Heck no!
You just watch us wallow in the filth from afar huh?
Heck no!
BRS is something that needs to be experienced!
there's always the game...
It is precisely because it goes beyond what many would do now in incorporating cues from many sources, without being strident. Like an homage and labor of love, I think it is an inspired work because retains many things from those four decades that Jexhius mentioned, and makes it fresh and well thought.
Special as in special ed?It truly does. BRS is special. I keep saying it. Its like SPECIAL.
in every other nation that has a media this is called a suicide.
Special as in special ed?
Lagrange 09:
Look at all that hardcore sci-fi mecha action. Truly the Evangelion of our generation.
Pretty standard "foreigners misunderstand everything about their new culture" story. The comedy bits worked while the expository portions felt... expository. I would definitely watch a spin-off of Kiss' misadventures in Kamogawa as long as they kept the stupid invasion plot on the sidelines.
I was going to say God in Maria Holic, but that doesn't fit your criteria. Hmmmm.. recently I would say Madoka in Rinne No Lagrange; however, I've only seen up to episode 3 and have no desire in seeing any more.
You should see how ugly they made KaoruThe actress is super cute too.
From this:
To this:
When it's trying to be a slice of life comedy is the only time Rinne is decent. When it does serious, it's pretty awful and uninteresting. The drama and politics in the show are not done well at all.
Its bound to get pretty action packed at some point soon. There seems to be a background story building up and they are just filling in the voids with hnnng in the meantime.
Do the "hnnng" episodes add anything to the anime? Just so I might be able to skip them if I ever have to force myself to watch it.
Nope, I didn't particularly care for the OP or ED, and the soundtrack was bland enough so that I don't even remember it at this point.
BRS is something that needs to be experienced!
Diebuster 5-6 / END
[...]I don't agree with pizzaroll; Gunbuster is the better show. Diebuster's art is busting at the seams with creativity, but it's thematically void of anything, and a lot of the show is supposed to be carried emotionally by a pair of characters that aren't relatable for opposite reasons. Gunbuster is thematically coherent (if a bit simplistic), consistent in its rules, and built on the backs of characters that at the very least are well-rounded and understandable. There's a unity between the elements of Gunbuster, where Diebuster feels a lot more scattershot. [...]
What do all these words mean?
New art for Blood-C's movie by Kazuchika Kise, the character designer and animation director:
I really like how she barely looks like a Clamp character now. Definite improvement.
I commend you on your gif making. Small file sizes and small in resolution. How considerate.
Average ratings for noitaminA:
BRS+GC has the second lowest average, only above the HM/Fractale combo.
Yeah, that's true.I found Yamada's struggle with envisioning herself smoothly accomplishing something, and then when she actually goes to do it, winding up thinking "oh god I can't do this, abort! abort!!" to be generally relatable and funny.
True, but I think that even if you don't see his perspective much, he clearly does serve as the self-insert character with a harem. Because that's what he is, and even though he doesn't realize it the audience does. I thought it was obvious why it's got that basic plot, and it's probably more because of trying to fit in the genre / do the expected than for the comedy elements. Because really, "most beautiful girl in school decides to date a completely generic guy" is a plot you go into for a reason, and not because of the excuse in the story. (I mean, yeah, you're right that you do need to come up with a character who fits most of those five things you point out, but still... she's the most beautiful girl in school, come on. It's a self-insert fantasy with a comically weird lead girl and some playing with the stereotypes that it also follows.) That doesn't mean I don't like the series, I do, or that I don't find it pretty funny, it is, it's just that I do have some issues with that central element.I didn't really take these "anime conventions" the way you did.
Kosuda's harem, if we want to call it that, exists as obstacles for Yamada, not an experience for Kosuda. AndYamada's the focus of the story, and Kosuda just plays straight-man to her.him being an ordinary boy is part of the comedic contrast between Yamada's imagined super-playgirl self and the awkward first romance she actually experiences. She can't even successfully seduce this nobody.
What kind of replacement for Kosuda would you have in mind? He needs to (a) not hook up with any other girls, (b) not be able to read Yamada's signals, (c) not be confident enough to persistently take initiative himself, (d) be intrigued/desperate enough to be willing to put up with Yamada's nonsense instead of blowing her off after a couple of weeks, and (e) not upstage Yamada.
I see how he can also be expected to serve as a self-insert character, but it seems like more of a side-thing than the main point. We don't see his point of view all that much, except to provide humorous contrast with Yamada's.
Pretty much, yeah. Seriously, this "brushing a girl's teeth moe" thing is creepy... what's to like about that, exactly? The idea that she's so helpless she can't brush her own teeth or something? I would hope it's just the pictures and not thoughts like that...Brushing one's teeth has been ruined forever. You can't really ruin brushing other people's teeth because that's a pretty unusual occurrence to begin with.
It is an interesting design, though. I mean, I can't say that I've seen something quite like it before... maybe I could agree that their fleet could use a bit more variety, but think of sci-fi TV shows, in stuff like Star Trek each race generally has only a few basic ship designs...Yeah Im tired of the knife looking ships, surely the fleet in the sea of morningstar doesnt only pilot knives.
This is a BAD idea.
Also using CG is no excuse for shitty spaceship design. the Bentenmaru looks pretty cool.
The airships in Last Exile were fucking awesome too.
I'm okay with Knifeships as long as they take the design in a crazy direction and give us Swordships, Pikeships, etc. When a fleet comes out of warp it'll look like the Gate of Babylon.
Right, your departure... so have you written something for IS yet? I mean, you did watch it.Mouretsu Pirates of HNNNG 8
This show is really picking up. Definitely my favorite this season.
Before my....departure...I left off on episode 7. It appears the stowaway was. Well I guess she had to find SOMETHING to do once the show was over. She is also hnnnng as hell.Usagi
Naturally, she is fromso they are quite anxious to retrieve her.royal blood
Marika decides to. Then shit gets real. This show needs some new ship designs though.hide her at the school amongst the students. A situation comes up with some sort of Ghost ship appearing nearby and Marika and her crew rush off to the Bentenmaru to contact it
That was kind of an interesting solution to the problem, yeah... it wasn't quite what I expected, but it worked!Moelicious Space Pirates 9
Well, in keeping with the previous arc, the resolution to the space battle was handled well.and without a fight as Princess Usagi invokes her authority to keep the peace. It will be interesting to see how the various political factions of Serenity will play out in future episodes, since even though there's fighting between them, they all obey the royal family
The show may not be action-packed, but it's got enough of it. It doesn't need more.The preview for the next episode looks really exciting, whoever is making these previews deserves an award for managing to fit all the action of the episode into a 30 second clip! Well, even it isn't as action-packed as the previews would lead one to believe, this is still the best new show of the season.
Familiar of Zero F 09: You can go with this:
Or you can go with that:
Repeat ad nauseam. There's also some End of the World shenanigans that nobody gives a fuck about. God tier episode.#ican'tbelieveiamfappingtothis
4:3 is the superior format, though!If I do it often enough you'll get used to it, then 4:3 anime just won't look right to you any more; a problem I live with every day. Misery loves company.
Entirely agreed.Not today.
Not tomorrow.
Thermae Romae would have gotten boring fast if it had kept going with its formula.
Season four has been plot-wacky hijinx-plot-wacky hijinx. It's actually moving forward very rapidly, probably because of all the material they have to cover from the light novels.The main problem with this series is that it's got virtually no plot progression of note. I watched about half of the first season, the first episode of season 2, and ep. 6 from season 3 here. No, I didn't review that episode, but I did watch it out of curiosity to see if it'd changed at all. Well, it hasn't. The plot, and the main characters' relationship, really hasn't changed more than a minute amount, and in a series like this that does get old after a while. I don't think I'll be watching more episodes.
Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick 4
Oh wow, I did not see that twist coming.Damn Dezaki, you got me.Lucky is a girl! I would not have guessed that at all from the character design.
This ordering is almost as bad as Infinite Stratos. China and Japan were clearly trash tier.Well yes, I did watch IS but I haven't got much to say other than I did enjoy it for its utter stupidity, Charles in HNNNNG as fuck and the order goes: France, sister, China, Japan, Germany, everyone except Britain, a chair, Britain.
Ano Hana was great. Outside of the part where you have to watch it.
That's a pretty glorious Dezaki postcard. Now you're making me want to check out the show!
You have the first one and last three right, but the others are in the wrong order...Well yes, I did watch IS but I haven't got much to say other than I did enjoy it for its utter stupidity, Charles in HNNNNG as fuck and the order goes: France, sister, China, Japan, Germany, everyone except Britain, a chair, Britain.
Season four has been plot-wacky hijinx-plot-wacky hijinx. It's actually moving forward very rapidly, probably because of all the material they have to cover from the light novels.
I would enjoy season 4 a lot more if it were more wacky hijinx and less plot though.
Ano Hana's biggest problem is that it just didn't know what the hell kind of show it wanted to be.
Relevant image. (Ano Hana spoilers)Ano Hana wanted to be a show about smelling a dead girl's dress, and it delivered on that pretty well.
So...it's the anime Kid Icarus deserved?Kid Icarus 3D thing from P I.G. part 1
Awful. Production I.G. really put as little effort into this as they possibly could.
Amagami SS: So this time around, the complication is that. Yeah, I guess this is why most sitcoms and romcoms do their best to delay the coupling for as long as possible - the alternative is just massively boring.the girl is too busy and he feels lonely
I was surprised that they gave her thethough. Why not, I suppose.future epilogue
Depends. Is SHAFT's Kid Icarus out yet?So...it's the anime Kid Icarus deserved?
Did they finally start uploading that stuff onto the eShop/Nintendo Video thing?Kid Icarus 3D thing from P I.G. part 1
Awful. Production I.G. really put as little effort into this as they possibly could.