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will DS launch at the same time in Canada as the U.S. ?


In late November? Not a chance. Unless UPS has hired snowmobiles, I'm not sure how they plan to brave the harsh Canadian winter.


Of course. Every Nintendo system or game has launched the same day as the US.

Socreges said:
In late November? Not a chance. Unless UPS has hired snowmobiles, I'm not sure how they plan to brave the harsh Canadian winter.

C'mon, it's not that bad up here. Buffalo got a hell of alot more snow than us last year. :)


Gas Guzzler
We will get the DS at the same time. Some stores may even have it a day early up here. I remember a few local stores had Gamecube and N64 a day early when they launched.


almokla said:
great... I'm telling my friend to buy me my DS's and she lives in Canada

will they sell her 3 units ?

Yes...yes they will. She'll likely be best off to pre-order three, mind you, maybe in different locations to ensure they don't say "1 per customer" but she should be able to purchase three.
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