busters.
I'm thinking Mario Kart for 2013, it will have been what, right around two years since MK7? And iirc it's been Nintendo's biggest seller next to NSMB. It'd give SSB more time to develop for a 2014 release.

...and Kamiya/Platinum can follow up with Star Fox in early/mid 2015! (two years after P-100)
Guys, I'm melting down about those 3DS XL NA colors. If we can't get that silver (or at least white) color scheme for that system, do we stand a chance of getting the black Wii U at launch?
It seems likely but who knows. When the Wii was announced (as Revolution) it was black, then shown off in white the next E3. Wii U was shown in white last year but has been featured a lot in black this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see both or even black only at launch.
You can always import a PAL unit ; )
Aren't 3DSes region locked?


Nonsense. You put together a trailer of epic things happening and you're done. You don't need to explain the game, you just need 1 full minute of gigantic robots falling apart, people turning into swords and kites, etc. It would have had a lot of people going "woah, what is this all about?!" It would have been the kind of trailer that gets dissected moment by moment as we wait for gameplay.
I disagree. Even on GAF, initial reactions to the first trailer were widely mixed (and knowing this was made by Platinum Games): http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=477028
I disagree. Even on GAF, initial reactions to the first trailer were widely mixed (and knowing this was made by Platinum Games): http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=477028
It was not a good trailer. Especially this eyesore:

I'm not saying their trailer should have been show, just a trailer. A better trailer. Once we got gameplay, a lot of people fell in love. That's why I suggested a gameplay mashup. In a Platinum Games or Nintendo game, I don't feel as though there should ever be cinematic stuff at all in the trailer. They excel at gameplay, so they should show it. That trailer even rubbed me the wrong way, and I'm a huge PG fan.

So what we can take from this point is that, GaF is sexist? /sarcasm :p
The admittance rate is random. Whenever the staff feel like adding more people, they get added. That's all I was attempting to convey.


It was not a good trailer. Especially this eyesore:

I'm not saying their trailer should have been show, just a trailer. A better trailer. Once we got gameplay, a lot of people fell in love. That's why I suggested a gameplay mashup. In a Platinum Games or Nintendo game, I don't feel as though there should ever be cinematic stuff at all in the trailer. They excel at gameplay, so they should show it.

The admittance rate is random. Whenever the staff feel like adding more people, they get added. That's all I was attempting to convey.
I was kidding haha. Should have conveyed that more clearly. My bad.


P-100 doesn't need high res character models which are used for NPCs!
That picture is so dumb because the game itself looks rad. Does anybody complain about Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3 or Diablo 3 low poly models?


I just want to mention something I've just been musing over.

I actually wonder if Nintendo Land may, at least in part, be Nintendo's way of allowing those who may not already be interested become more aware of/taste some of their less renowned/successful franchises.

I mean, there hasn't been an F Zero game for about 8 years or so, and I don't think I'm wrong in suggesting that Nintendo probably has a reason they haven't put much focus in the series, since it probably isn't as well received overall. By including a cut-down "minigame" version in Nintendo Land, perhaps this allows Nintendo not only to test out ideas for a proper game without wasting too much time and resources on something that may not sell as well by itself, while gauging responses and allowing people to sample more of their titles.

A person who plays the F Zero minigame may be more inclined to buy a full F Zero game than risk buying something they might not like. If they enjoy what they sampled then they might be more inclined to buy a full game.


I just want to mention something I've just been musing over.

I actually wonder if Nintendo Land may, at least in part, be Nintendo's way of allowing those who may not already be interested become more aware of/taste some of their less renowned/successful franchises.

P-100 doesn't need high res character models which are used for NPCs!
That picture is so dumb because the game itself looks rad. Does anybody complain about Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3 or Diablo 3 low poly models?

Does anyone not realize this is one of like 500 little on screen people? Not to mention with the scale of the game and the camera being zoomed out so far, you probably can't even notice the lack of polys.

Anyone who acts like that is what the game looks like, has obviously not seen it in motion, as it does have a certain aesthetic charm to it


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.


It was not a good trailer. Especially this eyesore:

I'm not saying their trailer should have been show, just a trailer. A better trailer. Once we got gameplay, a lot of people fell in love. That's why I suggested a gameplay mashup. In a Platinum Games or Nintendo game, I don't feel as though there should ever be cinematic stuff at all in the trailer. They excel at gameplay, so they should show it. That trailer even rubbed me the wrong way, and I'm a huge PG fan.

The admittance rate is random. Whenever the staff feel like adding more people, they get added. That's all I was attempting to convey.

That's an actual shot from that game? Good Lord.
That's an actual shot from that game? Good Lord.
Good lord what exactly? it's like zooming on Company of Heroes characters and expecting CoD level graphics.

edit: see? This is why they didn't show P-100 at the conference "oh, lol lol lol, Nintendo makes even Platinum make shitty looking games". It would probably not only add to the backlash, but make a very bad first impression for P-100 too. unless they decided to show like 10 mins of gameplay, which considering that this game is probably not going to sell even 500k, was never going to happen.


Good lord what exactly? it's like zooming on Company of Heroes characters and expecting CoD level graphics.

edit: see? This is why they didn't show P-100 at the conference "oh, lol lol lol, Nintendo makes even Platinum make shitty looking games"

It's just that the in-game stuff looks miles better. Plus, I should be expecting better graphics on a new Nintendo console.


That's an actual shot from that game? Good Lord.

Some people here (presumably Nintendo fans) used that image to justify their disappointment with Wii U games and the whole "can be done on the wii" tag line.

It's like they forced themselves to disregard much more impressive scenes, while also being ignorant of the stlye the game is aiming for. All in addition to the fact that those are non-player-characters that you likely won't see too often up close. Everytime i saw it, I just did a facepalm.

Nintendo fans are the dumbest strangest...


Some people here (presumably Nintendo fans) used that image to justify their disappointment with Wii U games and the whole "can be done on the wii" tag line.

It's like they forced themselves to disregard much more impressive scenes, while also being ignorant of the stlye the game is aiming for. All in addition to the fact that those are non-player-characters that you likely won't see too often up close. Everytime i saw it, I just did a facepalm.

Nintendo fans are the dumbest strangest...

Ummmmmmm...... WHAT?!
It's just that the in-game stuff looks miles better. Plus, I should be expecting better graphics on a new Nintendo console.

Have you actually seen the game? It's got a whole lot of tiny characters. Guess what, if you zoomed those tiny characters up to be huge, what you'd see is that screenshot.


Have you actually seen the game? It's got a whole lot of tiny characters. Guess what, if you zoomed those tiny characters up to be huge, what you'd see is that screenshot.

What are you coming down on me for? I just saw the pic and thought it was bad looking. It was a bad pic to use for Nintendo to begin with if it's just a zoomed in shot of a tiny character.
Some people here (presumably Nintendo fans) used that image to justify their disappointment with Wii U games and the whole "can be done on the wii" tag line.

It's like they forced themselves to disregard much more impressive scenes, while also being ignorant of the stlye the game is aiming for. All in addition to the fact that those are non-player-characters that you likely won't see too often up close. Everytime i saw it, I just did a facepalm.

Nintendo fans are the dumbest strangest...

I doubt the majority of them were Nintendo fans.


Just another random thought.

Nintendo "fans" are probably also fans of the Nintendo handheld systems, and people who can handle the graphics on the handheld Nintendo systems probably aren't going to balk because their home console Nintendo systems aren't the best graphical beasts around. Eh.

Deep Thoughts by donny2112
Going to sleep now. :lol
I was out taking a walk tonight and thought this up while contemplating the anger Reggie's somewhat huffy comments about "insatiable/unsatisfied fans" caused, my photoshop skillz aren't awesome so please go easy on me:



I was out taking a walk tonight and thought this up while contemplating the anger Reggie's somewhat huffy comments about "insatiable/unsatisfied fans" caused, my photoshop skillz aren't awesome so please go easy on me:


Ugh... Did you check the jpg compression box when you saved it?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What are you coming down on me for? I just saw the pic and thought it was bad looking. It was a bad pic to use for Nintendo to begin with if it's just a zoomed in shot of a tiny character.

That's the only true complaint for the trailer (that is, why they had to zoom in for that shot).


But that doesn't mean they should show it; I really don't understand announcing games anytime sooner than 1 year till release

Normally I'd agree but with the shit they showed, they needed something....anything, to generate some excitement. As it was the response from fans and gaming media (even Nintendo fan sites) was flaccid.


Just another random thought.

Nintendo "fans" are probably also fans of the Nintendo handheld systems, and people who can handle the graphics on the handheld Nintendo systems probably aren't going to balk because their home console Nintendo systems aren't the best graphical beasts around. Eh.

Deep Thoughts by donny2112
Going to sleep now. :lol

I think that this can also be applied to people who have been gaming since before 3D came about. To me, an NES game still has the capacity to entertain and wow me, and I don't look at them comparatively. Most people who profess to be gamers aren't capable of that.

Video games are one of the only forms of entertainment media in existence where the focus on the craft is measured in such a slanted way. I don't watch the Flintstones and think "man, this is garbage, look at that terrible animation!"

Part of the reason Nintendo has the fans that they do is they build things that stand the test of time, which is what other media strives to do with (almost) everything they make. NES games still hold up because the limitation of the medium meant you were REQUIRED to include things that drew people back into the experience and had lasting appeal. It's an example that should be followed more.
I think that this can also be applied to people who have been gaming since before 3D came about. To me, an NES game still has the capacity to entertain and wow me, and I don't look at them comparatively. Most people who profess to be gamers aren't capable of that.

Video games are one of the only forms of entertainment media in existence where the focus on the craft is measured in such a slanted way. I don't watch the Flintstones and think "man, this is garbage, look at that terrible animation!"

Part of the reason Nintendo has the fans that they do is they build things that stand the test of time, which is what other media strives to do with (almost) everything they make. NES games still hold up because the limitation of the medium meant you were REQUIRED to include things that drew people back into the experience and had lasting appeal. It's an example that should be followed more.

I bookmarked this post. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to know that there are people out there that GET IT. The internet is not completely worthless! *tear*


I think that this can also be applied to people who have been gaming since before 3D came about. To me, an NES game still has the capacity to entertain and wow me, and I don't look at them comparatively. Most people who profess to be gamers aren't capable of that.

Video games are one of the only forms of entertainment media in existence where the focus on the craft is measured in such a slanted way. I don't watch the Flintstones and think "man, this is garbage, look at that terrible animation!"

Part of the reason Nintendo has the fans that they do is they build things that stand the test of time, which is what other media strives to do with (almost) everything they make. NES games still hold up because the limitation of the medium meant you were REQUIRED to include things that drew people back into the experience and had lasting appeal. It's an example that should be followed more.

Excellent post. If only every gamer could read this.


Some people here (presumably Nintendo fans) used that image to justify their disappointment with Wii U games and the whole "can be done on the wii" tag line.

It's like they forced themselves to disregard much more impressive scenes, while also being ignorant of the stlye the game is aiming for. All in addition to the fact that those are non-player-characters that you likely won't see too often up close. Everytime i saw it, I just did a facepalm.

Nintendo fans are the dumbest strangest...

This would have been a good post - but you thought of Nintendo fans, and if you've followed the E3 madness, then you would have noticed that these people weren't Nintendo fans at all.

In fact, I go so far and say that non-Nintendo fans are way more interested in Nintendo than actual Nintendo fans :lol
(I just checked some threads and looked through the post counts, it's somehow true)

P-100 will display a dozens of low poly characters that you don't even properly see because the camera is so zoomed out. Was it a fault to put such a scene into the trailer? Maybe. Is the game ugly? Hell no.
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