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Wii U Community Thread

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So I'm trying to wrap my head around this...

What you heard is that if person A is playing a game like AvP on the TV & Gamepad, person B can still log on to their account and play another game, like TRINE2, on a second Gamepad simultaneously? And what if both games were downloaded?

Well that might explain why the WiiU has 512MB for its OS, but that also sounds like you need a very capable CPU & GPU to pull that off, or, an extra CPU/Core just for that functionality.

But we are hearing, unless things changed in the last devkit, that the CPU is weak. Or is it only weak in relation to the GPU? Or is that developers porting their games have to rework their codes for OOE?
Yeah that part really doesn't seem plausible at all, devs would have to account for even fewer resources. The closest thing it matches up with is the ARM core that's supposedly there, which along with the reserved memory would be enough for some basic media and internet usages (like Netflix or the browser) or other stuff written with it in mind...which gets into whatever wacky "apps" rumors that have been around.


He never went into detail about what kind of games can be played (besides being eshop or on the controller) but yeah, you can play two games simultaneously.

And the CPU thing is still rumor by the way. I haven't seen any dev complain about it. In fact, one dev has praised it (although processor could refer to either CPU or GPU).

Dude, imagine, if the WiiU allows for two people to play two different games at the same time, that would be the biggest system selling feature that I can imagine. Thats more important for mainstream audiences than if the system is as powerful as the latest PC.


Dude, imagine, if the WiiU allows for two people to play two different games at the same time, that would be the biggest system selling feature that I can imagine. Thats more important for mainstream audiences than if the system is as powerful as the latest PC.

I have been suggesting this as a possible reason for so much OS memory. Allow smaller eShop titles (apps like Netflix, VC, Indy etc) to use memory from the OS pool and full games get access to the remaining 1.5GB. However it's not just memory that would have to be managed, but sound and network resources too and it goes without saying that it would affect performance all around.

Obviously it can be done (a desktop OS does this of course) but it would add a whole new layer of complexity to their OS. Maybe this is also part of their partnership with Green Hills Software.


Dude, imagine, if the WiiU allows for two people to play two different games at the same time, that would be the biggest system selling feature that I can imagine. Thats more important for mainstream audiences than if the system is as powerful as the latest PC.
That would be the exact opposite of what Nintendo wants and the most insane waste of resources in the history of gaming hardware.


That would be the exact opposite of what Nintendo wants and the most insane waste of resources in the history of gaming hardware.

Dual gaming maybe but I could see Nintendo being keen on allowing someone to game while someone watched something on Netflix. But yes, it would be a resource hog and strikes me as a pretty non Nintendo thing to do.


That would be the exact opposite of what Nintendo wants and the most insane waste of resources in the history of gaming hardware.

The exact opposite of what Nintendo wants?
Where do you get that?
From what I recall seeing in the pre E3 Nintendo Direct, thats
right up Nintendo's alley.

And how is it a waste of resources?


The exact opposite of what Nintendo wants?
Where do you get that?
From what I recall seeing in the pre E3 Nintendo Direct, thats
right up Nintendo's alley.

And how is it a waste of resources?
Watch the first five minutes of the pre E3 Nintendo Direct again. Several people sitting in the living room, everyone looking on his own screen and doing his own thing, is exactly what Nintendo wants to change. Two people playing two different games at the same time is the polar opposite of Nintendo's philosophy. People are supposed to play together.

Also, the waste of resources should be pretty obvious? If the system needs to be able to run two games at once, each game only has a bit less than half the hardware resources available. For a feature that will be rarely used - actually, most customers will never use it.
Dude, imagine, if the WiiU allows for two people to play two different games at the same time, that would be the biggest system selling feature that I can imagine. Thats more important for mainstream audiences than if the system is as powerful as the latest PC.

Thats exactly why i don't think it's true.

Were the Wii U able to have one person playing a full title, lets say Pikmin 3, while a second person uses a second tablet for even something as simple as using a web browser nevermind playing seperate Eshop games then i think they would have shown this off at E3 for sure.

Playing Eshop games on the tablet hasn't even been confirmed as far as im away, i read it was something they were working on in an interview with the head of Nintendo EAD.

Really hope it's in for launch as the first time i saw Wii U's controller, one of the best features i could think of was being able to play all the classic NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube games on the Tablet wirelessly away from the console.

They need a decent browser, Netflix and a decent range of classic and original Eshop games for launch aswell to push it as just a good an 'entertainment machine' as PS360.


The exact opposite of what Nintendo wants?
Where do you get that?
From what I recall seeing in the pre E3 Nintendo Direct, thats
right up Nintendo's alley.

And how is it a waste of resources?

Together. Alone
Together. Better

(Using company PR in a response.. shameless)
They never are.

I do expect late August/early September to see a ton of Wii U info, especially with respect to the Japanese market.

I wish there were confirmed dates for the upcoming Nintendo Direct events, something to look forward to.

I don't think we will get much more before launch now tbh apart from maybe a few multi platform confirmations like Fifa, Madden, Blops 2 ect.

E3 2013 is where we should see at least 5 of the big first party exclusives and a lot more third party support, almost another year of waiting lol...


I haven't been visiting on a daily basis. So French Toast on B3D said he read the GPU seemed to be much more powerful in "the other thread". I don't know what other thread he was talking about. Was this based on the Kotaku article about the performance orphan? I read a small line about the GPU being impressive there. But no real concrete stuff?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I wish there were confirmed dates for the upcoming Nintendo Direct events, something to look forward to.

I don't think we will get much more before launch now tbh apart from maybe a few multi platform confirmations like Fifa, Madden, Blops 2 ect.

E3 2013 is where we should see at least 5 of the big first party exclusives and a lot more third party support, almost another year of waiting lol...

Nintendo Directs are pretty much clockwork every 2 months, so we should see one on or about August 22, and I cannot imagine Nintendo would ignore Wii U.

I think as far as the West we'll see CoD, Skylanders, and a few EA stuff announced before launch.

The real area to expect announcements is Japan.


Haven't actually heard much about Game and Wario, but this sounds like a fun little party game

Another mini-game, titled "Fruit," reminded me a bit of Chris Hecker's interesting indie game Spy Party. The player with the GamePad controls a single character in a scene full of dozens of similar-looking, computer-controlled characters milling about semi-randomly. That player has to try to blend in with the crowd, acting casual and then taking the best opportunity to swipe three pieces of fruit, all without being spotted by the watchful gaze of the other players. At the end of the game, the GamePad gets passed around and everyone places their vote for which character they think was being controlled by a human, making this the odd multiplayer game to use a single Wii U controller.

It seems.. and may be the hardest part to communicate ironically enough. That Nintendo wants to really embrace player banter/discussion in their couch games. But how do you show that off in trailers/commercials?



If Nintendo really clock down the CPU only to conserve the small form factor, they are targeting this console heavely for Japanese market, the gamepad makes too much sense for Japan too, and the wara wara concept behind Miiverse.
Nintendo Directs are pretty much clockwork every 2 months, so we should see one on or about August 22, and I cannot imagine Nintendo would ignore Wii U.

I think as far as the West we'll see CoD, Skylanders, and a few EA stuff announced before launch.

The real area to expect announcements is Japan.

Ow i agree !.

Just hope people aren't expecting Mario Universe, Metroid, Smash Bros or Zelda to be announced or revealed at a Nintendo Direct lol :p.
I think as far as the West we'll see CoD, Skylanders, and a few EA stuff announced before launch.
Reggie bringing up Skyrim out of the blue makes me think we'll also see a port of that emerge for launch, or at least something from Bethesda for the launch window (D3BFG, Dishonored). I also expect to hear about a lot more digital/indie stuff in the coming months, both western and eastern.

I wish Nintendo would go out of their way to court Valve. I'd totally buy a Portal Collection.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Reggie bringing up Skyrim out of the blue makes me think we'll also see a port of that emerge for launch, or at least something from Bethesda for the launch window (D3BFG, Dishonored). I also expect to hear about a lot more digital/indie stuff in the coming months, both western and eastern.

I wish Nintendo would go out of their way to court Valve. I'd totally buy a Portal Collection.

Yeah I noticed that as well. I think it is a good guess a port might be coming, because it makes no sense for Reggie to mention that game.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Skyrim? Where did that come from?

Would you admit that, with Wii, Nintendo lost some of the hardcore gaming audience?

"You know, I really chafe at that comment. Define the hardcore. I know people who are playing Smash Bros. Brawl competitively today. They’re playing hours on that game. People are playing hours on New Super Mario Bros.

What I’ll tell you is that with the Wii we did not have the benefit of multiplatform games from key publishers. I didn’t have The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I didn’t have the best of the Call of Duty games. That’s what I missed.

With the Wii U’s graphics capability, processing power, and HD-output, we’ll get those games. That’s a huge competitive advantage versus where we were with the Wii."

Could mean nothing, but I don't see why it would even be on Reggie's mind if something wasn't coming.



Would you admit that, with Wii, Nintendo lost some of the hardcore gaming audience?

"You know, I really chafe at that comment. Define the hardcore. I know people who are playing Smash Bros. Brawl competitively today. They’re playing hours on that game. People are playing hours on New Super Mario Bros.

What I’ll tell you is that with the Wii we did not have the benefit of multiplatform games from key publishers. I didn’t have The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I didn’t have the best of the Call of Duty games. That’s what I missed.

With the Wii U’s graphics capability, processing power, and HD-output, we’ll get those games. That’s a huge competitive advantage versus where we were with the Wii."

Could mean nothing, but I don't see why it would even be on Reggie's mind if something wasn't coming.


Well, Skyrim was arguably the biggest "hardcore" release of the year. I think that's what he was implying, that the wii-U wouldn't be missing out on those kind of blockbuster titles in the future.

Anyway, I don't think bringing old games to a new system is doing Nintendo any favors at all, the hype has long passed, people have moved on. Anyone who would have really wanted to play Skyrim has done so already.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Well, Skyrim was arguably the biggest "hardcore" release of the year. I think that's what he was implying, that the wii-U wouldn't be missing out on those kind of blockbuster titles in the future.

Anyway, I don't think bringing old games to a new system is doing Nintendo any favors at all, the hype has long passed, people have moved on. Anyone who would have really wanted to play Skyrim has done so already.

Its certainly better than receiving absolutely nothing.
Hello. I'm also new.

Some things I've gathered:

  • I'm hoping that the Wii U will be a console more for independent designers and smaller game companies that will be more likely to take advantage of the hardware.
  • We know the system will be next-gen. It may not be a serious competitor to the XBOS4, but it will probably be the cheapest both in terms of consumer and development costs.
  • It should get ports from other consoles like PS2 got from XBOX
  • Mother 4 will probably not be made. There is a fangame with that title, however. It looks nice.


I haven't been visiting on a daily basis. So French Toast on B3D said he read the GPU seemed to be much more powerful in "the other thread". I don't know what other thread he was talking about. Was this based on the Kotaku article about the performance orphan? I read a small line about the GPU being impressive there. But no real concrete stuff?

Don't pay much attention to french
I swear it was in an interview awhile back, but my Google-Fu is failing me. :[

Well, Skyrim was arguably the biggest "hardcore" release of the year. I think that's what he was implying, that the wii-U wouldn't be missing out on those kind of blockbuster titles in the future.

Anyway, I don't think bringing old games to a new system is doing Nintendo any favors at all, the hype has long passed, people have moved on. Anyone who would have really wanted to play Skyrim has done so already.
Old ports aren't all bad, they help round out and diversify the library, they can help draw series fans and base build, they're relatively cheap and easy for uneasy devs, they have symbolic value for dev support, they're probably not too difficult for Nintendo to secure, etc. The only problem is when they're held up and promoted as the system's most visible software, as Nintendo did for Arkham City at E3. That was clearly a mistake.

I do think they help though, Wii U would certainly be worse off without ME3, Batman ACAE, NG3RE, etc. Just like PS3 would've had an even rockier start if it wasn't getting stuff like Bioshock, Oblivion or Tales of Vesperia a year late.

And as far as late ports go, I think Skyrim would be one of the better ones to get.


So the article says that Nintendo is worried about the heat of the CPU and for that reason
has clocked it down? We know they like to make solid consoles and seems to be an important factor in making the console. Which I am glad about.

But for some reason, even after the ihnfamous RROD, people expect for MS and Sony to make leagues better performing consoles, under $400, and have the first launches next year? What am I missing here? What type of cooling technology does MS and Sony have that Nintendo cant seem to get their hands on?
Lots of money to RMA those overheated consoles and send out new ones ;)

Microsoft lost millions replacing those red rings of death Xboxs.
Lots of money to RMA those overheated consoles and send out new ones ;)

Microsoft lost millions replacing those red rings of death Xboxs.

Was the billion dollar one-time charge they took a few years ago for the RRoD or for a separate issue?

Oh, there's also the "willing to sell machine far below cost" thing. Understand that when you sell a device for $100 more but are losing $100 per machine, you're actually providing a machine that is $200 more costly to the consumer. edit: Not more costly to the consumer, I mean a more costly machine that is being provided to the consumer.


Would you admit that, with Wii, Nintendo lost some of the hardcore gaming audience?

"You know, I really chafe at that comment. Define the hardcore. I know people who are playing Smash Bros. Brawl competitively today. They’re playing hours on that game. People are playing hours on New Super Mario Bros.

What I’ll tell you is that with the Wii we did not have the benefit of multiplatform games from key publishers. I didn’t have The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I didn’t have the best of the Call of Duty games. That’s what I missed.

With the Wii U’s graphics capability, processing power, and HD-output, we’ll get those games. That’s a huge competitive advantage versus where we were with the Wii."

Could mean nothing, but I don't see why it would even be on Reggie's mind if something wasn't coming.


Thank you, sir!


Anyway, I don't think bringing old games to a new system is doing Nintendo any favors at all, the hype has long passed, people have moved on. Anyone who would have really wanted to play Skyrim has done so already.
I've really wanted to play Skyrim but haven't gotten to due to having an older comp and only a Wii this gen.

If it came out as like a GOTY version or a bundle with all the existing DLC, I think it would sell decently on the Wii-U.

I do agree with the other poster that said these older games shouldn't be a marketing focus for Nintendo like they did with Batman at e3. But if they just quietly include them in a sizzle real or in a list of announced games, I would think that would be a good thing. Show the world that Nintendo is getting some of the games it missed, but don't make it out to be a huge deal.

There are a lot of 3rd party big games I missed out on due to my choice of only having a Wii. I'm sure there are quite a few people out there like me that would pick up a couple of these games if they were available.
If Nintendo can corner Japanese devs, Wii U + PC really starts looking like the best option.

Well, they continue to have a decent shot at getting the lower-budget, more Japan-centric console franchises (Tales, Musou, Persona, future console MH titles).

If Wii U gets any support from the bigger, more Western-focused Japanese console studios - KojiPro, the RE6/Dragon's Dogma teams, whoever at SE is working on games using the Luminous Engine - I'll be pleasantly surprised, though.


Watch the first five minutes of the pre E3 Nintendo Direct again. Several people sitting in the living room, everyone looking on his own screen and doing his own thing, is exactly what Nintendo wants to change....

No, what Nintendo actully wants is to replace two of those devices with gamepads. I think that would a great solution with families that have more than one child. Parents watching TV, son playing CoD, daughter playing Mario, or vice versa, all together in the living room. No more fighting over the main TV screen, no more fighting which game should be played.

Also, the waste of resources should be pretty obvious? If the system needs to be able to run two games at once, each game only has a bit less than half the hardware resources available. For a feature that will be rarely used - actually, most customers will never use it.

How is that waste of resources? Thats actually using what resources that is in the WiiU to the maximum. You're assuming that the WiiU is not powerful enough to handle three screens and two games. We dont know what tech is in the WiiU, what solutions Nintendo has been working on. But we do know that the WiiU can handle two gamepads.

And I doubt the average person cares if the resolution of a game is temporarily reduced a bit just so their partner or family member who wants to play a game, but not the game that they are playing, on the other pad. I mean, people are not that greedy. Are they?


Watch the first five minutes of the pre E3 Nintendo Direct again. Several people sitting in the living room, everyone looking on his own screen and doing his own thing, is exactly what Nintendo wants to change. Two people playing two different games at the same time is the polar opposite of Nintendo's philosophy. People are supposed to play together.

Also, the waste of resources should be pretty obvious? If the system needs to be able to run two games at once, each game only has a bit less than half the hardware resources available. For a feature that will be rarely used - actually, most customers will never use it.

My suggestion is that theses resources wouldn't be used for playing two full games, but smaller apps or VC games so much lower resource consumption. I think it would be an awesome feature personally, but I think I'm just being hopeful.


My suggestion is that theses resources wouldn't be used for playing two full games, but smaller apps or VC games so much lower resource consumption. I think it would be an awesome feature personally, but I think I'm just being hopeful.

Is it also possible that since the Gamepad isn't displaying in HD that if a game was only being streamed to a Gamepad, it would have less strain on the system? If you don't have to stream all those HD textures, to me it seems like that would be a lot less taxing on the system.
Hello. I'm also new.

Some things I've gathered:

  • I'm hoping that the Wii U will be a console more for independent designers and smaller game companies that will be more likely to take advantage of the hardware.
  • We know the system will be next-gen. It may not be a serious competitor to the XBOS4, but it will probably be the cheapest both in terms of consumer and development costs.
  • It should get ports from other consoles like PS2 got from XBOX
  • Mother 4 will probably not be made. There is a fangame with that title, however. It looks nice.

It was more commonly the other way around mate with the PS2 being the lead platform and supplying ports to the Xbox. And given that Nintendo seem to be forward thinking enough to have a GPGPU and, assuming that, a similar architecture to the PS4 and 720 we'll probably see the U being the lead platform next gen.

Makes sense to have the least powerful platform as the lead and developers to up-port to the more powerful ones than the other way around.
No, what Nintendo actully wants is to replace two of those devices with gamepads. I think that would a great solution with families that have more than one child. Parents watching TV, son playing CoD, daughter playing Mario, or vice versa, all together in the living room. No more fighting over the main TV screen, no more fighting which game should be played.
Nintendo very much doesn't want that - they only reluctantly made it support two Gamepads, and that only "in case a third-party developer wanted to make a game where someone takes their Gamepad to a friend's house".

How is that waste of resources? Thats actually using what resources that is in the WiiU to the maximum. You're assuming that the WiiU is not powerful enough to handle three screens and two games. We dont know what tech is in the WiiU, what solutions Nintendo has been working on. But we do know that the WiiU can handle two gamepads.
What we know is that a single game using two Gamepads is incapable of running any faster than 30fps. This means it is taking like half of the system power to do that.


And given that Nintendo seem to be forward thinking enough to have a GPGPU and, assuming that, a similar architecture to the PS4 and 720 we'll probably see the U being the lead platform next gen.

Heh, I'm pretty sure we are still very far away from that ever happening. Ninty still has a lot of "sucking up" to do to even get 3rd parties to make games for the Wii-U, let alone be the lead platform.


Heh, I'm pretty sure we are still very far away from that ever happening. Ninty still has a lot of "sucking up" to do to even get 3rd parties to make games for the Wii-U, let alone be the lead platform.
There were multiplats that used Gamecube as the lead.

And there's already a couple of games built for 3DS that are ported to Vita. Hell, there's even a 3DS to PS3 (E.X Troopers). Not exactly unthinkable.
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