Majikoi 10 - So I decided to finally get around to watching the last few episodes of this show, but watching this reminded me exactly of why I'd stopped -- this show is a pretty bad action/drama. It can be a funny and entertaining harem comedy series, but once it goes to action or drama, it just starts falling apart. This was true from episode one, which was all-action and not very good, and is still true here. This episode is
Unfortunately, the people making this don't seem to realize how big of a disparity there is, so there's a LOT of action/drama stuff in this series, which means a lot of subpar episodes like this one. And that really is too bad; more of this show should be like episode six, less like episode ten.
As for the plot of this episode, here the girls (and the MC) face off against the main two villain girls. The lead girl is fighting the strong villain girl, while the MC and the other four try to beat the other girl, Saki. The fights are about on par for this series -- that is, they struggle to be minimally interesting. In addition, unfortunately, the four secondary girls are utterly incompetent as usual, and get destroyed in notime. The MC tries to help out, semi-successfully, but in the end only outside intervention saves the whole group from getting blown away. Why are the four of them so incompetent? Aren't they supposed to be at least somewhat strong? They can beat weak enemies, but against anyone good they fold. It's kind of stupid. It's one of the many reasons this episode is bad.
This episode also has a subplot, where we learn some of the backstory of the two villains here. It's a generic tale of betrayal and the revenge they want on those who they feel betrayed them. These parts aren't particularly well shot, so the point is kind of muddled, but it sort of comes across. It's nothing particularly interesting, though, like most of this episode.
In the end, the MC is knocked out, somehow. I didn't notice him ever actually get hit, only threatened, but he's unconcious at the end and the girls are all worried about him, so I guess he was hurt or something. Yeah, these action episodes leave a lot to be desired in clarity and competence for sure. The scene that finishes off the episode, of the lead girl's breakdown of sorts, isn't any better either.
I may finish this show (probably will), but I really hope the last two episodes aren't as disappointing as this one.
B Gata H Kei 1-3 - I've read the whole manga series, and enjoyed it, so I decided to check out the anime adaptation. It doesn't cover all of the material from the manga, and there unfortunately isn't a second season, but so far at least, what is here is quite solid. The characters and situations are a lot like the manga, but animated. This series is not quite as good as, say, Seitokai Yakuindomo, but it is decently funny at times, and the cast and concept are entertaining.
My main criticism would be that despite the somewhat over-the-top basic concept, about how Yamada wants 100 sex partners in high school, it ends up being more generic than you'd expect. Yamada has big thoughts, but is much shyer in person; this is okay, and keeps things going much longer than they otherwise would, but the show has bigger problems. One would be that the series has some unnecessary harem elements as well (and she's not the one with the harem). Also, it's yet another "super attractive girl with random loser" show, except from the girl's perspective here. It does manage to make some of the stereotypes funny -- like, how Miyano (his childhood friend) clearly likes the male lead but neither he nor his sister realize it -- but still... it'd have been better without the harem, really. And also, Yamada's reason for wanting him as a partner and not other guys is vaguely plausible, but it sure is a convenient way to have yet another generic, bland male lead be paired with a beauty, that's for sure -- and that's an overdone anime trope if there's ever been one. The series keeps going back and forth between following these anime conventions and playing with them, and I wish the series had less of the former. The series is funny, yes, but I do have issues with some elements of the concept.
Despite these issues, however, it is funny enough within the episodes to be worth watching, even if conceptually I wish they'd been a bit more original. It's too bad the anime doesn't finish the manga material. These three were mostly amusing stuff.
I've also been watching the
R-15 BDs. I don't usually do this for shows I've watched before, but eh... I am this time. It's still a good show, except uncensored now. I've watched eps 1-4 so far. I'm sure I'll continue, I am enjoying it enough to keep rewatching. And I know I said it when I first watched it, but I really wish that clarinet girl knew more than one song before the final episode... I know she practices a lot, but seriously, why does it have to always be the same music?? Oh well... it's a good harem show anyway.
Miami Guns is a gem in my collection. Its amazing. One of the funniest shows ever.
Apart from episode five, I'll probably agree with you.
Is that the show AnimeNation brought to the US when they dabbled in that for a bit?
Yeah, it is.