watervengeance said:
Just streamed the first episode of Koizumi RAW. :lol
And yeah, I didn't watch K-ON for the moe. The only reason I picked it up was for the musical aspect.
Japan vs China is going to be epic and totally uncomfortable for me to watch. I hope my sense of humour is enough to take it. :lol
And I'm also not ashamed to admit that K-on is what finally convinced me to buy an electric guitar (no cat ears for me though).
mAcOdIn said:
I don't get the bald space marine hate. In the context of most stories it actually fits. Most military people have really short hair, especially in the combat MOSes, and when making a game about combat most people participating in it will be in the military. So, most games that have combat will have people with short hair, unless we want to go the Japanese Anime route and make some war game where a squad of marines recruit some high school kid because of how they watched him fight off the Russians/Aliens/Monsters. Oh the drama that could unfold by having that clash of military versus civilian culture! So awesome. It's like Rick Hunter/Hikaru Ichijyo all over again.
I understand not liking the fact that so many shows are moe but I just don't feel we lose anything because even without those shows I'm sure we'd have gotten crap anyways.
Hidamari Sketch is also fun. Although I find it amusing that shows like K-On! or Hidamari Sketch even exist because they seem like they'd be cheap and easy enough to do in real life. I always figured anime would be the sci-fi, fantasy, alternate world shit that'd be expensive to do as a live action show and anything else would just be live action, but I guess not.
Bald space marine doesn't actually refer to their short hair. :lol
It's just shorthand for shitty action bro shooters that Western developers/gamers are so fond of.
Heck, GAF is turning the trope into a game:
Dudebro is the culmination of all the bro-ness from games like CoD and Gears and Halo. I have nothing against these games as I enjoy them as much as the next guy, but it's like game designers don't even try to tell different stories any more. Make a game with roided up guys being homoerotic in a heterosexual context and gamers will buy it up. How else do you explain something like Rogue Warrior?
That said, it's not like there's been a rash of K-on clones as of yet... so I don't see the doom and gloom that everyone else seems to see. There's a lot of shitty anime to go around, despite the art style or genre.
And you know, for the type of stories they tell, anime/manga works well for slice of life stories. I watched the film adaptation of "Love My Life"... and there were times when the real world actor would try to be over expressive - just like anime characters (for example, one of the characters cowered into the fetal position after saying something embarrassing) - and it just looked awkward as hell. Even something like Kimi ni Todoke would have to be thought out again because you couldn't have a live action show with characters staring each other wistfully for 5 minutes at a time.
I guess I can accept Yui being a scatterbrain guitar playing idiot savant in cartoon form. I don't think I could say the same if K-On was turned into a J-Drama though.