So... you can map this to a SD card and have the apps installed there?
I am willing to pay mad pussy and money for a real MKV Player. With 10bit support and FLAC audio.
How hard can that be? Because PowerDVD Mobile sux.
Can you please sell me on what this is needed for? (sending it to PS3 or Xbox to play as well) I am a bit out of the loop on what the strong impetus behind having this support is, is it that a bunch of people use VLC to encode stuff and then upload it somewhere?
Anyone play Starcraft 2 or DOTA2 on Windows 8 yet? Any issues?
Anyone else getting what I'm getting? Not sure Sportsnet has an app in Canada yet.
Happened to me. Read my post history in this thread.
Ended up having to create a new microsoft identity.
If I buy the $40 upgrade download and burn an install DVD, do I have to use it within a certain period of time?
Can you upgrade from a 32-bit OS to the 64-bit version of Windows 8? Do they let you choose which version of the Windows 8 Upgrade serial key you want?
How many of you guys bought the $40 upgrade versus getting new hardware with Windows 8 pre-installed?
If I buy the $40 upgrade download and burn an install DVD, do I have to use it within a certain period of time?
I may be building a new PC next Fall so I was thinking of getting the Windows 8 upgrade now and saving it for next year. I still have an unused copy of OEM Vista laying around that I could use as the base Windows to upgrade to Windows 8 on the new machine.
If I can hold the Windows 8 Upgrade and use it in a year or so that would be great because it'll be cheaper than buying a full version then.
OOooo nice. During the little overview on first time startup they said live tile and snap support were coming.NextGen Reader is my favourite news reader so far. If they add Live tiles I will buy it. Feed Reader has Live tiles but is weird to use and read.
No (sort of), if you use the upgrade assistant and buy only the download ($40) then you only get the iso for the version your current OS is (32-bit or 64-bit). However, the activation license you get is good for either version so if you can find the 64-bit version of the iso then you can use your activation key on that.Can you upgrade from a 32-bit OS to the 64-bit version of Windows 8? Do they let you choose which version of the Windows 8 Upgrade serial key you want?
I was using Daemon Tools to mount the ISO file I downloaded through MSDN, but the installer says I need to uninstall DT as it's not supported by Windows 8. Damnit. Is there any other virtual disc mounter that Windows 8 supports so I don't have to go out and buy a DVD? was using Daemon Tools to mount the ISO file I downloaded through MSDN, but the installer says I need to uninstall DT as it's not supported by Windows 8. Damnit. Is there any other virtual disc mounter that Windows 8 supports so I don't have to go out and buy a DVD?
Built-in Windows 8.
Right click the ISO and select "Mount."
Why do you need to mount it?
I was using Daemon Tools to mount the ISO file I downloaded through MSDN, but the installer says I need to uninstall DT as it's not supported by Windows 8. Damnit. Is there any other virtual disc mounter that Windows 8 supports so I don't have to go out and buy a DVD?
No (sort of), if you use the upgrade assistant and buy only the download ($40) then you only get the iso for the version your current OS is (32-bit or 64-bit). However, the activation license you get is good for either version so if you can find the 64-bit version of the iso then you can use your activation key on that.
Just extract the iso to your drive and run the setup.
Should I be able to stream mkv videos via Homegroup?
Yup, that was me. I wouldn't count on MKV streaming to work through homegroup sharing as it only worked for one of my files- not sure why it was an exception.Someone here said that some of his MKVs work and some dont.
I believe you should be able to install the 64-bit version in that scenario. In fact, the install DVD should only have the 64-bit version on it.If I buy the Windows 8 Upgrade on a 64-bit computer and make a bootable DVD, will the DVD have the 64-bit version?
If I then take that 64-bit bootable DVD and use it to upgrade a 32-bit Vista PC to Windows 8 (clean install option), will it result in Windows 8 64-bit or will it detect that the base OS was 32-bit and install Windows 8 32-bit instead?
I upgraded last weekend (only because I got it for free through my MSDN sub, to be honest) and it's less aggravating than I was expecting. However, the built in metro apps are almost uniformly terrible. Hopefully, there will be some improvement on that front.
NextGen reader looks really good so far. Simple list support for all unread items (even default view!) and readability support. Time to delete FeedReader.
How many of you guys bought the $40 upgrade versus getting new hardware with Windows 8 pre-installed?
Anyone know why you can't choose between 32-bit and 64-bit when you install? They even included XP in the deal where the vast majority have the 32-bit version and obviously want the 64-bit win8 for their new computers in 2012 with 4gb+RAM.
Seems like an idiotic oversight unless there's a technical reason for it.
Yup, that was me. I wouldn't count on MKV streaming to work through homegroup sharing as it only worked for one of my files- not sure why it was an exception.
Trying it out now. I just need a snap view and live tiles.
I am loving these try before you buy apps.
edit: Just saw this so I decided to buy it.
Snap view and live tiles next week.
.mkv work fine over homegroup.Yeah, I did the same on my laptop and feel the same about the metro apps. I'm going to wait a couple of months and see if there any drastic changes, issues, etc. before I commit the Desktop to an upgrade.
That bit about MKVs not playing via home group is very worrysome.
Anyone play Starcraft 2 or DOTA2 on Windows 8 yet? Any issues?
So do you need to reinstall windows 7 every time you want reformat the HHD and want to install Windows 8 upgrade?
How stable is Win 8 upgrade compared to the none upgrade version?
Anyone else getting what I'm getting? Not sure Sportsnet has an app in Canada yet.
Because it works with both? One version of the OS works for both I believe.
Whats a decent live tile clock app to throw on the homescreen?