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Wii U Community Thread

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Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
They do have to think about the audience that will buy their games. Sure Nintendo fans would be open to some games. Maybe Sony/Microsoft are saying that it might be easier to pull those fans over to buy those games on their systems then for Nintendo to pull Sony/Microsoft fans over to buy those 3rd party games on the Wii U. Making a Wii U version of a game kinda worthless at the moment until proven otherwise.

Yeah I think Nintendo right now is suck in a bad cycle- Developers haven't released their best games on Nintendo platforms in a long time, so there is no concrete evidence to point to, and when the bean counters look at things, there is actually *more*uncertainty with Wii U.


Then we have Nintendo.... gains the support of Platinum Games, working with Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei and a near absolute SILENCE about ANYTHING coming from Japan for home consoles in 2013. All of the forward momentum in Japan is focused entirely upon Nintendo. I feel like Japanese developers are looking at Nintendo as the only company that still gives a damn about their industry.

Couple all of this with a reduced but still VERY apparent disparity in graphics and it just totals up to one thing: Japan will forget Sony (and thus Microsoft by extension) and throw all their chips in with the company that has success in all territories and supports their industry.

and we'll have Super Nintendo 2!!

That would be so awesome, and I also think this is a possibility, just look how Nintendo has taken 2 of the more important third party franchise in Japan: Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter. It must be just the beginning ...


Nintendo and the Wii U having the full backing of the Japanese gaming industry would be great....for Japan. We have localization to think about. Unless those developers are capable of doing worldwide launches of their games or getting them localized fast enough so there is a difference of weeks not months or a year from when it comes out in Japan and everywhere else there is going to be a problem. It's the problem the 3DS currently has. Poor western support to fill in gaps in the release schedule and when games come out from the west the quality can be questionable on a good deal of them.


I suspect you are being way too optimistic. For mid-tier publishers and those really focused on Japan, maybe (though honestly I think 3DS is going to be huge competition), but Japan still really wants to penetrate the West so I suspect Capcom, SE, and Konami will be heavily geared towards the Western market. Now, I would hope Wii U would be included in those plans, but who knows.

The problem is that Japanese studios were trying to penetrate the western market by emulating western developers, which isn't why people bought their games in the slightest... we bought their games because they were stylistically and mechanically appealing to us as they were. Because on the PS3 and 360 platforms, they were practically forced to emulate their competition in order to get noticed.

Wii owners in North America and Europe are partly Wii owners for the controls, but also because they don't have the same preferences in game style that western hardcore players have.
I think that this can also be applied to people who have been gaming since before 3D came about. To me, an NES game still has the capacity to entertain and wow me, and I don't look at them comparatively. Most people who profess to be gamers aren't capable of that.

Video games are one of the only forms of entertainment media in existence where the focus on the craft is measured in such a slanted way. I don't watch the Flintstones and think "man, this is garbage, look at that terrible animation!"

Part of the reason Nintendo has the fans that they do is they build things that stand the test of time, which is what other media strives to do with (almost) everything they make. NES games still hold up because the limitation of the medium meant you were REQUIRED to include things that drew people back into the experience and had lasting appeal. It's an example that should be followed more.


Just the Wii U version.

Shocking news!


Wtf happened during this past year? Did EA not get origin on the Wii U and throw a hissy fit!?

I've been feeling this as well for the past few months. It didn't make any sense that EA was so enthusiastic at e3 2011 but then was no where to be seen a couple months later with any Wii-U praise or news.

At first I'm inclined to say it was the strict NDA, but Ubi and Gearbox were vocal during the quiet months leading up to e3 2012.

Something must have happened with EA and Nintendo sometime between e3's.

While I don't buy too many EA games anymore, it's still bad news that worries me. I wanted to think Nintendo learned a lesson from the Wii and how important 3rd parties are; I wanted to think Nintendo learned a lesson from e3 2011 about what their fan base wanted to see, but it doesn't really seem like they have.

Oh, btw, happy birthday 10k!!


Schulema wins.

A PS4/720/PC project was cancelled before it even got to the realm of "Can we do this with the tech?" Amid worries about stock, they're reconsidering where really expensive projects go.

It was being made on Frostbite, however, which has been successfully ported to the Wii U.

Never trust EA. Never.

Personal good news is that the only EA game I've ever bought for myself (that I can think of) was BoomBlox, and it wasn't (executed) that good. However on a larger level, it is pathetic that publishers are cancelling Wii U ports before giving the system a chance to even launch, when it has a year on the market and is guaranteed to have a pretty big core install base (due to being the only player on the market) by the time PS480 launch.

However, again, totally expected with Peter Moore at the helm of EA Games. He was a Wii-doubting double-talker when he was in charge of EA Sports, so him being in charge of EA Games is just bringing that same quality to the larger EA market.

So EA and probably others have given up on the system 5 months before they have any indication of its success.

Unless proven otherwise, I'm totally pinning this move on Peter Moore.

1) It's pretty much his call on where any EA Games game goes.
2) He was never interested in giving Wii real support when he was in charge of EA Sports, either.

Here's a big example in my mind of why Peter Moore's EA Sports record on the Wii was terrible, even beyond the obvious "All-Play was a horrible idea" concept.



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
However, again, totally expected with Peter Moore at the helm of EA Games. He was a Wii-doubting double-talker when he was in charge of EA Sports, so him being in charge of EA Games is just bringing that same quality to the larger EA market.

Can you give me some examples of this? I'll be honest I never really paid much attention.



I haven't seen which game, but I am hoping that it is not Overstrike. Frostbyte 2 makes me think it was a later version of MoH Warfighter.

What say you sir?


EA? Yeah, I never trust them. Just give me a SimCity or a remake of NHL 95 and I'll give them money. The last EA game that I bought was NHL 2000 on PC. I never see any EA games appealing to me.


What's their hesitation? You'll never know how the games will sell if you don't release them. It's either they won't take the risk, or they fear to be overshadowed by Ninty's IPs, which I wouldn't understand.


I just don't understand the reasoning behind EA not releasing this title on the Wii U. By the time this game is released the Wii U should have a decent userbase advantage over the 720 and PS4.
What's their hesitation? You'll never know how the games will sell if you don't release them. It's either they won't take the risk, or they fear to be overshadowed by Ninty's IPs, which I wouldn't understand.

That's what a bad E3 presentation get you. Publishers watch media and messageboard reactions (as well as the presentations themselves) and make decisions based on what they see. Nintendo's presentation and reaction this year was most definitely a "wait and see how it sells". Especially after the 3DS launch, some of the publishers of early 3DS games got burned by low sales, and while the system eventually took off, people don't tend to buy old video games in large numbers, so the large number of people buying 3DS's this year didn't help the early publishers.


He still seemed high on Wii U at least during this interview.


Starts around 1:14 for Wii U.

If anything, that killed my expectations more. I mean sports games is pretty much all he said was being worked on, other than ME:3 which we know already. He said he was bullish on Wii U but didn't answer the question about Medal of Honor. He just started talking about Smart Glass and second screen initiatives.


Never trust EA. Never.

Personal good news is that the only EA game I've ever bought for myself (that I can think of) was BoomBlox, and it wasn't that good. However on a larger level, it is pathetic that publishers are cancelling Wii U ports before giving the system a chance to even launch, when it has a year on the market and is guaranteed to have a pretty big core install base (due to being the only player on the market) by the time PS480 launch.


While they could have done more, I don't think EA did such a bad job with the Wii, compared to many other devs/publishers. At times they really did try to make the best of what Wii offered.

Glad you brought up BoomBlox. One of the few 3rd-party Wii games that deserves an applaud in terms of good business strategy coupled with genuine effort.

It's ashame that many studios didn't make it out of the generation alive, and the majority that did, made little profit, or took significant losses. All the while, Wii was sitting there with an 80+ million installed base and low development cost to boot, just waiting to be cashed in on with the right product. But rather than stepping up to the challenge, most third parties were content on betting all their chips on PS360 and high risk development cost. A move that ultimately proved to be their own demise. I sympathize with developers concerning Wii's hardware dilemma, but from a business perspective, it was utterly insane to ignore the console the way many studios did. That is why I feel efforts like Boomblox deserves some credit.

Honorable mentions: Grand Slam tennis, and The Conduit.

Wii's hardware limations, while valid, was an all too convenient excuse, IMO. They had a variety of excuses for GameCube even when hardware was less of a concern. This existing mindset of 3rd party devs makes me some what concerned about the Wii U in that regard. They've proven that even in a situation where Nintendo is market leader, that is not enough for them to make a serious effort.

I'm really curious about what excuses 3rd parties will use if: 1) Wii U becomes market leader again. 2) Modern GPU features makes ports to Wii U a relative non-issue. 3) Developing for Wii U is notably cheaper that other system. If nothing changes for the better, I predict another epic round of bad business decision and corporate failures. On the bright side, even in a worst-case scenario, I can picture Wii U becoming a sanctuary for indie devs. They(indies) may be the rising stars of the next gen.


We've already seen at least one of the new breed of excuses.

"But we can't find anything interesting to do on the second screen. We don't want to do a game if we can't do the second screen right, so we're just going to skip the Wii U this time." *ignoring the Wii U Pro Controller*



Schulema wins.

A PS4/720/PC project was cancelled before it even got to the realm of "Can we do this with the tech?" Amid worries about stock, they're reconsidering where really expensive projects go.

It was being made on Frostbite, however, which has been successfully ported to the Wii U.

Should I PM you your Bastion code?

The way I'm reading this is there were concerns about sales on the wuu and there is also concerns about will the wuu be able to handle ps4/720 games. But in this case it never got to the point where they even tried it.
Just the Wii U version.

Wow, this is really bad news. So much for their "unprecedented partnership" with EA. An EXISTING system is only apprx 4 1/2 months away and they're already shafting Wii U for 720 and PS4, lame. Western third parties are already all but lost, looks like all we can do now is hope that Terrell's prediction of Japanese third parties betting on Nintendo come true (assuming they don't lose their minds, prove to me that you're not stupid, third parties in Japan).
The way I'm reading this is there were concerns about sales on the wuu and there is also concerns about will the wuu be able to handle ps4/720 games. But in this case it never got to the point where they even tried it.

Stop calling it "the wuu." It's not as amusing as you think it is and FYI all it does is distract from the meat of your posts.


Stop calling it "the wuu." It's not as amusing as you think it is and FYI all it does is distract from the meat your posts.

What in the world are you going on about? A lot of people post wuu for wiiu. Just a quicker way to type it. Like ps360, wuupad, wiimote... etc.

No one is being "amusing."


^ Dude! I've been wondering where you were.

It's a B3D thing Agent.

The way I'm reading this is there were concerns about sales on the wuu and there is also concerns about will the wuu be able to handle ps4/720 games. But in this case it never got to the point where they even tried it.

He said it was cancelled before they could find out if Wii U could handle it not that there were concerns if it could.


EA news isnt too surprising. They are taking repeated kicks to the nuts by investors regarding stock value etc right now and because of that they are gonna cut costs on bigger projects by just not trying on the Wii U.

Madden and such will get full attention because as they already openly said Wii U gets them to perfect the tablet/console interaction.

And as I teased during E3. Told everyone the after E3 events Nintendo/3rd Parties have planned would be much better :p


Neo Member
What in the world are you going on about? A lot of people post wuu for wiiu. Just a quicker way to type it. Like ps360, wuupad, wiimote... etc.

No one is being "amusing."

Quicker, really? By what, 1/10th a second. Seriously its not like its an acronym. Anyways. About that cancelled game. Alberto said its not about technical reasons. If EA already has several unannounced games for the Wii U, my guess its because of time and money. Maybe they just dont have the manpower right now for it.


About that cancelled game. Alberto said its not about technical reasons. If EA already has several unannounced games for the Wii U, my guess its because of time and money. Maybe they just dont have the manpower right now for it.

This is the first game I heard is coming to ps4/720. That was why I was asking because he added that is was cancel and the tech part.


So EA and probably others have given up on the system 5 months before they have any indication of its success.

That's entirely possible, but in this particular case I don't really see the cause for alarm. This is a PS4/720 game they're working on, so the game isn't even supposed to be out for what - another 15 months at minimum? I'd actually be surprised if they were working on a WiiU version at this point. They'll be able to see how well the WiiU does during it's first year on the market, and if things look promising, they can always put a team on the game to port it at a later time. If it takes them 1.5 years to port a game to the WiiU then something is very wrong. They will obviously be targeting the game at the higher end systems, and they'd have plenty of time to port it back down to the WiiU at a later date if they feel its worthwhile.

I can't imagine why they'd have a team working on a WiiU port this far out anyway. That seems asinine.
Saddest port tragedy is undoubtedly Dark Souls, the tablet could be beneficial and even add a lot to the experience. And no I'd like to keep my main "HUD" on-screen in DS, but menu's all types of upgrading, all types of soapstone stuff, maybe limited "drawing communications". All types of cool stuff a tablet gamepad could offer to the Souls' games without diluting the full experience.

Considering From's comments on the Wii U (which herds of dev's are frothing "we'd like to do something totally new") don't bode well. And if the Wii era proved anything, it's that a wait and see attitude, or "we like to do a completely new game for Wii U that uses it's ability"...usually means either A: No support until further notice; or B: Wii U gets a "new title" which is relatively cheaply made and not positioned to light the world on fire, hence we end up getting A later anyway when it doesn't sell.


Really I don't see the big deal with not getting ports. I want games built to use the controller. Not just a map or a mini game added just to use the screen.

I rather have one game built for the wuu than 20 ps360 ports.
That's entirely possible, but in this particular case I don't really see the cause for alarm. This is a PS4/720 game they're working on, so the game isn't even supposed to be out for what - another 15 months at minimum? I'd actually be surprised if they were working on a WiiU version at this point. They'll be able to see how well the WiiU does during it's first year on the market, and if things look promising, they can always put a team on the game to port it at a later time. If it takes them 1.5 years to port a game to the WiiU then something is very wrong. They will obviously be targeting the game at the higher end systems, and they'd have plenty of time to port it back down to the WiiU at a later date if they feel its worthwhile.

I can't imagine why they'd have a team working on a WiiU port this far out anyway. That seems asinine.

This is essentially the view I have.


That's what a bad E3 presentation get you. Publishers watch media and messageboard reactions (as well as the presentations themselves) and make decisions based on what they see. Nintendo's presentation and reaction this year was most definitely a "wait and see how it sells". Especially after the 3DS launch, some of the publishers of early 3DS games got burned by low sales, and while the system eventually took off, people don't tend to buy old video games in large numbers, so the large number of people buying 3DS's this year didn't help the early publishers.
Really? So when they heard people say "we don't want gimmicks and waggle" from the media and message boards, they decided to do what, exactly? Oh yeah, the exact opposite.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Not surprised one bit. I'm only expecting about 15-25% of multiplatforms to make it to the Wii U anyways.

What percentage of multi-platform games do you exect Microsoft's console to receive? How about Sony's?


Looking like less at this point
Wouldn't be surprised by this. It's pretty pathetic.
God I fucking hope not.

I really thought the Wii U was going to get a shitton of support, but I knew it was too good to be true. I'm not going to disappoint myself any further by expecting third party to bring over their titles to the Wii U.

What percentage of multi-platform games do you exect Microsoft's console to receive? How about Sony's?

I don't know but they usually get the major third party titles.
What in the world are you going on about? A lot of people post wuu for wiiu. Just a quicker way to type it. Like ps360, wuupad, wiimote... etc.

No one is being "amusing."

I noted what you said so I did a quick search.

A simple search on neogaf only shows 58 times that the word wuu has been used in the entirety of hundreds of thousands of posts concerning the wii u. Out of the 58 times it was either said by you or a reply to something your said or questioning why you are calling it wuu. The handful of times it was said by others was due to a talk about the wu tang clan that lasted a few hours in a previous WUST thread. take away your mentions and the 20 times out of hundreds of thousands is not a lot actually it is the opposite of a lot in a mathematical sense, It is statistical noise.

The only other peson that really calls it wuu is some guy on beyond3d who wasn't into the console either.

Care to explain yourself? Not saying you should stop using it or anything like that since you can do whatever you want.


Saddest port tragedy is undoubtedly Dark Souls, the tablet could be beneficial and even add a lot to the experience. And no I'd like to keep my main "HUD" on-screen in DS, but menu's all types of upgrading, all types of soapstone stuff, maybe limited "drawing communications". All types of cool stuff a tablet gamepad could offer to the Souls' games without diluting the full experience.

Considering From's comments on the Wii U (which herds of dev's are frothing "we'd like to do something totally new") don't bode well. And if the Wii era proved anything, it's that a wait and see attitude, or "we like to do a completely new game for Wii U that uses it's ability"...usually means either A: No support until further notice; or B: Wii U gets a "new title" which is relatively cheaply made and not positioned to light the world on fire, hence we end up getting A later anyway when it doesn't sell.

That's not what they said, if we're looking at the same quote.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
N64 level of support ? Wow some of you are really overreacting.
Lets see how the market will respond this holiday season and which publishers will drop support after that. of course there will be titles which wont be on WiiU and Ps4/720/PC exklusiv - that shouldnt be a suprise imo.
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