He hasn't added anything of value to the discussion in a very long time, probably years.
These days all you'll see from him are cynical quips. That could be easily forgiven if they were in good humour, but he doesn't have a sense of humour as far as I can see. They are mean spirited, and not just when it comes to Microsoft. He's someone that takes great delight in businesses closing down and people losing their jobs (Phones4U, for instance), when it means he can add a told you so.
Also, he's an Arsene out guy. I'd unfollow him on Twitter if I wasn't such a masochist.
Jeah I noticed for a long time now every update he installs or even talks about the OS updates is bad, not ready etc. Maybe because he is a journalist... Dunno. Sure WP10 isn't perfect and i'm sure W10 isn't either yet (Run both, phone gets hot and battery is a little crappy but it's okay..) But it just feels like the dude always kicks just to kick (don't know if you guys know that saying but it is a Dutch one

) and adds little to really discuss other then MS should just quit.
A well, since this is a phone topic I have ran the preview since the beginning and with every update I started fresh, here are my observations on the latest build:
- I miss Glance Screen from my settings, dunno where it is but it stays always on when I charge it now.. Don't think thats very healthy for your battery.
- Love the new animation, one thing people always complained about when I let them try Windows Phone and I agreed on was the stupid Animation, it just takes to long.. Hope this one stays.
- Browser bar at the bottom is something I really missed with a 6' phone so i'm glad that's back, really like the one handed mode too when i'm on my bike!
- Speech failed to download and I just couldn't figure out why, couldn't get Cortana to work because of it, seems you need to re-enter the Windows Insider fast ring in my case and it started downloading. After that nothing would open but if you let it sit for a few minutes everything is back to normal.
- I don't have nearly as much accidental ghost taps anymore. Not sure if it's because of this build but had many on W8.1.
- The phone does get hot in the upper left corner from time to time and battery is not amazing. Phone does shut down by itself maybe once a day.
- After I played my songs in Spotify my notifications don't sound anymore, reboot fixes it.
- Maps works, wish it had Dutch language.
- Facebook acts strange when I swipe through it, think the app needs a update for WP10
Overall though I feel like they get their, same goes for W10

Hope a new build gets released soon which fixes some of the bugs I have, some apps which don't update etc. But overall it does feel good for what I do with it.