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Will Microsoft reveal Xbox2 before E3 2005?


More people believe now that Microsoft's next console, xbox2, will be out in the U.S. in fall 2005. To generate enough hype before then, do you guys think E3 2005 will be enough? It's too close to launch-- less then half a year. However, if Microsoft reveals Xbox2 earlier would that not hurt Xbox sales?

CES (in January 2005) seems like the perfect time to reveal xbox2-- a little less then a year before launch. Yet it's about 6-7 weeks after Halo 2 is out...

What will Microsoft do? Duke it out with Nintendo and Sony at E3 2005 or get a head start in CES 2005? Or some time in between?


I expect at least some information on the Xbox 2 to be shown at GDC. Both Sony and Microsoft want to show off their next generation consoles first, but they also want to wait as long as possible so they don't hurt their current sales too badly.


doncale said:
CES, GDC, TGS, then E3

Sony will probably reveal the PS3 specs in GDC like they did with the PS2. I doubt Microsoft will reveal xbox 2 then as it will have to share the spotlight. TGS is a japanese game show and xbox is a failure in japan-- why reveal its successor there?

I really want to at least see the specs and a couple of demos at CES. It'll give us an idea on what to expect next generation and be a great start for the new year. :D
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