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Will I be able to play Doom 3 (as I have asked many times in threads but never been)


Chony said:
Will this be unplayable with a 1 ghz AMD athlon? I can play Far Cry on the highest settings at 1024x768 at around 20 fps, but I see that the minimum is 1.5 ghz (my motherboard doesnt support higher [soyo k7vta pro]). But my video card is decent enough, radeon 9500 non pro softmodded to 9800 pro.

If you want to see my 3dmark 03 test, here it is:

I would really like some answers, as I really cant afford a new computer now, but would love to play Doom 3. If you think there is no chance, Ill wait for the demo, but I would really like to get this game this tuesday.

Here is what I posted in the big Doom 3 thread, but I was never answered, so I am posting a new thread. This could be locked as soon as I get a decent answer. Thanks!


That's a good question... You were right at the minimum for Far Cry in terms of processor. I don't know what to say, would the game lock up on install and laugh at you if you tried to play? Never actually tried any game that I was below spec for.


Looks like you've answered your own question right here.

"but I see that the minimum is 1.5 ghz (my motherboard doesnt support higher [soyo k7vta pro]). But my video card is decent enough, radeon 9500 non pro softmodded to 9800 pro.


ShadowRed said:
Looks like you've answered your own question right here.

"but I see that the minimum is 1.5 ghz (my motherboard doesnt support higher [soyo k7vta pro]). But my video card is decent enough, radeon 9500 non pro softmodded to 9800 pro.

Well I did play Starcraft when it came out with 1/3 the processing power, and it ran decently enough.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Wellington said:
That's a good question... You were right at the minimum for Far Cry in terms of processor. I don't know what to say, would the game lock up on install and laugh at you if you tried to play? Never actually tried any game that I was below spec for.

the only time i've ever been rejected on an install based on minimum requirements on anything was when I was trying to install Windows ME and my crappy little Pentium 1 didn't meet the required processor specs.


My roommate wanted to see if we could get a LAN game going so I installed DOOM 3 on my computer. Even with 640x480 resolution, low detail, and all the advanced settings off (bump mapping, shadows...) it was still unplayable on my 1GHz P3, 512MB RAM and overclocked Radeon 9500 Pro.
I'm facing what my research has led me to beleive is the "new dell dilemma". I have a 3.0ghz, 1 gig ram......and an x300 se.

Unfortunately, the x300 se is pci-e, and my mobo has no agp slots, so my plans for upgrading the videocard were put severely on hold.

What is the x300 se compareable to, and how will i fare (it's a 128mb card, btw...not sure if it comes in different versions).


Gold Member
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 Processor with HT 3.2GHz 800MHz FSB 512KB Cache
Motherboard: Intel Desktop Board D875PBZ - Intel 875P Motherboard
Memory: 2GB Corsair XMS DDR SDRAM PC-3200 - 4 x 512MB Module
Video Card: ATI RADEON 9800 XT 256MB 8x AGP w/DVI & S-Video
System Drive: 240GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Serial ATA RAID 0 Array

I haven't run 3DMark lately. I should as I can't remember what I got on it.


Hey I've posted results in the other big doom 3 thread. I have had the game running on a P4 2,4 with a geforce 1 DDR. It ran ok with all the details set to it's lowest. End of thread :)
Ive got a pretty old system now but am throwing up getting the pc or xbox version.

PC wont be upgraded till Q4 this year.

AMD XP 2000+
Geforce 4 Ti4600 128MB
512MB Ram

What resolution/quality settings will best suite my system if i go pc.


Rabid Wolverine said:
Ive got a pretty old system now but am throwing up getting the pc or xbox version.

PC wont be upgraded till Q4 this year.

AMD XP 2000+
Geforce 4 Ti4600 128MB
512MB Ram

What resolution/quality settings will best suite my system if i go pc.

800x600 low quality will probably run fine on that.


Animator in Waiting
I've got a XP 2000+ with 1 gig of DDR 266 and a 9800 Pro 256meg would this be enough to run it 1024 at medium?????
I'm thinking the Processor will be the bottle neck which i would like to change soon.


axxxj said:
I've got a XP 2000+ with 1 gig of DDR 266 and a 9800 Pro 256meg would this be enough to run it 1024 at medium?????
I'm thinking the Processor will be the bottle neck which i would like to change soon.

Yes, you'll be fine at medium with that vid card.


Sigh. If anyone has Processors that are 1.5 Ghz and under, less than 512 MB of RAM, or video cards that aren't 64 MB or higher, then don't bother trying to run the game and hoping to get decent performance.

CPU: Assuming CPU is the bottleneck
1.5-2.0 Ghz range should give you 20-40 fps.
2-2.5 Ghz and over should give you 40-60 fps.
2.4 and up should give you 50-60 fps

Videocard: Assuming Videocard is the bottle neck.
Radeon 8500, 9000, 9100, 9200, x300 - Low Quality setting, 64 MB cards.
Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, x600, 9700, 9800 - Medium Quality setting, 128 MB cards.
Radeon 9700, 9800, x800 - High Quality setting, 256 MB cards.

Geforce 2 GTS, 3, 4 MX, 4200, 5200 - Low Quality, 64 MB, cards.
Geforce 4400, 4600, 5600, 5700, 5800 - Medium Quality setting, 128 Mb cards.
Geforce 5800, 5900, 6800 - High Quality setting, 256 MB cards.

Am I missing anything?


It runs very badly on my setup, 2.4gz-512 ram- and ge-force 4600. At times it even drops to 7-8 fps, especially during heavy action and in larger places especially. And I`m playing in lowdetail. :(

It`s propably averaging 15-20 fps overall for me. :/
tenchir said:
Sigh. If anyone has Processors that are 1.5 Ghz and under, less than 512 MB of RAM, or video cards that aren't 64 MB or higher, then don't bother trying to run the game and hoping to get decent performance.

CPU: Assuming CPU is the bottleneck
1.5-2.0 Ghz range should give you 20-40 fps.
2-2.5 Ghz and over should give you 40-60 fps.
2.4 and up should give you 50-60 fps

Videocard: Assuming Videocard is the bottle neck.
Radeon 8500, 9000, 9100, 9200, x300 - Low Quality setting, 64 MB cards.
Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, x600, 9700, 9800 - Medium Quality setting, 128 MB cards.
Radeon 9700, 9800, x800 - High Quality setting, 256 MB cards.

Geforce 2 GTS, 3, 4 MX, 4200, 5200 - Low Quality, 64 MB, cards.
Geforce 4400, 4600, 5600, 5700, 5800 - Medium Quality setting, 128 Mb cards.
Geforce 5800, 5900, 6800 - High Quality setting, 256 MB cards.

Am I missing anything?

If you have a decent card, 9500 and Up, great ram (512 megs at least) the CPU won't be a bottleneck.


Gregory said:
It runs very badly on my setup, 2.4gz-512 ram- and ge-force 4600. At times it even drops to 7-8 fps, especially during heavy action and in larger places especially. And I`m playing in lowdetail. :(

It`s propably averaging 15-20 fps overall for me. :/

There is something seriously wrong if it's averaging 15-20 fps. That's what I get on my 2,4ghz geforce 1 machine. Everything set to it's lowest.
Check your drivers, defrag your hardrive and set it to the absolute lowest quality. It should run faster than 20fps.


Sjoerd said:
There is something seriously wrong if it's averaging 15-20 fps. That's what I get on my 2,4ghz geforce 1 machine. Everything set to it's lowest.
Check your drivers, defrag your hardrive and set it to the absolute lowest quality. It should run faster than 20fps.

Well, at times, in tight spaces and narrow corridors, it reaches 60fps. But enter big rooms and it drops heavily.

I guess it could be the drivers for the graphics card, I haven`t updated them isince I got it, which was propably 2 years ago.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The Bookerman said:
If you have a decent card, 9500 and Up, great ram (512 megs at least) the CPU won't be a bottleneck.

I dunno, it seems to me that if you travel too low on the CPU scale...your performance will suffer. Obviously, the CPU seems to be the least important piece of the equation...but you still need something decent to get by.

Far Cry was an interesting beast, though. The indoor levels relied very heavily on video card performance while the outdoor areas relied much more on your CPU. It makes sense, obviously, but the combination of hardware being used could seriously influence performance in various areas of the game. For me, I could run the outdoor locations at a high resolution without a problem...but my 9700 Pro really couldn't stand those resolution during the indoor segments and would toss out some low framerates. If I dropped to 800x600 indoors, I could pull of 60 fps in areas that would have been sub-20 fps at 1600x1200.

It seems that, with Doom 3, lower resolutions are the way to go.

I guess it could be the drivers for the graphics card, I haven`t updated them isince I got it, which was propably 2 years ago.


Wow, that has to be the problem. You haven't updated the drivers for TWO YEARS?!?! What are you thinking? It's so simple to do, I can't imagine why you wouldn't (unless you don't game on your PC). Just download and run, that's it.


Junior Ace
ManaByte said:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 Processor with HT 3.2GHz 800MHz FSB 512KB Cache
Motherboard: Intel Desktop Board D875PBZ - Intel 875P Motherboard
Memory: 2GB Corsair XMS DDR SDRAM PC-3200 - 4 x 512MB Module
Video Card: ATI RADEON 9800 XT 256MB 8x AGP w/DVI & S-Video
System Drive: 240GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Serial ATA RAID 0 Array

I haven't run 3DMark lately. I should as I can't remember what I got on it.

This isn't a pissing contest, Mr. Sweat-stained Star Fox hat.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bog said:
This isn't a pissing contest, Mr. Sweat-stained Star Fox hat.

Well, he clearly isn't in the top tier...

A 9800XT is nothing to scoff at, but it isn't as if he has a 6800 Ultra or something... ;)


Junior Ace
I just like how in every one of these threads you have a guy coming in, posting specs that can obviously run the game well enough, just to make a sad attempt at showing off.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bog said:
I just like how in every one of these threads you have a guy coming in, posting specs that can obviously run the game well enough, just to make a sad attempt at showing off.

Where else could they flaunt their e-penis? They gotta feel special sometime.

"Hey Mr. 1 GHz, good luck with Doom 3...I'm worried about my P4-3.6 GHz (OC'd + water coolant) + 6800 Ultra + (proceed to list lengthy spec sheet) too! :("
Seriously, I love Doom. I got all the books and comics as a kid and dreamt about the Cyber Demon nightly, but I need a little advice. How does my system stack up?

P3 800MHz
NVidia Riva TNT2 Model 64

I think I'm scrapping the bottom of the High Quality settings but if I upgrade to 512MB of RAM it'll probably be pushing Ultra as smooth as a baby's ass. Watch online. I'm coming for you!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
evilromero said:
Seriously, I love Doom. I got all the books and comics as a kid and dreamt about the Cyber Demon nightly, but I need a little advice. How does my system stack up?

P3 800MHz
NVidia Riva TNT2 Model 64

I think I'm scrapping the bottom of the High Quality settings but if I upgrade to 512MB of RAM it'll probably be pushing Ultra as smooth as a baby's ass. Watch online. I'm coming for you!

Seriously, I'd be curious to see if Doom 3 would do ANYTHING on a non-T&L supporting card...
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