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Wii3: Apocalypse Redux


Iwata een bom zal droppen
castle007 said:
WTF. I bet Nintendo is signing him an NDA. If he reveals any info about Zelda TP and tries to sell Wii before launch, he will get sued for $10000000000
I don't think Nintendo need headlines like this:
"Gaming company Nintendo sues a blind black kid for playing it's games."


YOU-KNOW-WHO is speculating that Wii really costs $150 - $200(like what UK trade magazine MCV said a while back) to manufacture and it's priced at $250 because of the PS3 price and delay.


Vieo said:
YOU-KNOW-WHO is speculating that Wii really costs $150 - $200(like what UK trade magazine MCV said a while back) to manufacture and it's priced at $250 because of the PS3 price and delay.

Nintendo loves making profits on their consoles from the get go, so I wouldn't be surprised


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Vieo said:
YOU-KNOW-WHO is speculating that Wii really costs $150 - $200(like what UK trade magazine MCV said a while back) to manufacture and it's priced at $250 because of the PS3 price and delay.
that's obvious...

they were going to announce 200 price tag at e3 but then PS3 happened.


Vieo said:
YOU-KNOW-WHO is speculating that Wii really costs $150 - $200(like what UK trade magazine MCV said a while back) to manufacture and it's priced at $250 because of the PS3 price and delay.
Its smart business by Nintendo. With Sony's price and initial shipments being so low, they know that they can mark up the hardware a bit and get an even better return since most people will buy the Wii for the Holidays when they can't find/afford a PS3.
PornstarPolly said:
Theres a good thread over at Eurogamer with a couple of guys who got to play with the Wii at the London conference today. *BEWARE* If you don't want to hear any negativity at all about the Wii, don't read.


I refuse to read it then, the Wii is going to be the greatest thing since slice bread and anyone who says other wise is lying or hates nintendo.


Chris Remo said:
Nintendo just told me Wii doesn't come with component cables. Is this old news? I haven't seen it on GAF yet.

PornstarPolly said:
Theres a good thread over at Eurogamer with a couple of guys who got to play with the Wii at the London conference today. *BEWARE* If you don't want to hear any negativity at all about the Wii, don't read.


I'm going to go ahead and respond to this guy's thread here with his issue, since I've played it. Despite the fact that no one cares anyway.

The Wii is an inherently flawed concept. Here are some reasons why:

1. Neutral position - does not exist. With a mouse, you have a desk. With a controller, you have analogue extremes. With the Wii remote, you have... infinite, undefined space. I shouldn't need to explain why this is a problem (it isn't for some games, but think first-person).

Nope. This never posed a single problem for me despite all the games I played. He doesn't even CITE problems except for "think first person". The only issue I have with that is Metroid Prime 3 played great at E3. And supposedly now there are even -tighter- controls. If he's whining about that, he probably just sucks at games. I see this all the time.

2. The controller doesn't actually work perfectly. Throughout demos, I repeatedly lost my targeting reticule, had it jump around a lot, get stuck or lose its zero point (which is difficult to find). It lags as well. Playing Wii Golf, I found it impossible to actually replicate a neat swing, presumably because of incorrect controller orientation - well a golf swing is quite hard to orientate properly, and that's a complication the game shouldn't have.

I didn't have this problem either. Occasionally, before I got used to the controller I would fly off screen not realizing how sensitive it actually was. Once I figured that out, I never had a problem. If 40 year olds playing against me in some weird tech demo can figure this out, why can't this guy?

3. Nobody has can keep their entire arm that steady. It's not that the controller isn't precise enough - it's that we're not precise enough. The result is an intensely wavery, shakey experience where no action feels definite or even deliberate. You may remember from SMG videos the 'star' pointer - well aiming in Metroid Prime felt just like that. All over the place. Far too loose.

Again, this is nothing but an opinion. SMG it's fine to be wavery, as the star pointer isn't used until necessary, and at that point it's a matter of securing a location. Metroid Prime doesn't shake because you're always going to be moving. Try to hold something in the air at a stand still - you'll notice your hand probably shakes. I have TERRIBLY shaky hands. I can't hold anything still when at zero-motion. What happens when you keep that same cup of cofee in constant motion? It's a smooth flow. I don't have problems keeping a pen nice and neat, and nor did I with the wii mote - as long as it's in constant motion. And any game that's THAT sensitive to the controls will be in just that - constant motion.

The unfortunate result is that, with games like Metroid and Zelda, the controller is detracting from my immersion in the game - the exact opposite of Nintendo's market philosophy here. My mind is too focused on where my right hand is. I can never just rest - the Wii is always tracking motion.

Consider this. What do people who are new at complicated controllers do when they ask you "what button does this or that" or when the game directly tells them to press a particular button? They often look down and find that button. This is the scenario this man is dealing with. He is not yet familiar with the Wii controller or its natural state of being, and thusly he is having difficulty.

However, a lot of these flaws may yet be fixed. And a lot of the technical problems may be down to interference from other remotes etc. So I haven't quite lost all hope. Peej and minky will be wondering what happened, because I was quite positive at the event. Well, I've had a train journey to think about it, and the Wii is broken, to the extent that both Metroid and Zelda would both benefit immeasurably at this stage from a normal Gamecube controller.

That last bit just makes me laugh. The new control scheme in Metroid is absolutely amazing. Will it work for Zelda? I don't know. I played Zelda at E3 05 and used a GCN controller, I skipped Zelda at 06 in persuit of other activities - I decided it would be here soon enough. What am I getting at? Zelda COULD be better on GCN. That's entirely possible, since Zelda was designed with GCN in mind initially. Miyamoto says it's fun, but that doesn't mean we'll like it. All I can say about that, since I have no personal experience with Zelda in particular, is wait it out and choose what your gut tells you.

That's not to say I've forgotten the positives, mind. (One of) the Metroid sequences I played was the one we've seen in videos for ages (landing in front of the Federation trooper), and the part where you extend the grappling beam with the nunchuk to devastate obstructions, and where you pull out a door-lock mechanism, twist and shove it back in, both feel brilliant. Turning, pulling, twisting, shoving - that's all great. It's pointing that's a bitch. Since it's not a light gun, it's all relative motion, but there's no point for it to be relative to.

The former portion of his post is incredibly accurate. Grappling feels absolutely amazing.

Shrug. I disagree and there you have it. Enjoy.
I dont think im buying a Wii this year. Unless the remote actually improves the combat in Zelda a lot and/or Red Steel is an improvemebt over dual analouge.

Im thinking wait until its out in black and then buy with Mario Galaxy and Metroid. Then Id be really happy with my purchase.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
it isnt all doom and gloom tho

this is from another person that played with the wii there

Bugger, nicely beaten to it but....

I think both me and the prof loved Metroid to bits. This is the proof positive that the Wii is about more than just quirky mini games, the controls work absolutely superbly (unless as Alex said, you lose your targeting reticule - they need to make that sensor strip bigger than the TV to compensate methinks).

The aiming is spot on.

It DOES work as a "Couch" controller, you lardarses will be pleased to know - and subtle movements translate a lot better than wild arm-flailing (unless you're me and you nearly end up chinning ****ing idiots who walk in your way while you're playing baseball).

Of the games I played, Metroid was easily far and away the most impressive. Zelda was great fun (the sword play in it is utterly SUPERB, I kid you not, the sole reason to pick up the Wii version and not the cube version because the graphics are exactly the same as the cube version, ie ropey as ****).

Mario Planet is superb.

Wario Ware Smooth Moves - well obviously this rocks! It's what the console was made for.

Red Steel sucked, and in fact Ubi got really arsey with me when I tried to take a photo of it after it had crashed later on. Har! It looks rough, and plays rough - in fact both Ubi games seem to have missed the concept of the controller completely).

Call of Duty 3. Ugly ugly ugly but the controller sorta works quite neatly for it. But this is very much NOT the sort of game that should be on the Wii (that goes for Red Steel too).

Excite Trucks was good fun, very fast, very smooth, very hard to control but after a few goes it got a lot better.

All of the Wii Sports titles were utterly excellent.

Game of the conference for me was Metroid by a long way, and I do absolutely agree with the prof that this ain't gonna be for everyone.

It's been a long day, I'm knackered. I will be doing a few bits for AATG tomorrow inc. photos - muchas thanks to Alex and Vicky for putting up with me, and cheers to Ollie and the Gamer.TV guys for (eventually) getting us in. And the Wii Watch rocks... :)


Basically MP3=killer app, Zelda=Great, Wario Ware=Awesome, Red Steel=shit total


The component/composite cable thing reminds me of when someone at 20th Century Fox France accidentally put in that the original theatrical versions on the new Star Wars Trilogy DVD rerelease would be "anamorphic widescreen." Teh Intarnet went CRAZY, and it was all because the PR was written by someone who didn't know/just assumed. I used to get composite/component mixed up all the freakin' time. It is a common and understandable error. Until it's listed on Nintendo's site as an official accessory or what-have-you, I'm taking any of this business with a grain of salt. I would advise that you do the same unless you want to set yourself up for disappointment.

Component inputs are less prevalent in most TVs than S-Video, and I don't think last gen anything came with S-Vid. 360 didn't come with S-Vid. Even the high-end PS3 isn't coming with an HDMI cable for crissakes.
Do you think the Wii will have problems competing with the Core 360?

The thing is, I am really looking forward to the Wii, and if it had been priced at $199.99 I would've been ok with it, but my biggest problem with it is that the only thing it really has going for it is the Wiimote, which is cool, but my biggest worry is that people will look at the Wii, something that they're not sure whether or not is all its hyped up to be, and the 360, knowing that it has the best graphics you can get and decided to go with the safer option for just $50 more.

Don't get me wrong, I realize how dumb the core pack is, and no one in the know would think it would be worth it, but considering most people (read: Casual gamers) looking for a new system don't know any better, they'll think: "Hmm, I could spend $250 on something that is an unproven technology, made by a company that made the very underwhelming GameCube, or for just $50 more I can know that I'll get the best gfx ever, as well as know that I'll have an awesome online service..".

I mean face it, most people go by the gfx, unfortunately. Had it been $199.99, it really would've been a better choice then the core 360, but at $250 it'll definitely make people think twice.


PornstarPolly said:
Theres a good thread over at Eurogamer with a couple of guys who got to play with the Wii at the London conference today. *BEWARE* If you don't want to hear any negativity at all about the Wii, don't read.

Hmmmmm, this is almost exactly the view i was told from a couple of guys who got hands on. Apparently Zelda is really ropey in places, but I chose to ignore that from them because Zelda has always been AAA to me. It's sad to see that view backed up somewhat here.

Titles like Elebits and Red Steel we should already know are trash, but this made me laugh
pjmaybe from eurogamer link said:
In Red Steel everything was shit. Even the in-game cut scenes made me want to slam my cock repeatedly in the nearest car door...

They were quite positive about Excite Truck which I heard was terrible, so I'm going to give it a chance before beating on it anymore.

The Wii controller is going to be amazing fun for titles like Wario Ware which is a must buy. But I'm starting to think about getting the Cube version of Zelda. And I was really disappointed person about Metroid being delayed, but it'll probably be for the best.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Virtual Console partners:
Bandai Namco
D4 Enterprise
Hal Laboratory
NCS Masaya
Rocket Company
Square Enix
Takara Tomy

That's undoubtfully old, but how come people arent still talking about it??

That's pretty sweetass news if ya ask me.


I would be extremely surprised if Nintendo added more expensive cables in the package than what is absolutely necessary. It's foolish to imagine anything else, it's Nin-ten-doh.
I'm fine with this.
Error2k4 said:
it isnt all doom and gloom tho

this is from another person that played with the wii there

Basically MP3=killer app, Zelda=Great, Wario Ware=Awesome, Red Steel=shit total

Is this guy saying that Zelda now allows total control of the sword with the remote ? If so, I'd love to have Link to perform back-turned attacks. :)


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Aft Dread Pressure said:
Is this guy saying that Zelda now allows total control of the sword with the remote ? If so, I'd love to have Link to perform back-turned attacks. :)
dunno didnt read the whole thread but he did say the swordfightin in Zelda with the wiimate was 'superb'


kojacker said:
Titles like Elebits and Red Steel we should already know are trash, but this made me laugh
Elebits trash? It's one of my most anticipated games for the system, and really has a Katamari vibe going for it in the previews.


Synbios459 said:
Do you think the Wii will have problems competing with the Core 360?

The thing is, I am really looking forward to the Wii, and if it had been priced at $199.99 I would've been ok with it, but my biggest problem with it is that the only thing it really has going for it is the Wiimote, which is cool, but my biggest worry is that people will look at the Wii, something that they're not sure whether or not is all its hyped up to be, and the 360, knowing that it has the best graphics you can get and decided to go with the safer option for just $50 more.

Don't get me wrong, I realize how dumb the core pack is, and no one in the know would think it would be worth it, but considering most people (read: Casual gamers) looking for a new system don't know any better, they'll think: "Hmm, I could spend $250 on something that is an unproven technology, made by a company that made the very underwhelming GameCube, or for just $50 more I can know that I'll get the best gfx ever, as well as know that I'll have an awesome online service..".

I mean face it, most people go by the gfx, unfortunately. Had it been $199.99, it really would've been a better choice then the core 360, but at $250 it'll definitely make people think twice.

In Japan the Xbox is not an issue, and Europe hasn't been that enthusiastic about the 360 either. In the US it could be a problem, but I think the initial shipments before Christmas will sell anyway and a price drop in the sping/summer is not unlikely.

As for the casual gamer, it often comes down to marketing. If Nintendo creates the image that, while PS3 and X360 are high-end techno gadgets, Wii is a simple and cool high-class entertainment product, I don't see why wii couldn't compete. Comparisons between Nintendo and Apple have been frequent lately, but both really seem to have similar strategies nowadays. A true casual will not know about the success (or, well, failure) of GameCube of if the technology is unproven - they'll see it's different to the others.

I won't predict how it turns out, could go either way.


Roders5 said:
Here's Ellen giving the blind chap a Wii and Zelda. He needs to get on the internet stat.

Any more info on this? It can't be real. Has Zelda even gone gold?? People would be willing to pay like 10k for that stuff and if info about the game got on the internet this early it could kill the marketing. The game doesn't launch for like 2 and a half months.

Could he have gotten pre-orders or a demo instead or something?


Please help me with my bad english
PkunkFury said:
Any more info on this? It can't be real. Has Zelda even gone gold?? People would be willing to pay like 10k for that stuff and if info about the game got on the internet this early it could kill the marketing. The game doesn't launch for like 2 and a half months.

Could he have gotten pre-orders or a demo instead or something?
I'll like to know where he live...


PkunkFury said:
Any more info on this? It can't be real. Has Zelda even gone gold?? People would be willing to pay like 10k for that stuff and if info about the game got on the internet this early it could kill the marketing. The game doesn't launch for like 2 and a half months.

Could he have gotten pre-orders or a demo instead or something?

That clip reminds of me Dumb and Dumber...

"pretty bird. pretty pretty bird"

Of course that wasnt a Wii and Zelda - it's a gift pack with a certificate for the Wii. Silly rabbits.


BooJoh said:
Elebits trash? It's one of my most anticipated games for the system, and really has a Katamari vibe going for it in the previews.
Well, games are subjective. If you think you might like it then why not give it a try before you buy. But I'm afraid, from what I've heard, it's really poor.
PkunkFury said:
Any more info on this? It can't be real. Has Zelda even gone gold?? People would be willing to pay like 10k for that stuff and if info about the game got on the internet this early it could kill the marketing. The game doesn't launch for like 2 and a half months.

Could he have gotten pre-orders or a demo instead or something?

Some major gaming news people need to find him and ask him... I really don't understand why Zelda TP Wii would be gold now with 2 months to go... maybe they gave him the finished gamecube version :lol
Mofo said:
That clip reminds of me Dumb and Dumber...

"pretty bird. pretty pretty bird"

Of course that wasnt a Wii and Zelda - it's a gift pack with a certificate for the Wii. Silly rabbits.

can't be because she says clearly its not even out yet to hype the gift

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
SuperPac said:
The component/composite cable thing reminds me of when someone at 20th Century Fox France accidentally put in that the original theatrical versions on the new Star Wars Trilogy DVD rerelease would be "anamorphic widescreen." Teh Intarnet went CRAZY, and it was all because the PR was written by someone who didn't know/just assumed. I used to get composite/component mixed up all the freakin' time. It is a common and understandable error. Until it's listed on Nintendo's site as an official accessory or what-have-you, I'm taking any of this business with a grain of salt. I would advise that you do the same unless you want to set yourself up for disappointment.

this isnt some confusion between component and composite because they said it was an all in one cable that had all three connections- component, composite, s-video.
bridegur said:
Is the baseball in Wii Sports just batting, or the whole game?

From what I saw of the gameplay videos, it includes pitching too. (2 player)

quadriplegicjon said:
this isnt some confusion between component and composite because they said it was an all in one cable that had all three connections- component, composite, s-video.

It's definite that the 1 A/V outlet (hole) on the back of the Wii can be used for either component, svideo, or composite cables. I don't know who said that it includes a 3-in-1 cable. This issue, along with the region lock out issue, needs an OFFICIAL stance, probably from Iwata, so we can definitely know what's the deal. This "he said she said" thing is crap.


I saw that kid on Dateline NBC or some such a few weeks ago. He was a freaking marvel, clicking about during karate sparing deflecting blows and whatnot. Nice gift, but I don't think echolocation works in the virtual plane. No offense to him or anything, but I'm sure she could have thought of a much more useful gift.
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