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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Well he must've forgotten to send me the calling card with this one then. Seriously, how hard can it be? Were they filming a good twenty minutes of stuff there and not even streaming it? All this waiting for a glimpse of Charlie Kosei's face and a pan in of the Lupin logo with super quiet music. Jesus Christ TMS.

I heard it was because you messed up the producer's name in your post. So he decided to take revenge by messing up the stream. :(
So with spring starting soon, how about some winter season rankings!?

1. High School DxD
2. Daily Lives of High School Boys
3. Another
4. Black Rock Shooter
5. Symphogear
6. Aquarion Evol
7. Rinne no Lagrange
8. Therma Romae
9. Recorder to Randsell
I heard it was because you messed up the producer's name in your post. So he decided to take revenge by messing up the stream. :(

Next thing we know Lupin will be wearing the Pink Jacket. And it'll be in space. And then it will miss its April 4th slot (except of the last five minutes) since bloody Yu Garden felt like trolling us some more!


Mardock Scramble: The First Compression

It's been a few days since I watched this but I still can't quite figure out what the tone of the film was supposed to be. I mean, it deals with some rather grim subject matter and at times it almost seems like it wants to tell a serious story but then it ends up commiting the cardinal crime of trying waaay too hard to be super dark and "edgy" so it ends up landing squarely into the silly and off-putting territory. The fact that it also features a technobabbley quasi-magical luminescent mouse who talks and is able to transform into a number of things, including the main character's clothes, certainly doesn't help. Speaking of the main character's clothes, where the fuck are they during the vast majority of the runtime? I don't want to dwell too deep into this but it's worth noting that I recall only one single scene during the whole thing where she wasn't either in the nude or wearing something revealing and/or fetishistic and even then that scene was pretty disgusting in its own way anyway. The film also seems to go out of its way to remind us at seemingly every opportunity how young the main character actually is. It makes for a very uncomfortable watch throughout but I'm not entirely sure if that's what they were going for mostly because I don't want to give them that much credit.

As for Mr. the Pussyhand and company, while all very much aptly named, they completely and utterly failed at instilling any sort of sense of threat or danger to me mostly because I was too busy laughing at their over-the-topness to actually care. It's a real problem when your supposed villains are so painfully cartoony and one-dimensional that you simply cannot care for them in the slightest. And then some.

If there is at least one positive thing I can say about this piece of shit is that what sparse little action there is looks at the very least competently choreographed but that's not really saying very much at all. Oh and the soundtrack is not entirely terrible I guess so make that two things then.

It's that bad, huh. I remember being fairly pumped from the previews of it. I guess there's no hope for the sequels to be any better than the first one?

HidaSketch SP2 END

This was yet another entertaining episode of HidaSketch.
Sae overreacting over Hiro getting a love letter was pretty damn cute and funny.
Do the later seasons keep up with the non-chronological format of the show?

I don't remember the HidaSketch looking like that. Were the backgrounds that detailed and colourful? I still haven't watched the third season yet though.

Just read that a fourth season was announced. @_@ How does it get so many seasons? Not that I don't like HidaSketch but is it isn't terribly popular, is it?

1. Daily Lives of High School Boys
2. Ano Natsu
3. Persona 4?
4. Thermae Romae

This season was kinda sucky.
TMS Entertainment has apologized that due to various issues they were unable to stream the event. Lolz.

I'm hoping it will still get archived. That's as long as they were actually recording it... I know Justin.TV can automatically archive your videos if you have it set up correctly. No idea with UStream. :X

I bet Yu Garden is burning the archive footage as we speak.


I'm hoping it will still get archived. That's as long as they were actually recording it... I know Justin.TV can automatically archive your videos if you have it set up correctly. No idea with UStream. :X

I bet Yu Garden is burning the archive footage as we speak.

But for there to be an archive there has to be a live recording. It doesn't look like there was one, since the only time they got the streaming stuff working and live was minutes after the event ended. We could see the empty stage. Lolz.


Just read that a fourth season was announced. @_@ How does it get so many seasons? Not that I don't like HidaSketch but is it isn't terribly popular, is it?

It's not anywhere near the level of Madoka or Bakemonogatari, but Hidasketch is one of SHAFT's better-selling series.


The OT's started and going slowly. I'm going to do some more tonight, and blitz tomorrow to finish most of it. I am still seeking help on the banner/and other graphics you'd be willing to do though, so if anyone can help there, shoot me a pm. It'd be much appreciated. Otherwise I'll just arrange a few glorious pics of Watanabe and call it a day, lol. (Serious, very)

As for the swag, that's stalled to hell for reasons I'd rather not say, but I've been pissed. Still getting it asap, but not at the KI launch like expected.

Spring is doomed.




Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
High School DxD end
Not much more I can say about the series as a whole. It did what it set out to do and never went against its intentions. Fun characters, frequent badass action, cute situations; what's not to like? Though I still am a bit miffed that
Rias won even though Asia's introduction episodes made it seem like she would be the front-runner (and rightfully so).
Ah well, that's how the genre is I guess.
The only thing Asia was a front-runner for was worst harem member.
But for there to be an archive there has to be a live recording. It doesn't look like there was one, since the only time they got the streaming stuff working and live was minutes after the event ended. We could see the empty stage. Lolz.

Yeah, that's my concern too. Even when it did begin streaming, it kept cutting out for me and I had to refresh the page to get it working again. When the stream finally became stable, a woman bowed a few times and everybody stood up and hastily left. Oh well. I'm hoping if any footage was shown, it'll appear on the official Lupin 40 website sooner or later anyway. Sleep time now before my TMS rage keeps me awake until I have to go to work.


Kids on the Slope will be 12 episodes long, and it will condense the entire manga series all the way up to the final volume of the manga in those 12 episodes. Sounds like they're not expecting to ever do another season.


1)Daily Lives of Highschool Boys
3)Ano Natsu
4)Inu x Boku
5)Themae Romae

Dammit, now where am I gonna get my weekly dose of Gintama/Nichibros? Sket dance isn't good at all.


Kids on the Slope will be 12 episodes long, and it will condense the entire manga series all the way up to the final volume of the manga in those 12 episodes. Sounds like they're not expecting to ever do another season.

A Watanabe series that isn't 26 episodes long? Surely, the sign of the doomed times.

Dammit, now where am I gonna get my weekly dose of Gintama/Nichibros? Sket dance isn't good at all.

Actually, Sket Dance would be your best bet, if you haven't given it the chance. It's darker at times than either, much more, but the comedy is the closest thing to Gintama you'll find.


1. roundcats
2. toothbrush

I don't remember the HidaSketch looking like that. Were the backgrounds that detailed and colourful? I still haven't watched the third season yet though.
It was a one off scene that lasted for less than a minute. Unfortunately the whole special didn't look like that.

Just read that a fourth season was announced. @_@ How does it get so many seasons? Not that I don't like HidaSketch but is it isn't terribly popular, is it?
It's supposedly one of there better selling series so they'd be pretty dumb not to do more of it.

Kids on the Slope will be 12 episodes long, and it will condense the entire manga series all the way up to the final volume of the manga in those 12 episodes. Sounds like they're not expecting to ever do another season.
this sounds like it'll be pretty rushed but in watanabe we trust!


The Light of El Cantare
AnoNatsu 10:

It's a full-on race to see which girl will end up foreveralone!
Surely Tanigawa can't actually be content with that hopeless confession. Conquering the pain of unrequited love isn't so cut-and-dry

If you ask me, Tetsurou is in a way better position than Kaito.
Even if he doesn't hook up with Tanigawa, he has a nudist stalker to fall back on. Maybe I'm just a terrible pervert for thinking that this is a good thing

I've gotten to the point where I'm okay with science fiction that removes all the stupid goobledegook associated with science fiction. The early episodes of Space Pirates for example.

I feel like the moment they get into all that junk, it gets a bit too much. We already had a lot of info dump in the last episode and I'm sure the finale will have a lot as well.

Through episode ten now. I don't know that the only way to explore Ichika's home culture would necessarily be through infodump. My wish for her to have been less familiar with our own culture doesn't necessitate that we ever know a single thing about her own, just for Ichika to demonstrate through her actions that she's not used to various aspects of ours.

I'll offer further thoughts after I've seen if the purported level of technobabble in the next episode takes me out of the show.

So with spring starting soon, how about some winter season rankings!?

1. Daily Lives of High School Boys
2. Nisemonogatari
3. Rinne no Lagrange
4. AnoNatsu
5. Mouretsu Pirates
6. Symphogear
7. Brave 10
8. Black Rock Shooter

Still need to watch Another.
I feel like it's a little premature for winter rankings, since some final episodes have yet to air, but I can't resist:

1. Gintama
2. Hotarubi no Mori e
3. "Spring Has Come"
4. Ano Natsu de Matteru
5. Natsume's Book of Friends S4
6. Chihayafuru
7. Daily Lives of High School Boys
8. Sket Dance
9. Thermae Romae
10. Poyopoyo
11. Yuri Seijin Naoko-san

Kids on the Slope will be 12 episodes long, and it will condense the entire manga series all the way up to the final volume of the manga in those 12 episodes. Sounds like they're not expecting to ever do another season.

Hopefully Watanabe knows how to do this without making a mess of things.


Actually, Sket Dance would be your best bet, if you haven't given it the chance. It's darker at times than either, much more, but the comedy is the closest thing to Gintama you'll find.

I'm already 50 episodes in, hit or miss but mostly miss all the time. The only times it's ever good when it comes to the back-stories of the Sket dan.


1. Anonatsu
2. Rinne no lagrange
3. Nisemonogatari

Still need to watch Daily lives of highschool boys.
How many volumes does Apollon have, btw? I'm looking and all I'm finding are 8.
9 I think.
Kids on the Slope will be 12 episodes long, and it will condense the entire manga series all the way up to the final volume of the manga in those 12 episodes. Sounds like they're not expecting to ever do another season.
Considering it's Watanabe; it might not be a bad thing!


1. Headtilts and toothbrushes
2. Literature and Apples
3. Nudists and Aliens

Also the problem with Ichika isn't that she's an alien, but rather that her being an alien is her only defining characteristic and without that, she's pretty much a complete non-character. Actually, given that her alien status is of no consequence outside of providing an outside dramatic influence, she ends up being pretty much nothing but a walking plot device to fuel the drama occuring elsewhere.

I guess in the end it doesn't matter TOO much, since the characters are not designed to be more than paper cutouts anyway. The strengh of this show is its direction and pacing, which is why despite my misgivings it ends up being solid but not spectacular.


The Light of El Cantare
I guess in the end it doesn't matter TOO much, since the characters are not designed to be more than paper cutouts anyway. The strengh of this show is its direction and pacing, which is why despite my misgivings it ends up being solid but not spectacular.

Yeah. In light of all of this discussion, I'd like to emphasize that I find AnoNatsu to be a quality show in several respects; I've just somehow managed to type several hundred times more about my one sticking point than the ways in which I think that the show succeeds. All told, it's good stuff and I don't regret catching up on it today.


Edit: wtf.

1. Bodacious
1. Another
1. Ano Natsu
1. Chihaya
200. Listen to Me, Girls!

Dishonorable mention but I keep watching anyway: Recorder and afflasdfalfjhafj.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
(List does not include continuations of shows from prior seasons)

1) Ano Natsu de Matteru (best everything)

2) Daily Lives of High School Boys staring Literary Girl (funniest)
3) Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki (best use of cats)
4) Bodacious Space Pirates (best episode 10)
5) Inu x Boku SS (most hnnnng)
6) Rinne no Lagrange (best OP)
7) Knight in the Area (best combination of soccer and cute chick)
8) High School DxD (best ED I can't stop watching)
9) PapaKiki (masterfully tap dancing on the line)
10) Zero no Tsukaima F (best princess)

Only watching for Mei) Another

WTF) Black Rock Shooter


Fate/Zero 3


Waver doesn't deserve Rider.

Having a million assassins seems like cheating to me.

Kiritsugu is a jerk.

Some parts of this episode were pretty lazy. There were some long shots with no animation that they held way too long.


Oh yeah, both long-in-the-tooth kugiloli shows just ended and no one cares. (spoilers:
the kugilolis win

You may now return to you regularly scheduled lives.
What are the shortest anime adaptations in terms of episode to manga volume ratio?

Well both Kaiji seasons condensed 13 volumes into 26 episodes. Don't think there's any with a lower ratio than that. Of course each Kaiji chapter is filled with so much screwing around that they could get away with it.


Well both Kaiji seasons condensed 13 volumes into 26 episodes. Don't think there's any with a lower ratio than that. Of course each Kaiji chapter is filled with so much screwing around that they could get away with it.

That's 2 episodes per volume. Apollon will be lower than that.


1. BRS Episode 1
2. BRS Episode 2
3. BRS Episode 3
4. BRS Episode 4
5. BRS Episode 5
6. BRS Episode 6
7. BRS Episode 7
8. BRS Episode 8
9. Guilty Crown
10. Nise Toothbrushing


Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 16

"Cleo... Cleo! Has your wind really stopped blowing?" - Vetti

Only a former general turned imprisoned librarian hermit could possibly work out the terrible truth behind the Black Cross.
I only just noticed Vetti has a prosthetic arm thanks to him aimlessly swinging a sword around while obsessing about Cleo instead of sleeping with his wife. I'm absolutely dumbstruck by how quickly Rachel fell in love with him.

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.

Well both Kaiji seasons condensed 13 volumes into 26 episodes. Don't think there's any with a lower ratio than that. Of course each Kaiji chapter is filled with so much screwing around that they could get away with it.
Given how slow the Kaiji anime's pacing felt I can't even begin to image how much worse the mange must be in that regard.

Rather than "rushed," let's use the term "distilled."
Yeah, rushed may be too harsh a word considering who's working on it. Either way it'll easily be the best show of next season.
That isn't space bros!
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