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Winter 2009 Anime Season of "too much loli - gonna go watch Vampire Bund"

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
B.K. said:
Not really. They've had anime since the beginning. Early Adult Swim had a lot more anime than they do now.
Actually, I seem to remember it spawning from the uncut version of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight (way before it was called "AS". I think the first anime they were putting on was Cowboy Bebop.

But I seem to recall that FMA was pretty wildly popular and preceeded AS running more anime, before ATHF clones took over.

Maybe given the inordinate amount of time that Inuyasha blew off their schedule means they'll eventually run Final Act :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Well FMA is a bit different. I think the popularity of the original run of FMA was what caused them to run any anime at all in the first place.

Adult Swim loves shitty non-sequitor focused nonsense though. I doubt they will stop making those.

Adult Swim loves any property they have full ownership of and don't have to pay any fee to broadcast or merchandise. From what I remember Code Geass was showing too well on Adult Swim so they moved it to a late-night timeslot to try and lower the raitings, with the intention of boosting the ratings for other shows which they had full ownership of.


I really enjoyed the second Katanagatari episode. Big improvement over the first, which was average at best. Hopefully we'll see more serious enemies like this, and have the ridiculous ones relegated to "Backwards Talking Ninja" roles, which worked great here.


Baka to Test 6 was another great episode, although it made me question the nosebleed cliché in anime.

I'm still watching Ookami Kakushi and at this point I'm unsure if I like it or not anymore. 6 episodes in and there are some things happening, some of the backstory becoming more clear... but the main character is so... unlikeable.


Lain said:
Baka to Test 6 was another great episode, although it made me question the nosebleed cliché in anime.

I'm still watching Ookami Kakushi and at this point I'm unsure if I like it or not anymore. 6 episodes in and there are some things happening, some of the backstory becoming more clear... but the main character is so... unlikeable.
The main character is such a bitch, ugh. He just left a woman to get attacked last episode, couldn't even scream "drive away" or some shit as his bitch ass ran off, lol. Fucking hate characters like that.

Bakatest is starting to wear on me, it's still amusing but it's starting to lose it's edge I think, and I always questioned the nosebleed cliche, so fucking annoying. I still think Bakatest was the best Winter show, which is sad but at least it still gets some laughs every episode even if the novelty has worn off.


Durarara!! continues its unblemished streak of excellence.

mAcOdIn said:
I always questioned the nosebleed cliche, so fucking annoying.
Don't go anywhere near Maria Holic, then.


mAcOdIn said:
I always questioned the nosebleed cliche, so fucking annoying.
Where does that even come from anyway? I've never once heard of anyone getting a nose bleed from being put into an overly sexual situation.


Subete no aware
Isn't it a play on the whole "blood rushing to a specific organ" thing?

I mean, in English I'd make a head joke, but I'm sure that doesn't really apply in Japanese.


Jeeves said:
Don't go anywhere near Maria Holic, then.
I'd say this and Maria + Holic are about equal in blood loss.
Maria+Holic was awesome up until like episode 4 then it was all downhill from there.
Kenak said:
Where does that even come from anyway? I've never once heard of anyone getting a nose bleed from being put into an overly sexual situation.
Hell if I know, lol, I don't mind cliches if they're based on something, but the nosebleed shit seems to be something that could be replaced by anything, an exclamation mark on their head, little fairies coming from their mouth, you know, when your trope isn't based in reality why do something like a nosebleed? Go all crazy on that shit.
Or just show or insinuate a boner like older shows did, although how that'd work for Kanako in Maria+Holic I don't know. Hell, I don't want to know.

It is funny that a society that can have people sucking on tits for life force, I mean, you have blatantly sexuality in shows, yet they come up with a non sexual method for showing attraction, I can't for the life of me figure it out. The fucking sparkly, lovey dovey vision in Kimi Ni Todoke makes more sense.
hxa155 said:
Aizen is THE best villain ever to grace manga/anime.

just wanted to let you guys know :D
At best un-related to this thread.

Enjoyed Durarara 6, it's nice to have
the dollars explained/some good info given.
Felt alot more structured than last weeks episode.

Now for Nodame :)


Kenak said:
Where does that even come from anyway? I've never once heard of anyone getting a nose bleed from being put into an overly sexual situation.

I swear the answer is on wikipedia somewhere. Well, a wikipedia answer at least.

Dullrara! 6 : A clear improvement on last weeks episode in terms of story focus. Although it does rely on exactly the same "start at the end of the episode and explain how we got here" as last week, still good though.


Unconfirmed Member
Angry Grimace said:
Actually, I seem to remember it spawning from the uncut version of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight (way before it was called "AS". I think the first anime they were putting on was Cowboy Bebop.

But I seem to recall that FMA was pretty wildly popular and preceeded AS running more anime, before ATHF clones took over.

Maybe given the inordinate amount of time that Inuyasha blew off their schedule means they'll eventually run Final Act :lol
Cowboy Bebop premiered on the very first night Adult Swim went on the air.

In that first year or so they also ran the uncut version of Big O (one of the few things other than Bebop to remain, though they've since lost season 1), Mobile Suit Gundam (which they never finished), Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket, Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo!, and Pilot Candidate. Most of that was stuff transported over from Toonami in one form or another.

It wasn't until Inuyasha that they started to really acquire wholly new shows and figure out how to go about building a proper anime block. In the period between Inuyasha (Fall 2002) and Fullmetal Alchemist (November 2004), they started acquiring stuff like Lupin III, Blue Gender, Case Closed, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (this was acquired way back in 2003 but didn't finally hit the air until the same night as Fullmetal Alchemist).

So really it was Inuyasha that did it, with Fullmetal being the next really big hit after Inuyasha (and the only anime series on the network to ever really beat Inuyasha in its prime).

And yeah, Inuyasha: Final Act is almost definitely the new anime series currently scheduled for September. It's been clear for a while now that they have been actively negotiating for both Brotherhood and Inuyasha specifically for quite some time, and since Brotherhood is starting to air tonight and there's already a semi-set date for another new series later this year...


Since I assume the seasonal anime threads also count as general anime...

Is The Big O any good? I like post apocalyptic settings. Not sure about this one, though.


S. L.

Decado said:
Since I assume the seasonal anime threads also count as general anime...

Is The Big O any good? I like post apocalyptic settings. Not sure about this one, though.

it is fucking AMAZING!
it will totally rock your pants! i promise!


Decado said:
Is The Big O any good? I like post apocalyptic settings. Not sure about this one, though.

big O is fk awesome. style and main character is often compared to batman and the related animated series.
the music in the series still gives me goosebumps all these years later


I thought Big O was meh. Good style though. And probably one of the more confusing underlying stories, but you can still enjoy it for the action.


S. L. said:
it is fucking AMAZING!
it will totally rock your pants! i promise!
OK, I'll give it a go. Usually a low ANIDB score means the show is crap (of course, a high score could have the same result).

The setting piqued my interest...that and the main character isn't a kid.


Bantorra 20 kind of depressed me. It's cool that they have no problems killing characters off, but they are killing all the ones I like!


Cobra The Animation 7 : Last time I made the foolish mistake of failing to mention that the whole mountain-climbing party was being led by a Native American who was, obviously, named Geronimo. This week may have been less wacky, save for cyborg priests and a failed attempt to seduce cobra. Also, is it just me, or are all the women in Cobra blue eyed?

While I was watching present-day Cobra I decided to look back to the earlier show.

Space Adventure Cobra (1982) 23 : This is what I'm talking about - robot sharks that shoot missiles from their mouths, cyborg women who 'breathe through their hair' underwater, Cobra roasting a person alive using his Cigar/lighter combo, Cobra harpooning a women, Cobra battling a flying head, an all-female scantly-clad pirate group (again). One particular scene deserves mention, and possible gif-age.

As a women lies on her bed, Cobra suggests it's no use trying to seduce him now because he knows she is a cyborg-pirate. In response she presses a button on her bed, it fires jets from the bottom and the wall behind spins on some kind of hinge as she flies out the room on her rocket bed. If this wasn't impressive enough she then, somehow, decides to kill Cobra who is still in her lighthouse by revealing that it is actually a rocketship/lighthouse and launches it into the atmosphere where it explodes.
Jexhius said:
As a women lies on her bed, Cobra suggests it's no use trying to seduce him now because he knows she is a cyborg-pirate. In response she presses a button on her bed, it fires jets from the bottom and the wall behind spins on some kind of hinge as she flies out the room on her rocket bed. If this wasn't impressive enough she then, somehow, decides to kill Cobra who is still in her lighthouse by revealing that it is actually a rocketship/lighthouse and launches it into the atmosphere where it explodes.

Old Cobra is so good. For whatever reason the new OAV/TV series just isn't grabbing me. I guess I'd rather just watch the classic. Maybe it's due to Dezaki's touch.


patrickthehedgehog said:
Old Cobra is so good. For whatever reason the new OAV/TV series just isn't grabbing me. I guess I'd rather just watch the classic. Maybe it's due to Dezaki's touch.

Dezaki is a very stlyish director who was really suited to making the original show. The tone between both shows is still fairly similar. However the quality of the original show's animation is high, with a clearly talented animation staff. The new show clearly can't compete against that, of course it isn't a very fair comparison because Cobra was an 80's show. I'm still finding the new stuff to be enjoyable, although I'm guessing that not everyone will enjoy the Cobra style in any of his incarnations.
anotheriori said:
Soranowoto 6 backpacking was great :lol they also reveal more of the world

05, you mean, last week's episode... but yeah, it was good. It's definitely a good show, that's for sure. The conflict between the stereotypical characters and interesting setting continues, but overall it's quite good. Yet again this episode had a good mixture of humorous and serious parts (the backpacking was definitely funny), and exploring and experiencing the world as it is in the show. Great show...

Sora no Woto 06 is out now as well. It's been out for a few days now, but I just got to watching it... and wow, we learn more about what our cast has been doing! Some of the secrets are revealed to the audience as we finally learn what the other four fort inhabitants are hiding from our main character... interesting, I wouldn't have guessed that they'd be doing something like that. Meanwhile, Kanata's story was sad, but optimistic for the future for those alive (not that anyone dies in the episode, that's not what I mean). From the humor to the serious, it's all just done so well. I don't know what else to say without spoilers except that people should definitely be watching the show and that it's really good, though. So yeah, it's good, watch it.

I still have no idea where the plot's going, and these episodes both add more elements to consider. It could go almost anywhere... I'll definitely continue to be very interested in seeing what direction they take. Sora no Woto is definitely the best show of the season, in my opinion (though sure, Bakatest is the best of the comedies, it doesn't match this).


OT but I finally watched Summer Wars. It was excellent and I'll be buying this on DVD. These recent Madhouse movies are petty good :D
Wow, I just finished the 1982 Cobra, How incredible. First of all, it's AMAZING how the animation and quality stands the test of time, I feel like I've seen early-90s anime that were of lower quality! Second, it's just incredible, Cobra is as crafty as a Lupin in space, A galactic James Bond. But he isn't invincible, he takes just as many hits as the punches he throws. What makes the anime so great is that he's HUMAN, there are genuine situations in which he fucks up, and has to fight against his odds in tight binds.

And oh god, the designs, the ideas! the one I think that was the most amazing was
When his enemy had an ability to switch hearing and sight! so he HEARD what he saw, like red twirling shapes for footsteps!


Subete no aware
Sora no Woto 7 gets serious, turning from a competent Aria clone to a competent war drama. There's also the requisite world building which further puts the whole series into perspective - the fact that this world used to be Japanese seems very important anyway. Of course, they also formally introduce the character that is the common thread connecting everyone in the squad.

Also, random pictures of Cuenca with some anime comparisons:
firehawk12 said:
Sora no Woto 7 gets serious, turning from a competent Aria clone to a competent war drama. There's also the requisite world building which further puts the whole series into perspective - the fact that this world used to be Japanese seems very important anyway. Of course, they also formally introduce the character that is the common thread connecting everyone in the squad.

Also, random pictures of Cuenca with some anime comparisons:
Yea just watched ep7 it's the best show of the season imo probably due to DRRR just having a slower build up so far.


Subete no aware
Yeah, SnW may end up being the best show this season, depending on how it ends up. I almost feel like an asshole for comparing it to Strike Witches way back when. :lol

I still need to watch Dulalararala sometime. Although, then again, I need to finish Trapeze from last year.
firehawk12 said:
Sora no Woto 7 gets serious, turning from a competent Aria clone to a competent war drama. There's also the requisite world building which further puts the whole series into perspective - the fact that this world used to be Japanese seems very important anyway. Of course, they also formally introduce the character that is the common thread connecting everyone in the squad.

Also, random pictures of Cuenca with some anime comparisons:

Woah, yeah, intense episode, and the most depressing one yet. Great episode though, for sure... this show just has so much to it, it's really impressive and engrossing. We learn a lot more about the world, we learn about the leader's tragic past, and more. The opening scene was quite sad. :(

By 'the character that connects them' do you mean that princess? Is she the one who was playing and inspired Kanata to join? I can't quite remember... and what connections does she have to the otehr three, if you're saying that she's a common thread connecting all of the characters?

Also, the 'Japan or Europe' thing is still weird. It's basically like the country is a Japan in Switzerland or something... quite odd. Hopefully we'll learn more about this, to see what the explanation is for how that works, because it's still pretty strange... it's interesting to see how the different elements of the two mix, but strange. I definitely want to know the explanation for how this mixture happened, if there is one.

On that note, what about the long conversation with the ghost in episode 7? Was that supposed to be something that actually happened, or an internal conversation in her head between the part of her that believed what that ghost was saying and the part that rejected it? It kind of felt like they were suggesting that it could have been either of those, I thought... she clearly had been thinking along similar lines to what the ghost was saying, and then considered and at least partially rejected that philosophy in favor of something else, though likely not the something else she would have said before the horrible events of that day. But tragedy definitely can change people. It would be hard for something like that to not change someone, I think...

Also, her end decision on the meaning of the world was interesting and it'd be interesting to see her elaborate a bit more on her thoughts on that, though I doubt we'll see too much of that in a short series. The historical and philosophical elements are definitely important parts of why this series is so good.

firehawk12 said:
Yeah, SnW may end up being the best show this season, depending on how it ends up. I almost feel like an asshole for comparing it to Strike Witches way back when. :lol

I still need to watch Dulalararala sometime. Although, then again, I need to finish Trapeze from last year.

The initial description definitely didn't give a good picture of what the show actually is, particularly with those character designs... but right from the first episode it's been pretty obvious that it isn't just some silly moe comedy clone show, and that's definitely a good thing.

Also, by 'depending on how it ends', good point... it's pretty good so far though, so hopefully it will keep up that level of quality. As for an ending, yeah, I would like to see something other than an apocalyptic one, I perfer happy endings overall... but we'll see, it definitely could go either way. There is a lot of sadness in the series, but there is some optimism as well. I wonder which way it will go... or whether they'll have some kind of non-ending ending (though I guess, considering the alternatives, that would probably be classified as happy...). We'll see.
A Black Falcon said:
Also, her end decision on the meaning of the world was interesting and it'd be interesting to see her elaborate a bit more on her thoughts on that, though I doubt we'll see too much of that in a short series. The historical and philosophical elements are definitely important parts of why this series is so good.

Also, by 'depending on how it ends', good point... it's pretty good so far though, so hopefully it will keep up that level of quality. As for an ending, yeah, I would like to see something other than an apocalyptic one, I perfer happy endings overall... but we'll see, it definitely could go either way. There is a lot of sadness in the series, but there is some optimism as well. I wonder which way it will go... or whether they'll have some kind of non-ending ending (though I guess, considering the alternatives, that would probably be classified as happy...). We'll see.
I think she means that she has something to protect and that's a good enough reason for her. Also since the world setup seems already bleak; seeing how the dead spirit said that the world is slowly dying and would never recover (though it might just be the perspective of that spirit/her internal thoughts if it 'didn't really happen') it would be pretty depressing to see a 'grimdark' ending.


Still loving SNW, completely under rated show. It'll be interesting to see "what" exactly the enemy is, I don't think it's an actual country but something against all of mankind, probably something coming from the bowels of the Earth to kill the humans.
Decado said:
Since I assume the seasonal anime threads also count as general anime...
Oh good, I was almost afraid to assume this myself. I've been looking around for some new (well new to me) anime to get into and haven't had much luck. I like things like Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tenchi (Muyo, Universe, etc) and things like that. Can you guys shoot some recommendations my way? I'm pretty open to genre despite how it may look from my list here. I keep seeing Claymore on blu ray in stores whenever I go out and I'm tempted to buy it but I don't want to spend $30 on something that I don't even know if I'll like. Thanks in advance.

Oh, and to the guy I quoted:
Big O is pretty sweet.


King Chozo said:
Oh good, I was almost afraid to assume this myself. I've been looking around for some new (well new to me) anime to get into and haven't had much luck. I like things like Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tenchi (Muyo, Universe, etc) and things like that. Can you guys shoot some recommendations my way? I'm pretty open to genre despite how it may look from my list here. I keep seeing Claymore on blu ray in stores whenever I go out and I'm tempted to buy it but I don't want to spend $30 on something that I don't even know if I'll like. Thanks in advance.

Oh, and to the guy I quoted:
Big O is pretty sweet.
Well, IMO, sadly, you'll probably not get any great recommendations in those specific genres, those are what I really liked and these last few years the only thing I've liked were comedies and slice of life shit, some will probably float "Eden of the East" or "Eden of East," forget the actual title, it's sorta like GiTS's universe but not near as much action, I didn't care for it to be honest.

If you expand to include comedy, slice of life, or mystical shit there's some decent shows, but sadly anything that started out as looking like it'd be a mature title kinda fell flat.

Now one show that was pretty mature that I liked was Kurenai, basically about a kid in high school who does violent work protecting people, he ends up looking after a little girl that ran away from her crazy family, he was in high school in the show but school is such a little part of the show, really about him, the girl, their relationship and the people around him as he struggles to protect her, it was pretty decent, short and to the point. I liked it. It's not really bloody but it's also not fan service, cliched characters or anything of the sort, just a decent mature storyline with some fighting and a resolution with very little wasted space. It does seem slow moving though because the characters and their interpersonal relationships is more the theme than the actual act of protecting the girl but there are fights in it.

Another show I liked that doesn't fit your genre's though is Spice and Wolf. Fuck the haters, some looked at it is some kind of merchant training or some shit but I just looked at it as a slow moving romance story, he could have been anything and it wouldn't change the show that much(well I guess he needs to travel so he can't be anything but whatever). Basically about a traveling merchant who picks up a female Wolf God as his traveling partner and they slowly start heading towards her homeland.

I'm a sucker for shamanistic shit though, kinda how I wish the Earth really was, a place filled with wonder and superstition so I'm predisposed to liking stuff like that. Religions that were before the God/Gods were perfect or pure good and evil, I like the gray moral reality and the "humanesque" struggle that non-Abrahamic Gods had, they were essentially as flawed as people, good/evil/scared/happy, just had powers/abilities that made them outsiders to people and I like shit that. I never see shit like that too often in the US so Japan's the only place that really makes something like that, although some of Europe also has some similar religious aspects that may be explored in their respective countries but the only time I see this explored in the US is with Greek or Norse mythology when I really like the natural Shamanistic stuff. Maybe Native American legends would be interesting to me?

Similarly, I liked Natsume Yuujinchou and it's sequel as well. It's about a boy who finds his mother(or was it grandmother, it's been awhile) book of names, the book of names is a list of all the demons who she befriended or defeated and Natsume starts running into these demons one after another, some violent, some not but it's a pretty personal episodic show that I really liked.

But I don't think there's been anything good futuristic wise since Bepop/GiTS.
anotheriori said:
I think she means that she has something to protect and that's a good enough reason for her. Also since the world setup seems already bleak; seeing how the dead spirit said that the world is slowly dying and would never recover (though it might just be the perspective of that spirit/her internal thoughts if it 'didn't really happen') it would be pretty depressing to see a 'grimdark' ending.

Yeah, as I think I said, if it's got an apocalyptic ending I will have to definitely mark it down for that.

For instance, Texhnolyze is an amazing, amazing show, and was worked on by some of the people behind my three favorite animes ever, Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, and Kino's Journey. But the apocalypse at the end that ends with (spoilers) the deaths of every single person in the city and thus the deaths of every "normal" human on earth, considering the ghostlike state of the people on the surface... as great as it was, I never want to watch that show again. It's just too depressing. The worst part was that there were chances to save the day, all the way up until just right near the end... it'd be like if in a JRPG the party members lost the battle against the ultimate evil that wants to destroy all of humanity and humanity, including them, was destroyed. The end.

I won't get into the details of the plot for anyone who hasn't seen it, but yeah... I do hope that Sora no Woto doesn't end on that kind of note, with saying that the Earth is doomed and dying and there's nothing that can be done. And it doesn't have to, obviously the earth isn't barren of life yet in the time the show happens and that's obviously a long time after that guy died.

Honestly, I'd say that I care more about that issue than about whether all of the characters survive... if they live but everyone's doomed anyway it's kind of pointless in a way, but if there is a chance for recovery or survival, as it sort of seems there is... (of course them living too would probably be even better, but we'll see.)

I mean though, for anyone experiencing the nuclear winter, etc, that has to have happened after that war, it certainly has to have felt like the world was ending and doomed. But now that time has passed, people aren't all thinking that way anymore... though sadly they are (or were) still fighting.

Every episode of the show reveals more about the world, though, so I'm sure that as the series continues there will be a lot more to think about, in more detail. And whatever happens, that's a good thing.

mAcOdIn said:
Still loving SNW, completely under rated show. It'll be interesting to see "what" exactly the enemy is, I don't think it's an actual country but something against all of mankind, probably something coming from the bowels of the Earth to kill the humans.

Really? I've been assuming that it was just another nation they were fighting... you think it's something like that? Could be I guess, but it's not my guess. I guess we'll have to see.


A Black Falcon said:
Really? I've been assuming that it was just another nation they were fighting... you think it's something like that? Could be I guess, but it's not my guess. I guess we'll have to see.
I do.

When she was talking to the dead soldier, or going through that internal monologue in her head, the soldier apologized for losing, it wasn't one of her's, she referred to his language as ideograms and was sorry she couldn't read his last words. But anyways the soldier that was from an army that was not hers apologized to her for losing, which resulted in the world being destroyed. If he was merely a soldier from some nations army I don't think he'd apologize for losing, maybe apologize for starting the war, fighting the war, or how the war was fought but not so much for losing unless that countries enemy just happened to be some silly, cliched, full on balls to the wall evil empire, but I don't think that really exists. And even if such a nation did exist I could hardly see why it'd want to destroy the world, I mean, why would an evil empire want to rule over a desert?

So what I gathered from that was that they fought a war that HAD to be fought wars between mankind generally don't HAVE to be fought. The war was such that if man lost the world was ruined. The war went on over several generations. That to me just means that it has to be an external threat to humanity.

Further, if it were another country, where the fuck is the winner? Surely it didn't start some massive conflict just to laugh at the other countries being set back hundreds of years, that's just, well, mean. So I don't think there was a "winning" country, signified by the lack of an occupying force.

What I think happened is some kind of external force threatened the Earth, alien or natural and the first war, the war fought at humanities technological height was fought as a globally concentrated effort, the kind that'd shuffle people and cultures around which would explain how they're in a relatively small region yet come into contact with aspects of other cultures. That war, which the dead soldier in the underground ruins would have been part of, was ultimately lost and humanity's global unified effort was broken and the world was split into different countries with what resources they had left.

Now here's where I think the world got fucked up. I imagine it was something like the Matrix, where humans wanted to "win" conventionally but had to do something drastic because they were ultimately losing. So I think in the second era, the era where the blond Captain/Lieutenant was a rookie in the tank that their generation destroyed the Earth to stop/slow the impending defeat of humanity. She was fighting in a city in her flashback and the city wasn't near as dilapidated as it was in the previous episode where they saw the end of the Earth. I think her generation did that.

That's also why I think it was some kind of natural force that lives in the Earth, why would they need to essentially poison the Earth to win or stall a war? Surely the other side wouldn't be so evil if it were merely another country that it'd warrant taking out the planet, setting everyone even further back development wise. So I think it was some kind thing that lives in the Earth that started coming out and fighting with people, he towns legend may be related to it in fact, I'd bet on it.

Of course, those are all assumptions.
mAcOdIn said:
If you expand to include comedy, slice of life, or mystical shit there's some decent shows, but sadly anything that started out as looking like it'd be a mature title kinda fell flat.

I'm definitely down for comedy, slice of life, and mythical stuff.

mAcOdIn said:
Now one show that was pretty mature that I liked was Kurenai, basically about a kid in high school who does violent work protecting people, he ends up looking after a little girl that ran away from her crazy family, he was in high school in the show but school is such a little part of the show, really about him, the girl, their relationship and the people around him as he struggles to protect her, it was pretty decent, short and to the point. I liked it. It's not really bloody but it's also not fan service, cliched characters or anything of the sort, just a decent mature storyline with some fighting and a resolution with very little wasted space. It does seem slow moving though because the characters and their interpersonal relationships is more the theme than the actual act of protecting the girl but there are fights in it.
Going to have to check it out because just from reading this, I think I'd like it.

mAcOdIn said:
Another show I liked that doesn't fit your genre's though is Spice and Wolf. Fuck the haters, some looked at it is some kind of merchant training or some shit but I just looked at it as a slow moving romance story, he could have been anything and it wouldn't change the show that much(well I guess he needs to travel so he can't be anything but whatever). Basically about a traveling merchant who picks up a female Wolf God as his traveling partner and they slowly start heading towards her homeland.

I'm a sucker for shamanistic shit though, kinda how I wish the Earth really was, a place filled with wonder and superstition so I'm predisposed to liking stuff like that. Religions that were before the God/Gods were perfect or pure good and evil, I like the gray moral reality and the "humanesque" struggle that non-Abrahamic Gods had, they were essentially as flawed as people, good/evil/scared/happy, just had powers/abilities that made them outsiders to people and I like shit that. I never see shit like that too often in the US so Japan's the only place that really makes something like that, although some of Europe also has some similar religious aspects that may be explored in their respective countries but the only time I see this explored in the US is with Greek or Norse mythology when I really like the natural Shamanistic stuff. Maybe Native American legends would be interesting to me?

Similarly, I liked Natsume Yuujinchou and it's sequel as well. It's about a boy who finds his mother(or was it grandmother, it's been awhile) book of names, the book of names is a list of all the demons who she befriended or defeated and Natsume starts running into these demons one after another, some violent, some not but it's a pretty personal episodic show that I really liked.

But I don't think there's been anything good futuristic wise since Bepop/GiTS.
I have a feeling we have pretty similar taste after reading this. Thanks for your post, I was mainly struggling for a starting point because those anime that I had listed were pretty much the only ones I'd ever been exposed to. I'm definitely going to look more into these :)


Neo Member
King Chozo said:
Oh good, I was almost afraid to assume this myself. I've been looking around for some new (well new to me) anime to get into and haven't had much luck. I like things like Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tenchi (Muyo, Universe, etc) and things like that. Can you guys shoot some recommendations my way? I'm pretty open to genre despite how it may look from my list here. I keep seeing Claymore on blu ray in stores whenever I go out and I'm tempted to buy it but I don't want to spend $30 on something that I don't even know if I'll like. Thanks in advance.

Oh, and to the guy I quoted:
Big O is pretty sweet.
Claymore isn't bad, but the ending deviated from the manga's storyline and became a mess. If you're willing to overlook the poor ending (and maybe continue following the story in the manga), then Claymore is a pretty action-filled show.

And I always recommend this show, but Baccano! pretty much fits your criteria. If you like Cowboy Bebop, Quentin Taratino films, and interesting timelines, then it'd also be a good fit. It's basically a 1930s gangster-war show with immortals, a train robbery, and psychopathic murderer thrown in the mix. To be completely honest, it's been the only show I enjoyed as much as Bebop or Champloo that has come out in recent years (excluding Gurren Lagann).

As far as sci-fi in the vein of GitS... not much has happened. I'm really hoping for some really fresh, good anime to come out, but in end all we get is K-on! season 2. :lol

S. L. said:
"Sleeping with Hinako" - WHAT THE FUCK!!!!?
Yeah... I'm really frightened just thinking about people who are buying this...


Wow at Sleeping With Hinako :lol ...but this stuff is kinda fascinating in a way, I mean SO RONERY anime otaku culture is reaching some new heights with this... or lows.


Katanagatari is so good. This is by the Bakemonogatari folks, right? Both have the same interesting dialogue and character interaction :D


Cloudy said:
Katanagatari is so good. This is by the Bakemonogatari folks, right? Both have the same interesting dialogue and character interaction :D

Really? I find it dull compared to Bakemonogatari.
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