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Wii U Community Thread

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My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I don't like the "wuu" nickname either. I think it's disrespectful to the work done by Nintendo's marketing team.


Really I don't see the big deal with not getting ports. I want games built to use the controller. Not just a map or a mini game added just to use the screen.

I rather have one game built for the wuu than 20 ps360 ports.

You'll also get software droughts and only Nintendo making quality software for it potentially. Any exclusives will likely be low budget and low-effort on the part of third parties. If there is an example I can think of, it'd be the transformers game that came out a little while ago. Playing the HD versions thoroughly convinced me that it would have worked just as well on the wii with some concessions made like lowering the total player count in MP. Instead ,they made the wii version a crappy rail shooter. Its better that it get all the ports it can to ensure that it will have a healthy and diverse library over its lifetime.
This reminds me of this interview with Eric Nosfinger from High Voltage. When they pitched the game to various publishers they got answers like:

"Why would you spend money on this?"
"You guys are crazy to put in effort for a Wii game, let's wrap this game up and throw it out there for the holidays"


3rd party publishers aren't afraid of their games not selling on Nintendo consoles, they outright don't care. They actively despise Nintendo. And if Nintendo managed to dial down this attitude to mild aversion it would allready be a tremendous success.

Most of this outright hatred is self made by Nintendo. The Yamauchi years and Iwatas continuation of these uptight policies have soured a lot of 3rd parties for good.

Guess we're going to see a lot of TEST Games again. Prepare for Resident Evil 5 Gold Ultra Edition and then watch the shitstorm as the game fails to sell Capcoms projected 5 Mio units in a week. Or Dead Space: My Animal Ranch Adventure, Darksiderz (Ubi/THQ crossover), GTA:Bratz, BF3:My little Pony edition, a port of GUN that miraculously runs worse than on PS2.


This reminds me of this interview with Eric Nosfinger from High Voltage. When they pitched the game to various publishers they got answers like:

"Why would you spend money on this?"
"You guys are crazy to put in effort for a Wii game, let's wrap this game up and throw it out there for the holidays"


3rd party publishers aren't afraid of their games not selling on Nintendo consoles, they outright don't care. They actively despise Nintendo. And if Nintendo managed to dial down this attitude to mild aversion it would allready be a tremendous success.

Most of this outright hatred is self made by Nintendo. The Yamauchi years and Iwatas continuation of these uptight policies have soured a lot of 3rd parties for good.

Guess we're going to see a lot of TEST Games again. Prepare for Resident Evil 5 Gold Ultra Edition and then watch the shitstorm as the game fails to sell Capcoms projected 5 Mio units in a week. Or Dead Space: My Animal Ranch Adventure, Darksiderz (Ubi/THQ crossover), GTA:Bratz, BF3:My little Pony edition, a port of GUN that miraculously runs worse than on PS2.

Support is a difficult thing and yeah I do expect tons of tests. The tests will probably fail more often then not because honestly people don't care. A lot of people talk quite a bit about how they want the 3rd parties to release the titles on Nintendo platforms then in the same sentence say its not my kinda game so I am not gonna buy it anyways.

What is the point of wanting 3rd parties to bring everything over if the audience doesn't want the games for anything more than the ability to say see Wii U got it too. Publishers arent going to keep funding ego boosters just so people can feel good about the Wii U getting a title. If it sells like shit support will dry up
Support is a difficult thing and yeah I do expect tons of tests. The tests will probably fail more often then not because honestly people don't care. A lot of people talk quite a bit about how they want the 3rd parties to release the titles on Nintendo platforms then in the same sentence say its not my kinda game so I am not gonna buy it anyways.

What is the point of wanting 3rd parties to bring everything over if the audience doesn't want the games for anything more than the ability to say see Wii U got it too. Publishers arent going to keep funding ego boosters just so people can feel good about the Wii U getting a title. If it sells like shit support will dry up

I have seen this behaviour with so many Nintendo fans in person and over the net, it's hard not to make sweeping generalizations about Nintendo fans in genereal not being hypocritic assholes.

I won't because I know a lot of Nintendo fans who aren't hypocrites who demand 3rd party support, but then go on a rant that this isn't the 3rd party support they wanted.

I just speak for me, and I will say this: 3rd parties need to either support the machine, or get lost. This taking the consumer base hostage with crappy Test Games, only to later blame consumers for not falling for their deplorable excuses has to stop.

Whatever faults Nintendo has for the 3rd party situation on Wii, 3rd parties really did everything in their might to shit the bed with their first 2 to 3 years of "support".

Great games that came out after 2008-9 suffered because customers were scared away to a few trustworthy brands.

People quickly learned not to buy 3rd party games that weren't Just Dance, Zumba, Rabbids. This led to the monopolization of sales to just a few behemoth franchises instead of widening the potential market. Great games like Goldeneye, Muramasa, Xenoblade, Last Story, De Blob2, Monster Hunter Tri etc suffered because a large portion of people who might have been interested in those games was indifferent due to being burned by the horrible games that were released prior.

EA and Activision can just fuck right off if they try to pull the same shit again. Though honestly I expect Activision to actually impress me, as they did with a very strong and dedicated line up for Wii.

Then again, I'm not going to buy EA games again after the expensive shit I've been through thanks to their criminal customer service.


Wow... the meltdowns over one cancelled game we know nothing about.
Could have sucked as a game.

At any rate, I dont trust Peter Moore, I still see him as a Microsoft guy.

Another point, with three consoles, third parties tend to want to segment
them by markets whether its warranted or not.

For example they would target their young adult games to Wii
They would target adult games to 360/PS3

Then they would look at regions, so for games targeting Japan
will become Sony exclusives, etc.

This was easy to do with the Wii. It was family friendly, inexpensive,
not targeting HD, and Nintendo has a history with cartoony characters.

But with the WiiU things are a little bit different. However, because
Nintendo did not show a hardcore adult oriented game during E3, it looks
like some publishers are seeing this as a sign that they can again segment the
WiiU for younger adults. But it will be a problem if the WiiU is priced over $300.

I think third parties are confused.

The Miiverse is not the most slick looking interface targeting adults.
The first party games Nintendo revealed for launch, is not really focused on adults-
As in male dudebros.

So people expect Nintendo to set the pace. One western-adult oriented-graphic showpiece
during E3 could have swayed third parties towards the WiiU as a platform for their games.
However, Nintendo has said, they dont generally make those type of games.

So again, at the end of the day, its still up to third parties fill in the gaps. And they should fill those gaps in at the beginning of the console cycle.


A shame, but my hope for the Wii U has always been that it will get the Japanese third parties. The Western ones would be a bonus.

I think Japanese developers have finally grown accustomed to PS360-like budgets/graphics, so they might not want to jump ahead again too soon.
Never trust EA. Never.

Personal good news is that the only EA game I've ever bought for myself (that I can think of) was BoomBlox, and it wasn't (executed) that good. However on a larger level, it is pathetic that publishers are cancelling Wii U ports before giving the system a chance to even launch, when it has a year on the market and is guaranteed to have a pretty big core install base (due to being the only player on the market) by the time PS480 launch.

However, again, totally expected with Peter Moore at the helm of EA Games. He was a Wii-doubting double-talker when he was in charge of EA Sports, so him being in charge of EA Games is just bringing that same quality to the larger EA market.
I call another 6 years of losses if they continue the same path.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Really I don't see the big deal with not getting ports.

Really? If WiiU doesn't get a good supply of ports then it's going to die in the west.

I've gone from getting it day one. I even pre-ordered one on Amazon. To a wait and see approach.

I'm not too keen on having a machine where I have to rely on the slow drip drip of software coming from Nintendo.
The original Wii version wasn't by me, but I've made an addendum:


But with the WiiU things are a little bit different. However, because
Nintendo did not show a hardcore adult oriented game during E3, it looks
like some publishers are seeing this as a sign that they can again segment the
WiiU for younger adults. But it will be a problem if the WiiU is priced over $300.

I think third parties are confused.
We dont know what goes on behind closed doors, but as you said Nintendo havn't shown much in the way of quality core offerings. Nothing 'hardcore' from first party and only ancient games from third apart from Zombi U. That however, is more of a 'show off the pad' launch game exclusively for Wii U.

The Miiverse is not the most slick looking interface targeting adults.
The first party games Nintendo revealed for launch, is not really focused on adults-
As in male dudebros.

So people expect Nintendo to set the pace. One western-adult oriented-graphic showpiece
during E3 could have swayed third parties towards the WiiU as a platform for their games.
However, Nintendo has said, they dont generally make those type of games.

So again, at the end of the day, its still up to third parties fill in the gaps. And they should fill those gaps in at the beginning of the console cycle.
Yeah, it's 5 months away; we really should be hearing about some good titles soon I hope.


You'll also get software droughts and only Nintendo making quality software for it potentially. Any exclusives will likely be low budget and low-effort on the part of third parties. If there is an example I can think of, it'd be the transformers game that came out a little while ago. Playing the HD versions thoroughly convinced me that it would have worked just as well on the wii with some concessions made like lowering the total player count in MP. Instead ,they made the wii version a crappy rail shooter. Its better that it get all the ports it can to ensure that it will have a healthy and diverse library over its lifetime.
that doesn't matter to me because I will have the other console these games will come out on.

I rather buy a good version than a water down port. They need to focus on games made to take advantage of the controller. I rather have 1 good wuu game that new game play with the remote that couldn't be done on another system. Then a ton of ports...

Really? If WiiU doesn't get a good supply of ports then it's going to die in the west.

I've gone from getting it day one. I even pre-ordered one on Amazon. To a wait and see approach.

I'm not too keen on having a machine where I have to rely on the slow drip drip of software coming from Nintendo.
Nah it really doesn't matter. I rather have a slow drip of AAA games than a bunch of ports I would pick up on other systems anyway.
That's entirely possible, but in this particular case I don't really see the cause for alarm. This is a PS4/720 game they're working on, so the game isn't even supposed to be out for what - another 15 months at minimum? I'd actually be surprised if they were working on a WiiU version at this point. They'll be able to see how well the WiiU does during it's first year on the market, and if things look promising, they can always put a team on the game to port it at a later time. If it takes them 1.5 years to port a game to the WiiU then something is very wrong. They will obviously be targeting the game at the higher end systems, and they'd have plenty of time to port it back down to the WiiU at a later date if they feel its worthwhile.

I can't imagine why they'd have a team working on a WiiU port this far out anyway. That seems asinine.
This my viewpoint on this subject too.


A shame, but my hope for the Wii U has always been that it will get the Japanese third parties. The Western ones would be a bonus.

I think Japanese developers have finally grown accustomed to PS360-like budgets/graphics, so they might not want to jump ahead again too soon.

I wouldn't - Many Japanese studios are chasing the western dollar with their efforts and I'm sure you know where those dollars are going to go. This gen was the start of that strategy.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I wouldn't - Many Japanese studios are chasing the western dollar with their efforts and I'm sure you know where those dollars are going to go. This gen was the start of that strategy.

For some like probably Capcom absolutely. But I think mid tier publishers more focused on Japan might be much more hesitant.


And as I teased during E3. Told everyone the after E3 events Nintendo/3rd Parties have planned would be much better :p
grmbl grmbl why are you teasing us like that :(

I’m with Boris by the way. There are a lot of Nintendo fans who want decent third party support and actually buy the games available. I’m one of them. I own 64 Wii games and eighteen of those are first party titles. I’ll buy third party games if they’re worth it. Honestly, as much flack they receive right now Capcom did a pretty decent job on Wii support. Even Activision had several competent Wii versions of their multiplatform games like Guitar Hero, Call of Duty and Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions. Everyone else… not so much. They all had a game or two, maybe three that stood out and I bought those but the rest of their output is shit.

Just give me the opportunity to buy software with more quality and I’ll buy it. Of course I won’t buy everything, but that’s something third parties can figure out on their own. I hope.


grmbl grmbl why are you teasing us like that :(

I’m with Boris by the way. There are a lot of Nintendo fans who want decent third party support and actually buy the games available. I’m one of them. I own 64 Wii games and eighteen of those are first party titles. I’ll buy third party games if they’re worth it. Honestly, as much flack they receive right now Capcom did a pretty decent job on Wii support. Even Activision had several competent Wii versions of their multiplatform games like Guitar Hero, Call of Duty and Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions. Everyone else… not so much. They all had a game or two, maybe three that stood out and I bought those but the rest of their output is shit.

Just give me the opportunity to buy software with more quality and I’ll buy it. Of course I won’t buy everything, but that’s something third parties can figure out on their own. I hope.

Hmm just going off memory would say that Ubisoft and SEGA did the best job on the Wii.

Red Steel 2, Just Dance, the Rabbids games, Sonic (most of them especially colors), MadWorld to a smaller degree, Conduit (though wasn't the best, it was nice they took the chance) House of the dead Collection and Overkill.


So, seeing all this hate for Scott Moffitt and seeing his "incompetence", and his recent comments, who is worse?

Cammie came across as a much more confident person. She was annoying and a little phony, but she didn't stumble over her words or answer questions like they were guesses.

It's too bad George Harrison didn't stay on with the company when they moved the sales office to CA.

Hmm just going off memory would say that Ubisoft and SEGA did the best job on the Wii.

And with the state of SEGA right now, their support is almost assuredly going to be parity at best with the HD Twins. Maybe with the exception being a Nintendo exclusive Sonic game.

Waiting for the press release from Sammy that says they've agreed to the sale of a portfolio SEGA IP to Nintendo.


Hmm just going off memory would say that Ubisoft and SEGA did the best job on the Wii.

Red Steel 2, Just Dance, the Rabbids games, Sonic (most of them especially colors), MadWorld to a smaller degree, Conduit (though wasn't the best, it was nice they took the chance) House of the dead Collection and Overkill.

Alberto can probably paint a more accurate picture here, but out of the western third parties:

Ubisoft is bullish on Wii U.
Activision is cautious and has CoD to gauge the waters.
THQ has revised its optimism in the form of cancellations (Darksiders is there because Nintendo doesn't have a Zelda at launch and they've already paid for the small team porting it to Wii U)
EA will have its sports and family titles and that's pretty much it. lol
First of all, I called this long long ago. We will be seeing an interesting East-West schism that will characterize the next generation.

Sony is focusing all its internal efforts on games that primarily appeal to the West and are soon losing Ueda, the only developer they still had that still appealed to Japan outside of Polyphony Digital. Japanese developers aren't blind to this, and you see it in the fact that Japan doesn't have that much in the pipeline to offer the Vita catalog to prop it up. The only ones who are, Kojima and Inafune, have boners for the Western way of making games, so essentially no surprises there.

It's a foregone conclusion that Microsoft will fail in Japan and they aren't blind to this either, pulling themselves out of Japanese trade shows.

Then we have Nintendo.... gains the support of Platinum Games, working with Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei and a near absolute SILENCE about ANYTHING coming from Japan for home consoles in 2013. All of the forward momentum in Japan is focused entirely upon Nintendo. I feel like Japanese developers are looking at Nintendo as the only company that still gives a damn about their industry.

Couple all of this with a reduced but still VERY apparent disparity in graphics and it just totals up to one thing: Japan will forget Sony (and thus Microsoft by extension) and throw all their chips in with the company that has success in all territories and supports their industry.

I just don't see this happening. Sure, Sony as a whole is in a rough spot, but PS3s are selling and most of the quality multiplatform games released on the system do pretty well.


that doesn't matter to me because I will have the other console these games will come out on.

Nah it really doesn't matter. I rather have a slow drip of AAA games than a bunch of ports I would pick up on other systems anyway.
must be awesome being rich to buy all consoles


So, seeing all this hate for Scott Moffitt and seeing his "incompetence", and his recent comments, who is worse?

I thought Cammie was fine, as long as you understood who and what she was there for. Scott seems a little clueless, but it's possible he could get a clue by spending enough time under Reggie. For all the "hate" Reggie gets now, he still "gets" what he's there for and does a great job of speaking and engaging the audience to get a message across, even if it's not the message that many want to hear.

must be awesome being rich to buy all consoles

It's not about buying the other consoles or not. It's about wishing the Wii U an early death, like the Wii, or not. The concept that Nintendo doesn't need third-party ports is usually put forward by people who 1) really love Nintendo and are delusional about what is needed for a successful console or 2) people who want to appeal to the people in (1) but really just want the Nintendo console to fail, because they're not delusional about the need for third-party port support.
Yeah the whole picture is very murky right now. I'll be very interested to see what SE and Capcom do with their next gen high profile stuff. I feel like logically Wii U should see strong Japanese support, but right now nothing much has been announced.
I have a feeling Capcom and SE specifically will be heavily on board, both with western and eastern developed titles. SE already was allowed to break Wii U's year long radio silence with DQX and Capcom's Dave Reeves gave away that they were originally planning to reveal their early Wii U games at last year's TGS (before Nintendo changed the rollout strategy). Ports of stuff like RE6, Dragon's Dogma or FFXIV seem like obvious picks, both to ride the launch window rush and build an early base on the system. I'd like to think both companies understand the opportunity they squandered on Wii by not following up DQ Swords or RE4 Wii properly.

As for the rest of the major JP pubs, Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei are already backing Wii U and we'll probably see a lot more stuff confirmed from each as the year goes on (Samuari Warriors, DOA, One Piece, Taiko, Tales, etc). I expect Level-5 will push hard early on the system after missing the boat with Wii and totally misfiring on PS3, Ghoul Watch seems like an obvious Wii U project with it's HD assets and overlay screen interface. Sega's already there with western stuff, and I see the Japanese side heavily betting on Wii U (especially Sonic Team). I think the only major holdout is Konami really, and even worst case scenario then stuff like PES or DDR is going to be coming. With Konami everything will be solved if Nintendo can get Kojima on board, which they should strive for. Revengeance on Wii U would send a good message.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I have a feeling Capcom and SE specifically will be heavily on board, both with western and eastern developed titles. SE already was allowed to break Wii U's year long radio silence with DQX and Capcom's Dave Reeves gave away that they were originally planning to reveal their early Wii U games at last year's TGS (before Nintendo changed the rollout strategy). Ports of stuff like RE6, Dragon's Dogma or FFXIV seem like obvious picks, both to ride the launch window rush and build an early base on the system. I'd like to think both companies understand the opportunity they squandered on Wii by not following up DQ Swords or RE4 Wii properly.

As for the rest of the major JP pubs, Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei are already backing Wii U and we'll probably see a lot more stuff confirmed from each as the year goes on (Samuari Warriors, DOA, One Piece, Taiko, Tales, etc). I expect Level-5 will push hard early on the system after missing the boat with Wii and totally misfiring on PS3, Ghoul Watch seems like an obvious Wii U project with it's HD assets and overlay screen interface. Sega's already there with western stuff, and I see the Japanese side heavily betting on Wii U (especially Sonic Team). I think the only major holdout is Konami really, and even worst case scenario then stuff like PES or DDR is going to be coming. With Konami everything will be solved if Nintendo can get Kojima on board, which they should strive for. Revengeance on Wii U would send a good message.

Do you have a link to the Capcom statement? That would be encouraging.

Like I said, I think Japanese 3rd parties *should* be on board, but right now besides DQX its basically radio silence.

Edit- found the Reeves quote. Don't think it is quite as cut and dried as you characterized it as.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Alberto can probably paint a more accurate picture here, but out of the western third parties:

Ubisoft is bullish on Wii U.
Activision is cautious and has CoD to gauge the waters.
THQ has revised its optimism in the form of cancellations (Darksiders is there because Nintendo doesn't have a Zelda at launch and they've already paid for the small team porting it to Wii U)
EA will have its sports and family titles and that's pretty much it. lol


Take Two- Carnival Games and sports stuff. Don't expect Rockstar.
WB- Along with Ubisoft they appear to be making a strong initial effort. The Lego title, Scribblenaughts, Batman, and an actual 2013 game (Injustice).
Do you have a link to the Capcom statement? That would be encouraging.

Like I said, I think Japanese 3rd parties *should* be on board, but right now besides DQX its basically radio silence.

Edit- found the Reeves quote. Don't think it is quite as cut and dried as you characterized it as.
Eh, how else would you infer the Reeves quote? It seems pretty direct, and also reflects Nintendo's strategy at the time before they decided to pull back. He wouldn't commit to knowing specific games first hand, but that seems par for the course with NDAs.

In addition to DQX there's TTT2 and Tanks!^3 (and NG3RE sort of), but I get what you mean. Iwata needs to roll out that JPN lineup soon. Didn't he say a few weeks after E3?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
In addition to DQX there's TTT2 and Tanks!^3 (and NG3RE sort of), but I get what you mean. Iwata needs to roll out that JPN lineup soon. Didn't he say a few weeks after E3?

I just never trust statements from non Japanese branches of Japanese companies

Iwata tweeted that Japanese 3rd party software and pricing/launch details would be unveiled later. I don't know if he means at the same time or what.

I would expect at least some Wii U Japanese stuff to start getting announced in Famitsu, etc., leading up to a more comprehensive unveiling in August when there should be another Nintendo Direct.

On a related note, ShockingAlberto had a tidbit about Namco/Tales in the Smash Bros. Namco thread:

It occurs to me that this was a really good way to get developers within Namco familiar with Wii U development.

Which jives a lot with a rumor I heard about six months back.]

It was basically that Nintendo wanted Namco to make one of the next Mothership Tales games in to a Wii U title.

Well, they helped publish Symphonia.

They may be trying to push hard on Gamecube nostalgia to roll those 20 million people on to the Wii U.

These are from post numbers #704 and on from the 6/21 ND Smash Namco thread.

Yeah, I LOL at this one... but what about his other quotes? Doesn't he have a point?

It's really impossible to please their fanbase. That coupled with the fact that many of their fans always have some knee-jerk reaction to almost every game or concept Nintendo attempts, even though in the end, things usually turn out pretty well once they actually learn more about or encounter the experience for themselves.

If things go as planned, NintendoLand will have the Wii Sports effect all over again, and may turn into something many fans didn't knew they wanted...until they got it.

All they need to do to please me is to release Wii Sports U with online play for Bowling and Golf. I wouldn't leave my flat for weeks lol. I'd quite like NintendoLand to have online play too tbh, Nintendo need to show that they're embracing online goodness, having online play plus Accomplishment support will go a long way to attract PS3 and 360 owners to the U, even if it's only done for those two 'casual' friendly titles. There'll be plenty of completist gamers wanting to complete the game 100% regardless of the demographic the game is aimed at.
I just never trust statements from non Japanese branches of Japanese companies

Iwata tweeted that Japanese 3rd party software and pricing/launch details would be unveiled later. I don't know if he means at the same time or what.

I would expect at least some Wii U Japanese stuff to start getting announced in Famitsu, etc., leading up to a more comprehensive unveiling in August when there should be another Nintendo Direct.

On a related note, ShockingAlberto had a tidbit about Namco/Tales in the Smash Bros. Namco thread:

These are from post numbers #704 and on from the 6/21 ND Smash Namco thread.
Yeah, Reeves also hinted pretty hard that Monster Hunter was Vita bound and we know how that turned out.

Those 3 games haven't been specifically announced for Japan yet either afaik. Actually, I don't think any games at all besides DQX have been yet?

I think we'll probably see Nintendo spoil TGS again this year with targeted Wii U announcements. I do think more J-pubs should've brought stuff to E3 than Namco though, really a missed opportunity given how weak their western rivals came off. Wii U is probably their best shot at really cornering the market on a console, and if the platform takes off there's a good opportunity for them to ride that.

As for Tales, I don't doubt Wii U will be getting a mothership. Since the series started every Nintendo console has except N64.


I just don't see this happening. Sure, Sony as a whole is in a rough spot, but PS3s are selling and most of the quality multiplatform games released on the system do pretty well.

Really? Industry reports say otherwise, and publishers giving their Japanese-grown franchises to Western studios to grow their appeal doesn't exactly tell a story of the Japanese games industry being in a position of strength. And when did this all start to happen again? When they bet on the success of Sony with the PS3, the generation where Sony was too busy courting the West to give a shit about Japan.

Besides, it's not like we haven't seen this before. Japan has a long history of going all-in on one specific platform. They've seen the success of the Wii and both the struggles and current demographic trajectories of Sony. They know where their long-term viability is and, as stated, Nintendo platforms are where ALL of Japan's current forward momentum is, even in this stage of near-blackout on new releases.

It's hard to argue against such a scenario at this point when everything points to it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just never trust statements from non Japanese branches of Japanese companies

Iwata tweeted that Japanese 3rd party software and pricing/launch details would be unveiled later. I don't know if he means at the same time or what.

I would expect at least some Wii U Japanese stuff to start getting announced in Famitsu, etc., leading up to a more comprehensive unveiling in August when there should be another Nintendo Direct.

On a related note, ShockingAlberto had a tidbit about Namco/Tales in the Smash Bros. Namco thread:

These are from post numbers #704 and on from the 6/21 ND Smash Namco thread.


Main Tales game? Yes, please!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Really? Industry reports say otherwise, and publishers giving their Japanese-grown franchises to Western studios to grow their appeal doesn't exactly tell a story of the Japanese games industry being in a position of strength. And when did this all start to happen again? When they bet on the success of Sony with the PS3, the generation where Sony was too busy courting the West to give a shit about Japan.

Besides, it's not like we haven't seen this before. Japan has a long history of going all-in on one specific platform. They've seen the success of the Wii and both the struggles and current demographic trajectories of Sony. They know where their long-term viability is and, as stated, Nintendo platforms are where ALL of Japan's current forward momentum is, even in this stage of near-blackout on new releases.

It's hard to argue against such a scenario at this point when everything points to it.

The thing is, and we can debate all day whose fault this is, 3rd parties did not achieve many successes on the few core gamer franchises that went to Wii.

In the end, 3rd parties did achieve success on PS3.

Now, I do believe that it makes more sense for 3rd parties to stick in the PS360 generation rather than again move to another new engine generation, but I don't think things are nearly as clear cut as you make them seem.

3rd parties have done great on portables- on Wii, not so much. There is still a burden that Nintendo has to meet IMO. I do think that burden is a lot lower than last time, so I'm pretty optimistic.

Nintendo actually showing Japanese games would be a start.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Shocking Alberto also said that Namco was considering Ridge Racer for Wii U, but for some reason they decide don't bring the game.

Unless I missed a post, I thought it was something more that Namco was undecided on what type of Ridge Racer game, if any, would be there for launch. I did not think he stated flat out it wasn't coming.


Actually for many companies we do. They outline their long term plans in their investor reports. Im waiting for new reports outlining their new objectives for next gen.

By closed doors I meant, we don't really know if Nintendo have sealed deals for all these big third party games, so all we can do is speculate.


Unless I missed a post, I thought it was something more that Namco was undecided on what type of Ridge Racer game, if any, would be there for launch. I did not think he stated flat out it wasn't coming.

I don't remember it very well TBH.
And about your prior post yeah, Nintendo is way better courting third party support from japan, in fact most of the worth titles that Wii had were from Japan.

NoA doesn't seems to have enough power to pull some strings, heck they are almost as clueless as us when it comes to sensible NCL info.


My First post here on Gaf

I gotta say the EA canceled game is kinda good news since the game was considered PS4/720/PC/WiiU in the first place. It being canceled for WiiU this early means nothing since it had nothing to do with the WiiU's power.

If the game is made and the WiiU games sales start off well they can just port it over later, the game has to be over a year and a half away from even coming out.


The thing is, and we can debate all day whose fault this is, 3rd parties did not achieve many successes on the few core gamer franchises that went to Wii.

In the end, 3rd parties did achieve success on PS3.

Now, I do believe that it makes more sense for 3rd parties to stick in the PS360 generation rather than again move to another new engine generation, but I don't think things are nearly as clear cut as you make them seem.

3rd parties have done great on portables- on Wii, not so much. There is still a burden that Nintendo has to meet IMO. I do think that burden is a lot lower than last time, so I'm pretty optimistic.

Nintendo actually showing Japanese games would be a start.

You can only have an audience if you grow one from the start. Nintendo has said so themselves. 3rd parties in Japan bet on PS3 and, despite it's weak start, had to grow the audience to survive. There was also a lack of "kingmaker" franchises on Wii outside of Nintnedo's own, a fact that can not be denied.

But to roll with your suggestion, tell me which games you refer to on PS3 that "sold well".


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
You can only have an audience if you grow one from the start. Nintendo has said so themselves. 3rd parties in Japan bet on PS3 and, despite it's weak start, had to grow the audience to survive. There was also a lack of "kingmaker" franchises on Wii outside of Nintnedo's own, a fact that can not be denied.

But to roll with your suggestion, tell me which games you refer to on PS3 that "sold well".

One Piece:pirate Warriors
Tales of Xilia
Yakuza series
Dragon's Dogma more recently

There are others, but those are the highest successes.

Please do not misunderstand me- I've made the same point in other threads. 3rd parties basically had to force feed Japan high profile 3rd party games until they created a relatively healthy atmosphere for PS3, but the bottom line is it did happen, and it largely did not on the Wii.


aka Cabbie
And that's the attitude that gave the Wii an early death, which I'm pretty sure you already realized when you wrote it.

Everything in moderation etc etc.

But I think I agree with USC's sentiment, in regards to what I'd rather have: ground-up games. It would be ideal but like you say it rarely happens; the quantity to quality ratios are almost never even. If they were willing to really put their muscle behind it, I'd be satisfied with two or three new games/IPs leading on WiiU than a year of backports.


Everything in moderation etc etc.

But I think I agree with USC's sentiment, in regards to what I'd rather have: ground-up games. It would be ideal but like you say it rarely happens; the quantity to quality ratios are almost never even. If they were willing to really put their muscle behind it, I'd be satisfied with two or three new games/IPs leading on WiiU than a year of backports.

Problem is, you're not going to get column A and you're not going to get column B.

You'll get column D-team at best.


A Tales mothership title? I'd be down with that. Problem is, the last mothership title on a Nintendo console was Graces and it wasn't a huge succes. Graces F sold twice as many copies on PS3. In Japan the Tales fanbase are pretty anchored into the Playstation space. Unless Nintendo co-publishes it in the west that is.


A Tales mothership title? I'd be down with that. Problem is, the last mothership title on a Nintendo console was Graces and it wasn't a huge succes. Graces F sold twice as many copies on PS3. In Japan the Tales fanbase are pretty anchored into the Playstation space. Unless Nintendo co-publishes it in the west that is.

Maybe Nintendo need to Monster Hunter them.

Give them a port of the newest Tales game with some added content AND announce the next Tales game exclusive at the same time.

So folks know at least for the immediate future where the franchise rests


<Japanese list>

And the fact that that's supposed to be a list of "success" for PS3 says how badly the console market has been for this generation in Japan for third-parties. A Wii U with Nintendo's games and PS3-level third-party support stands a good chance to get back close to PS2 levels in total software in Japan. This console gen in Japan for third-parties just hasn't had much to be happy about (unless you count that they're happy they're still around to make games at this point).
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