Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Who the fuck is Alexander?
fuck, i meant ashley. not a good idea to post whilst sleep deprived!

But Shamballa was very well animated too...
True, but Milos has far more going for it than Shamballa.

Guilty Crown 2

Episode 1 sucked, episode 2 isn't that much better. I'll give it points for the show of violence on unharmed and harmless hostages, but Shu is one of the worst characters I've seen in a while and makes watching this kind of an annoyance.
just stop before it's too late.


Eureka Seven AO info

Main Cast:

Fukai Ao: Yuutaro Motoshiro
Arata Naru: Kanako Miyamoto
Flair Blanc: Ayaka Ohashi
Elena Peoples: Chiaki Omigawa
Truth: Kazuhiko Inoue

OP - "Escape" from Hemenway
ED - "stand by me" from Stereopony

Series starts on MBS, April 12 2012.


Is what I would have posted if the show wasn't already DOA.


What's with all the Omigawa hate? Do you people not recognize a Goddess's voice when you hear it?

That's a funny way of spelling Hanazawa.

One show Omigawa's voice is hnng (Hidamari Sketch), one show her voice suits the character (Soredemo), the rest just make my ears bleed.

Maaaaybe Jun from Natsu no Arashi gets a pass, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.


sealed with a kiss
That's a funny way of spelling Hanazawa.

One show Omigawa's voice is hnng (Hidamari Sketch), one show her voice suits the character (Soredemo), the rest just make my ears bleed.

Maaaaybe Jun from Natsu no Arashi gets a pass, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

I only said "a" Goddess, Hanazawa gets goddess tier status as well, along with Rie.


We may all argue amongst ourselves about the goddesses available to us now, but at the end of the day we all do agree that Aya Hirano is the one and only, right? I'd like to make sure.


Yutori-chan 1-3

3 minute shorts of hhhhnnnnggggggggggh. just what the doctor ordered

That's a funny way of spelling Hanazawa.

One show Omigawa's voice is hnng (Hidamari Sketch), one show her voice suits the character (Soredemo), the rest just make my ears bleed.

Maaaaybe Jun from Natsu no Arashi gets a pass, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

it's a rather refined taste


We may all argue amongst ourselves about the goddesses available to us now, but at the end of the day we all do agree that Aya Hirano is the one and only, right? I'd like to make sure.

She voiced Haruhi, HARUHI.

Just to be clear, THE WRONG HARUHI.


sealed with a kiss
Hers is one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard.

I feel sorry for you, unable to appreciate the true splendor and majesty that is Omigawa.

Aya Hirano voiced the bad haruhi as Steroyd pointed out, she can never be a true goddess.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
My initial reaction to the Planetes manga was that they ruined Yuri's development. In hindsight, using a few episodes on basically nothing in order to establish the characters was a genius move on Taniguchi's part, because it made the Yuri reveal all the more interesting. That Yuri's "mystery" is solved within the first volume is, honestly, kind of a disappointment. Because Yuri faded into the background after his "arc" in the anime, I don't see how he's going to remain relevant in the manga for 3 more volumes.

Also, Tanabe is nowhere to be found when Hachi's undergoing his the most crucial turning point in his character development.


I guess this was all stuff from the first episode since most, if not all, of the scenes have equivalents in the first chapter of the manga.


The biggest surprise, for me, was how ok this looked. There was no terrible CG and the character designs aren't as annoying as they first looked to be.


My initial reaction to the Planetes manga was that they ruined Yuri's development. In hindsight, using a few episodes on basically nothing in order to establish the characters was a genius move on Taniguchi's part, because it made the Yuri reveal all the more interesting. That Yuri's "mystery" is solved within the first volume is, honestly, kind of a disappointment. Because Yuri faded into the background after his "arc" in the anime, I don't see how he's going to remain relevant in the manga for 3 more volumes.

Also, Tanabe is nowhere to be found when Hachi's undergoing his the most crucial turning point in his character development.


The manga moves far too fast.


Guilty Crown 2

Episode 1 sucked, episode 2 isn't that much better. I'll give it points for the show of violence on unharmed and harmless hostages, but Shu is one of the worst characters I've seen in a while and makes watching this kind of an annoyance.

I'm afraid it doesn't get much better. I remember episode 9 perking my eyes and ears, if for any reason, just compared to the rest of it.
Not worth the trek


does the Planetes manga have the same ending as the anime?
because the anime had one of the worst last episodes to a series i enjoyed, one facepalm scene after another.


does the Planetes manga have the same ending as the anime?
because the anime had one of the worst last episodes to a series i enjoyed, one facepalm scene after another.

The ending is different.

Doesn't it also lack the silly
subplot or am I misremembering?

Hakim and the terrorist exist, it's just they're one-time characrers rather than the entire ending arc.


sealed with a kiss
The biggest surprise, for me, was how ok this looked. There was no terrible CG and the character designs aren't as annoying as they first looked to be.

It's good they look better in motion, since those proportions look terribly disfigured in the promo art so far.


I don't understand region locking a promotional video personally.

Guilty Crown 4

There was action, and explosions, lots of explosions. Explosions are always cool, plus playing with gravity! I liked
Shu using mechs and bubbles of water as stepping stones for his climb toward Inori, but... I don't feel it fits his character.
Also, by the end of the episode
seeing him hold that pen felt anti climatic. Either he is smart enough to understand instantly how shit works, or he's a dumb fuck that falls for the "be a traitor" ploy after being betrayed himself. He can't, or at least shouldn't, be both at the same time!


The Light of El Cantare
I see that Bones is recycling the island from Star Driver.

You wouldn't even be able to tell that AO had anything to do with E7 if it wasn't for the Nirvash. This show is so fucked.


sealed with a kiss
Actual hand drawn animation, I am impressed! The characters didn't look too bad either. I'm expecting this to be quite good

at least it will have hnnnnnngh, and even though they just recycled the island from Star driver, it still looks pretty.
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