You know whats weird about being back on the iPhone? The daily significant app updates with detailed changelogs. Not only that but the Microsoft apps get updated more on iOS than WP![]()
Yeah, lets not exaggerate here. More and more companies are shifting away from (detailed) change logs.
I guess it depends on the apps, but none of the apps on my iPad (Spotify, Facebook, Twitter and more) have daily significant app updates with detailed change logs.
e: In fact, there's even an article about this shitty trend with the stupid change logs these companies are putting out.
TC: App Release Notes Are Getting Stupid
"Facebook may have kicked off this trend, but it’s hardly the only company fudging its release notes these days.
Pinterest, too, has followed suit. And that above quote about “super amazing things” comes from Tinder, which is probably one of the more egregious recent examples.
Plus, it’s more common than ever to see notes that simply state: “Bug fixes and performance improvements,” like Yahoo, Hulu, Google, Flipboard, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and several others have done over the course of the past month alone.
It seems that once you’re a certified “big company,” having to actually detail which bugs just got squashed is no longer your job.
More importantly, the lack of detail in release notes makes a statement about what a company thinks of its user base – that their users don’t care about minor changes, so why bother? It’s that same old elitist behavior – common in the I.T. industry, in particular – which elevates technical staff above the plebeian, unimportant users."