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Wii U Community Thread

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E3 isn't relevant anymore, now, is it? :(

Sony thinks its still relevant.
As they called it the Superbowl for console makers.

But what I think Nintendo will use E3 for is basically
getting the press & public to play games that will
release anytime between E3 and Xmas.

But Nintendo is really going their own way.


That ND definetly delivered. Now that I'm finally on board with everyone that said that's how Nintendo wants to deliver their big news now, I can't wait for the next one that has Wii U news.


Unconfirmed Member
That ND definetly delivered. Now that I'm finally on board with everyone that said that's how Nintendo wants to deliver their big news now, I can't wait for the next one that has Wii U news.
Let's hope we won't have to wait too long for the next broadcast. Though we have got a potentially vibrant week ahead. The Wii U Experience in New York and the 72nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders take place next week.

And I don't think E3 is irrelevant at all. You must remember it's a trade event and there mainly just for that. I know a lot of people appreciate GDC, and that's an event where media coverage isn't too grand. If E3 will transition into something similar I think it could be very good for the industry. Less hysteria around the event could mean a better platform for publishers, developers, distributors and press to come together and discuss important issues within the industry instead of just showcasing new products. If you want a public event, there's gamescom, PAX and Tokyo Game Show to name a few.


Maybe answered already but if Namco is doing all the "LIFTING" on this project and Sora is overseeing, does this mean his team or the remnants of his team is working on another game?

I also wonder what this means for the projected release date. I bet this speeds it up. I love the fact that Nintendo isn't just working on another Smash Bros game with the same team trying to just re-release the same game with better graphics. Working with a different team means the game might be completely different, good or bad. But at least they are taking a chance. I get the feeling if they stuck with the previous team tons of fans would have complained ITS THE SAME GAME OVER AGAIN!

Lets pray the guys at Namco can use their extensive fighting games experience and only improve Smash Bros while retaining the charm and fun. Its my favorite fighting game of all time.


I think they made this decision because they wanted to drastically increase resources to get the game ready for PS4/720. Not necessarily to launch right up against them, but in their window. If it remained primarily a Project Sora project, it'd be out in 2015.

Now with Sora guiding NBG & NBGS in development, this game could be out early 2014.
Now that Nintendo has created this behemoth 3DS XL without a second cirlce nub, are we going to see a ridiculously large Circle Pad Pro?

I mean it's understandable if they didn't want to add another stick, to completely devalue the other 3DS model, but I don't know if I would support the XL unless I could get the two nub action going on.

Games like Resident Evil: Revelations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Monster Hunter 3D are all games I NEED the pad for.


Maybe answered already but if Namco is doing all the "LIFTING" on this project and Sora is overseeing, does this mean his team or the remnants of his team is working on another game?

I also wonder what this means for the projected release date. I bet this speeds it up. I love the fact that Nintendo isn't just working on another Smash Bros game with the same team trying to just re-release the same game with better graphics. Working with a different team means the game might be completely different, good or bad. But at least they are taking a chance. I get the feeling if they stuck with the previous team tons of fans would have complained ITS THE SAME GAME OVER AGAIN!

Lets pray the guys at Namco can use their extensive fighting games experience and only improve Smash Bros while retaining the charm and fun. Its my favorite fighting game of all time.

Yeah at first I thought 2014 at earliest, but now thinking holiday 2013.. to combat the launch of the other consoles.

Also, I assume Sakurai and his team will work exclusively on this title, just kind of be ball busters.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So are Nintendo Direct's about every 2 months? The next one should definitely have Wii U stuff.


E3 will always be relevant, but man, Nintendo handles the Nintendo Directs so well that it makes you wonder how the E3 presentation came out stilted and misguided.

ND allows them to be charming while still hitting a lot of news in a few minutes. And they just keep getting better, I think.


I like these Nintendo Directs as well. It's very low in cost for the production all you need is the camera and the text you read and it delivered. It's simple and go to the point.

The next one is definitely for the Wii U. I can see it sometimes in August after the release of the 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros 2.

E3 is now for the mainstream press. That's why you see so many casual games on all big conferences. Infact, it died when they downsized the event in 2007.


E3 really does not matter all that much anymore it seems. Looking more and more like they were going through the motions because they had to be there it seems. Good show last night but still seeing a problem with there being a LOT of Japanese support and not much western support. I guess the games the rest of 2012 will help in the west but it's still nothing compared to what Japan has been getting I think.

Really looking forward to next one because that has to be Wii U focused.


I'd say Shikamaru Ninja is the person to ask regarding how Sora operates, but I understand that they usually outsource most of the development to a variety of smaller developers (Brawl had a lot of dev teams involved). The fact that they seem to be going with one bigger developer instead might indicate that they've got a more rigid schedule to stick to, which could mean they're targeting a late 2013 release date. I'd also be interested to see what their strategy for the 3DS version is (unless Namco are doing the grunt work for both).

Edit: Having just read the message from Sakurai, it does appear as if Namco is handling both versions.
Guys, I'm melting down about those 3DS XL NA colors. If we can't get that silver (or at least white) color scheme for that system, do we stand a chance of getting the black Wii U at launch?


So are Nintendo Direct's about every 2 months? The next one should definitely have Wii U stuff.

October 21st 2011 > December 27th 2011 > February 22nd 2012 > April 21st 2012 > June 22nd 2012

With the 3rd of June being the odd man out because it's an E3 special.

So I guess the next one will air around the 23rd or 25th of August.
Let's please not start giving Emily Rogers any kind of creedance, not a good idea. Namco Smash collaboration was just a lucky guess among maaaaaaaany false guesses.

The main problem I have with giving her the credit, is because the "prediction" was so vague to begin with. Stating they "transferred the assets of the game to another developer", although its pretty obvious Project Sora would get help as they are a tiny team IIRC.

She has been right enough on information for me to think she CAN get some legit information through the grapevine, but not enough for me to believe that she has some reliable "source".


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Guys, I'm melting down about those 3DS XL NA colors. If we can't get that silver (or at least white) color scheme for that system, do we stand a chance of getting the black Wii U at launch?
You can always import a PAL unit ; )



October 21st 2011 > December 27th 2011 > February 22nd 2012 > April 21st 2012 > June 22nd 2012

With the 3rd of June being the odd man out because it's an E3 special.

So I guess the next one will air around the 23rd or 25th of August.

That actually works out really good for them since it will be right outside the launch window of the 3DS XL and new Super Mario Bros 2.
She has been right enough on information for me to think she CAN get some legit information through the grapevine, but not enough for me to believe that she has some reliable "source".

So basically she's Quartermann for a new generation.

Guys, I'm melting down about those 3DS XL NA colors. If we can't get that silver (or at least white) color scheme for that system, do we stand a chance of getting the black Wii U at launch?

Why don't you just buy it and paint it?
I forgot to say welcome to the new posters.

I'd say Shikamaru Ninja is the person to ask regarding how Sora operates, but I understand that they usually outsource most of the development to a variety of smaller developers (Brawl had a lot of dev teams involved). The fact that they seem to be going with one bigger developer instead might indicate that they've got a more rigid schedule to stick to, which could mean they're targeting a late 2013 release date. I'd also be interested to see what their strategy for the 3DS version is (unless Namco are doing the grunt work for both).

Speaking of which...


I also look forward to the Wii U-related NDs.


But the question is when we'll get the next Wii U news; at their next ND? Or at a ND which is just before launch? Or will we get something from that investor's conference like the NiN reveal last time (that was a investor's conference, right?)?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
But the question is when we'll get the next Wii U news; at their next ND? Or at a ND which is just before launch? Or will we get something from that investor's conference like the NiN reveal last time (that was a investor's conference, right?)?

Probably either the next ND or at a Japanese fall event in September.


Unconfirmed Member
But the question is when we'll get the next Wii U news; at their next ND? Or at a ND which is just before launch? Or will we get something from that investor's conference like the NiN reveal last time (that was a investor's conference, right?)?
Well, Nintendo Network was officially revealed at an investors meeting, though I think the logo leaked some time before. The upcoming investors meeting (by far the most important this year) on the 28th of June shall be interesting. I assume many Japanese investors couldn't attend E3 and thus have many questions.

The following is stated:

Issues to be Addressed
The Company group is taking on the ongoing challenge of “Gaming Population Expansion,” based on the idea of putting smiles on many people’s faces by offering, to the world, brand-new entertainment that anyone can enjoy, regardless of age, gender, or gaming experience, while working to improve the social acceptance of video games to the level of other forms of entertainment such as movies, music and sports.

For the “Nintendo 3DS,” its hardware has been sold below cost because of its significant price cut in the current fiscal year. However, Nintendo expects to cease selling it below cost by the middle of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. As for the “Nintendo 3DS” software, a totally new side-scrolling action “Super Mario” in 2D called “New Super Mario Bros. 2” will be released this August, and the latest version of the popular franchise for this handheld device, “Animal Crossing,” is scheduled to be launched this fall in Japan. The newest title in the “Brain Age” series, with which people can brush uptheir “working memory” (a brain function of processing or utilizing the incoming information with information kept in the brain) and “concentration power” at the same time, will be released by this summer in Japan. Moreover, Nintendo will attempt to maintain the popularity of evergreen titles, such
as “SUPER MARIO 3D LAND” and “Mario Kart 7,” and release compelling products one after another, in order to further expand the sales of the “Nintendo 3DS.” Also, Nintendo will roll out the “Nintendo 3DS” in Asia in due course.

For the “Wii,” Nintendo will release its successor the “Wii U,” mainly in Japan, the United States and Europe at the end of this calendar year, and propose a new play style of home entertainment with its unique controller embedding a 6.2-inch touch screen. In parallel with this, Nintendo has decided, from the aforementioned “New Super Mario Bros. 2,” to launch products by digital distribution, as well as in the conventional form of a software package for the purposes of adapting to the changes in the
environment surrounding the video game market and creating new business opportunities
. The Company group will continue to make progress with these efforts with the support and encouragement of the shareholders.
Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2012/convocation_notice1206e.pdf

At least regarding the bolded part, questions are expected.
Art is not my forte. Funny thing is, I was actually considering buying a purple 3DS before this (or convincing my gf to buy one). Laugh all you want, but if it's good enough for Joker and Undertaker, it's good enough for me.

Are you kidding? Purple is awesome. It was a colour regarded so highly for thousands of years that at times it was illegal to wear it if you were not a member of the upper class.

299$ is going to be a loss, with the Upad + tech they're putting in there. Consider the higher priced PS3 is still 299$. I'm expecting 399$, or at the very lowest, 349$ with a pack in game for Wii U

$400 sounds ridiculous. The only way I see
(hope to see)
Nintendo reaching that high is if they go back to the old days of multiple skus. $400 for Wii U + U-Stor*, or whatever they'd call an external hard drive perpheral (come to think of it, given their recent track record with peripheral naming, it'd more more like "Nintendo USB Drive").

The system's hardware capabilities in terms of number crunching are more advanced than already existing consoles, but it doesn't seem so much more advanced that it should have a tremendously higher cost of manufacture. Nintendo also has a history of squeezing out the highest possible performance:price ratio, often more than people expect. The Xbox 360's base model has been $200 for almost four years. For a base system with as much care as Nintendo has likely pushed through in terms of efficiency, I think it's possible that Nintendo can potentially hit that mark while losing either a minimum amount of or no money.

As for the controller? Take a shitty $60-$70 Android tablet, remove the processor, remove the RAM, remove almost all the storage, make the screen much smaller (but bump up the quality, though you'd be surprised at how decent the screens are on these terrible machines), add a few buttons'n'such. How much do people really expect it to cost Nintendo to manufacture?

However, it's possible that Microsoft isn't making money on that $200 price mark, even after all this time. I'm still thinking that Nintendo would be wise to go the aforementioned multiple sku route. Like so:

A) Have a $250 (or $300) sku which bleeds a little money but offers the essential package needed to run games.

B) Have a $350 (or, ugh, $400) sku that is profitable from the start and bundles a Nintendo-branded hard drive.

That way, Nintendo could be price competitive while getting back into the black relatively quickly.

Here's an interesting thought experiment that I think Nintendo will likely not do but would be incredibly clever: If they wanted to provide a system with maximum reliability and also minimum cost of manufacture, they could sell a system with neither internal hard drive nor internal optical drive. Since most (if not all) of the retail games would be downloadable, the option now exists to have a system with zero moving parts (like in the "indestructible for decades" old days of console gaming), save for maybe a fan. People who buy this would still have the need to get an external drive, but I think most gamers would be doing that anyway (or will already have one) for the regular system. And, well, the Wii U has four USB slots, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of imagination to see an external optical drive. Hell, that's even leave us open for upgrades in optical drive speeds**.

I know that a machine that is DD-only by default may not seem attractive to many gamers, but drives are one part of a console that do not go down much in price as time goes on. With an optional add-on, it answers what would certainly be an objection by folks like HylianTom (as I recall, he likes his physical media) and removes a point of failure from the core device (if the drive's laser explodes, you can just get another one instead of getting an entirely new system). I think that overall, this would a benefit to us.

Anyway, just sharing the route my money would very willingly go if that possibility were opened to me.

* "Stor-Mii"?
** which is a bit mooted by the apparent choice to stay at USB 2.0


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
It seems clear like Nintendo is going to move more and more towards making Nintendo Direct their main means of communicating.

And it works.. they control the flow of information, and thus far very little has leaked from them.. since announce them so shortly ahead of schedule.

And they get the message out across the globe.

Well, still... has Nintendo announced a major, new, game via Nintendo Direct?
Well, still... has Nintendo announced a major, new, game via Nintendo Direct?

I think NSMB2 and.... (if you want to count it) gave us our first glimpses at ZombiU.

The latest Nintendo Direct gave me the impression that they are willing to control their own flow of information. They want to build hype when they see fit, not just whenever the next conference is.

If they are willing to leave out this much Wii and 3DS info, even a hardware revision from E3, it seems to me as they no longer see it as an important venue.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I'm still skeptical we will see a major Nintendo published Wii U game revealed before next year's E3.


A word of advice, since you're still a junior Member. These threads have gotten quite a lot of regular members permabanned with the madness, make sure you won't be swept up by the rampant hype-depression, random moodswing cycles that go on in this thread.

And yeah welcome to GAF.

haha thank you, but don't worry I've been watching almost EVERYTHING happening here since last year on NintendoGAF.

these next months will be great, a lot of info about the Wii U is just around the corner =D


Hey new peeps.

I bite.

Some say I'm rabid. But my mouth is just frothy from some other completely unrelated activities.

I've lurked long enough to deal with you. *Pulls out bag of Turkish figs*
I got mine within a week of registering. :p

You're at least 299 posts and 3 months away from that, Junior. ;)

Welcome, to both of you, though!
Why do you gotta put me down like that? I thought I was special lol :p


I'm still skeptical we will see a major Nintendo published Wii U game revealed before next year's E3.

I don't know about major, but I imagine we'll get a lot of Excitebots/Punch-Out level games being announced at these things to pad out their release schedule.
I'm still skeptical we will see a major Nintendo published Wii U game revealed before next year's E3.

I could see Nintendo holding something substantial back for the TGS time frame. But it also depends on what you consider "major" to be. For example, maybe the cut-off would be a game that can sell four million copies. That would put, for example*, Skyward Sword in the bin of "not a major game" but Link's Crossbow Training in the bin of "major game".

* example based entirely on current Wikipedia sales reports


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Also, I have doubts that any more Nintendo published stuff will be out before next E3. They have already announced 10 games so people should not get their hopes for anything new for the first half of 2013.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Also, I have doubts that any more Nintendo published stuff will be out before next E3. They have already announced 10 games so people should not get their hopes for anything new for the first half of 2013.

They explicitly said the announced titles are for the launch window. You really think they are going to go from April through June without supporting their console?

I am reasonably sure we will get a pretty big first party title announced before E3 to launch in the summer (Prime 3 came out in August 2007).


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Yes schuelma,

Go look at the Gamecube, where they went February - June without a single release.


I'm curious to see if the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X will look as good as what we saw in Pikmin 3 (both started development on the Wii).

Because I remember SE saying the Wii U version is "is extremely beautiful".


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
This Kotaku interview with Reggie at least shows he's aware of the reaction to Nintendo's E3 presentation.

"One of the things that, on one hand, I love and, on the other hand, that troubles me tremendously about not only our fanbase but about the gaming community at large is that, whenever you share information, the perspective is, 'Thank you, but I want more.' 'Thank you, but give me more.' I mean, it is insatiable.

"And so for years this community has been asking, 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' We give them Pikmin. And then they say, 'What else?'

"For years, this community have said, 'Damnit Reggie, when you launch, you better launch with a Mario game.' So we launch with a Mario game, and they say, 'So what's more?'

"I have heard people say, 'You know, you've got these fantastic franchises, beyond what you're doing in Smash Bros., isn't there a way to leverage all these franchises?' So we create Nintendo Land and they say, 'Ho-hum, give me more.' So it's an interesting challenge."

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