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Windows 8 / RT |OT|


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I did a clean install with a USB drive and it never asked me for proof of having a version eligible to upgrade. I can't see why using a DVD would be any different. It's the same ISO.

Thanks for the answer! Did you put in your Windows 7 key? Wondering how the upgrade process works (or differs from a normal OEM version install).
Hmm... If it gives you the option to format, then I assume the disc should allow me to do a fresh install.

I'm buying an SSD and was thinking about getting Windows 8 along with it, but I want to make sure I can do a completely fresh install of Windows 8 onto the SSD without having to install Windows 7 first.

Google hasn't turned up anything definitive yet...

I did a fresh install just a couple of hours ago. It's a standard Win 8 Pro disc.
I wanna see this GPS thing too for Horizon.

Not at home so can't take screenshots / videos, but I played with this last night. It's pretty neat. It's basically identical to the in-game map, but you can have it up all the time. It shows your current location, where events are as well as highlighting your current route in green. It was actually pretty handy having it up so I knew where other events were without stopping and bringing up the map on the 360. I didn't notice any lag with it updating either.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I did a fresh install just a couple of hours ago. It's a standard Win 8 Pro disc.

Awesome! Thanks for the answer.

Do you put in your Windows 7 key, or does it come with a key of its own? If it does, do they just not require any proof the accuracy of your "upgrade" status?
Someone posted an app two days ago that allowed you to change the background of your start screen to something other than the defaults.


Awesome! Thanks for the answer.

Do you put in your Windows 7 key, or does it come with a key of its own? If it does, do they just not require any proof the accuracy of your "upgrade" status?

When first starting it up, it asks for the windows 8 key.


Yea. Is this going to cause issues? I mean, It gave the options for a format and all that, So I figured it should have still worked.

You just need to run setup again and do an upgrade this time. Yes you will be upgrading your upgrade. LOL. Then your activation will work.

It is similar to what we could do with Vista and Win7. Here is a link that explains what is happening and how it works. It is for Vista but works for Win8.



Awesome! Thanks for the answer.

Do you put in your Windows 7 key, or does it come with a key of its own? If it does, do they just not require any proof the accuracy of your "upgrade" status?

I think it checks if an older Windows is installed. Then you can format and start a clean install. I read somewhere that W8 won't activate later on if you install the upgrade on a drive that was completely empty from the getgo. So it might be necessary to install an older version first.


smartglass is just a remote application like you have for xbmc. Airplay is like DLNA. The new xbox update supports dlna now, so when in a video app or something go to devices and select the xbox or whatever comes up. (I haven't gotten around to updating xbox and don't have any other dlna device around, so I can't test it).

DLNA was supported by the 360 already. This just makes it better and easier, PlayTo works like a charm. It was always kind of finicky. Plex could stream to it before via dlna, but it required me to configure some of the dlna xml configurations in Plex.



Sorry if already answered/asked. But how did you get the titles above the apps?


Unconfirmed Member
The 99cent movie rentals are for Windows 8 PC's and tablets. I wonder if you rent it if you can then have it play on your Xbox?


DLNA was supported by the 360 already. This just makes it better and easier, PlayTo works like a charm. It was always kind of finicky. Plex could stream to it before via dlna, but it required me to configure some of the dlna xml configurations in Plex.

Plus there's the whole game integration that you'd be ignoring.


Seriously, what was the rage against this OS about? It feels like I am in win7 once I am on the desktop.

For anyone who has a dual monitor, is there any way to lock the Metro screen on one of them? Looks awesome but as soon as I open an app, it minimises
Is anyone else having problems updating apps in the store? I had 15 updates, but only 8 of them updated. The other 7 just sits there. I can choose install as many times as I want, but nothing happens.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Is anyone else having problems updating apps in the store? I had 15 updates, but only 8 of them updated. The other 7 just sits there. I can choose install as many times as I want, but nothing happens.
yeah its been funky since the Consumer Preview.


Hrm... I get a password prompt to log in to my microsoft account whenever I restart my PC; I have to enter it to log in. How do I remove it or just have to saved?


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Seriously, what was the rage against this OS about? It feels like I am in win7 once I am on the desktop.

For anyone who has a dual monitor, is there any way to lock the Metro screen on one of them? Looks awesome but as soon as I open an app, it minimises

The rage seemed to be based largely on misinformation and FUD. Obviously many people simply don't care for it and that's fine but often it was just things people "heard".

As to your question, unfortunately you can't do that and it's my only real complaint. I use Zune on my 3rd monitor and that's pretty much all that monitor is for so I want to have the media player up all the time but I can't use the Metro music app because it minimizes every time I was to launch something else. Sticking with Zune until that happens.


Is there a way to "drag" the screen?

i.e I'm reading news on a app but the content pages are to the right (looks weird because it does not appear on my other monitor), using the scroll bar at the bottom feels very awkward.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Is there a way to "drag" the screen?

i.e I'm reading news on a app but the content pages are to the right (looks weird because it does not appear on my other monitor), using the scroll bar at the bottom feels very awkward.

Yeah, just grab it from the top and drag it over. If you use the Windows key your start screen will stay on that monitor as well. You can also use win+page up and win+page down to move Metro to different monitors.

EDIT: Sorry, dragging works for the apps, not the start screen, but you can use the pgup-pgdn to do that or you can also open Start on your other monitor by going to the bottom left of that screen to launch it.


I figured the place could use a different opinion.

I freaking hate Windows 8. I tried the very first community preview way back when and thought it was rough but had promise, I sit here months, if not almost a year later completely mystified this shit made it out the door.

First I want to acknowledge that I think Microsoft has done consistently good things regarding how an upgrade is handled. I was never in a rush to move to Windows 8 but after a failed hibernation somehow borked my current Windows 7 install with the then seemingly good timing of it being the day Windows 8 was launching I decided to take advantage of the extremely fair price of an upgrade key that Microsoft has going on currently. I still do not regret this. Maybe I've been computing for too long but I still think it was worth the discount to get a Valid Windows 8 key and even if I decide to go back to Windows 7 in the future as I'm mulling over doing right now it's nice to have that key, perhaps Microsoft will correct my gripes about the OS later and I can reinstall it or maybe I'll acquire a older tablet or convertible laptop that would be a better fit and maybe I'll revert to Windows 7 and never use it again, either way I think it was a good hedge against the future and was a fair deal by Microsoft and I welcome more consumer friendly pricing in the future. Shame about the seeming lack of a 3 pack deal but since I only have the one PC I didn't look hard. The upgrade was painless and everything carried over. That proved to be a double edged sword because all of the weird issues I'd had in Windows 7 after the botched hibernation remained. "Screw it," I said and decided to try a full install. Considering that I had just activated online once I was unsure if it'd allow me to do it again so soon and frankly, I didn't even know if it'd allow me to do a fresh install in the first place but after telling the Install Windows application, whatever the hell it's called, to create a USB drive I rebooted, formatted, installed and upon reboot was running an activated Windows 8 in around 20 minutes. That's fucking good Microsoft. It all worked, worked fast and nicest of all it was very hands off. 7 had made good strides in that as well, it's not that I'm opposed to sitting there in front of a monitor for 30 minutes answering stupid questions about NIC, currency and shit like that but, oh who am I kidding, yes I am, I don't want to fucking bother with that shit. So all it wanted from me the whole install was the region, keyboard settings at the start and for me to name my PC and set up the user at the end. I like that. If I had something weird that needed to be done like join a special domain or whatnot I'm glad that's left out of the way because I don't think most of the shit asked during past Windows installs were relevant for 90% of the people. So I give Microsoft props for what I consider a very nicely done, simple and quick upgrade and install. I'm a little disappointed that the Upgrade Install kept my Windows 7 issues intact, I'd have hoped it would have been a somewhat healing experience on my messed up install but I guess that's a consequence of being hands off enough that all the installed apps would still work so hard to fault it for that.

But now I'm in Windows 8 and man do I think this OS is just shit. I think it's the worst thing that Microsoft has ever put out adjusting for advancements in computing. I know that technically this is not worse than Windows 95, or ME but I think that for the first time it is truly 100% a step back. And yes, I'm pretty much talking about Metro and the removed start button. All this time since moving away from DOS we've been moving towards a multitasking future just for Microsoft to all of a sudden thrust me radically back to 1994 with Metro. It's idiotic. I know Ballmer says that "the whole screen's a start menu!" Well, you know Steve, that fucking sucks too. As I sit working with this I can make it do what I want, it's not that there's something I want to do but just can't it's that everything I want to do takes way more time and effort than any previous version of Windows. Ever. On that grounds alone I'm fucking pissed at their design choices but whatever, it's not like you need to go into the control panel often so now that my system is more or less set up I'll be seeing a lot less of Metro and that gripe will slowly subside. I can still use desktop shortcuts, pin shit to the taskbar and have stuff start with Windows, that covers 99% of my tasks, I can live. it's not as efficient as it used to be though and I still find that a strike.

But moving on to Metro, all I can do is shake my head. It's a fucking mess. I must admit beforehand, that I have no desire to sign on to windows every time with my Windows account so I did NOT go that route and instead opted to just create a local account so perhaps some people's experience will differ as I don't know if the following behavior would be the same for people who do sign on to their PC using a Microsoft account. Regardless though I think the following is amateurish behavior from an OS and am shocked that it made it into the final product. Every fucking Metro app needs me to sign in. Why in the flying fuck is there not an option when, say, signing into the Microsoft Store for me to tell all the other Metro apps to use that same logon? Why? I use Keepass to store some ridiculous passwords so starting mail in Metro, moving out of Metro to the desktop in Keepass to get my password and then getting back to Mail in Metro is a needlessly convoluted mess. Having to repeat that process for almost every single Metro app that I have used sans the weather app is fucking idiotic. But, like everything else in Windows 8 it's not so broken that I gave up immediately, it does, at the least, remember that information once done so I'm not having to log into mail every time I reboot my computer, they didn't totally fuck it up. Still, would a prompt to use the same logon across all the initial MS Metro apps have been too hard?

Of course that's just setting up Metro but once set up I can't figure out why I would use this on a desktop in the first place. Everything is gimped. Internet Explorer in Metro is a gimped piece of shit, can't tab, sucks with flash(Guess I'm lucky they even supported it though), the mail app sucks, the messaging app sucks, the Games app, what the fuck is going on with the games app? This shit is so poorly designed and laid out I can't wrap my head around it. It's like trying to get into the head of a sociopath. Truthfully though I think I'd rather try and delve into Hannibal Lector's head than try and figure out why they made these Metro apps like they did. Back to the Games app, so that was my first destination after setting everything up, as always, since I first started putting computers together as a kid and oh boy what is going on? I see lots of links to games in the store, which is relevant I guess but if I wanted to buy a game I'd have gone to the fucking Store app but it seems there's no actual games at all included! Fine. Whatever. I guess I'll look on the store. Esc, no, Backspace, no fuck, ok fine, Windows Key is now backwards, lets erase 17 years of training for no reason. I get to the store and hey, there's Solitaire and Mahjong, cool, but no Chess, no Internet Hearts, this is a fucking step back from 7 for sure. But anyways this isn't a games review, lets "buy" the Solitaire pack and play it. I should note that these games are free, at least currently, and they did not require me to put in payment info though it did require the Microsoft account to be signed in, I think that's ok. Well, this Solitaire looks nasty, the theme is all front and center and I have to move all the way to the left to start a game, and it plays nasty too. This is also about the time I remember these games suck and set it off to the side and start doing something else, like getting my other programs installed so I try to minimize it, oh yeah, can't. So I go back to the desktop, open the real IE and start getting shit. It becomes apparent that this shit is messier than I thought initially. After fooling around in Metro now alt tabbing between Keypass and webpages is cluttered by like 10 open Metro apps, again, can one manage, of course, but fucking why? Someone already mentioned that Metro apps don't close and there's no nice way to do it besides Alt-F4, I didn't try that myself, I just went through until I got back to where I needed to be each time, I'm not going to Alt-F4 kill something every time I leave it, that's stupid. It shouldn't be like this though, not a fan of these Metro apps in the slightest. I'm not opposed to Metro apps always running, in fact, that's what I want. I didn't buy 8GB of ram just so I could get my dick hard by trying to see how much of it I could not use and see if I could use less Ram than the next guy, no, I want it to use that shit but they need to hide it somewhat.

That said, that was just the games, lets look at mail, since at least Windows 98 we've gotten some kind of Outlook Express, bitch about the vulnerabilities all you want it did at the least work, was customizable and didn't totally suck ass. This Metro mail app however sucks ass. I don't seem to have any control at all over whether or not pictures are displayed, it just arbitrarily seems to decide on its own which to display and which not. I don't have the range of control I had in OE in regards to folders or anything of the sort. Not a fan of how it's even divided between the preview plane, folders and message list. Only nice thing I can say about it at all was that I did not have to enter in any server information for Google, I just put in my username and password and it did it on it's own. 1 step forward a hundred back.

None of this would be that annoying if it just kept the start menu or so I thought. Turns out there is no real version of solitaire any more. No Outlook Express. It's not that Windows 8 is hiding these fully functional apps from you in favor of their stripped down ad-served, did I forget to mention how I find ads on my desktop disgusting, Metro apps, it's that they don't exist at all. I wouldn't be so annoyed at Metro if once bypassed I had the same level of functionality as I did in 7 but the truth is is I don't. And yeah, I can get a new client, Thunderbird's essentially the same thing, I can get a new Chess game, but why? Why do they only offer these shitty Metro versions? Like I said, they're all steps back. I can at least fathom why they'd make the Metro ones the default but by not including the originals they really did force me back down. But in a way this is good because I'm finally forced to move away from Microsoft software, if you want to force me not to use Outlook Express, that's cool, I wont, but I'm not going to be using much of Metro's mail client either that's for sure. The thirds party Metro apps are much the same, not that there's much there I wanted to even try. I tried the Hulu Plus Metro app and it was worse than the PS3 version, the XBMC unofficial plugin, the Hulu Desktop app and even just using the damn Hulu website. That may not be Microsoft's fault directly but with MS already making me feel like they've pushed me back 10 years and I don't need to browse their store to download 3rd party apps to further set back my personal computing.

But the truth of it is is I'm also disappointed because I want to like Metro. I like the idea of it sitting there, gathering news, displaying notifications that I can glance over and see quickly if there's a reason for me to move from the couch to the computer chair and get on the PC. I wanted that to work and I still do but it hasn't happened and with this half-hearted effort with the insane amount of hoopla they've put behind it I can't believe that MS will be the ones to pull it off. If they're legitimately proud of this I don't know what to say.

In an idiotic move I bought the Windows Media Center pack. I thought it was pretty great in Vista but didn't see much work in 7 but I thought it was a dead wringer for Metro, can you imagine WMC integrating into your tiles in Metro and showing you a preview of what's on TV or what you have recorded? Awesome. Well that also wasn't to be, it's essentially the same Damn WMC from Windows 7, which means to say that it works but hasn't seen any work from when they pushed out that big DTV Cablecard update in the Vista era. Still fucking irrelevant in today's age. Just like the rest of Windows 8.

But all the flaws aside I can make it work. Is this an epic disaster that will spell the doom of MS? Probably not. I can still do what I could do on 7, now I just have to decide if I'm so lazy if I will spend the time installing 7 over this and waste that time directly or waste the time indirectly by keeping Windows 8 on here and losing a few seconds here and there on bootups getting out of Metro or doing one of the few odd tasks once in a blue moon that is just plain slower on 8. I haven't decided yet.
Is anyone else having problems updating apps in the store? I had 15 updates, but only 8 of them updated. The other 7 just sits there. I can choose install as many times as I want, but nothing happens.

From my observations, there appears to sometimes be a gap between when the store says you have updates and when they are actually pushed to you, resulting in your situation. The rest of the updates should be available soon. I assume it's a back-end thing that will be ironed out.


but ever so delicious


So I guess this is the best place to ask... If I only use my Win 7 desktop for games, should I upgrade or should I wait.
Are MS planning on selling a download key for those of us not upgrading from a previous version of Windows? (Well, I have a retail version of Vista somewhere, but bugger if I know where :lol) I'm running the Release Preview right now, and would like to just upgrade that...
I think I'm going to take the plunge. I haven't even otherwise played with Win8, but screw it. I'm bored as hell and I've already prepared critical backups over everything I need.


Best part about the Giant Bomb app = Notifications

Forgot I turned it on before work. Just popped up telling me a Natural Selection Quick Look EX was up.


Cool Smoke Luke
not sure if this has been covered but I thought I'd put this out there.

The version of Windows 8 Pro I got from out work (uses KVM License) does NOT allow the install of media center addon.

It isn't Windows 8 Enterprise but the ISO must be the same as enterprise since when you try to use the "add features" search the only option that comes up is turn features on or off. There is no option to add windows 8 features.

I went to the store and bought the 69 Dollar windows 8 pro DVD and changed the product key..using the "Slui 3" command from the run menu, it didn't make any difference.

I then used the retail disk to upgrade my windows 8 pro to windows 8 pro and when it was all done there is now a second option that allows me to input the media center free key that was mailed out.

I figured I'd confirm the retail disk install does fix this for others using the technet iso's


never heard about the cat, apparently
not sure if this has been covered but I thought I'd put this out there.

The version of Windows 8 Pro I got from out work (uses KVM License) does NOT allow the install of media center addon.

It isn't Windows 8 Enterprise but the ISO must be the same as enterprise since when you try to use the "add features" search the only option that comes up is turn features on or off. There is no option to add windows 8 features.

I went to the store and bought the 69 Dollar windows 8 pro DVD and changed the product key..using the "Slui 3" command from the run menu, it didn't make any difference.

I then used the retail disk to upgrade my windows 8 pro to windows 8 pro and when it was all done there is now a second option that allows me to input the media center free key that was mailed out.

I figured I'd confirm the retail disk install does fix this for others using the technet iso's

(add feature option is in system)


Beautiful wall of text.

I absolutely agree with everything you wrote. I am writing this from Windows 8 and I am absolutely hating Shittro. Designing an OS for tablets and then shoving that into your PC market is like designing a new pencil and selling that for trees. What were they thinking?!

It is great...for tablets. My brother got one of those W8 tablets and it is very functional for a tablet system. However, most people do not use tablet for serious work for a reason: they are not as efficient and productive as good ol' PC's.

You can't design a bra and expect males to wear it because of your brand name. Windows 8 is clearly designed for tablets in-mind. With metro, Microsoft is trying to tab into that tablets' gold while giving the middle finger for power users.

I can handle Metro, but I do not like taking extra steps to do shit that was much easier in W7.


If you are using Windows 8 on a desktop PC then I highly recommend using a specialized mode called "Desktop". Confusing I know, but after learning the gestures and shortcuts it should be just as good or better than Win 7.
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