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Will rare games ever de-value?


I periodically considered selling some of my rare games like Suikoden 1 & 2 on ebay but in the end I know I will regret it. Question is will rare games like these de-value in the future? If they will should I sell now or wait a few years? I don't play them anymore and they just collect dust.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
depends on if a company will decide to do a reissue or something, or if everyone who cares disappears from the face of the earth :p


I wish Sega would re-release Panzer Dragoon Saga as a Sega Ages title, or remake it or something. But I know the minute I buy it on ebay, that'll happen.
Hell yeah, take Faselei for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. That shit was going for $75+ on eBay for some time - then someone "found" a wherehouse full of them, and now they're the smae price as the rest of the NGCP games.

It's as bad as if you paid full price for, say, a Virtual Boy :)
I'd love to get my hands on a copy of Saiyuki that came out on the PSX. I should've picked it up back in the day but prolonged it. I always wanted a copy of Samurai Showdown RPG on the import Sega Saturn as well.

On a side note, it's smart to pick up anything by Atlus...they never have huge production runs. I would say the same for Working Designs, but I've always managed to come across their stuff with noo hitches.


I know the OP talked about selling games, but several others chimed in about buying.

When buying rare games, it's a pretty safe investment. So you buy Radiant Silvergun for $150 on ebay, receive it, play it... and discover that hey, maybe it's not your thing after all. Big deal, just ebay it back, recover your $150, and move on with life. Most rare games are like this, assuming they're in some sort of demand.

The only risk is in the case of a re-release which is extremely unlikely, ESPECIALLY on a dead system like the Saturn. But in the case of Panzer Dragoon Saga, come on... $100 is only like $35 over the MSRP of the game when it was first released. It's hardly that big of a markup.


It depends. The interest in some titles just die out. In the PSX' glory days, Tobal 2 was fetching $90+ since everybody wanted it. Now, Tobal is all but forgotten and both games can be gotten for $10 each, or less.

Stuff like Radiant Silvergun and PDS are too "legendary" to ever devalue, though, I think. Not necessarily due to game quality, but just their status.

Like.. Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken and Harmful Park may be hot and $100+ now, but I doubt they'll stay that way forever. They've had a little success in the "underground" scene in the last year or so, but that isn't exactly a huge audience. I'm not entirely sure on this one, though.


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't know if they'll devalue any time soon, but prices on rare or hotly desired games do seem to level off. radiant silvergun, dracula x, hyper duel, sengoku blade, garegga, etc. all cost about the same as they did 2 or 3 years ago.

and this is really just gloating, but i've scored near-mint copies of harmful park and chippoke ralph no daibouken in the last month for $70 and $45 respectively. found both in google searches. ebay is convenient, but prices are often inflated.


drohne said:
and this is really just gloating, but i've scored near-mint copies of harmful park and chippoke ralph no daibouken in the last month for $70 and $45 respectively. found both in google searches. ebay is convenient, but prices are often inflated.
How is Ralph, anyway?

I know Harmful Park isn't anywhere near as good as the pricetag would lead one to believe -- although it does have certain impressive qualities that make it worth checking out, imo.


hyperbolically metafictive
only just got ralph, and i haven't played it enough to judge it. it feels terrific, though. i really like all the little sword moves.

and i love harmful park. though admittedly more for the visuals than the gameplay, which is good fun but scandalously easy. it feels like some great, lost 90s arcade game. and induces an unnatural sense of well-being. that's all you can really ask a game for.


Gantz said:
Question is will rare games like these de-value in the future? If they will should I sell now or wait a few years? I don't play them anymore and they just collect dust.

most won't de-value especially if the game is considered good, not even if there's a remake or re-release because most collectors want the original version, learn from my mistakes, hold on to them unless you really need the money or are giving up gaming completely

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Actually, in the long run, history tells us that most, if not all, games will devalue, with only actually rare items (unreleased prototypes and such) staying costly. It's a natural result of gamers aging and switching interest to other systems or hobbies.

Take a look at the classic game systems. A lot of things which used to be costly due to demand are now easy-peasy to get on ebay. The Tengen version of Tetris used to be worth triple-figures, but nowadays it's more like $30. Anyone remember back in the early 90s when Kid Icarus was worth, like, $70? Same deal.

The TRSTSes say that there are 171,790 Suikodens (more than there are Tengen Tetrises actually) and 91,627 Suikoden IIs out there. That's not rare -- it's just sought after right now.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Whenever one of my buddies gets a couple of beers in him, he starts talking about selling his copy of Radiant Silvergun. Of course he'll never actually do it. It is funny to hear him try to explain to non-gamers what it is and why it's worth so much money.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
They already have! Did you ever play grabbed by the ghoulies?!?




drohne said:
only just got ralph, and i haven't played it enough to judge it. it feels terrific, though. i really like all the little sword moves.
Sounds interesting. ^^;; Where can I buy myself a copy?
aku:jiki said:
It depends. The interest in some titles just die out. In the PSX' glory days, Tobal 2 was fetching $90+ since everybody wanted it. Now, Tobal is all but forgotten and both games can be gotten for $10 each, or less.

Too true. I brought a few of these home from Japan a couple of years ago with the intent to sell them for a profit, and couldn't even score $15 opening bids on them. :(
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