I love Paul's trolling.
Paul Thurrott ‏@thurrott 32 minutes ago
Windows phone fans are like those Japanese soldiers isolated on islands after WWII ended, still fanatically fighting for ... something.
I love Paul's trolling.
Paul Thurrott ‏@thurrott 32 minutes ago
Windows phone fans are like those Japanese soldiers isolated on islands after WWII ended, still fanatically fighting for ... something.
What about the tools and putting it on?My Lumia 920's SIM reader broke for the second time.
Repair shop asks 55 for fixing it.
The piece in question goes for 1 or so over AliExpress. Fucking scalpers, I swear.
Still my biggest gripe with MS is the region locking of all the Cortana features. All the proactive stuff sounds great *US and GB only![]()
Yeah, this has been an issue since WP7. Unfortunately the only "solution" is to set your region to US. At least it doesn't involve as many headaches as it used to, but it would be nice to just leave it set to Canada and still have the same experience.Still my biggest gripe with MS is the region locking of all the Cortana features. All the proactive stuff sounds great *US and GB only![]()
Yeah, this has been an issue since WP7. Unfortunately the only "solution" is to set your region to US. At least it doesn't involve as many headaches as it used to, but it would be nice to just leave it set to Canada and still have the same experience.
We have been getting a lot of feedback on making mobile device firmware updates more accessible to our Windows Insiders with devices in the Fast and Slow rings. We have heard you loud and clear and are working to enable this. As more Windows 10 Mobile devices come to market, we expect that firmware updates will be an ongoing activity within the Windows Insider Program.
A single device model like the Lumia 950 or the Lumia 950 XL, will ship in many configurations around the world for various network types, mobile operators, device resellers, etc. When we update mobile devices we can target devices based on the OS build version, the model, or the specific configuration down to a particular mobile operator in a particular country. Mobile operators and Windows Insiders get early access to Insider Preview builds and Cumulative Updates to test and provide feedback on our changes prior to rolling these updates out to Windows 10 devices. In cases where firmware updates affect the software that talks to a mobile operator network, our teams work closely with that mobile operator to evaluate and approve the firmware update for devices they support. Specially for the Lumia 950 and 950 XL models, to date we have shipped firmware updates to 700+ device configurations and still have additional mobile operators evaluating future updates.
Currently the system that publishes firmware updates is only targeting devices that are configured to receive production updates. We have teams working on the tools to make this happen seamlessly for Windows Insiders, but it will take a few weeks to get this rolled out in a way that works for current and future firmware updates to Windows Insiders.
While we are getting this update experience fixed; we have a temporary workaround in place to make things easier for our Windows Insiders. Within the Windows Insider application on Windows 10 Mobile we have added a new option called Production. This will point your device back to the production update servers where you will be able to get any firmware updates that are available for your devices. Once you have the update you will then need to go back to the Windows Insider application and reselect the Fast or Slow ring. Please be advised, if you dont reselect Fast or Slow with any build newer than 10586 your device will be in a state which may not receive any future Insider Preview builds or Cumulative Updates. Full steps to complete this process are as follows:
Open the Windows Insider application on your device
Select Get preview builds
- There will now be three options to choose from: Insider Fast, Insider Slow, and Production
Select Production
Read the presented message and tap accept to confirm your selection
Your device may prompt to reboot. If not, complete a manual reboot.
After the reboot, check for updates. If available, your device will display an update to receive the newest firmware.
- Settings > Updates & security > Phone update > (check for updates)
- If the device shows a no updates available message, your device has the most recently available firmware
If available, complete the update by following the on-screen directions
Once installed, re-open the Windows Insider application
Select your desired update ring (Insider Fast or Insider Slow) and reboot as prompted
Your device now has the newest firmware available and is set to receive the next flight when launched for your selected ring
Note: It is worth reiterating: while some devices have a firmware update available in select countries or on particular mobile operator network, other device variants may receive firmware updates at a later time.
As with any part of the Windows Insider Program, we will continue to evaluate your feedback to make improvements to Windows and the Windows Insider Program. If there are any additional questions, please post them below.
Looks like firmware updates are going to be delivered to Windows Insiders as well.
Yeah, the distances are always in miles but I can live with that. Weather is at least reported properly in Celcius.It's weird on my phone I switched to US then back to Canada and some of the cards in
Cortana stayed such as following a sports team. One problem with keeping it Canada is that Cortana gives miles instead kms.
I have W10 on my 830 as a daily driver and it works great. I previously had issues with some apps like Uber not loading but they seem to be resolved now.
Good after the first day or so. First day expect it to run like crazy backing shit up and updating in the back.
640 here. Most notable issues for me:
- The occasional WhatsApp black screen when resuming.
- Sometimes the start screen disappears or no tile shown. Weird.
- The ultra stupid "save image" function in Edge.
- Edge reloading every damn time you open a new tab or resume one.
- Outlook Calendar live tile is broken. Just a static tile.
- Share function breaks resuming. For instance, say you want to share an article from apps like reddit or next gen reader. You select share, share to WhatsApp and submit. Now when you go back to said apps, it starts from scratch. Shitty WP design.
- Resuming overall sucks. Could be my weak ass phone or W10 being an ass.
- Store was an ass to navigate, install apps and the search was utter broken. It's a bit better now but search overall is ass in the store or even the Maps app.
- Maps app is a good start but depending on where you live, Here or Gmaps might be better but having a decent and native Map experience is better than what they did in WP8 by removing it altogether.
I think that's it for me.
Now wanna know the biggest issue of all? I don't see MS anymore in the phone. Meaning, I don't feel that MS is supporting it as they did back in the WP7 or 8 days. Feels like an afterthought. Just a side project.
Thanks for the input guys. Decided to go ahead and updated. Figured if something did go wrong I can just roll back anyways, although I would prefer not to.
Some first impressions on my device
- Where did the Me tile go? I didn't actually use the app all that often, but it was nice to have as a Tile showing ownership.
- I had to repin the NeoGaf tile... but why does it only show the Edge icon. I don't want that.
- In the same breath, alot of my tiles disappeared. I kind of figured that would happen, but just went on and repinned them. I'll also have to recompile a few of my utility apps, but that's not a big deal. A couple minutes at most.
- MMS, and Texting is working still... Though for some reason my Cellular Data isn't. In fact it seems I am getting a worse signal overall (Before I used to get 1-2 bars from my desk, but now I get 0-1, maybe 2). On the same front, the cellular signal is showing an up arrow almost constantly, so it's trying to do something. Maybe I'll try deleting the APN and re-inputting it in manually. I'm with Wind Mobile now, so my phone isn't on the original carrier it came with.
- It was laggy at first, although it seems to have sped up dramatically. It still stutters occasionally, but I'm sure that will clear up
- Does Swipe forwards and backwards in Internet Explorer...er, Edge not work? That's an odd choice
- You're right about the Calendar live tile being broken. That's a shame
I love Paul's trolling.
Paul Thurrott ‏@thurrott 32 minutes ago
Windows phone fans are like those Japanese soldiers isolated on islands after WWII ended, still fanatically fighting for ... something.
Not sure if it was a combination of updating + re-pinning the tile, but I fixed this by adding a new event/appointment. Tile went "live" after a few minutes (sync-ing?). I'm guessing you just have to add something new for it to refresh. An existing appointment even for the next day will not work if it was previously there.
I use the smallest tile so the live tile is just the static number/day and doesn't show the full event details. Before that it was always stuck as the calendar icon.
Soooo true.I love Paul's trolling.
Paul Thurrott ‏@thurrott 32 minutes ago
Windows phone fans are like those Japanese soldiers isolated on islands after WWII ended, still fanatically fighting for ... something.
He even commented on the verge article about it lol
And the phone wasn't embedded in the wall after the 2nd one? Good control....My phone failed pretty spectacularly in the clutch today. At work, it rebooted twice while looking through the work calendar to put in a date for a workshop. People were waiting on me to give them a date. Seems like a bug because I think I can recreate the scenario.
Then, in the evening I was taking pictures and videos of my daughter for her first birthday. Videos are useless, and the camera app basically refused to take multiple photos in a row. At one point, the word "saving" flashed in the viewfinder indicating that I couldn't take any photos. Very frustrating, though I still got some good shots.
So yeah, bring on the updates.
Blonde ambition....
And the phone wasn't embedded in the wall after the 2nd one? Good control....
My phone failed pretty spectacularly in the clutch today. At work, it rebooted twice while looking through the work calendar to put in a date for a workshop. People were waiting on me to give them a date. Seems like a bug because I think I can recreate the scenario.
Then, in the evening I was taking pictures and videos of my daughter for her first birthday. Videos are useless, and the camera app basically refused to take multiple photos in a row. At one point, the word "saving" flashed in the viewfinder indicating that I couldn't take any photos. Very frustrating, though I still got some good shots.
So yeah, bring on the updates.
Well if it was an Android phone or Apple Van would be less forgiving.
Well if it was an Android phone or Apple Van would be less forgiving.
Actually, now that you pointed it out.
Mine reboots (only at night, while I'm sleeping), but you seem to have major issues.
I love Paul's trolling.
Paul Thurrott ‏@thurrott 32 minutes ago
Windows phone fans are like those Japanese soldiers isolated on islands after WWII ended, still fanatically fighting for ... something.
It's absolutely true that I prefer Windows Phone, I don't think anyone is confused about it. That said, I was honest with my android experiences. And I've been honest about my WP experience with the 950. In terms of iOS, I don't think I've trashed anything outside of the boring core interface, the trash keyboard, and the highly overrated camera.
The issues with WM don't sound better at all. It just feels like if your G4 crapped out while taking pictures or videos during the first birthday of your daughter, it would've sounded a little different than "bring on the firmware updates".
What's up with the reboots at night? I've seen that as well. Yet my Windows version and firmware version did not change.
It irks me that I'm not getting a list of what has been updated. Maybe this is intentional since they don't want you to know how much changes are happening.
I had Bing Wallpaper as my lock screen in WP8.1 With my Lumia 950XL, it wasn't working until today. So something got updated or fixed but I don't know what it is.
He clearly has a hardware issue if he's already done a hard reset. Not sure why he doesn't get a new one...
Windows 10 Mobile |OT| Have you tried a hard reset yet?
Windows 10 Mobile |OT| Have you tried a hard reset yet?
The issues with WM don't sound better at all. It just feels like if your G4 crapped out while taking pictures or videos during the first birthday of your daughter, it would've sounded a little different than "bring on the firmware updates".
He clearly has a hardware issue if he's already done a hard reset. Not sure why he doesn't get a new one...
But VanMardigan really should try to get his phone replaced. I think his problems are more hardware related than the software acting up.
Ugh, I haven't yet, but I'm considering it. Almost daily issues with my 950 now.
Consumer protection laws? You mean freedom restriction laws.Don't you have consumer protection laws in the US? This seems like a out of the box issue/manufacturing issue, so if AT&T won't accept a return (on behalf of the manufacturer), Microsoft should themselves, I really suggest you contact Microsoft support either through their websupport or via phone.
Don't you have consumer protection laws in the US? This seems like a out of the box issue/manufacturing issue, so if AT&T won't accept a return (on behalf of the manufacturer), Microsoft should themselves, I really suggest you contact Microsoft support either through their websupport or via phone.
Don't you have consumer protection laws in the US? This seems like a out of the box issue/manufacturing issue, so if AT&T won't accept a return (on behalf of the manufacturer), Microsoft should themselves, I really suggest you contact Microsoft support either through their websupport or via phone.
Joe turned into a Final Fantasy character.< he's even pointing at it >
Yeah, probably, because I prefer WM, like I said.
I have owned the phone for more than 30 days now, well past the AT&T return window.
See above. Most I could do is sell it on eBay. AT&T isn't taking this phone back, I don't have a MS store anywhere near me.
I've been avoiding it as well, but I've decided to do a hard reset after the next firmware or OS build update. I was hoping we would have a new build this week.
What we disparage as cheap and pandering in Beats headphones is actually the thing that makes them appealing.
damn, Beats and their bass boosting is now under the protection of iVergeJust read this sentence on TheVerge
Wtf am I reading here. This seems like a good place to mock them.
damn, Beats and their bass boosting is now under the protection of iVerge
Just read this sentence on TheVerge
Wtf am I reading here. This seems like a good place to mock them.
So WP share in US dives to new low in USA. God damn it. Just when you think could it go even lower, but it does.
I dunno - what's wrong with this. He's saying something analogous to that which was said about the iPod and smartphone cameras before it - that appealing to what matters to people is, for many many people, more important than "objective" standards of quality.