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Windows 8 / RT |OT|


Disclaimer: The following is said entirely as a Desktop PC user. Yes, we still exist.

After using Windows 8 for a little over a week... A lot of the criticisms are valid. I mean I love a lot about the new OS, there's a lot of great ideas but the execution in a lot of areas leaves me baffled sometimes.

The charms bar basically has no point in Desktop mode. Clicking on the Network icon in settings gets you to a pane that lets you turn sharing on and off, AND THAT'S IT. If I want to do literally anything else I have to go through Network and Sharing by right clicking the Network tray icon. The same can be said for anything else in Charms, it just seems extremely poorly implemented on the desktop side of things.

I was flabbergasted when I found out that Modern UI apps couldn't run in windowed mode on the desktop, or perhaps be able to pin them ala Gadgets in Windows 7... Am I crazy? Wouldn't this be a GOOD idea and actually better integrate Modern UI with Desktop? The best you can do is have them running docked to a side which is basically pointless for me. I would love to have the Netflix app floating in a window while having other desktop windows / Modern UI apps open but apparently this concept is too far flung in a product called 'Windows'.

I don't mean to sound bitter, I like a lot about Windows 8, the task manager is phenomenal, I like the pretty lock screen, Live tiles are great, it starts quickly and runs efficiently, but it's like two teams made this OS... There is so little congruence between Modern UI and Desktop that they feel like totally separate operating systems. I hope a lot of this is rectified in Windows 9 or even better, Windows 8 SP1.


Junior Member
I am in the same boat as lexi but I don't find myself going back to Windows 7 any time soon.

Two reasons:

1- I like the "Personal" approach done to the OS: This is my profile and these apps represent me. Oh wait...there is no apps.

2- Speed and performance in general. This AMD mobo PC I built around last year or so froze on me on multiple instances back in Windows 7. Even after flashing the mobo with new bios every month or so and updating the AMD drivers did jackshit, heck it even made it worse in some cases. It crashed even just by browsing the web and youtube.

But in Windows 8? This shit is running some beta drivers from AMD and I have yet to see a single blue screen of death. OK. I just jinxed it.

So with MS rumored approach on being speedy with their service pack and there being a rumored update next year codenamed Windows Blue or Windows 8.1, I bet they will make the desktop much more integrated with the Metro environment.


I won't go back to Windows 7, either. I mean there's a lot of negative hyperbole about Windows 8, but it still gets the job done, I just feel it could be so much better.


/\ I agree with above statement.

After using it for just a little time, I have some questions...

There has to be an easier way to reboot or shutdown Windows 8? Please let me know you don't have to swipe and go into settings.

To view all Apps I think this is a pain in the butt in Metro. Anyone find an easier method? I do miss the start menu and am wondering if I will be one of those people that add it back.


There has to be an easier way to reboot or shutdown Windows 8? Please let me know you don't have to swipe and go into settings.

I usually go back to pure dashboard (Win+D) and hit Alt+F4. Another one of the many shortcuts that made it into my daily habits because of Win8.


There has to be an easier way to reboot or shutdown Windows 8? Please let me know you don't have to swipe and go into settings.

You find moving your mouse to the corner of the screen and then moving it to what you want to select as not easy? I guess they should go back to having power on and off the way it was before....doing the exact same thing. /dickishness

Are you using RT or Pro ?
With Pro, Alt+F4 closes the active application, and if there is none (empty dashboard), it displays a window with a shutdown/restart/logout combo box. If it doesn't work with RT, I'm sorry I cannot help right now...

If u are on RT and don't want to use the charms bar, the power button on the device can be held down.


I did this and it switches from Metro to desktop. Where do I reboot/shutdown?

Are you using RT or Pro ?
With Pro, Alt+F4 closes the active application, and if there is none (empty dashboard), it displays a window with a shutdown/restart/logout combo box. If it doesn't work with RT, I'm sorry I cannot help right now...


He acutely points out some of the bigger problems Win8 faces imo. Pointing out problems ≠ saying something is shit

I don't agree on any of the main points. You can debunk the points as easily as he supported it.

Double Desktop = Cognitive Overhead and Added Memory Load
- Why would you run browsers at both interfaces at the same time?

Lack of Multiple Windows = Memory Overload for Complex Tasks
- Humans can't read more than one window at one time either.

Flat Style Reduces Discoverability
- The key is consistency. Make everything clickable or everything not clickable. The idea that text is clickable is one of the key concepts of Metro.

Low Information Density
- Well dude, just scroll to the right or click on one of the things you can click on and you have a higher information density. Or use another app! Just like you choose to visit certain websites.

Overly Live Tiles Backfire
- Easily avoided by grouping live tiles more intelligently and all live tiles has the option of disabling it if you deem the information useless.

Charms Are Hidden Generic Commands
- So the problem is just users being remember that share charm is always there? Not sure what the argument is other than the users needed more time to know that the share charm is always there. Apps lacking share content? Well, use another app. Do you want the file menu to expand all the time?

Error-Prone Gestures
- Touch is fast. You make a mistake you just swipe in-out again. You don't make a concious effort to do a 90 degree turn. Ambiguity that swiping from the edge of the screen is different than swiping within the screen? Well man, a lot of things in life must confuse you if you can't learn that in a few minutes.


Here's your daily dose of apps. If you have time to think of a better layout, let me know.

There's no Amazon shopping app, but who needs to shop when you can just track prices?



It says it'll magically organize trips for you... through the magic of inbox scanning. What's not to love about a trip planner using the metro?

If NextGen Reader was too hard for you, how about something easier to chew.

Well, enough business. Here's a boy scout merit badge tracker. That'll be useful.
Here's an app that looks intriguing. A recipe aggregator/food planner/shopping list app that makes use of the share charm.

Can't find this on the Store. Click the link and it just takes you to the main page of the store.

Do a search for chef but there's no app by that name.
Hmm, does the website not show the app either? Are you signed in? I guess it's not available in your region?

Chef (http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app...5-cddc911e5278)

I can see it on the page you link to aswell, but when i follow the link on it to the store there is nothing.

I dont mind the new interface so much, even like it is a good few cases, but it and the store really arent adding anything that i really need, performance is about the same and the settings i like to play with are harder to get to unless i make a ton of icons. the store is really bare here in Norway.

Food and Dining as an example.


So, i have Windows 8 installed on a small SSD, and then all of my applications, games, music etc on a second larger HDD.

Is there any way for the Apps from the Windows store to be installed on the second hard drive? They get installed to the same HDD as Windows by default, and i cant see a way to change it.


So, i have Windows 8 installed on a small SSD, and then all of my applications, games, music etc on a second larger HDD.

Is there any way for the Apps from the Windows store to be installed on the second hard drive? They get installed tot he same HDD as Windows by default, and i cant see a way to change it.

There's no obvious way to do it, but I've read that it's possible by moving the app folder and changing a line in the registry. Don't know the specifics, though.


I've got a weird bug on Windows 8 Pro, which I can't find anything about on Google (The only relevant result is this which suggests the problem is due to a fingerprint reader, which I don't have).

The issue is as follows: when I lock/sign out my user account, there are two users listed on the log-in screen, both with the same name and password and both of which take me to the same desktop/start screen with the same running programs. There is only one user listed in the Control Panel and both "accounts" are identical except that one has a slightly smaller version of my account picture (with a grey border around it to fill up the missing space). If I change the name, picture or password, the other changes as well.

It's not actually a problem at all, as far as I can tell and Windows displays the last logged in account on startup so I hardly ever see it, but it is a little odd and I wondered if anyone knew the cause?

EDIT: I'd post a screenshot, but apparantly the "Print Screen" key doesn't work when you're not logged on.


Unconfirmed Member
What happens to the space when you delete a partition? Also is it easy to put a new volume back into my main partition?


Junior Member
So apparently, the lag I had with IE10 whenever I open a new tab/click on a webpage in the most frequented website page was due to shitty Skype addons (click to call).

Disabled them and IE10 became buttery smooth and fast.


Right, I may need some help...

I have a Toshiba Satellite Laptop and just upgraded from Win7 64bit to Win8 as per the £25 upgrade. All went well enough but when I went to open Black Ops 2 nothing happened, I tried Faster than Light to see it it was the same and it opened but the menu ran like a snail.

I have a Mobility HD5650 with 1gig of Ram and was playing Blops 2 at decent frames not long ago under Win7, so I assume it's a driver issue but I can't see to find any drivers. ATI Catalyst Control Centre won't open, I tried re-downloading that but it said I needed drivers from Toshiba and wouldn't run.

Even Steam says my Drivers are up to date as does device manager but it now says I have a "5000" series rather than the actual 5650...

Edit 2: Fixed! Some legend on the Toshiba forum posted a link to a US page with new drivers / ATI control centre for Win8, just ran that and it worked, BLOPS2 loads quicker as well now :D


Could someone possibly help me out? I just installed win8 on my alienware, the only problem is that I can't figure out how to turn off the laptop's lights. One of the reasons I wanted to try out win8 was for battery life preservation, but with the lights constantly on that won't happen. =\

I have an alienware m11x r3. I couldn't find anything on the drivers page to get the software/controller that came pre-installed on win7 with my computer. Is there maybe a way I can turn these off from win8, itself?


never heard about the cat, apparently
Could someone possibly help me out? I just installed win8 on my alienware, the only problem is that I can't figure out how to turn off the laptop's lights. One of the reasons I wanted to try out win8 was for battery life preservation, but with the lights constantly on that won't happen. =\

I have an alienware m11x r3. I couldn't find anything on the drivers page to get the software/controller that came pre-installed on win7 with my computer. Is there maybe a way I can turn these off from win8, itself?
maybe try power options? probably have to use software from the manufacturer though.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Turns out all the critics were right after all. Windows 8 (including the Metro style) is shit and sucks for everyone both on traditional PCs and on tablets. At least according to this article: Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox -- Windows 8 UX: Weak on Tablets, Terrible for PCs

ROFL. I really don't understand this stuff.

I'm a software developer. Beyond All Apps being a pile of shit after enterprise stuff is installed, and UAC being annoying for corner cases in development, it's Windows 7 + improvements + start screen. Cry a river.

Actually, I have one more criticism: charm bar. Pops up all of the time when I'm trying to mess with the X on the window or the scroll bar. Any way to disable via mouse gesture? I'm happy with Win+C.


So i had to make another user account, delete my old one and transfer everything since the old account was fubar. It sucks that a damn update causes this -_-


So I hunted down the name of the software I was missing to turn off the keyboard lights... only to get the same error message from 3 different versions I downloaded from dell's website. It says the installation package is not compatible with the platform. I looked up online and other people have had similar issues, but then some people don't get this at all. Very frustrating :(


Junior Member
So I hunted down the name of the software I was missing to turn off the keyboard lights... only to get the same error message from 3 different versions I downloaded from dell's website. It says the installation package is not compatible with the platform. I looked up online and other people have had similar issues, but then some people don't get this at all. Very frustrating :(

Right click --> Troubleshoot compatibility / Right click --> Properties --> Compatibility not working for you?


W8 really screwed me this morning. My boss sent me a PDF to print out. I downloaded it and couldn't print it from the windows 8 PDF viewer. Under info it said I had permission to print. I had to print it from Google docs.


Actually, I have one more criticism: charm bar. Pops up all of the time when I'm trying to mess with the X on the window or the scroll bar. Any way to disable via mouse gesture? I'm happy with Win+C.

Yeah, this has been my main issue as well.

I do find the LA Times comparison hilarious though. I can't take anyone seriously that points to the overloaded website as some shining example of usability. In fact, I think text/content is where Win8/Metro really shines. Scrolling horizontally is so much better than what we currently have with every other OS/device.
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