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Wii U Games 2014


You misunderstood. This is not a replacement for either Wii U or 3DS. This is a new thing, aimed to improve quality of life through entertainment. Whatever that means. He said it is related to games. It's an additional thing.

I don't get why there's doubt about Wii U now. One of the first things Iwata did today was reaffirming their belief in Wii U and their goal to put out improved marketing and titles that make good use of the GamePad this Holiday. It's their "highest priority" ...How does this mean they might drop the thing? That makes zero sense.

Ah, yes. I did understand that, I may not have been clear in my previous post. It's something additional, and not a replacement, but we don't know exactly how game-related it will be. Right?


I don't even know if it's necessarily a game console. I don't know what the heck it's going to be. It's not clear it's a game console/system though, unless I misunderstood.

Its something else for Nintendo to make money from, its like Sony, they sell, compters TV's, PS4 and MS sell computers and Xbox and software.

This will be Nintendo's casual line, instead of forcing casual stuff on WiiU and 3D's, I dont get why all the complaining in the other thread about it, acting like that stuff doesnt make money on its own.

They will have a Nintendo Direct focusing on the game side soon.

Ah, yes. I did understand that, I may not have been clear in my previous post. It's something additional, and not a replacement, but we don't know exactly how game-related it will be. Right?

Once of the slides had all the casual game line stuff going into that, and they said it will have I guess health type apps games or what ever with it
The move to HD from Wii to Wii U was painful. Suddenly they were forced to release games quickly by playing safe and not taking advantage of the gamepad. That is my perception on the gamepad idea.

I think that hurdle is in the past now and going by Iwata they seem to be focused on providing SW that uses the gamepad in clever ways. Nintendo Land was pretty fun but not the title most people expected.

I am always positive, having fun on the little box. Hoping they focus on making great games!!


Just woke up ( living in Germany), so MK8 in May. That's a big gap between dk and mk. Sigh.

We need a Nintendo Direct asap, I hope one for Friday so Nintendo can end the week with all their news

There is no way Nintendo is gonna go March and April without a single retail release, they better not do that.

Bayo 2 has to be ready before E3

They can at least have Bayo 1, or something like luigi's mansion HD collection 1 & 2 and Kid Icarus HD coming March and April.

But to have nothing at all with no 3rd party support would be real bad


Is it really actually a possibility that a pair of LEGO games may be the only titles bridging the gap between DKC and Kart???


We need a Nintendo Direct asap, I hope one for Friday so Nintendo can end the week with all their news

There is no way Nintendo is gonna go March and April without a single retail release, they better not do that.

Bayo 2 has to be ready before E3

They can at least have Bayo 1, or something like luigi's mansion HD collection 1 & 2 and Kid Icarus HD coming March and April.

But to have nothing at all with no 3rd party support would be real bad

Yeah the Wii U can't afford to have any more droughts or else current owners will abandon it more.

I hope this isn't true, but I think Nintendo did not make a Direct because they were too occupied preparing for this conference meeting.
We need a Nintendo Direct asap, I hope one for Friday so Nintendo can end the week with all their news

There is no way Nintendo is gonna go March and April without a single retail release, they better not do that.

Bayo 2 has to be ready before E3

They can at least have Bayo 1, or something like luigi's mansion HD collection 1 & 2 and Kid Icarus HD coming March and April.

But to have nothing at all with no 3rd party support would be real bad

They really need to slip out a Wii U game in late March/early April.


Unconfirmed Member
They fixed the VC problem, expect a bunch of Gamecube games to fill in the empty parts of their schedule.

lol yeah right


Media Create Maven
Yeh I don't know what they're thinking. Iwata acknowledges the drought being a problem last year and then seems to repeat it again? One game doesn't bridge a drought at all.... That'll make like 3 titles total (1-2 Nintendo ones) b/w Mario 3D World & Mario Kart, which are a whole 6 MONTHS APART.
I know they have Wii BC but I think they needed a global solution to VC for GC and Wii and provide it digitally. Something like what PS4 will have for PS1 and PS2 titles. An enhanced VC were GC and Wii games are running at 1080p or at least 720p native would serve amazingly well for this droughts. In my case I missed the GC so all its library would be nice and I missed some Wii titles that if in the eshop I would be all over them.


Think about if you were a gamer or wii u owner with no or little interest in DKCR TF. You would effectively have a gap from when Mario released in November until May effing May. That's not healthy and nothing they said last night made me confident that they are actually aware of what needs to be done to encourage outside developers to publish on wiiu


This will be Nintendo's casual line, instead of forcing casual stuff on WiiU and 3D's, I dont get why all the complaining in the other thread about it, acting like that stuff doesnt make money on its own.

The reactions on the "liveblog" thread were pathetic. Gamefaqs level.

Gaf isnt in very good shape. Everything is "graphics!" or "Lol nintendo is dead"


OT ideas, Counting Stars edition:

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze | OT | I feel something so right / Doing the Kong thing

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze | OT | I see this life like a swinging vine
The problem is Nintendo still has to support 2 systems. We are getting Yoshis Island in March which they see as a big game. April though? Maybe Watchdogs if it has not yet been cancelled. Rough 2 months ahead though :\
The problem is Nintendo still has to support 2 systems. We are getting Yoshis Island in March which they see as a big game. April though? Maybe Watchdogs if it has not yet been cancelled. Rough 2 months ahead though :\

Nintendo doesn't feel like they need to make more games. You can read it right there in the notes, as far as Nintendo is concerned their average customer buys 2-3 game titles per year.


Well when are LEGO Hobbit and Fucking Spiderman 2 dropping? Are those going to be the titles that release before MK8 that no one will buy?

Son Of D

So unless Nintendo are hiding something the Wii U will be the only platform without a big game in March? PS3, 360 and PC have Dark Souls 2 and South Park, 360, XB1 and PC have Titanfall, PS4 has Infamous, 3DS has Yoshi's Island and Vita has FFX. Not good.
lol, so some are already back at ,,just wait for the next Direct!''. At one point one should rather question why the realists ''pessimists'' are always right. The WiiU is what it is. A machine in it's second year, getting a total amount 4 games until summer. But only if Watch Dogs isn't cancelled. If you're lucky you'll get some eshop games in the february show, probably some crap like the final Sports Club.
Hopefully at least an ambitious Zelda title joins Xenoblade and Bayonetta at the end (or rather, next year), before they start focusing on cereals and interactive fitness videos or some shit. WiiU ain't gonna get that much more before it's discontinued.
I'm hoping for some good 3DS surprises at the Direct though...


The problem is Nintendo still has to support 2 systems. We are getting Yoshis Island in March which they see as a big game. April though? Maybe Watchdogs if it has not yet been cancelled. Rough 2 months ahead though :\

That's one of Nintendo's biggest issues. They can release a lot of Nintendo games in one year, but they're across two platforms so one of them always feels neglected.

For me the biggest thing to come out of the investor meeting was Iwata talking about unifying their next handheld and console. I just do not believe Nintendo has enough development resources to support multiple machines unless third-parties are totally on board -- and obviously they can't expect that. That's why the idea of a console playing the handheld's library on the same account is probably their best bet. No more Wii and DS. One platform through your NNID, and the person can buy the portable edition or the home edition depending on their gaming habits.

Two platforms with different libraries is crushing them right now because you can only make so many games. Either Nintendo doubles their development teams or they do what Iwata talked about -- the account is the platform not the hardware. This is their big chance with their next release after the QOL platform. The 3DS and Wii U obviously weren't built to work together, so you can't play ALBW on the Wii U, but next time they can make that happen.

Buying a Nintendo game and just being able to play it would be huge for Nintendo. Instead of buying a Nintendo game for your handheld while your console sits empty.


About those games...

Space Pioneer
by Space Enigma Studios
Created by real world astronauts, scientists and architects. Build vast colonies and cities. Explore the many unknowns of our universe!

Our team consists of world famous astronauts, engineers, designers, programmers, artists and architects who allow us to construct a game that will be the most accurate virtual representation of our universe to date. Our game is best described as a space sim, with real time strategy and city building mechanics. Space Pioneer focuses on interstellar exploration; it is based on images and resources from the Hubble telescope, ESA/NASA, and numerous well known observatories. The player will be able to pilot a fully customizable spaceship into the vast regions of our universe and can colonize other planets beyond our solar system. In addition, he or she can research different scientifically accurate theories to upgrade their spaceship, build vast space stations and terra-form inhospitable planets.

People have speculated about what the big Holiday 2014 game will be for Nintendo, and im starting to think it could be a NFC game. Possibly the new IP from Miyamoto.

If it turns out to be a hit, and the only way to play it is with using the gamepads NFC reader, it could do really good things for the Wii U. We'll find out at E3 on what NFC games they have cooking.

Does anyone know when PG started development on Bayo 2? It was being worked on, along side w101. So maybe theres a chance it could release between DK and MK?

Hopefully the next direct will deliver some good news to ease to what seems like another drought.


People have speculated about what the big Holiday 2014 game will be for Nintendo, and im starting to think it could be a NFC game. Possibly the new IP from Miyamoto.

If it turns out to be a hit, and the only way to play it is with using the gamepads NFC reader, it could do really good things for the Wii U. We'll find out at E3 on what NFC games they have cooking.

Does anyone know when PG started development on Bayo 2? It was being worked on, along side w101. So maybe theres a chance it could release between DK and MK?

Hopefully the next direct will deliver some good news to ease to what seems like another drought.

I think they said Miyamoto is working on the NFC game, and in the past we heard the he is working on a new IP, so unless they change the game to using a current Nintendo IP its likely a new IP. I expect it out for the Holidays along with another game, rather its Smash, X, Zelda or what ever.

Animal Crossing with NFC.

But Miyamoto wouldnt be working on AC right?

I think we will see AC and maybe more Pokemon NFC games but Miyamoto doesnt work on those series


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
This post somehow reads like there was more coming but you just hit the "submit" button too soon, lol.
You're right - it does read like I pressed the submit button sooner than I meant to.

So what are you implying? This is why the platform is in trouble? Nintendo has stuff up their sleeve? Nintendo is sabotaging their own system on purpose?
I was actually meaning to say 'safety' is a very relative term. Apparently what was considered safe by somebody up in the control chain (and heck, most common sense folks) turned out quite unsafe for the system. And I'm not talking of droughts. I think we've all (or most of us) been beating around the bush in this one regard:

Nintendo cannot sustain their systems on nintendo's 'red guard' alone. WiiU may have the best Pikmin, 3D platforming Mario, MK, SSB, etc, etc, 'safe bet' entries to date, but all those, albeit a solid foundation, do not form the critical mass needed for the self-sustained chain reaction. And that's regardless of droughts, Nintendo need 'catalysts' - be those from ambitious internal projects, or talented 3rd parties (e.g. Capcom's 5).

Nintendo need to make it clear that their platform can be home to some good surprises for their audience. This is a fundamental part when it comes to the quality of entertainment. Some call it 'innovation' - it doesn't matter, it's the same thing, and more importantly, Nintendo are perfectly aware of it - they've proven it across generations. They are just not doing it this time around. I have no idea why - maybe they got complacent, maybe they got scared. Or maybe they just fucked it up, old-school style.

So what can they do at this stage? I think they're already making steps in that general direction - they're trying to court up indies. Indies can be a source of more positive surprises than the big publishers. I think nintendo is doing a lot of learning this home console gen. Let's wait and see what comes out if it.

edit: I should clarify this is the opinion of somebody who was originally drawn to nintendo's ecosystem a few generations ago by a handful of 3rd party titles, and something called Metroid Prime.
I don't think they said such a thing.

In fact they said he's going to be put to work developing games that make good use of the Gamepad (which I suppose could include NFC).

Our top priority task this year is to offer software titles that are made possible because of the GamePad.
We have managed to offer several of such software titles for occasions when many people gather in one place to play, but we have not been able to offer a decisive software title that enriches the user’s gameplay experience when playing alone with the GamePad. This will be one of the top priorities of Mr. Miyamoto’s software development department this year.


Media Create Maven
Expected a Nintendo Direct with new game announcements this week; instead I hear watch dogs and pac-man got cancelled.

Pacman (it seemed to be a collection of sorts on the eShop) got cancelled, but there's no official word on Watch Dogs. They said it wasn't cancelled for now at the very least.


The absence of a Direct, since there was no mentioning of games in the Investor meeting, made all those words sound a little bit hollow...

Well it's gonna happen sooner or later. They know they have to talk to their consumers next. They've been basically quiet for over a month now. Wouldn't surprise me if we get the Direct next week.


Anyone remember the ND in which they showed off (a portion) of the Zelda tech demo? There was new footage of Pikmin 3 right before it, if that helps.
Well it's gonna happen sooner or later. They know they have to talk to their consumers next. They've been basically quiet for over a month now. Wouldn't surprise me if we get the Direct next week.

Yes, I hope so, but I was also hoping that in recognising the problems that plague WiiU, they could also offer some promising tidbits..
Heck, I still hear the echo of Iwata's words at that last January Direct, that at some time they would also show on what third parties were working on..Crushed became our dreams.:)


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Was there ever an explanation on why Nintendoland can't be purchased through the eShop? I'm all digital, and I want to get it.

Also, has there been any news about Nintendo selling game pads?


This is a 3rd pillar for casuals, it has nothing to do with WiiU or 3DS, its another revenue stream for Nintendo.

If you dont like it, ignore it

The core games are still coming

Hard to ignore it when they're going to end up dedicating "X" amount of resources towards it that could be used towards something gamers want.


Hard to ignore it when they're going to end up dedicating "X" amount of resources towards it that could be used towards something gamers want.

"gamers" only ever care about three and a half franchises anyway. nintendo puts out so many games and "gamers" rarely care about the majority of them unless they fall into certain franchises. it's really no different from them doing, say, more touch generations games or another wii fit thing in that regard.


"gamers" only ever care about three and a half franchises anyway. nintendo puts out so many games and "gamers" rarely care about the majority of them unless they fall into certain franchises. it's really no different from them doing, say, more touch generations games or another wii fit thing in that regard.

I don't see what your point is. If it's a third pillar then it's essentially not the same as software you speak of. It's an entirely different device in which they will invest a lot more money in than they would software. To be quite frank with you I would rather have them invest in Wii ___ or Touch Generation software.


Junior Member
I hope that their NFC game is a completely new IP from Nintendo. I can see their current franchises working but I would like to really see something all new (almost like Skylanders type)...

We will see.


I don't see what your point is. If it's a third pillar then it's essentially not the same as software you speak of. It's an entirely different device in which they will invest a lot more money in than they would software. To be quite frank with you I would rather have them invest in Wii ___ or Touch Generation software.

Thing is, we really don't know what shape this is gonna take on. It's still related to games so maybe it is actually cool even for us who would otherwise prefer more resources spent on game software for traditional devices.


Thing is, we really don't know what shape this is gonna take on. It's still related to games so maybe it is actually cool even for us who would otherwise prefer more resources spent on game software for traditional devices.

What I got out of the investor meeting was that they would integrate it with gaming in some ways, most likely Wii Fit or something new similar to Wii Fit. We probably won't get a glimpse or more information until the next investor meeting or E3 2015 so I'll hold off being critical about their third pillar. I'm still a bit bitter that they seem to be ignoring the Wii U so excuse me if I came off strong in my previous post :(


I hope Nintendo is able to show the value of the gamepad besides off tv play (for Single Player Experiences).

They could release the obvious Pokemon Snap or Projekt Zero, or maybe introduce gameplay mechanics that are only possible with the gamepad. Why not use 2 different camera views for a Platformer/Puzzler (like one flat 2D Perspektive and one 3D perspective at the same time, Artstyle similar to Super Paper Mario to make it work). This could result in some clever level design or puzzles if executed right.

Also I have an Idea vor a 2.5D Contra like, or Metroidvania game, which features 3D enemy encounters (press one of the face buttons to pull your weapon and aim in first or third person view through the gamepad). You would have to look at the TV at the same time to see from which Direction Enemys are heading.

Furthermore they could release a new Battalion Wars (or new IP) game with RTS like Unit Management on the gamepad and Cartoon TPS on the TV. Let it feature an online mode 5 vs 5, every player has a five player squad (so 50 units on the battlefield max) and if you lose a unit, you can rebuilt new ones with ressources found on the battlefield.

Also there should be games that feature Level Editors or Track Editors with the gamepad, because that should be much more intuitiv than using a standard controller.

I think the gamepad by it self is a good concept (Wind Waker is so good with the map on the touchscreen while sailing), but it is hard to market and there are simply no killer Apps so sell it. Sadly I also have doubt NIntendo will release such a game, that will convince the "drop the gamepad" crowd from it, or revitalise the WiiU.


I don't think they said such a thing.

In fact they said he's going to be put to work developing games that make good use of the Gamepad (which I suppose could include NFC).

Yep. And Iwata said use of the gamepad for solo - multiplayer is already covered.

I hope that their NFC game is a completely new IP from Nintendo. I can see their current franchises working but I would like to really see something all new (almost like Skylanders type)...

We will see.

My crusade since 2012: I believe one - or the - next IP from Miyamoto's teams will involve cards, real one and NFC. Based on this quote from an old interview in French I translated and just copy-pasted for the xxx time in another thread:

To follow on my previous post, here's the translation I made of one of the interview (from French, it was a Gamekult interview):

When talking about the NFC and how this technology enable new ways to interact with real stuff, he said >

My rough translation : "And you know, what's extremely successful on smartphone at the moment, at least in Japan? Cards collection games. But these are virtual cards. What interests me are the real cards. It's why I think the Wii U has more potential."
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