Congrats, you just witnessed something amazing. Like cosmic said, temper your expectations for the next arc, but it's only weak by One Piece standards, which is still pretty good.
Aww, you got spoilered on? That sucks, though considering it was one of the most momentous things to occur in a major shounen series in recent years, unsurprising. Keep watching and posting impressions!Ace dying
I really don't understand the plot anymore. Maybe I just don't care enough. Hey those fight scenes sure were cool though.
One Piece - Arabasta Arc (92-130)
Yeah, that was, without a doubt, one of the best arcs in any shounen I've ever watched. Perfect pacing, awesome characters, great fights, a lot of funny moments... Man, what a ride.
I'm talking about the movie in general.
Will do! I'll post my impressions after every major arc.
I'm so happy that I still have like 450 episodes to go, haha.
The best One Piece arc, and you already had the biggest spoiler ruined for you? I would have been so angry.
Ive seen them all twice now
make that a third when the hi res re-airing begins
though of those 450 you will probably be skipping a good number
I actually stumbled across that spoiler way before I even started watching the series, so I wasn't really mad at the time. It sucks that it won't surprise me, though.
Or maybe it's for the best.
I don't do the "skipping" thing, unless they're recaps.
I would advise using a filler guide unless you REAAAALLY love one piece
I really love One Piece. Also, I gotta buy those movies, haha.
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.D'oh. I guess I have to accept it from you,'re cool.
Oh i know this
I just don't see how poster art reflects this
Ive seen them all twice now
make that a third when the hi res re-airing begins
though of those 450 you will probably be skipping a good number
I actually stumbled across that spoiler way before I even started watching the series, so I wasn't really mad at the time. It sucks that it won't surprise me, though.
Or maybe it's for the best.
there's a difference between a hhhnnnnnggh and an orgasm!Don't you mean UNIVERSE?
our unsophisticated minds just cant appreciate a high level masterpiece employing such an unconventional narrative.BRS 6
I really don't understand the plot anymore. Maybe I just don't care enough. Hey those fight scenes sure were cool though.
I actually stumbled across that spoiler way before I even started watching the series, so I wasn't really mad at the time. It sucks that it won't surprise me, though.
Or maybe it's for the best.
I wish there were more batshit insane characters like Ringo.
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
Oh i know this
I just don't see how poster art reflects this
ah ok
the humor is still great in the filler
but sometimes it just plain messes with the story and continuity
Tadakuni is still second place? But he's been forgotten!!Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
Apis filler arc was just awful. That was some of the most mind numbingly awful shit I've ever seen. One Piece filler overall is just soul crushing.
The art was posted, which reminded me of the cool preview for the movie, and I wanted express my enthusiasm for said upcoming movie.
I wish for the high res reairing they do more than one episode.
Just wondering but when did they stop using ending themes?
I'm always up for some fun sci-fi in space shows. I will have to check these out.
And there's Nono.
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
There's a lot of fun sci-fi in space in Diebuster.
You'll probably have a good time.
Should I watch Gunbuster before diebuster? Is it standalone? How much will I be missing out if I just skip to the cuter show?
I know
I was just being a negative PoS
Well, to get the full impact of Diebuster's ending, you need to watch Gunbuster. Though, since all you care about is cute, you might as well just watch Diebuster. -_-Should I watch Gunbuster before diebuster? Is it standalone? How much will I be missing out if I just skip to the cuter show?
You won't miss much by skipping it, but it's worth watching so why not?
Black Rock Shooter 06
The first 2/3 of the episode was totally super terrible. The story and writing in this series is really amazing. It's like what would happen if Hideo Kojima was a huge fan of the OVA, and was given free reign to reimagine a TV series based on that complete with his most outrageous fanfiction take on where the direction of the story should go. Truly... amazing.
The action this week was really good though. Some really creative shots, and great effects animation towards the end. But the final 1/3 of the episode storywise is totally WOW. Somehow even though it was totally STUPID, it worked. I'm actually pumped for next week's episode.
After watching the preview for next week's episode, I'm even more pumped. I think this is proof that if you eat too much bad food, you end up liking it. I am a victim of my own inability to walk away from this. Only 2 more weeks. COME AT ME MARI OKADA!
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
Actually, the latest update in the character poll rankings changed a bit. Top five are now Habara, Tadakuni, Karasawa, President, and Hidenori. Lit Girl dropped all the way to 8th place.
That's some pretty cool web site design, actually.
The art direction for the movie is really good; I almost feel bad for the staff. I get the feeling that the movie would be much better recieved if it wasn't tied to the failure of the TV show.
Time to catch up on shitty anime like zero no tsukaima
I really love One Piece. Also, I gotta buy those movies, haha.
Nah, that spoiler is kind of big. It even made the Japanese news. It was the exact opposite of what everyone expected out of that arc and led to the fanbase going absolutely nuts.
Won't kill your enjoyment of the series though. Knowing the outcome doesn't make the stuff leading up to it any less amazing.
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy
This OVA had a more somber and hard-edged tone than is typical for the franchise. Thankfully, it was executed well with a relatively complex and twisting plot. There were a multitude of conflicting factions and different schemes clashing with each other, which meant you actually had to pay attention to follow what was going on.
The downside is that there's little of the crazy antics that make Dirty Pair so fun. The story ran out of steam at the end, causing the final climax to drag. Even when we got the expected explosions, it felt underwhelming. The music was pretty terrible, with empty cliches that did nothing to help set the mood of a scene - which is a problem when you're going for this kind of serious atmosphere. Also, it contained a serious lapse of Yuri and Kei's fashion sense:
Why the coonskin cap, Yuri?
Still, even if it wasn't at the same level as the TV or OVA series, it was a solid note for the franchise to go out on.
Should I watch Gunbuster before diebuster? Is it standalone? How much will I be missing out if I just skip to the cuter show?
Ah, you could have just said that from the beginning!
missed Aokiji's introduction, which I didn't realize until later. Davy Back Fight is terrible.
I assumed everyone already knew this characteristic
Live Action Rurouni Kenshin poster. (yes its as bad as you imagined)
You won't miss too much if you skip to Diebuster, but watching Gunbuster first makes Diebuster's ending way cooler.
Gunbuster isn't that cute, but I could imagine someone who's a fan of mid-80s anime getting a bit of hnngh out of Noriko's optimism.