Can it really be called hype?
Maybe just that the show is as bad as people expected and they're revelling in the awful?
I'd like to think I've lost my sanity at this point.
Can it really be called hype?
Maybe just that the show is as bad as people expected and they're revelling in the awful?
Case in point:
This makes me sad.
The tears wont stop. why wont they stop?
You're letting your leg fetish show.
See what I mean.
Damn, I wonder if those literary girl scenes in Nichibros are a reference to this.
I really hope that nothing, ever, references Glass Fleet, because that would imply that others have had to watch it.
Narag you should totally switch to forced 16:9 for G Gundam. It makes Master Asia's fight scenes even morebonkersawesome with elongated limbs.
I really hope that nothing, ever, references Glass Fleet, because that would imply that others have had to watch it.
I've been thinking about this, and also CGI/hand-drawn aerial battles, since watching Honneamise and then The Princess and the Pilot. I think part of the problem is CGI giving animators too much freedom, as well as a decline in talent available.
The thing about old-school space/air battles, is you were forced to think carefully about every shot. If you wanted a new viewpoint you had to draw it. So, you would end up with either nice, hand-drawn animation, or a lovingly rendered still frame with a ton of details on it. But the point is, you had to put lots of work into it.
With CGI, now you can essentially just film your model from wherever, add some stock CGI explosions and cannon fire, and call it a day. Obviously there is nothing technically stopping someone from putting just as much work into this as in the old days, but the point is, they're not forced to, so they tend to do what's easier. And the new freedom to rotate things all over the place is highly overrated.
But glass fleet is legitimately entertaining and enjoyable, why wouldn't you want people to experience it's gloriousness?
I plan to suffer through this at some point.
It looks fabulous.
No, it's definitely ruined forever. SHAFT set the bar too high, and even if we never see the deed depicted ever again, we'll still know that it could never be as great.
You should start it right away!
GAF just needs to make an anime, it would be full of references to Garzey's Wing, Glass Fleet, Arjuna, and School Days.
It's pretty weird how well MGS3 turned out in retrospect.
Luckily few others shows ever aim to topple SHAFT in the bizarre/disturbing/just plain wrong fanservice department.
The solution to this is clearly to use CG for everything so that we no longer have to worry about the jarring contrast between 2D and 3D. It did wonders for the believability of the otherworld in BRS!
And end in Blood C.
But glass fleet is legitimately entertaining and enjoyable, why wouldn't you want people to experience it's gloriousness?
The Shamblo is pretty awful.
I think the gifs will satiate me for now, I need to mentally recover from the fabulous shows I marathoned last year.
If you revisit it you can spot all the tell-tale signs, really.
Case in point:
Do legs even count as fetishes? They seem a bit too... mainstream.
It probably depends on how far you take it. Like, if you buy a leg-shaped lamp...
Do legs even count as fetishes? They seem a bit too... mainstream.
Now brushy brushy on the other hand....
Those exist...
That's true, actually. Which would explain why Japan has such a wonderful array of fetishes yet to explore!
SHAFT is at the forefront of this discovery. Can you feel the excitement? what else lurks in the hearts of men?
Brushybrushy fetish is BEST FETISH
I used to be a little lazy about brushing my teeth. Then I had to have one removed for being too far gone. Now I brush my teeth everyday with the fury of a thousand suns!
Modern Mr. Kojima? That has been a constant after the first MGS, that was in turn also a recycled scenario. Heck, MGS2 garnered in spades that "fan-fiction" criticism because of its really conscious and added outside-the-box plot and ideas.If you haven't played MGS4 and Peace Walker, you're not familiar enough with modern Kojima.![]()
Necessity is the mother of invention! The irony is that what you mention there could end up requiring an equal level of talent (although I suppose it wouldn't be a task as time consuming at comparable situations), that was difficult to find in the first place.With CGI, now you can essentially just film your model from wherever, add some stock CGI explosions and cannon fire, and call it a day. Obviously there is nothing technically stopping someone from putting just as much work into this as in the old days, but the point is, they're not forced to, so they tend to do what's easier. And the new freedom to rotate things all over the place is highly overrated.
I used to be a little lazy about brushing my teeth. Then I had to have one removed for being too far gone. Now I brush my teeth everyday with the fury of a thousand suns!
Shouldnt it be easier to create really badass designs with the aid of CG though?
I mean you could build an incredibly complex model with all sorts of moving parts and crazy shapes and then animate the thing smoothly and efficiently as many times as you want to. Using shitty looking simple designs really is marked laziness on the part of designers.
Making complex designs in CGI requires talent. Plus, complexity does not always = better.
Those exist...
no, but I mean just more interesting designs than the plain stock CG shit ships you see now. Like Rinne got pretty creative with those mech designs for example. I mean it cant be THAT difficult to make good looking ship designs with the aid of a computer.
Hayo Miyazaki said:The technique of making drawings move was thus used to emphasize an extended and distorted sense of time and space, and was primarily related to a decorative function. Drawing a characters subtle but ordinary gestures something that animators had never been very good at anyway was actively eliminated as an unnecessary and old-fashioned practice; instead depicting extraordinariness became the ultimate goal. The standards used to evaluate animators shifted correspondingly, and now invluded their ability to draw scenes of combat, competitions, and machines with ever-more detail When it was necessary to depict emotion in characters or scenes, the easiest and least expensive solution was simply to overused the techniques of manga, and instead of making drawings move, to adorn scenes with music, frame composition, or the plentiful use of still dramatic shots.
Hayo Miyazaki said:Today, the creators of anime seem to increasingly unable to give the protagonists of their stories any sort of spontaneous motive for their actions. For some reason, the futility of making any effort in our overly managed society is an idea that, without our fully realizing it, has become completely accepted. What used to be the great and ever-present enemy in many stories poverty has become a fuzzy notion and it seems hard now to find anything worthwhile for our heroes to fight against. So, as with other genres of entertainment, what we are left with is just a type of work ethic. Robot soldiers fight because they are robot soldiers, Police chase criminals because they are police...the only other big motivator for protagonists in anime has become discovering whats underneath a skirt or inside a pair of pants.
I think that Rinne was merely competent, not necessarily creative. The Voxes are pretty Nirvash-y in mecha mode and the dual mech/fighter concept extends back to Macross's Valkyrie Fighters and possibly further back. I don't think that a mech has actually made me stop and take note of the uniqueness of its design since Gurren-Lagann, to be honest.
Japan is anime. Step off the plane and you're suddenly 2D.
All of these are pretty sound motivations. Is this part from the 80s or 90s or 00s?Robot soldiers fight because they are robot soldiers, Police chase criminals because they are police...the only other big motivator for protagonists in anime has become discovering whats underneath a skirt or inside a pair of pants.
Man Jexhius and cajunator have really been duking it out these last few pages.
My money's still on Jex tho.