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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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Other than some playful ribbing, are there any actual instances of a poster getting called out for his taste? (Not including DTL because that's a joke character)

I think AnimeGAF is one of the most respectful threads in the anime community and even in GAF as a whole. We don't really get flame wars here and everyone is free to like what they want. Granted, the criticism towards shows go overboard sometimes but thats the hyperbolic nature of the internet.

I didn't mean the original statement as anything more than a joke masking a bit of the truth you mentioned here. So I'm therefore not held accountable for any further community deconstruction considering I've only recently joined.

Other than some playful ribbing, are there any actual instances of a poster getting called out for his taste? (Not including DTL because that's a joke character)

I think AnimeGAF is one of the most respectful threads in the anime community and even in GAF as a whole. We don't really get flame wars here and everyone is free to like what they want. Granted, the criticism towards shows go overboard sometimes but thats the hyperbolic nature of the internet.

Just speaking for myself, I try to stay away from that as much as possible.


Come on, why do I even get this. Do people have something against me or something? I barely even make five posts in this thread a day even, gah.

You should've seen this coming when you said you didn't like Anthy, man. People probably have your name on a list for life.

So I finished Rebirth of Buddha. I'll have my thoughts up in a few minutes.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Witchcraft Works - 1

Huh, this is actually pretty decent. Aside from the complete bitch of a protagonist I'm enjoying this quite a bit.

Also that ending sequence was great.
I'm sorry to generalize like that. My point was that you and cajunator aren't really harsh on posters and/or shows so its not like the whole thread is like that.

Oh.... Makes sense I guess.

Well I guess for posters, I do have my sticklers list, although I leave politics in the backroom
nothing actually happens, just getting on better terms

I think I'll leave criticisms for anime when I'm truly in the pool... maybe.


For further reference, please check my AOTY list for a guide on what is good and what is bad and what is kosher to talk about since I am, of course, the arbiter of taste around here.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Chuu2-2 01:

OP and ED are much nicer this time around. I like this cast and it's nice to see them again. I also enjoy playing the "KyoAni Blinking Game" from shot to shot. :D

Space Dandy 01:

This was fun to watch. Can't wait for the next episode.


The Light of El Cantare
I'm on Team Z/X Ignition with DTL and you're all going to be choking on your slander when it turns out to be the best show of the season.


I take it you enjoyed this more than Laws of Eternity, or at least feel more comfortable laughing at Happy Science doctrine now.

I did enjoy it more than Laws of Eternity. I'm still halfway uncomfortable mocking most religions because that's just the way mom and pop brought me up to be, but I mean. Well, here, we'll do this officially.

The Rebirth of Buddha

Let me begin by saying I actually enjoyed this movie. Which means my tastes are as bad as dimb says they are, among other things. I'll go more into depth as to why I liked it, what I felt was critically no good, and such as I go, but first I think I'll take a crack at its doctrine.

It should be noted that as a Mormon I've kinda grown up used to people making cracks about my own religion (and I can dish them about as well as I can take them), but sometimes just saying "that's stupid crazy" doesn't cut it for me since I suppose that anybody who looked at what I believe could well say the same. I mean, Ancient American Christians? Then again, you never really know when you're inside of something. The point is, if I'm cutting a cult a break it's only because like, my whole life I've been taught to be mindful of not stepping on the religious toes of others.

On the one hand, I think that doctrinally there are some okay things being said in this movie. The message that you shouldn't be afraid to tell the truth is sort of a recurring theme here and in Laws of Eternity, and I'm okay with that. I'm also pretty okay with the Massive Religion Crossover that Happy Science seems to have going. Religious crossover is actually pretty nifty, I think, because it represents finding things you have in common with other belief systems, rather than obsessing over the different. I concede that Happy Science is perhaps just a bit too giddy about it, but eh, what the hey.

There's also the fact that you can't shake off the fact that this is a cult we're talking about here. I hate to use that word, as many times as it's been thrown in my face, but it always seems to me that in Japan there is a larger amount of Christian cults, though as someone who has like, NO experience with religion outside the Western world, I really cannot say. Which is another point I should bring up: my knowledge of non-Abrahamic religions is extremely limited, so I really dunno a whole lot about Buddhism or Shinto.

That said, I feel that Buddha is used here in a way that practically lacks any sign of being Buddha at all. I mean I really feel the author just wanted to say Jesus, but since Buddha is the bigger name, they went with Buddha. But I mean, I dunno that false Buddhas are a thing, the way false Christs are.

The other major complaint I feel the need to make in this area is that I have a hard time thinking someone actually believes this. Or rather, I don't know exactly what the people believe. For instance, in both Laws of Eternity and Rebirth of Buddha a major character turns out to actually be a historical religious figure reincarnated. Do the members of Happy Science believe these anime characters are these figures? Do the characters in the anime correspond to the real life leaders of Happy Science? Are the events in these anime meant to be real depictions of what the people believe, or just fictionalized stories set to the back drop of the religion's faith?

For instance, the LDS Church has a movie called "The Testaments" which follows the life of an ancient American family leading up to the coming of Christ. I imagine watching this movie if you don't know anything about Mormonism would be a similar experience, since the family is fiction, even to the members, whereas the rest of the events in the film are part of the faith. So I assume that Sayako and her friends are fictional characters meant to teach us about something else, except that unlike in the Testaments where the LDS Church is really saying that yes, the Glorified Christ came to the Ancient Americas, I have a hard time believing that the Happy Scientists want me to believe that demonic aliens invaded modern day Japan.

Moving on from the criticism of its teachings to the plot, I have to say that on the whole--and if you did not believe I was insane prior to this point in the post, you will soon have confirmation--it reminded me of Earth Maiden Arjuna . . . except it didn't suck. The two plots have a fair amount in common, following a girl's spiritual quest, guided by her Jesus guide and accompanied by her dopey blonde not-boyfriend. Tonally there's a lot of stopping the plot to preach to the viewer (who is personified by the girl), and several occasions in which danger leads to an intended lesson. The key difference, I would say, is that where Shoji Kawamori is a hateful man who thinks that humanity is horrible and that our TVs give boners to space aliens, this movie is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, being sugary to the point of diabetes in its hope for the human race. Jesus H. Buddha doesn't exactly do more teaching than Chris did, but at the same time he's far less over bearing, and Mari is an infinitely less shitty Cindy.

The most apt comparison to make, though, is between this and its predecessor, the Laws of Eternity. It still follows a rag-tag gang of heroes through their spiritual conquest over evil, but I think the writers actually did a bit better this time around. The romance is still way more forced, but at least they tried to show Sayako and Yuki in love, rather than just MAKING the leads from the last movie be in love. There's still a racist caricature in the cast (last time it was Roberto, this time it's Australian dude). Last time there was a demon elephant in Hell, so to make things fair this time there was a heavenly elephant, too! And there's still a fair amount of time spent looking at terrible CGI. There were also several cameos from the last movie and, God help me, I actually thought the terrible CGI angel knight cameo was clever of them.

Unlike Laws of Eternity, which meanders like hell, this film actually makes an attempt at pacing. It can be neatly divided into three arcs, (Sayako learning about Buddha, the Flood Arc, and the Baseball Arc) and for the most part, they work, though I would say that the third arc felt sort of unnecessary, since it was clear the battle was over once the Flood Arc was over and the rest felt like some kind of Scouring of the Shire business. It's not the best anime you'll ever see, but compared to its predecessor, they have improved.

The most notable parts of the film are the incredible ambivalence the human race has in reacting to, well, everything. I mean a dude uses psychic powers on TV and rather than the govt locking him down, he's still out and about. ALIENS DESTROY A GOOD CHUNK OF TOKYO and nobody gives a damn ten minutes later when they're told a Tsunami is coming. The bad guy comes riding in on an alien hover craft saying he's Jesus and people believe him, even though he is pretty obviously holding a teenage girl captive.

Speaking of that last part, it's something of a huge plot hole that where the bad guy gets the alien technology to you know, level a town, is never explained. I assume the answer is "from the demon world" but then again, like, what? These demons have the tech to level cities and they know that human misery is the one thing keeping God from closing the doors to Hell forever, so why are they playing this TV game? GO BLOW UP SHIT. I don't know. I just know that out of fucking nowhere aliens level stuff and I'd love to hear an explanation for that. Like, I don't mind if you do crazy stuff, but let's hear some answers why, okay?

So yeah, I enjoyed this. Mostly because it was better than Laws of Eternity, but also because it was better than Arjuna. I wouldn't say I loved it. It's no ZZ Gundam or Monogatari or G Gundam or Shin Mazinger Z or so on or so forth. Not something I'm going to rave to you about. But compared to those two particular shows, which I was reminded of and compared it to for the reasons I have already explained, it was all around a better experience.


Mushishi 1-4

So the first three episodes I didn't like. That's not to say that they weren't good, just that they didn't really attract me or grab my attention. The fourth was great, mostly because of how Ginko fucked up really badly. It was a very welcome change of structure and there were some tragic emotions involved. The story was much more emotional than the prior ones and combined with Ginko's errors, really made me like this episode in particular. I'm hoping the cases are closer to episode 4 than to 1-3.


Kino's Journey 6

My stupid ass didn't make the connection between the woman in that carriage at the very beginning of the episode and the story the guard told about the husband and wife who came to the village where they faced each other and the husband accepted the wife's surrender and she was allowed to escape. Which begs the question, why did the wife lie to Kino and tell her that this was such a beautiful village that every traveler should visit? I would guess that it's because she wanted Kino to go there and win the tournament and change the country so people like her husband wouldn't have to die anymore, but I don't know why she would have that sort of faith in Kino to accomplish such a thing, especially since Kino likely dies if she doesn't. Or becomes a slave if she refuses to accept the challenge. I thought at the beginning that it was her job to trick travelers into going there so they'd have more gladiators, but it sounds like that is not the case at all.

I think that man in the hat who's one of the final four combatants is one of the king's old sons that he exiled. Otherwise I don't know why they'd put as much focus on him as they did.

There's a part 2 though, so hopefully some things will come to light.


The problem with Ano Hana: The Flower That Geneijin Saw That Day is that it's a bad melodrama. By that I mean, as is common with bad melodrama, it seeks to move the viewer, not through quality characterization and tragedy that speaks to the human condition in weighty manner, but through cheap, unearned sentimentality and contrived, throwaway drama.

This is something hardly exclusive to Ano Hana as far as anime goes(see certain other series written by Jun Maeda or Mari Okada), but it's especially noticeable in this case because of how especially weak and capricious the writing is. Storylines are brought up and then dropped abruptly, like Anaru's bad behavior fueled by peer pressure. The show spends multiple episodes on an arc about building a rocket that is ultimately meaningless. The characters don't think to try obvious things like Menma writing in a notebook until the show is almost over. The characters either have nonexistent characterization(Tsuruko), or the characterization they do have is cliched and stupid(Anaru, Yukiatsu). What pathos exists in the show is trivialized by a meaningless love quadrangle that goes nowhere.

Ano Hana is a show which had lots of potential which was squandered with one of the poorest possible scripts.


Welp, just found out one of my local theaters is having a Evangelion 3.0 screening Friday. Even though that film is terrible (though, I would say in an amazing way as I'm one of the film's few defenders here), I could not resist getting tickets to it. It should be worth the time just for the pretty animation alone. It's been so long since I've been able to get some good anime, mecha action on the big screen. Should be fun!


There isn't.

Thank you for the reply!

I also recently marathoned through Attack on Titan and loved it and it's messed up WTF moments. Do we know if there is going to be another season done?
I'd read the manga but my time is very limited because I also watch lots of movies, play games and read comics AND watch normal TV western TV shows/cartoons.
So I caught up with the Hunter X Hunter manga. Yeah, after the spoiler in Episode 112's preview, I just couldn't wait.

Ah well, now I can enjoy getting hyped to see the really crazy shit that went down in the manga animated.


Kino's Journey 6

My stupid ass didn't make the connection between the woman in that carriage at the very beginning of the episode and the story the guard told about the husband and wife who came to the village where they faced each other and the husband accepted the wife's surrender and she was allowed to escape. Which begs the question, why did the wife lie to Kino and tell her that this was such a beautiful village that every traveler should visit? I would guess that it's because she wanted Kino to go there and win the tournament and change the country so people like her husband wouldn't have to die anymore, but I don't know why she would have that sort of faith in Kino to accomplish such a thing, especially since Kino likely dies if she doesn't. Or becomes a slave if she refuses to accept the challenge. I thought at the beginning that it was her job to trick travelers into going there so they'd have more gladiators, but it sounds like that is not the case at all.

I think that man in the hat who's one of the final four combatants is one of the king's old sons that he exiled. Otherwise I don't know why they'd put as much focus on him as they did.

There's a part 2 though, so hopefully some things will come to light.

This episode is probably my favorite. That or the next one (I think its the next one)
Kino isnt supposed to want or try to change customs so this is a bit different.


So I caught up with the Hunter X Hunter manga. Yeah, after the spoiler in Episode 112's preview, I just couldn't wait.

Ah well, now I can enjoy getting hyped to see the really crazy shit that went down in the manga animated.

Oh god, by catching up with the manga you now have to pay the ultimate price, waiting for Togashi to actually get back to writing that damn thing. Haha.


Welp, just found out one of my local theaters is having a Evangelion 3.0 screening Friday. Even though that film is terrible (though, I would say in an amazing way as I'm one of the film's few defenders here), I could not resist getting tickets to it. It should be worth the time just for the pretty animation alone. It's been so long since I've been able to get some good anime, mecha action on the big screen. Should be fun!

Pretty CG Animation.

I still hate Anno for, in 2 movies, destroying 2 things I loved growing up. Eva and Ghibli.
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