Like?Go the hard way, because you will miss so many great shows if you just watch the animeGAF recommendations.
Like?Go the hard way, because you will miss so many great shows if you just watch the animeGAF recommendations.
fixed.#1 Rule of AnimeGAF: Do not mention AnimeGAF
I don't think it's particularly controversial to say, as the guest on the show did, that if Yuno had been a male character acting the same way toward a female character that she does in this show (abducting them, holding them against their will, requiring them to relieve themself in humiliating but "necessary" way, etc.) that viewers probably would've been outraged. She didn't say you were a bad person for watching and enjoying this show.Anncast Sexism Episode 2/10/2012 (I think this fits here?)
The more I think about the things in this podcast the more confused I am. How is Mirai Nikki sexist? The whole show is based around two people who need each other to survive. This is augmented with a strain on that relationship by the psychotic inducing trauma one of the two had, but nothing about the show really strikes me as painting one gender in a specific way.
Yes... School Days is an excellent romantic story.
At least that can be easily solved. With the variety of members in here helping we could certainly recommend a pretty big spectrum of works of all types. You, PdotMichael, are included in that mission, of course!Go the hard way, because you will miss so many great shows if you just watch the animeGAF recommendations.
moot, is that you?School Days is simply the second best anime ever made after Infinite Stratos.
FMA milos finale spoilers
but isn't it stated right at the end? On the train Ed says to Mustang that Ashley wasn't actually dead, so that wasn't human transmutation after all. Also remember there was no "eye". I guess the Gate glimpse was actually that, a glimpse and not a full-immersion-meet-Truth-kun like Ed and the others have. Julia paid both with the exhaustion of her PS (something like Pride when using dead-Gold Tooth to perform human transmutation) AND her leg 'cause the PS wasn't sufficient to restore health to her brother.
I think it's fair. Honneamise takes place in a world where Sputnik (or whatever the Honneamise equivalent is) never ignited the space race, although the details are too sparse to make any calls about this.If anything, I've always found that the least plausible thing in the movie, aside from the idea that anyone would design money you could injure people with, is that folk would rather join the Navy/Air Force to become jet pilots while the washouts went into space when in our reality it's quite the opposite. I don't have too much of a problem buying that sort of thing since it's the basic conceit of the plot within the alternate universe presented in the film, tho.
I hadn't considered it like that, it makes sense, even if it's probably not intended by the writers.If you'd ever worked a menial job you'd be less surprised at the type of people who espouse philosophically, I suppose, excluding totally incurious idiots - which I don't think anyone in the film quite is.
Yeah I tune them out as well, it's a just a reflex from listening to one too many animu inspirational speeches.ETA: although, truthfully, I wasn't focussed on the philosophical musings of the characters last time around so I can't really speak to the believability of each or any particular one.
"Properly animated" or not, I find difficult to deny how extremely cool in the animation department were some of the moments of Captain Tsubasa J, could you?
AnimeGAF convinced me to buy Glass Fleet. DVDs should be here today!#1 Rule of AnimeGAF: Do not trust AnimeGAF
Needs more Takahata news. zzzzIs this news?
Miyazaki's next film is due out in 2013
Goro is working on his film, a samurai period piece
Anno is collaborating with Ghibli on a museum exhibit that may or may not be a new movie
Melody of Oblivion hurts because the ideas are sound but the execution is awful.If you guys are recommending anime to troll people, the only thing you should recommend is Melody of Oblivion, which is a glorious train wreck of failed ideas, bad planning, goofy fanservice, and an ending that just says "well, screw it".
Just realized that Madhouse's latest film, The Princess and the Pilot, hits blu in a couple weeks. Did anyone from Japan-GAF see the movie last year? Wondering if it's worth checking out, I've been looking for a good new animu film.
Single CD
*5, 14,060 14,060 Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! "Happy Girl"
11, *9,599 *9,599 Ano Natsu de Matteru "sign"
12, *9,440 44,146 Nisemonogatari "Naisho no Hanashi"
13, *8,465 *8,465 Thermae Romae "Thermae Roman"
15, *6,345 *6,345 Senki Zesshou Symphogear "Meteor Light"
18, *5,090 *5,090 Highschool DxD "Study x Study"
20, *4,291 *4,291 Amagami SS+ plus "Kokuhaku"
27, *3,200 *3,200 Gintama' "Wonderland"
34, *2,381 *5,792 Amagami SS+ plus "Check my soul"
35, *2,325 10,096 Rinne no Lagrange "Try Unite!" "Hello!"
39, *2,146 19,717 Senki Zesshou Symphogear Character Song Series vol.1
46, *1,975 71,956 Senki Zesshou Symphogear "Synchrogazer"
50, *1,770 *1,770 Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku "Lovely Girls Anthem"
51, *1,757 *1,757 Mirai Nikki (TV) "filament"
52, *1,524 *1,524 True Tears "Prism Sign"
59, *1,325 12,016 Kill Me Baby "Kill me no Baby!" & "Futari no Kimochi no Honto no Himitsu"
66, *1,154 *5,018 Shakugan no Shana III (Final) "Serment"
67, *1,149 *1,149 Inazuma Eleven Go "Hajike-Yo!!"
72, *1,091 13,930 Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! "Coloring"
76, *,976 *1,753 Berserk Ougon Jidaihen I: Haou no Tamago "Aria"
Album CD
*8, 13,921 13,921 Tiger & Bunny Character Song Album "Best of Hero"
27, *3,382 *3,382 Toradora! Best Album "√Happy End"
41, *2,081 43,738 Hatsune Miku Vocalodream
46, *1,910 18,610 Inazuma Eleven Go Character Song Original Album
47, *1,894 16,216 The iDOLM@STER Animation Master vol.7
Well, we know what Otaku are watching. For better or worse.
Just for you, way back from sales last August:Usagi Drop am cry.
Wings of Honnêamise
I don't know what to write here. It is a masterpiece, but for some reason I didn't enjoy it that much.
At least that can be easily solved. With the variety of members in here helping we could certainly recommend a pretty big spectrum of works of all types. You, PdotMichael, are included in that mission, of course!
Setting up alternate realities in which people are or are not outraged over such an imaginary scenario is a rather absurd and meaningless concept to me. Trying to connect dots where there are none is fairly illogical, and yes, her point does become that people should be getting outraged about how the Yuno character works. It's setting her values on top of other people and asking them to comply and see things her way or be sexist.I don't think it's particularly controversial to say, as the guest on the show did, that if Yuno had been a male character acting the same way toward a female character that she does in this show (abducting them, holding them against their will, requiring them to relieve themself in humiliating but "necessary" way, etc.) that viewers probably would've been outraged. She didn't say you were a bad person for watching and enjoying this show.
If you asked me to point out what's good about it, I don't think I could come up with anything, but at the same time I can't bring myself to call it legitimately bad or "so bad it's good."Is School Days actively bad, though? It's a "troll" anime in that the content is pretty horrifying, but does that negate any other qualities it may actually have? Do people regret having watched it in the end?
outsold in a single week by papa something something's ED--how sad.35, *2,325 10,096 Rinne no Lagrange "Try Unite!" "Hello!"
"Why spend money on space when we have problems here?"Hmm, I guess I can't imagine why space travel would not hold its own romantic appeal independent of the space race.
Sailor Moon 46:
Yeah. Not feeling this last episode or the conclusion, at all. It looked great but thats really all I got out of this.
The final battle scenes was top-notch stuff.But my real gripes come with the ending of the episode, withMamoru and Usagi slugging it out was nice but the whole Queen Beryl / Metalia stuff was pretty lackluster., which is so tripe I couldn't help but laugh. And yeah its a Magical Girl anime all right with theUsagi calling upon the souls of her dead friends for helpI get that it just straight runs into the next season but the entire episode honestly feels lackluster and insignificant which is odd given the events that transpire in the episode itself. It honestly felt like it was just going through the motions, I haven't been so underwhelmed with an Ikuhara episode since last summer.glorious reset at the very end.
The season in general I enjoyed but it's pretty flawed. The pacing in the season is completely horrendous especially towards the end. Some episodes are absolutely enjoyable but a lot of the filler is complete dreck. Some of the characters in themselves feel completely pointless, Sailor Venus / Minako is a complete afterthought. All the other girls get significant development and screen time during the series but poor Minako is literally just there. She doesn't even seem to have any significant relationships with any of the other girls at least thats how I take it from the show.
I'd give the first season 7.5 dumpling heads out of 10.
But most importantly,
Rei > Makoto > Ami > Minako > Usagi.
I never claimed it was far-fetched, only the least plausible aspect. Did I touch a nerve?
Hito is very upset about the lack of NASA funding!
Wings of Honnêamise
I don't know what to write here. It is a masterpiece, but for some reason I didn't enjoy it that much. The only time I really felt like the movie had a hold on me was toward the end,when they were racing against time to launch. I teared up a bit at the end, before the Gainax montage, which I felt was out of place.
Tale of the Bamboo Cutter will be worth the wait. We don't need news to know this. Believe!
Everyone should be upset about the lack of NASA funding!
Single CD
15, *6,345 *6,345 Senki Zesshou Symphogear "Meteor Light"
39, *2,146 19,717 Senki Zesshou Symphogear Character Song Series vol.1
46, *1,975 71,956 Senki Zesshou Symphogear "Synchrogazer"
outsold in a single week by papa something something's ED--how sad.
I'm not American, and my own country has no realistic hope of ever bothering with a space program of our own, so I don't really care! My soul is dead anyway.
So I haven't ventured into Anime-GAF since the Fall 2011 topic, and the only new show I've watched from then was HxH. I remember being interested in Guilty Crown. According to what I've read around, I guess shouldn't be anymore?
I'm pretty sure if we can get the money together to make the actual thing, he would be happy to work for little to no pay! Still gotta pay everyone else though.
I would say it's been great recently but virtually all of animegaf disagees with me. You could still check it out if you want.
Blood-C is only essential if you hate yourself.