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Wii U Games 2014

Astral Dog

Holy crap, is that reliable cause if it is, I will buy one right now.

EDIT: Damn, it's from newegg.... So bought, about to Join you guys a lot earlier than I thought.

EDIT2: Just checked out, should get by Feb. 5! Just bought Mario 3D World from Amazon to go along with it.

Thats pretty good, I hope you enjoy it :)


The Birthday Skeleton
My next Wii U game will be the Lego Movie game next week. Anyone know how/if it integrates the gamepad at all? I suspect it will strictly mirror the TV screen, in NSMBU fashion.

There so few details about this game that is practically impossible knowing this. Maybe we are lucky and one of the Nintendo dedicated sites will review it to find out more.



I totally forgot about this pic someone tweeted to Kamiya. Would be hilarious to see it on tv one day.


haha, thats pretty good.

Are we expecting Bayonetta 2 this year? feel like we dont hear much about it.

It's a 2014 game. Why shouldn't we expect it this year. We don't hear much about it because it's a Nintendo game. This is how it goes every time.


Are we expecting Bayonetta 2 this year? feel like we dont hear much about it.

I think Platinum's rumored to be working on an Xbox One exclusive. Presumably they would need to finish up Bayonetta 2 before ramping up on that. I wouldn't be surprised to see it release around late June to early August with Hyrule Warriors in September.


Based on Iwata's comments I have the weird idea that Nintendo is essentially going to release DKC and some minor titles in February (Wii Fit U retail, Lego Movie) and then sit until May w/ Mario Kart. The thing he said after "we will ensure that momentum will continue after Mario Kart".

My guess is Nintendo couldn't sustain momentum from now until May, so they're going to sit March (and possibly April) out, and then start in earnest w/ Mario Kart in May. I can't say I like the decision and have no idea whether it'll pay off.

If Watch Dogs is a May/June release and stays on Wii U, Nintendo may have Mario Kart & Watch Dogs release close to each other, and hope the sales from Mario Kart lead to some sales of Watch Dogs as well. If Nintendo then started releasing the other titles on their 2013 lineup (Zelda Musou, X, and Smash for example), they might be able to pull in some momentum going into the 2014 holidays with Smash being the likely holiday title. This is just going on announced titles, and I'm hopeful Nintendo has something under wraps, like a new Animal Crossing or that NFC title they keep hinting at. I do honestly think a console Pokemon spin-off with a good bit of effort put into it could sell well on Wii U (considering how popular the main Pokemon series clearly still is w/ 11m+ shipped in 3 months).

I am not that "optimistic" any more. Last year, I thought the same: they accept the drought early in the year, to have monthly releases later starting with New Luigi U.
While the end of the year was all right for Nintendo, the release schedule now is as barren as it was last year.

My take is that as a Wii U owner will have to live with frequent droughts, interrupted by occassional greatness.

Luckily for me, that's no problem, as the 3DS alone almost fulfills all my gaming needs.


Is X really due to release this year?

It is still listed in their financial reports as a 2014 release for all territories, so hopefully. This is my most-wanted game by far on any of the 3 consoles. Xenoblade Chronicles came out in mid-2010 in Japan, so you'd think they'd be nearing completion even though the Wii U was under development at roughly the same time.
I think Platinum's rumored to be working on an Xbox One exclusive. Presumably they would need to finish up Bayonetta 2 before ramping up on that. I wouldn't be surprised to see it release around late June to early August with Hyrule Warriors in September.
Kamiyas team is not working on Bayo 2. Then there is Inabas. P* can work on 2-3 titles at the same time.


The Birthday Skeleton
I hope the third game (if it still exists) it in a genre that isn't already covered by Nintendo, so no more Sonic platformer or kart racer (as an exclusive game I mean).


I hope the third game (if it still exists) it in a genre that isn't already covered by Nintendo, so no more Sonic platformer or kart racer (as an exclusive game I mean).

I've suspected the third title is indeed not a platformer, the olympics game already showed they're going for different genres. Not sure about it not being a racer though.

I'm hoping it'll be a spiritual return of Spinball. Imagine a collection of pinball tables, Nintendo x Sega. Now that'd be fresh.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I can't believe that's a fucking Wii game, this is one of the titles I think would go toe-to-toe with PS360 games, I mean holy shit. o_O What kind of secret sauce did Sandlot find in there?!

Not even close. Maybe a Z-grade budget release on PS360, but even then the IQ would be on a whole other level. Yes, I own the ZNR. Single player was super boring, too bad I could never try MP with a group of friends... it even supported voice chat iirc.

Only game that could visually (not technically) go toe-to-toe with some PS360 games, even retail in a couple of cases but mainly XBLA/PSN games, are the Mario Galaxy games, Brawl, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby Adventures. Those are game were the IQ was the only thing dragging them down, in fact they look amazing on Dolphin.
Anything resembling a non-cartoony art style would be eons away from the average PS360 game and that includes ZNR.


Only game that could visually (not technically) go toe-to-toe with some PS360 games, even retail in a couple of cases but mainly XBLA/PSN games, are the Mario Galaxy games, Brawl, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby Adventures. Those are game were the IQ was the only thing dragging them down, in fact they look amazing on Dolphin.
Anything resembling a non-cartoony art style would be eons away from the average PS360 game and that includes ZNR.

I think Crystal Bearers is probably the best "non-cartoony"(it is still kinda cartoony) game on the Wii when it comes to standing up visually to PSS/360 games. There's a few naff textures here and there but it looks fantastic, and is semi-open world too.


I think Crystal Bearers is probably the best "non-cartoony"(it is still kinda cartoony) game on the Wii when it comes to standing up visually to PSS/360 games. There's a few naff textures here and there but it looks fantastic, and is semi-open world too.

SH Shattered Memories can hold its own, too. Especially in terms of high resolution textures, character models and animation.
Not even close. Maybe a Z-grade budget release on PS360, but even then the IQ would be on a whole other level. Yes, I own the ZNR. Single player was super boring, too bad I could never try MP with a group of friends... it even supported voice chat iirc.

Only game that could visually (not technically) go toe-to-toe with some PS360 games, even retail in a couple of cases but mainly XBLA/PSN games, are the Mario Galaxy games, Brawl, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby Adventures. Those are game were the IQ was the only thing dragging them down, in fact they look amazing on Dolphin.
Anything resembling a non-cartoony art style would be eons away from the average PS360 game and that includes ZNR.

I'm of the opinion that Metroid Prime 3 was the best looking game on the Wii, the best looking game of the generation, and possibly the best looking game of all time. The art was simply astounding, and the tech was very good for a Wii game. Red Steel 2 was also very good art and tech wise.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I think Crystal Bearers is probably the best "non-cartoony"(it is still kinda cartoony) game on the Wii when it comes to standing up visually to PSS/360 games. There's a few naff textures here and there but it looks fantastic, and is semi-open world too.
It's an amazing-looking, bored-me-out-of-my-mind SE's swing-n-miss. But all's been forgiven since 4HoL and Bravely Default.


It's probably been brought up and asked many times over, but does anyone expect to see Monster Hunter HD U announced for 2015? Big MH fan here :) I figure if anything, my WiiU will end up being my go to MH machine.


It's probably been brought up and asked many times over, but does anyone expect to see Monster Hunter HD U announced for 2015? Big MH fan here :) I figure if anything, my WiiU will end up being my go to MH machine.

Yes it's likely. Of course that ultimately means nothing. lol

You just have to wait for word from Capcom like everyone else.


It's an amazing-looking, bored-me-out-of-my-mind SE's swing-n-miss. But all's been forgiven since 4HoL and Bravely Default.

I really enjoyed the game but it is unorthodox to say the least. It's a weird situation of a game with all the amazing little touches but a lacking core. Layle is the best FF Protag though.

SH Shattered Memories can hold its own, too. Especially in terms of high resolution textures, character models and animation.

Overlord Wii by the same studio also stands up pretty well to the 360 version, really well adapted to the platform as well.
So looking at the WiiU exclusive line up for it's first year -

Retail -

Nintendo Land.
Lego City.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
Game & Wario.
Pikmin 3.
Wonderful 101.
Wind Waker HD.
Sonic Lost World.
Wii Party U.
Mario 3D World.

Digital -

Nano Assault Neo.
Art Academy.
Wii Sports HD.

Announced releases in 2014 -

Wii Fit U - Jan.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Feb.
Mario Kart 8 - May.
Bayonetta 2.
Smash Bros U.

There surely has to be a lot more coming this year that hasn't been announced... right ?...


You forgot Hyrule Warriors and yes, you can expect more games to be announced for this year.
There's also digital games like FAST and Scram Kitty.


Why are we even questioning that there is stuff we don't know about? For one, Iwata pretty much said it explicitly in the investor meeting plus we never ever know the entire platform line up in Q1, no matter what system.

My god, we really need a freaking Direct so at least a bit of this uncertainty nonsense can be put to rest.

Son Of D

Had a thought earlier today, would you be ok with lower priced late ports on Wii U to pad out release schedules? Whether it's just Miiverse + Off-TV play or more of a Deus Ex style late port it wouldn't bother me if I was interested in the games and the price was right.


Had a thought earlier today, would you be ok with lower priced late ports on Wii U to pad out release schedules? Whether it's just Miiverse + Off-TV play or more of a Deus Ex style late port it wouldn't bother me if I was interested in the games and the price was right.

It's nothing wrong with late ports, PS4 and Xbone has them too, Tomb Raider, Injustice, and Rayman, lets not forget all the begging for GTAV on those


Had a thought earlier today, would you be ok with lower priced late ports on Wii U to pad out release schedules? Whether it's just Miiverse + Off-TV play or more of a Deus Ex style late port it wouldn't bother me if I was interested in the games and the price was right.

If there was a magic pool that converts games from one platform to the other, I would dump my entire 360 and PS3 collection in there to turn it into simple Wii U versions with Miiverse support and Off-TV Play.

So sure, good port of a good game? Why not? Even better if I haven't played it already.


So looking at the WiiU exclusive line up for it's first year -

Retail -

Nintendo Land.
Lego City.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
Game & Wario.
Pikmin 3.
Wonderful 101.
Wind Waker HD.
Sonic Lost World.
Wii Party U.
Mario 3D World.

Digital -

Nano Assault Neo.
Art Academy.
Wii Sports HD.

Announced releases in 2014 -

Wii Fit U - Jan.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Feb.
Mario Kart 8 - May.
Bayonetta 2.
Smash Bros U.

There surely has to be a lot more coming this year that hasn't been announced... right ?...
First Year

Mario & Sonic Sochi 2014
Rabbids Land
Sing Party
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
Sports Connection
Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade
Game Party Champions

Pokémon Rumble U
Chasing Aurora
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party
Mighty Switch Force HD Ed.
(Mighty Switch Force 2)
Wii Karaoke U
Wii Street U
Wii U Panorama View

Second year

Hyrule Warriors

NES Remix
Dr. Luigi
FAST Racing Neo
Another Shin'en Game
...other Indie games


Had a thought earlier today, would you be ok with lower priced late ports on Wii U to pad out release schedules? Whether it's just Miiverse + Off-TV play or more of a Deus Ex style late port it wouldn't bother me if I was interested in the games and the price was right.

I will be in the minority here, but I would think one thing Nintendo could do to get other games, late or at all is offer really good Digital Download contracts to Publishers, just make almost free to put the game on the E-shop.

Granted they could of and probably should of already done this. I have a weird idea that always sticks in my head that someone, whether one of the big three or a major publisher should mine the back catalogs of previous systems/gens and give certain games the Windwaker HD treatment in those first couple years of new systems.

I mean think of all the 360/PS3/Wii or even a smidge older games that were critically loved but sales failures for one reason or another. The idea would be having a smaller team taking the game HDing them, bug fixes and cleaning up some annoying parts, and selling them at a discounted price digitally. See like what Sony did with the PS2 HD classics. Nintendo could have just offered great digital terms and lower licensing fees and padded out the release schedule with games.

Granted this doesn't do anything for the majority of hardcore gamers, but it makes your platform much more healthy, and there are bound to be folks who missed games on other systems willing to pay for an updated directors cut on their new system.


I really think the third Sonic game could be some kind of Sonic Football, since the Brazil World Cup is this year.

Imagine Mario & Sonic Strikers World Cup, or something like that.


No, it comes out by the end of 2014, not at the end.

Oh well, hopes and dreams of Zelda coming this year are all gone now :(

BTW, what is the latest news about a new Direct? Any new speculation, ideas, anything? There was some talk about a possible direct after jan 31st so...


BTW, what is the latest news about a new Direct? Any new speculation, ideas, anything? There was some talk about a possible direct after jan 31st so...

Anything is possible. It's long overdue and there is a lot of stuff to discuss...


First Year

Mario & Sonic Sochi 2014
Rabbids Land
Sing Party
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
Sports Connection
Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade
Game Party Champions

Pokémon Rumble U
Chasing Aurora
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party
Mighty Switch Force HD Ed.
(Mighty Switch Force 2)
Wii Karaoke U
Wii Street U
Wii U Panorama View

Second year

Hyrule Warriors

NES Remix
Dr. Luigi
FAST Racing Neo
Another Shin'en Game
...other Indie games
Counting the console exclusives there's also the Scribblenauts games, Dragon Quest X and a bunch of indies like Unepic, Toki Tori 2+, Mutant Mudds and others.
It's February, there are going to be more games obviously, maybe not much more, but more. :p

But all Nintendo games this year are high class, can't wait for it all.
Hey guys I jumped on the MH3 deal for the 3DS earlier this week. So far I'm enjoying the game but started to wonder whether I should stop and double dip on the Wii U version. Is the upgrade considerable enough? Would it be worth it, or rather is experience on Wii U superior to the 3DS?


Hey guys I jumped on the MH3 deal for the 3DS earlier this week. So far I'm enjoying the game but started to wonder whether I should stop and double dip on the Wii U version. Is the upgrade considerable enough? Would it be worth it, or rather is experience on Wii U superior to the 3DS?

Online multiplayer (without ad-hoc shenanigans).


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Honestly more than anything I hope we get more digital releases of cool indie eShop titles to help out!

Nintendo needs to make a push for more unique eShop titles and I'd be extremely happy!
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