Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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I didn't see it posted earlier, but if anyone wants a general idea of how the Lupin series might look in motion, here's a "sneak peek":

In actuality, this is a trailer of a Pachi-Slot machine by Heiwa released late last year. It was also Fujiko-centric ("Fujiko: 10-Billion-Dollar Goddess") and featured character designs by Takeshi Koike, also the character designer for the upcoming TV Series. I've long speculated that it was going to be a tie-in with the TV series, but the series was delayed several times from its initial announcement for Fall 2011, and I imagine Heiwa just got impatient and wanted to launch.

This user also has several chunks of off-screen footage from the final game:

There's a sequence in the first chapter using Seamo's "Lupin the Fire" that feels like it would make a good OP, but I think it's unlikely to be from the Series:

Hmmm. might watch this.


People are putting too much stock into her importance anyways. She's just worked with a lot of incompetent people -- Hanasaku Iroha is one of the least offensive show that had her work, and it's no coincidence that a talented director like Ando was the one who directed it. Same with Wandering Son even though I can't say anything about too definitive about the quality of the director since he's new to it, but he seems to be fresh talent.
Well, for Aquarion Evol, you can still see remnants of her doing. The love triangle between Mikono, Zessica, and Amata just wasn't entertaining for the number of episodes they dedicated to it in the first arc even when it was supposedly toned down from the original, the ensuing misunderstandings emphasized the melodrama in the love triangle than the comedic aspects, and the story's focus in the early episodes was on that unproductive love triangle. It's actually refreshing that she hasn't been involved lately because the love triangle had been taking priority over the story's premise. I think there is cause for concern if she isn't restricted.

These things make shows fun to me. I guess different strokes.
I have a certain affinity for bad shows when they are entertaining though. I dont like shows that are just plain shit like eiken though.
Ano Hana would have been a much better show if the love triangle never existed. Wasted potential at its best with how much time they dedicated to it. The risque humor in Ano Hana like
Yukiatsu teasing about Anaru's virginity in the train ride home after the hotel incident or Jintan getting a bloody nose at Anaru's clothes at the secret base
would have been better left out in those particular instances for the sake of tonality. And don't get me started on the melodrama.


I will agree that the whole stupid love triangle thing got in the way of an otherwise sad but cute story but overall I liked how it ended up. I guess I was too busy watching Menma's antics and thinking about how fucked up it would be to deal with if that happened to one of my childhood friends. I guess it is sort of like how Ai Yori Aoshi is at its heart a really nice romantic story (dont hate on Aoi!) that was corroded by a really shitty harem theme shoveled into it.
If Okada doesn't fuck it up, the new Lupin series could be pretty good. It's clearly possible for a director to keep her from sucking, given that Hanasaku Iroha and Wandering Son were both very good, so here's hoping.
Fairy Tail OAV 3
Aw, adorable young Lucy.
Woo, episodes that have no plot significance but fun backstories.
It was a pretty good episode, not as fun as the last two OAVs but it was pretty nice. Well, at least for the Erza, Lucy and pretty much the guild stuff expect Natsu and Gray. Go, go time travel hijinks.


Fairy Tail OAV 3

Aw, adorable young Lucy.
Woo, episodes that have no plot significance but fun backstories.
It was a pretty good episode, not as fun as the last two OAVs but it was pretty nice. Well, at least for the Erza, Lucy and pretty much the guild stuff expect Natsu and Gray. Go, go time travel hijinks.

Lucy is sort of the reason I want to watch some of Fairy Tail, not gonna lie.


Fairy Tail OAV 3

Aw, adorable young Lucy.
Woo, episodes that have no plot significance but fun backstories.
It was a pretty good episode, not as fun as the last two OAVs but it was pretty nice. Well, at least for the Erza, Lucy and pretty much the guild stuff expect Natsu and Gray. Go, go time travel hijinks.

im only 4 episodes in to Fairy Tail
and words cannot express how much I hate Luigi/Lucy
shes super annoying, more so than Happy
Fairy Tail OAV 3

Aw, adorable young Lucy.
Woo, episodes that have no plot significance but fun backstories.
It was a pretty good episode, not as fun as the last two OAVs but it was pretty nice. Well, at least for the Erza, Lucy and pretty much the guild stuff expect Natsu and Gray. Go, go time travel hijinks.

Hopefully funimation picks up these. Gray actually looked cool in different hair color.


Shes like if Winry from FMA drank 10 redbulls, had an annoying voice, and was based on every terrible cliche in anime

The cat would actually be amusing if they completely changed the VA
but as it is, its terrible

I like super genki girls though. I will probably love her to death.


Yeah. It certainly doesn't look anything like Cagliostro Lupin either!

I much preferred when the series became more light hearted though... For example; I really didn't enjoy the first few episodes of Part I (the green jacket series) and liked it a lot more once directors changed (from episode 8 onwards.) I get the feeling this new series might end up with a "darker" theme like the early Part I episodes, which would be a tad disappointing for me (although there are others that prefer the darker style Lupin, which is fair enough.) This is all going by one promo picture though, so shouldn't make any judgements until the promo video hits the net. Shouldn't grumble anyway. The more Lupin the better in my books.

I don't think the "light-hearted" miyazaki tone is a good fit for the director though; if her previous work is any indication.


The Light of El Cantare
The appeal wore very quickly from Lucy for me, but Erza made up for it. I'd probably still be following Fairy Tail if she was the protagonist instead of Natsu.
Is Lucy on the genki level of say, Tomo from Azumanga or is she more like Excel?

No. I don't know why people are saying she's genki, because she really isn't. She's a straight man to everyone else in the series, because the rest of the Fairy Tail guild is INSANE.

But yeah, you'd probably like her. Not the most hngg character in the series though.


I will agree that the whole stupid love triangle thing got in the way of an otherwise sad but cute story but overall I liked how it ended up. I guess I was too busy watching Menma's antics and thinking about how fucked up it would be to deal with if that happened to one of my childhood friends.
And that's why I found Ano Hana disappointing. There's little reason given to Menma's mystique in said group of friends, or why she even remains in high regard to them by the end. The character-driven drama was nothing but a direct appeal to emotions (melodrama) instead of ascribing any tangible reason to empathize. Sure, there was sympathy to be had, but it's undermined by how they handled some of the quickly forgotten plot points.

Can I call dibs on the Spring 2012 thread or is it already taken?
It's already taken.


im only 4 episodes in to Fairy Tail
and words cannot express how much I hate Luigi/Lucy
shes super annoying, more so than Happy

Watch the anime way back up to ep5 don't remember her being bad(droped it cause of magic circles ) , but I did like her in the manga, who cares about her anyway when theres juvia, mora juvia.
The appeal wore very quickly from Lucy for me, but Erza made up for it. I'd probably still be following Fairy Tail if she was the protagonist instead of Natsu.

Erza? I find most of the appeal in her battle strength and the number of different outfits she exquips or requips into oh as well. I like when her personality isnt as strict the most, shes a great side character but wouldnt be an interesting head protagonist.

Lucy's just there, need to have a normal character but not really the highlight in my opinion. Just decent in the anime. Really shines as the one to be the person everyone pranks, love it.
Fairy Tail OAV 3

Aw, adorable young Lucy.
Woo, episodes that have no plot significance but fun backstories.
It was a pretty good episode, not as fun as the last two OAVs but it was pretty nice. Well, at least for the Erza, Lucy and pretty much the guild stuff expect Natsu and Gray. Go, go time travel hijinks.

When you say fun, you mean not as fanservicey ;P

I'm disappointed in myself. It took me 9 eps in before I realized the little blob dude from Ano Natsu de Matteru would make an awesome avatar.

Also eps 9.

So much crying by like everyone except Harem King.


And that's why I found Ano Hana disappointing. There's little reason given to Menma's mystique in said group of friends, or why she even remains in high regard to them by the end. The character-driven drama was nothing but a direct appeal to emotions instead of ascribing any tangible reason to empathize. Sure, there was sympathy to be had, but it's undermined by how they handled some of the quickly forgotten plot points.

I think it would have been better if they had a bunch of flashbacks to her when she was around to show her in her prime hnnnng moments and ,yeah, why she meant so much to the others. It could have definitely been a special show with a bit better direction.


I think it would have been better if they had a bunch of flashbacks to her when she was around to show her in her prime hnnnng moments and ,yeah, why she meant so much to the others. It could have definitely been a special show with a bit better direction.
Yet they relied on one flashback for most of the show. Such a shame really.

Miri has already claimed it; damn shame, since Spring 2012 is shaping up to be the best anime season since Spring 2007.;_____;
To think Shining Hearts is this season too. How special.


The marathoning thing wasn't even really horrible shows.
they lookd like they would be pretty entertaining. Maybe I'm not remembering what shows they were.

Also, if this is Juvia, then...short blue hair.....HNNNNNNNNG is likely.

Azure J

My Neighbour Totoro

i'll never be able to ride a catbus ;_;

Still one of my fondest childhood movies right there. I can't describe it, but that movie just feels like country summer to me no matter how many times I see it.

It actually sounds like the polar opposite of Castle of Cagliostro Lupin. 'Character focused', 'sensual', 'daring.' And that Koike:


so good.

I'm really digging this art style. I was already sold on Lupin The Third, but this is certainly adding a lot more hype to the final production.

Medaka, Sankarea, Tasogare Otome, Mysterious Girlfriend X and Lupin are pretty much definite at this point. I just hope Medaka is fucking batshit. Gainax is always best when they're crazy.

Edit: Juvia love? Nice, best thing about Fairy Tail right there. :lol
The marathoning thing wasn't even really horrible shows.
they lookd like they would be pretty entertaining. Maybe I'm not remembering what shows they were.

The show Miri and I marathoned was Law of Ueki, which wasn't horrible, just plain old mediocre. Would have been a good show in the hands of just about anyone besides DEEN.

Medaka, Sankarea, Tasogare Otome, Mysterious Girlfriend X and Lupin are pretty much definite at this point. I just hope Medaka is fucking batshit. Gainax is always best when they're crazy.

I hate to break it to you, but that Gainax is no longer around.


Yuri Seijin Naoko-san 2012 1? aka Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san

Whilse I enjoyed this more than the 2010 6-minute OVA, I still found it for the most part rather dull and unfunny and surprisingly more overtly creepy compared to the kind of stuff I remembered from the first one. Saying that, the animation itself was rather well done at times (considering the overall aesthetic leaves much to be desired), especially the OP and ED plus there's dat voice for Naoko.

never seen Saint Seiya but i'm watching this for Umakoshi!


Spring lists eh...

Guaranteed to watch
Kore wa Zombie desu ka? OF THE DEAD
Lupin III
Medaka Box
Naze no Kanojo X
Saint Seiya Omega
Sakamichi no Apollon
Saki: Achiga-hen episode of side-A
Uchuu Kyoudai

Will probably watch
Accel World
Acchi Kocchi
Eureka 7 AO
Kimi to Boku 2
Kuroko no Basuke
Queen's Blade Rebellion
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia

Might check out
Ginga e Kickoff!!
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Hiiro no Kakera
Naruto SD: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden
Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~

In reality, all of the "probably"s are basically guaranteed too.
I am so, so screwed.
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