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Wii U Games 2014


Gold Member
Reading all these threads about the Wii U tanking and Nintendo's current (lack of) fortunes makes me sad. The Wii U is the only gaming hardware I have and intended to get this gen (due mostly to time restraints and boredom with current AAA games after last gen), and I can't help but feel that I bet on the wrong horse, even if X is the only "next-gen" game that I'm at all interested in. I'm sure we'll get it eventually, but man... going to EBGames.ca and seeing this...


... and knowing that when you click "View All" you get no more than what's listed above is really depressing. This isn't how a second full calendar year console should be faring, release-wise.



Theory: What if all this debris is plot/setup related in a big way? Why is there so much "crap" that looks like it fell from the sky? Maybe it did? Big ship/construction thingys like in your last pic or those tiny drone things on the other pics.

Well, you know how it goes with me...
I think all of that crap is theirs.

Maybe you have to venture out there and recover them, fix them, salvage them once they crash.

That's what I think. But I think all of that stuff's already crashed, not in the process of crashing. There's definitely evidence to corroborate that, though (debris crashing all over the place, I mean).

For one, there are those giant, broken ring things in the desert:

And these round, sad-faced doodads that look like they fit into the slots on the ring things:

Maybe they're related to the countdown thing in the city?

It's really hard to make heads or tails of what that means.

There are numbers in decimals on top that fluctuate wildly, a giant percentage in the middle (so I guess this is the most important of the lot), and numbers in hexadecimal on the bottom
0BC614E - 56D0934
0BC614E - 055D42E
0BC614E - 1134ECA

In dec.:
12345678 - 91031860
12345678 - 5624878
12345678 - 18042570)

What does it all mean? I don't have the foggiest. But if I had to take a guess, I think that the percentage, at least, is related to a resource that powers their ship/city.

I wish Xenobear was real. He'd bring teasers, trailers, and screenshots to all of the good, patient Xeno fans while pelting skin-melting lava at the bad ones who make stupid threads about whether X resembles Xenoblade or flipping Monster Hunter.

I'm really looking forward to X to begin with, but I must say, your enthusiasm is outright contagious. Posts like this get me even more excited. Thanks for this!

NSMBU is great and really underrated--if you're not feeling it, though, you might not be feeling 3DW either. Maybe try Xenoblade if you're in an RPG mood?

Really? I mean they are both Mario, but SM3DW looks amazing and has all sorts of crazy new mechanics. The whole ride feels really fresh at least to me, even if I had played SM3DL like 3 months before. Imagine that I could see myself having more of the new mechanics but they cut down on them so that you don´t get tired of it.


What if X is a blend of Xenoblade and Katamari Damacy? All that debris, you just have to clean it up. The monsters and aliens love dirt and chaos, you are the clean up crew. Xenoclean.


What if X is a blend of Xenoblade and Katamari Damacy? All that debris, you just have to clean it up. The monsters and aliens love dirt and chaos, you are the clean up crew. Xenoclean.

Well, clean is better than dirty.
And dirty's meaner than clean.


Junior Member
Reading all these threads about the Wii U tanking and Nintendo's current (lack of) fortunes makes me sad. The Wii U is the only gaming hardware I have and intended to get this gen (due mostly to time restraints and boredom with current AAA games after last gen), and I can't help but feel that I bet on the wrong horse, even if X is the only "next-gen" game that I'm at all interested in. I'm sure we'll get it eventually, but man... going to EBGames.ca and seeing this...


... and knowing that when you click "View All" you get no more than what's listed above is really depressing. This isn't how a second full calendar year console should be faring, release-wise.


What games do you have currently for the system now? There are a ton of great titles to play and unless you have already played and beat them, they should keep you busy for quite some time (Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Call of Duty Ghosts, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD, New Super Mario Bros U, Game and Wario, NintendoLand, Skylander’s Swap Force, Sonic Lost World, Zombi U, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Batman Arkham Origins, Wii Party U, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Resident Evil Revelations, Lego City Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Need for Speed Most Wanted U....ALL NOT INCLUDING ESHOP TITLES)


Mark this Friday on your calendars for a Nintendo Direct everyone, Renegade Kid developer tweeted that their new 3DS FPS will be shown off on the 24th.

Friday Direct is super super rare though (I can only recall one, aside from the TW101 special). It's obviously not impossible but at this point RK revealing their game on their own or via regular press coverage seems more likely. But, again, Anything is possible with Nintendo.


Friday Direct is super super rare though (I can only recall one, aside from the TW101 special). It's obviously not impossible but at this point RK revealing their game on their own or via regular press coverage seems more likely. But, again, Anything is possible with Nintendo.

It's looking pretty likely though. Not the first mention of 24th iirc and it's a week before the meeting like last year.


Reading all these threads about the Wii U tanking and Nintendo's current (lack of) fortunes makes me sad. The Wii U is the only gaming hardware I have and intended to get this gen (due mostly to time restraints and boredom with current AAA games after last gen), and I can't help but feel that I bet on the wrong horse, even if X is the only "next-gen" game that I'm at all interested in. I'm sure we'll get it eventually, but man... going to EBGames.ca and seeing this...


... and knowing that when you click "View All" you get no more than what's listed above is really depressing. This isn't how a second full calendar year console should be faring, release-wise.


Damn, the Dreamcast has more confirmed releases coming up in 2014 than the Wii U.



poor, homeless and tasteless
Can anyone name when a new decently big Wii U game will hit not named Donkey Kong?

How is that not an oh shit we need a Nintendo Direct yesterday problem?

Most of us seem to expect Mario Kart 8 between March and May. April/May more likely., since Donkey Kong is late February.


Reading all these threads about the Wii U tanking and Nintendo's current (lack of) fortunes makes me sad. The Wii U is the only gaming hardware I have and intended to get this gen (due mostly to time restraints and boredom with current AAA games after last gen), and I can't help but feel that I bet on the wrong horse, even if X is the only "next-gen" game that I'm at all interested in. I'm sure we'll get it eventually, but man... going to EBGames.ca and seeing this...


What else is on the other systems?


It's really hard to make heads or tails of what that means.


Hey, what if it's just a pretty obvious hint as to how many percent the game was finished at the time the first trailer was shown? 60% at the beginning of 2013 - finished at the beginning of 2014 - released mid 2014. Makes sense.


May I have a cookie?
Hey, what if it's just a pretty obvious hint as to how many percent the game was finished at the time the first trailer was shown? 60% at the beginning of 2013 - finished at the beginning of 2014 - released mid 2014. Makes sense.

considering the percentage in the video was going down rather than up, that makes even more sense, knowing Nintendo :p


Media Create Maven
Lol this seems to have become the "when will there be a Nintendo Direct?" and "let's analyze X a lot" thread =P.

Btw, have there been any other Lego games confirmed in general? I'm sure most of them would likely be coming to Wii U.


Lol this seems to have become the "when will there be a Nintendo Direct?" and "let's analyze X a lot" thread =P.

Btw, have there been any other Lego games confirmed in general? I'm sure most of them would likely be coming to Wii U.

The Lego Movie game, yeah.


Lol this seems to have become the "when will there be a Nintendo Direct?" and "let's analyze X a lot" thread =P.

Btw, have there been any other Lego games confirmed in general? I'm sure most of them would likely be coming to Wii U.

Well... it is a Wii U game, slated for 2014, so... And topics about the game itself get closed, just like topics about WiiU in general. That narrows down the places where you can talk about stuff like that.


Really? I mean they are both Mario, but SM3DW looks amazing and has all sorts of crazy new mechanics. The whole ride feels really fresh at least to me, even if I had played SM3DL like 3 months before. Imagine that I could see myself having more of the new mechanics but they cut down on them so that you don´t get tired of it.

Oh, I love both games (well, all three counting NSLU). I just think if I wasn't feeling like playing a 2D Mario, I might not be in the mood for a 3D one either. I totally see what you mean, though. FWIW I find NSMBU plenty fresh and original for a 2D Mario, especially with the included Challenge Mode.
Oh, I love both games (well, all three counting NSLU). I just think if I wasn't feeling like playing a 2D Mario, I might not be in the mood for a 3D one either. I totally see what you mean, though. FWIW I find NSMBU plenty fresh and original for a 2D Mario, especially with the included Challenge Mode.

Yes I think NSMBU is the second best one for me, the original NSMB being the first. I love the change in NSLU and the harder difficulty. I like platformers a lot and I am no master at them, I thought both were difficult from world 5 onwards.

NSMBU got a lot of hate around here, I can see some people getting tired of NSMB series, just like I got a bit tired from FPS games, but the game is really good.
Almost every big ND has a new game announcement rather its 3DS or WiiU, last two was Kirby then Hyrule Warriors and NES Remix and Dr Luigi.

I expect the next ND to have at least 1 big new WiiU game and info on the announced games

I kind of meant rather than an E3 show and massive titles not smaller ones like the titles you listed. Imagine there was a Nintendo Direct on the last Thursday of every month leading up to this years E3 and they revealed -

Jan - Zelda U.
Feb - Wonderful 102 / ZombiU II.
March - Metroid Prime 4.
April - Mario Galaxy 3.
May - Miyamoto's new IP.

They could then have a special E3 edition of Nintendo Direct showing more gameplay of these titles and give release dates for Smash, X and Bayo 2.

Nintendo really need to get some hype and interest going for WiiU imo, for people who already have one and people who are thinking about getting one, having a release date for only one game in 2014 is unacceptable to me.

Dr. Buni

Nice thread. I am thinking of buying a Wii U, as soon as I finish building my gaming PC (which will not take long). Too many titles I want to play, so I don't see the point of delaying the purchase and I also want to show Nintendo some support. Hopefully they will announce a few more titles in the next Nintendo Direct (there should be one this month, right?).
I'm loving my Wii U that I got for Christmas (picked up the Wind Waker edition) been playing 3DW, Lego Marvel, LoZ WW, Madden and Nintendoland with the wife. Although yes I have a back catalog I need to get to (W101 and Pikmin 3 for sure) I could REALLY use some solid dates for upcoming games to get me hyped. I'm older and don't have the time to devote to tons of games so I have to be a bit choosy on the ones I actually purchase and play. Sadly the only ones on the horizon for this year that interest me are Mario Kart 8 and Smash. I would love a new Zelda (ha yeah right, not this year) and Hyrule Warriors actually has me intrigued but not sure what else to set my sights on. I would love a surprise or two in the next direct (that I sincerely hope happens later this week)

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
our answer to FZero?

I like Shin'en as much as anyone else here but let's not kid ourselves... F-Zero, especially GX, is on a whole other level than these guys' games. GX is a goddamned masterpiece, it's basically the perfect package (visuals, gameplay, music, challenge...), I'm looking forward to FAST myself, but I'll be taking it and hopefully enjoying if for what it is. It has zero chances to satiate me on my desire for a proper F-Zero game -_-


Lol this seems to have become the "when will there be a Nintendo Direct?" and "let's analyze X a lot" thread =P.

Not really. I mean, my posts might be somewhat long, but I'm practically the only one discussing the game. From what I observe, there's a fair variety of discussion going on in the thread. Besides, X's own threads have been closed, and even if they weren't, I don't think the mods would take too kindly to them being bumped for non-news (which is the very reason they were closed to begin with, I believe). And it's not like I can start a new one for this stuff, either; there'd be hardly anything to discuss seeing as how we've already scrutinized the game to its finest detail. This is just me going over some of the minor things we've missed. Furthermore, I feel it falls on the shoulders of us dedicated few to provide competent analyses. I've seen IGN's and Gamexplain's attempts, and they were just so very disastrous.

...But if people really find it disagreeable, I'll stop.
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