Well, as long as the next COD, Assassin's Creed(??), NBA2K, Madden and major third party game come to PS4 as well, I don't think Sony will have anything to worry about. Exclusives generally do not sell systems anymore. The third party games are what most casual gamers buy consoles for nowadays.
Here in Germany the X1 is so dead, even if MS makes a bundle for 100, I think PS4 gets sold more.
I have spent the last November in the US though and over there X1 seems way bigger.
And yeah all those countless X1 commercials I saw on TV showed CoD:AW like it was an exclusive (during football games, might be different in other slots).
So yeah even MS thinks its better to associate X1 with CoD than Halo, you are right.
But I believe casuals have gravitated to 3rd party this gen, because exclusives have been disappointing or weren't as big.
If MS sells a 350$ bundle incl. Halo and Forza that will turn some heads.