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Will FMV games ever make a comeback?


Grandma's Chippy
I never really liked FMV in games...especially the games designed all around the technique (like many a Saturn game I remember!) But some were fun I guess.

Anyway, with technology getting so advanced, someone somewhere has got to be making FMV "Clue" mystery games or alien warfare games or something...

Just wondering.
I don't see them making a comeback. Game graphics are getting better every year, and the nature of FMV games really limits their gameplay. Sure, we may see a couple in the future.. but I don't think we'll see a race to make the next Sewer Shark.


Unconfirmed Member
I would wager that you will never actually see one again.

MGS2:SoL was definately the last one ;)


When they eventually make another Wing Commander game, I can't imagine them not using tons of FMV.. Can't say that I expect it to be live actors again though.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
ChrisReid said:
When they eventually make another Wing Commander game, I can't imagine them not using tons of FMV.. Can't say that I expect it to be live actors again though.

Wing Commander is dead. Its a pity, but we won't be seeing it again. Considering that EA holds the license, that can be considered a good thing.

Agent X

DVD Video is the new home of FMV games. Many of the big titles from years ago have been remade on DVD Video, such as Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, and Dracula Unleashed. Also, there is a good number of "video board games" out on DVD, similar to the VCR games from 15-20 years ago.

As much as I despise most FMV games, the truth is that they were ahead of their time in some ways, but they were held back for a couple of reasons:

1. Systems like TurboGrafx-CD, Sega CD, and 3DO had a lot of FMV games, but the problem was that those systems had really lousy FMV capabilities with severe pixelization and low color palettes. The "suspension of disbelief" that you were supposed to get when playing these games simply wasn't there.

2. Most of those games were extremely linear and simplistic, and gameplay boiled down to a memorization exercise where you would just push the joystick in the proper direction at the proper time.

Today, the technology is there to do those games proper justice. With the proliferation of DVD in personal computers, PlayStation 2, X-Box, games like the ones mentioned earlier (as well as Digital Pictures' old games and other similar products) could be redone so that you have full-screen, TV-quality video, and more branching options. Games like Night Trap and Sewer Shark with these features and a $10-$15 price tag might appeal to a certain audience. However, I doubt anything like this would happen anytime soon.


We'll never see them this day and age, although they could release like a best of set and have a few on there like Mad Dog Mcgree, Lethal Enforcers and my all time favorite Swear Shark.



What was the name of that FMV american western shooting arcade game? I played it last week, and the old videos kept bugging, killing me the whole time...


I tried making my own FMV game based off Wirehead called "Shithead." We filmed about six paths, one of which involved me, the killer, trying to stab Shithead, but falling into a pool fulled clothed.

Agent X

Here's a full-motion video game that ought to be revived: Vid Grid!




The above screens are from the Atari Jaguar CD version of the game. It was one of the pack-in games for the Jaguar CD. There's also a version for IBM PC/compatibles out there, which I believe is the original version.

I remember when it was first announced that this was going to be one of the Jaguar CD pack-ins. I hadn't played the PC game before that, but hearing that this was going to be an FMV game made me feel initially that this was going to be an awful move, as most FMV games were utterly lame. A lot of the FMV to dress up some ordinary 16-bit style game with cinematic sequences, or used FMV as the focal point for really simplistic "trial-and-error" memorization games.

On the contrary, once the Jaguar CD was released, most of the naysayers (myself included) felt that this game not only wasn't sucky, but was actually quite good!

Vid Grid is an FMV puzzle game. This wasn't just a puzzle game with some FMV slapped on it to dress it up. Rather, the game used FMV in an integral way. You had several popular music videos, which were cut up into several pieces on a grid (3x3, 4x4, etc.) and scrambled. The object was to reassemble the music video...while it was playing.

While there were other puzzle games like this that had used still pictures, the fact that Vid Grid employed FMV made it much more challenging. Camera pans and sudden scene changes would make it a little more challenging, since you really had to concentrate on which piece you wanted to move, and to what position. Many puzzles were either "drag and drop" or of the slider variety (like the little sliding puzzle games, where one piece was missing and you'd have to slide the squares around). Some of the later puzzles added twists, like flipping some of the video pieces so that they were mirrored (you'd have to flip them back to normal), or a "perfection" variation of the "drag and drop" game (where dropping a piece in the wrong location would rescramble the entire puzzle again).

This would make a great budget puzzle game on today's consoles, or maybe even as a PSP game! What do you think?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

They'll be games with normal graphics and there willl be TV/computer monitors in the game that display recorded video. It's been done before but I'm talking to a much larger extent.

When games go high definition, consoles will be able to display higher res video. That'll both stress the console more and allow for much better CG.
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