I'm going to blame Berserk's ugly CGI for this even though it probably has nothing to do with it.
Studio 4c is normally pretty sufficiently talented when it comes to CG. Its actually surprising that Berserk looks as off as it does.
I'm going to blame Berserk's ugly CGI for this even though it probably has nothing to do with it.
It's about as popular as American restaurants.
I just finished reading the ending to the FMP novels and wow it really needs to get a animu adaptation. The rest of the material after Second Raid is amazing. So many insane things happen that have a high chance of causing shit storms. If it does not happen at least I have Sigma.
Do you know anything about where the story goes, to know that you actually WANT more?Past TSR, I've only read most (I think--all that was translated at the time) of A Dancing Very Merry Christmas, and yeah, that was fun. But I've about given up hope on any more anime FMP. Kyoani doesn't do blood anymore.
See my thoughts above on many of these issues, and a few more.Yea the rest of the material is pretty dark and gruesome at some points. But many of the best parts of the rest of the material could be so much more moving if it was adapted correctly.Nami's death was horribleThe death of Souske's mother and Nami, when you find out Kalinin betrayed Mithril, and the illusion of Chidori killing Tessa and Souske, and many more
Novel Spoilers
The moment where Chidori rejects the perfect peaceful fake world because the Souske of the fake world is not the man she fell in love with could also me amazing if adapted correctly
I don't have a MAL account or rate stuff on ANN, but I would support the 6-10 scale. The idea is that it's scoring based on school scores, and I think that that's the best scoring system; the only change I'd make is I like a percent system, instead of 1-10, but either way, the system is easy enough to understand and makes sense. "But the lower half of the scale is rarely used, only 6-10 are"? So? That's how it works in schools too, and it's a pretty good system.You are part of the problem.
Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) 1-12 END
Gee, thank's for the heads up! And hey, it would have been even better if you also warned me about the Ending being about as long as the actual show itself!!! Thankfully the rather self aware nature of the show actually made this fairly enjoyable, even though I really don't care about Lovecraft or the Cthulhu Mythos at all.
So question about the end of the Edolas arc of Fairy Tail
they keep saying how Edolas Erza has good in her heart so are they just forgetting about all the people she supposedly killed?
Catnapped! (More than just a Studio Ghibli knockoff)
Dat western audience appeal!
I think if I had seen this movie as a child it would have blown my mind. But now it works more as another step to furthering my appreciation/knowledge of the medium.
The plot is interesting, if a bit silly: Two siblings are taken by some very cat-like creatures to their alternate dimension to help stop their dog since it has been turned into a giant monster by an evil sorceress witch cat-lady. Also, take note Hosoda, the kids get transformed into cats whenever they get to the cativerse and only look slightly creepy. The movie actually gets a whole lot more interesting whenever the villainess is introduced and her backstory is explained.She is an insane and cold hearted brat
The whole thing is beautifully animated and the visuals more than enough to keep you interested. There are some sequences once the movie reaches the cat universe that look great. The magician sequence in particular made my jaw drop down to the ground. The whole place has a kaleidoscopic/carnival intermingling look to it. To avoid the Ghibli comparisons seems impossible, Geneons (Then Pioneer) push into the childrens market that Ghibli was dominating seems pretty clear. The movie its self seems best compared to Spirited Away, thought it precedes it by 6 years.
My biggest issue with the movie is a scene where we see how the relationship is strained between Toryasu and Papadoll. This should be a big emotional scene where we get some context... but instead they play some completely inappropriate bubbly music over it. Worse yet, is that they do it twice!
Did I love it? Not really, but in the end it was pretty enjoyable.
I just assume most Britons largely live off tea and Jaffa Cakes.
What's with the off-topic post?
The habitual thing, it continues...All detail is lost and it looks like generic animu.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=28536167&postcount=585/XX/ said:So you already think Production I.G will give us that sterile and clean (even soulless) look they are famous for?Yes, I think they will...
Hey man McDonald's is pretty much everywhere.
Not caring about something doesn't mean you're not aware of it! I honestly can't see someone who isn't aware of Lovecraft or the Cthulhu Mythos to even bother watching this.If you don't know anything about Lovecraft or the Cthulu mythos, though, you'll miss a lot of the point of the show... I mean, the whole idea is that the show's a ridiculous massacred adulteration of the whole concept and mythos. That it's so, so wrong is a big part of why it was funny... I guess it's also amusing on its own, but not as much so as if you know something about the source material.
But they change it per country
and the teriyaki burger in Japan > anything
Kid Icarus: Thanatos Rising Part 1
This was pretty bad, the awful dubbing or the really over the top use of 3d certainly didn't help things. I'll check out the other parts when they finally start uploading them here. I wonder if they'll add this stuff to the game cart.
Hopefully SHAFT will redeem us all. Headtilting Paulenta is guaranteed to be good.
dont forget it's gonna be inHopefully SHAFT will redeem us all. Headtilting Paulenta is guaranteed to be good.
Yeah, I noticed that in the credits.Thanatos Rising isn't even really by Production IG. It's produced by NAS, Production IG contributes the director/writer, and the CG direction and production is by Qreazy. It's really lazy and deceptive.
Symphogear 08:
And to think that all it took wasAbout fucking time that Miku made up.. Then again,a little yuri time with Hibiki's archnemesisany conflict that begins with yuri can be ended by yuri.
Symphogear 09:
.Three-way yuri dates, comic relief from the villainous Ryouko, and Tsubasa getting her groove back? It's just about time for shit to hit the fan and for everyone to die, I guess
I don't know if this has been pointed out yet, but lol animation error. The show would probably be more entertaining if Hibiki could actually do this.
Symphogear 10:
Man, fuck Engrish. Symphogear is setting records in this department.
So? She's eitherRyouko is the primary suspect in the slaughter of the American soldiers but the best alibi she can give is "ololol I overslept"or she's just a moron. Probably both.convinced that her scheme has advanced to the point that it's unstoppable and she just doesn't give a shit
omg erryone new SAO anime character art!!!
I like 'em. I've no idea what this show is, but I might give it a whirl.
there was some artwork posted several weeks back. Its sort of an MMO styled show or something. Hopefully it is more Ragnarok The animation and less .Hack//sign.
You mean Accel World, or something else?Is that the one where the main character is fat?
there was some artwork posted several weeks back. Its sort of an MMO styled show or something. Hopefully it is more Ragnarok The animation and less .Hack//sign.
I liked .hack//SIGN. More than the other .hack animes anyway, which I never finished.
I liked the music. The actual show put me to sleep. Sooooo slow paced.
You mean Accel World, or something else?
I liked .hack//SIGN. More than the other .hack animes anyway, which I never finished.
Chihayafuru 23
Chihaya really is one of a kind in the anime world :lol
It seems like Taichi-bro's will shed some major tears when this show ends.
I'm glad I never really picked a side.
Dissapointed that this week's Sket Dance was a Yamanobe episode, as I'm not really a fan of their Calvinball-style antics, but the next episode should be pretty fun.
It's Biglobe user poll time again. This week the topic was the "cutest" seiyuu, and out of about 8000 votes the surprise victor was Nobuhiko Okamoto, nearly doubling Kana Hanazawa's total. Which of course proves nothing, as usual, except maybe that the majority of the voters this time around were women. Can't blame them for their choice, though.
Not even a fan at that surprise singer for the genesis anthem?
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
To familiarize myself with the history of the Lupin series I decided to start off with this movie since this seems to be the most popular one. It was a really fun movie and the animation and art was nice on the eyes. The old school style of art appeals to me. It had been a while since I've seen a Miyazaki film so that was nice. I'm indifferent to the story, but from what I understand this movie isn't a very good representative of what the older series are about (i.e. more emphasis on the heists). Still, it's gotten me interested enough in the characters to try out the 1st series. I think that's the "Green Jacket" one? I really liked the way the characters interacted with each other. Especially Lupin and Jigen.
Oh and I don't know if Fujiko is normally like what she is in the movie, but movie Fujiko is a fucking badass.
what, Gosick is not well liked? Gosick was awesome. It had some awesome hats and hair styles.
what, Gosick is not well liked? Gosick was awesome. It had some awesome hats and hair styles.
It's not well liked here.
It's highly rated on places like MAL/ANN, but then again they highly rate Angel Beats, which has all the charm and wit of a pebble. So take that with a grain of salt.
I enjoyed it, mostly for the cute factor I confess. Plot-wise it's kinda lifeless/boring.
EDIT: Cajunator's opinions = good opinions.
"Welcome to America"This is some bullshit.
This premise sounds similar to .hack. If the battles are done well I might give it a whirl.Nah. Ok well i'll spoil the hook if you guys really don't care so people can know if it'll be entertaining or not. I mean in and of itself it's nothing great, but it can be a fun read if you go in without expectations.
They're playing the release of the first Virtual Reality MMO on the day it comes out, and notice that the log out button has disappeared. They start panicking until the head creator of the game tells them that they can no longer log off and that if they die in the game, they'll die in real life. The only way they can get out of the game is if they kill the boss of every floor (There's 100 floors). The paragraph Dresden posted is from the prologue that takes place 2 years after this happens.
Damn, I should really get to watching this show.Rose Of Versailles
I liked .hack//SIGN. More than the other .hack animes anyway, which I never finished.
You might like //Quantum. It's only 3 OVAs and they aren't very long so the pacing isn't that bad. For the most part it was pretty fun.
Which .hack series has Black rose?
There were some cute .hack series made but I lost track with so many of them.
Which .hack series has Black rose?
There were some cute .hack series made but I lost track with so many of them.
Are they more interesting than the original .hack? I don't want to end up with another boring series. Do they just stand around or is there more to the other series, like action/events?