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Windows Central: Microsoft exploring bringing back catalog to Nintendo and PlayStation


They say there's no smoke without fire. I will say that it has been suggested to me from very trusted, proven sources that Microsoft has been exploring bringing some of its back catalog to other platforms, although some of the details remain vague and unconfirmed. We've reached out to Microsoft to comment and clarify its position on this stuff.

At this point way too many sources are saying the same thing. I guess it's about to happen.
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At this point way too many sources are saying the same thing. I guess it's about to happen.
yeah if Jez is now writing articles about this it does seem likely it’s happening

of course will people now acknowledge that As Dusk Falls coming to PlayStation is happening with Xbox’s likely approval?


Gold Journalism
I really do think Microsoft is going to redefine what it means to be a platform holder moving forward.

They aren't abandoning their platform/hardware but they also aren't going to be afraid to publish games on rival platforms.
This is the biggest hurdle/step towards a abandoning their own platform. It's so obvious.

They lose $$ on every hardware console they sell. What's the point of even producing them, especially if your consumer base doesn't even buy a lot of games either?

If Xbox publishes its 1P games on Nintendo and PS, they will make their Xbox hardware even more redundant. It'll reach a point where only a handful of people will buy Xbox. So the revenue/profit from selling software will not be financially viable anymore.

Also, we already have an example of Sega treading this path before.
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I think some poeple need to accept that we have maybe 2 more hardware generations after this one, and thats talking like 20 years into the future. I'll be very surprised if one, or both, Xbox and Playstation are not streaming only by then.
Nintendo live in their own dream world so who knows what they will do.

You just have to remember how bad internet was 20 years ago to how it is today, then think what the internet will be like in 20 years from now.

Imo both Xbox and Playstation will be streaming subsciption services that you play on pretty much any of your devices. So slowly bring exclusive games to new players over the coming years, well that could certainly give you a head start when everything goes streaming only.

Just my personnal take of course. Its part of the reson why i'm PC only as no one owns PC and PC gamers simply wont accept a streaming only future when hardware is such an important part of gaming to them. And obviosly the gpu and cpu makers wont be pushing for a streaming only future on PC when hardware is their main business.


Resident Crybaby
This is the biggest hurdle/step towards a abandoning their own platform. It's so obvious.

They lose $$ on every hardware console they sell. What's the point of even producing them, especially if your consumer base doesn't even buy a lot of games either?

If Xbox publishes its 1P games on Nintendo and PS, they will make their Xbox hardware even more redundant. It'll reach a point where only a handful of people will buy Xbox. So the revenue/profit from selling software will not be financially viable anymore.

Also, we already have an example of Sega treading this path before.

The point of producing them is brand perception and Game Pass subscriptions. With their own hardware, they don't have to worry about giving competing platform holders that huge 30% cut.

And also their repeated mantra of "Play Anywhere". They want the hurdle to subscribing to Game Pass or buying their games eliminated, which is why they're on PC, cloud/mobile, and Xbox hardware already. Microsoft abandoning Xbox as a platform would be a dire blow to their brand.

I will say though that I do see Microsoft de-prioritizing their hardware investment and no longer trying to compete in the cutting edge, "fastest console in the world" space. I think Xbox will become just another option rather than THE primary option to access Game Pass/Xbox Games Studios games.
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Gold Member
As I said elsewhere, Microsoft can clear this up very easily. They can state that they will be putting some games on Switch or PlayStation (or both) in the future, aside from the contractually obligated games that are currently there. Or they could say they have no plans of putting first party games on one of the platforms, neither platforms, etc. Phil Spencer said explicitly that Microsoft has no plans to put Game Pas on other platforms. Why not make a statement in that regard to first party games?

El Muerto

Gold Member
I think they have two strategies here. Release the first game in the series on competing consoles, then make the sequels console exclusive to help push sales. And if the game sales have plateaued then release them on other systems.


I find it amazing that honestly the only thing Microsoft needed to do to beat out the PlayStation was to have a constant stream of quality games. It was never complicated but easier said than done. They've been failing at this since the 360 days. From what I can see they're on the right track now but it's taking SOOOO long. We'll be nearly 6 years into the generation before we start seeing games that people take notice of and that's IF they're good. So far all I can see are Halo Infinite and StarField.

I do feel there is a bit of buzz around Starfield despite people constantly shitting on it on this forum but I never hear about Halo Infinite anymore and that's madness.

I also feel like GamePass itself should be better promoted on PC.
I have no idea why it's called "XBOX GamePass" on PC. I've talked to enough people that are confused that you can access games on PC and you don't need an XBOX. Some are even not sure if the games are stream only or not etc. It's confusing to a lot of people.

I'm sure Microsoft would love to exit the console business but they need the console to sell GamePass.. at least for now.
I think it would be bad if Microsoft left the console business.
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I find it amazing that honestly the only thing Microsoft needed to do to beat out the PlayStation was to have a constant stream of quality games. It was never complicated but easier said than done.

I also feel like GamePass itself should be better promoted on PC.
I have no idea why it's called "XBOX GamePass" on PC. I've talked to enough people that are confused that you can access games on PC and you don't need an XBOX. Some are even not sure if the games are stream only or not etc. It's confusing to a lot of people.

I'm sure Microsoft would love to exit the console business but they need the console to sell GamePass.. at least for now.
I think it would be bad if Microsoft left the console business.
It changed to 'PC Gamepass' like 2 years ago.


Gold Member
I find it amazing that honestly the only thing Microsoft needed to do to beat out the PlayStation was to have a constant stream of quality games. It was never complicated but easier said than done.

I also feel like GamePass itself should be better promoted on PC.
I have no idea why it's called "XBOX GamePass" on PC. I've talked to enough people that are confused that you can access games on PC and you don't need an XBOX. Some are even not sure if the games are stream only or not etc. It's confusing to a lot of people.

I'm sure Microsoft would love to exit the console business but they need the console to sell GamePass.. at least for now.
I think it would be bad if Microsoft left the console business.
If your confused about the Xbox app on PC then you shouldn't be owning a PC.


Gold Member
As I said elsewhere, Microsoft can clear this up very easily. They can state that they will be putting some games on Switch or PlayStation (or both) in the future, aside from the contractually obligated games that are currently there. Or they could say they have no plans of putting first party games on one of the platforms, neither platforms, etc. Phil Spencer said explicitly that Microsoft has no plans to put Game Pas on other platforms. Why not make a statement in that regard to first party games?
Its funny because Ybarra said a few times Spencers end goal was Game Pass everywhere and approached Sony more than once with the idea.

Spencer wanted the latest Halo's MP on all platforms as well so none of this is really news to me anyhow


I think some poeple need to accept that we have maybe 2 more hardware generations after this one, and thats talking like 20 years into the future. I'll be very surprised if one, or both, Xbox and Playstation are not streaming only by then.
Based on what? On the direction Xbox is clearly going and you guys wanting to drag PlayStation on it? In a world where Sony Group is first and foremost a hardware company and PS5 is selling so well with no signs to stop? Yeah...
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Gold Member
I would imagine this would be a great move for multuplayer titles, if Sony would play nice with crossplay (maybe they do nowadays).


This is them testing the waters of becoming a 3rd party publisher. It’s inevitable for them.

It doesn't mean they'll stop releasing Xbox hardware. They make more money selling through their own hardware than on competing ones. Now if market laws force Nintendo and Sony to open up their walled gardens to allow competing stores on their hardware then MS would have less reason to sell hardware.


I think they have two strategies here. Release the first game in the series on competing consoles, then make the sequels console exclusive to help push sales. And if the game sales have plateaued then release them on other systems.
I can see this backfiring. Especially when the public catches on they will need an Xbox to play the next game, they will pushback and buy nothing from Microsoft in the first place eventually and if the public has to wait too long because Microsoft needs that sequel exclusive to push their box, then nobody will care anyway by the time it plateaus.
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It changed to 'PC Gamepass' like 2 years ago.
Fair enough but I'm seeing Xbox everywhere on the sign up page. It literally says "XBOX LOGO GamePass" and then PC GamePass under it.
and even check out the URL to it. It's on the XBOX website.

My point is I would separate the XBOX branding from PC entirely and as much as possible. If indeed they want to exit the console space I would lose the XBOX branding entirely and I think they will eventually do this. You'll see.


Based on what? On the direction Xbox is clearly going and you guys wanting to drag PlayStation on it? In a world when Sony Group is first and foremost a hardware company and PS5 is selling so well with no signs to stop? Yeah...
Bsaed on what the world will be like then. If you honestly think we will be playing on consoles 20+ years from now (outside of some retro specific consoles, or chinese consoles packed with 1000's of games), well thats your problem.
Next gen wont have disk drives, and even more gamers will be acclimatated to downloading/streaming games. The generation after that will probably already have a huge enthasis on streaming, alongside downloading games, but over the lenth of the genersation the simplicity of streaming will become more and more desirable to the masses, in the same way downloading games has been slowly building and overtaking retail games over the last couple of generations.

Its not about what YOU want, its what the masses want.
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Gold Member
I would imagine this would be a great move for multuplayer titles, if Sony would play nice with crossplay (maybe they do nowadays).
Interesting enough it was MS who didn't want crossplay in the 360/PS3 days

As cool as this sneak peek was, Trion can't let the finished Xbox 360 game connect to the PS3. "Microsoft won't let Sony players play against them," Rodberg said, before suggesting we change the topic to something less sensitive. Presumably the barrier is a corporate and/or technical incompatibility between the Xbox 360's Xbox Live and Sony's PS3/PSP PlayStation Network. Those services are separate enough that people who play, say, Call of Duty on one, can't play that game against owners of the other, rival console.

I checked with Microsoft to be sure Rodberg wasn't maybe just mis-hearing them. Maybe Microsoft wanted to break the barrier too? Here's a Microsoft spokesperson saying "no," while promoting how awesome the Xbox 360's online service is: "Xbox Live delivers the best entertainment experience unmatched by anyone else, with 35 million actively engaged members. We have a high level of expectation for our game developers to ensure that all Live experiences remain top notch. Because we can't guarantee this level of quality, or control the player experience on other consoles or gaming networks, we currently do not open our network to games that allow this cross-over capability."



I really do think Microsoft is going to redefine what it means to be a platform holder moving forward.

They aren't abandoning their platform/hardware but they also aren't going to be afraid to publish games on rival platforms.
This is a disadvantage for their platform though.

Outside the PC. Why one would buy an Xbox if he can play their games on ps or Nintendo ?

Just buy that platform. And get Nintendo games as a plus Xbox games for example on one platform vs just ms games .


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Interesting enough it was MS who didn't want crossplay in the 360/PS3 days

As cool as this sneak peek was, Trion can't let the finished Xbox 360 game connect to the PS3. "Microsoft won't let Sony players play against them," Rodberg said, before suggesting we change the topic to something less sensitive. Presumably the barrier is a corporate and/or technical incompatibility between the Xbox 360's Xbox Live and Sony's PS3/PSP PlayStation Network. Those services are separate enough that people who play, say, Call of Duty on one, can't play that game against owners of the other, rival console.

I checked with Microsoft to be sure Rodberg wasn't maybe just mis-hearing them. Maybe Microsoft wanted to break the barrier too? Here's a Microsoft spokesperson saying "no," while promoting how awesome the Xbox 360's online service is: "Xbox Live delivers the best entertainment experience unmatched by anyone else, with 35 million actively engaged members. We have a high level of expectation for our game developers to ensure that all Live experiences remain top notch. Because we can't guarantee this level of quality, or control the player experience on other consoles or gaming networks, we currently do not open our network to games that allow this cross-over capability."

And whats wild about this, the minute MS started doing cross play and went a step further than Sony....the narrative with a handful of journalist and articles became Sony doesnt do cross play.

Sony and Nintendo, even if it was just 1 game, was doing cross play during that gen.

Its wild how some narratives can take hold.

EDIT, it might have been the Wii U, not the Wii. Still, Sony and Nintendo were doing it before MS. Sony might have been the only one during the PS360Wii gen.
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Please tell me what the masses want, then. All you bring up is "80 more years guys!" bullshit with no solid proof of consumers' playing tendencies going towards a streaming-only future. If anything, it sounds like THAT'S what you want.

Only Xbox, mate.
I certainly dont want it which is why i'm on PC.
Dude you just have to look around at other entertainment and the way they went.
20 years from now arguably everything we consume will be internet based, ouside of maybe resturants and maybe clothes shops. Even our grocery shopping will slowly move to online, and thats somehting most of us need multiple times a week.
I mean speak to some kids sometimes and see what they think abut consoles, and gaming hardware, and think 20 years from now they will be our age and the gamers companies will be targeting.

Ease of use, and simplicity, will always win out in the end with the masses, it always does.
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Gold Member
I find it amazing that honestly the only thing Microsoft needed to do to beat out the PlayStation was to have a constant stream of quality games. It was never complicated but easier said than done. They've been failing at this since the 360 days.
Sony also had to cooperate for Xbox to have that chance with the 360. A constant stream of quality games is not enough for them to beat PlayStation, especially outside of places where Xbox is a big deal.
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