Hmm. Maybe I should give it another chance. It can only get better from there right!
Better is a word.
Hmm. Maybe I should give it another chance. It can only get better from there right!
Exclusive Stream for SDBurton is a fantastic touch there ahahaha.
Nah, the last episode. They're all sort of a blur for me. I had a very unique experience with ICE. A group of friends and I were at Anime-Expo and we like to go to the video rooms when they're playing odd and obscure stuff way late at night. The giant film room we were going to was supposed to be playing something called Chocolate Underground (shrug), but due to some schedule change they ended up playing the entirety of ICE instead. I don't think I laughed more in a theater than I did there. People's audible reactions of disgust put me in tears. I love ICE for this reason.Basically as soon as the phrasewas uttered my brain just started laughing like a mad man.Sperm of Christ
No idea what FUNimation is doing, but the limited edition sub-only release of OniAi has been delisted at Right Stuf. This release just came out December 31! Did not care one way or another about this harem series, but I hope that FUNimation will still consider sub-only shows for physical release over not releasing anything at all.
Mikakunin 3
I'm enjoying it, but something seems very off.
Nah, the last episode. They're all sort of a blur for me. I had a very unique experience with ICE. A group of friends and I were at Anime-Expo and we like to go to the video rooms when they're playing odd and obscure stuff way late at night. The giant film room we were going to was supposed to be playing something called Chocolate Underground (shrug), but due to some schedule change they ended up playing the entirety of ICE instead. I don't think I laughed more in a theater than I did there. People's audible reactions of disgust put me in tears. I love ICE for this reason.
I wonder if it sold. It was pretty cheap
I bought it.
I just want everyone in AnimeGAF to know that if we were all in a room watching a show together my meltdowns would probably either be waaaaaay funnier or waaaaaaay more annoying.
So okay not gonna lie, I'm already throat-deep in my love for Persona 4, so while I confess that the faces were hilariously off model, the strange orangey look going on with faces made it look like Chie had a six o clock shadow, and them terribad cgi vehicles were a thing, the thing that really matters was I still feel it rocked. I mean seeing Yu summon Izanagi for the first time, and watching Izanagi go to town on those things, that shit was rockin'. I don't even CARE.
Hunter x Hunter (2011) 75-83
I don't know. I'm not really feeling this arc. I know it comes from the manga, but it feels so... detatched from the others. It almost feels like filler.
That said, how did rabbit-bird-ant-thing obtain the use of Nen? Was Gon's attack like a forceful opening of his aura (like the newbie greeting on floor 200 at Heavens Arena?).
I've always wondered how somebody here who likes yaoi or yuri might overlook many issues with a show simply because they have yaoi and yuri subtext. I mean I like romance but if a show is widely considered bad I wouldn't recommend the show and make it seem like the best show ever simply because it has that.
Utena is great. Don't believe Zac, believe me.Not that I hate Zac...just that everything he praises I tend to not like. Aku no hana and Watamote being two recent examples. We just have different tastes and all.
I've always wondered how somebody here who likes yaoi or yuri might overlook many issues with a show simply because they have yaoi and yuri subtext. I mean I like romance but if a show is widely considered bad I wouldn't recommend the show and make it seem like the best show ever simply because it has that.
Naruto Shippuden 346
Didn't think they would have expanded on Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan's backstroy.
Nice surprise. But if they don't show Nagato meeting Obito after Yahiko dies, then this will just have been a waste of time.
So far so good. Cute girls with cat ears, a significant amount of butts, lots of cuteness and fun actiony bits. Sanya still best.
I am watching the dub but I really like it. They did a good job.
Will continue.
The arc gets much better as it goes on, as ridiculous as the situation is.
I know it starts out weird and slow but it gets better. I think my biggest and only issue with this arc is how they're finding ways to make it longer with very obvious methods, which you'll see later.
Golden Time 15
Why, why that stinky ghost Banri disappears? He is so annoying. Linda has continued with her life Ghost Banri, and you aren't part of her life. Deal with it.
The ending, how come they would drive a car while being sleepy? That's quite imprudent.
Golden Time 15
Does this mean that Ghost Banrisaved the day? Or did he make Banri fall asleep and had SERIOUS second thoughts when Koko fell asleep too?
Also, Koko looks like a fucking wreck in the next episode preview. I think she's traumatizedby having fallen asleep on the wheel, and could have potentially killed everyone if Banri hadn't woken up suddenly
Also... did Gyro's backstory have a point aside from explaining why NGL is the way it is? Is he going to be reborn as part of the King?
No need for details, just a yes or no would suffice.
Log Horizon Episode 16
Best Fall OP: Log Horizon
Best Winter OP: Log Horizon
I want to play Elder Tales.
dub is easier to watch while doing other things. I rarely sit and watch a show by itself. Im sure Miyukichi is lovely in the show.
I just want everyone in AnimeGAF to know that if we were all in a room watching a show together my meltdowns would probably either be waaaaaay funnier or waaaaaaay more annoying.
So okay not gonna lie, I'm already throat-deep in my love for Persona 4, so while I confess that the faces were hilariously off model, the strange orangey look going on with faces made it look like Chie had a six o clock shadow, and them terribad cgi vehicles were a thing, the thing that really matters was I still feel it rocked. I mean seeing Yu summon Izanagi for the first time, and watching Izanagi go to town on those things, that shit was rockin'. I don't even CARE.
The one difference I would cite is that the anime's interpretation of Yu is decidedly different from mine. Mine being considerably less realistic, since I took "from the city" to mean "not from Japan at all" (I mean I gave him an American name, so yeah), and therefore excessively flippant in behavior. As in, the very first thing Yu says to Mooroka for me is "You callin' me an asshole?" because that's the kinda guy Yu was for me: completely unafraid to say whatever he damn well wanted to, and frequently saying whatever he felt would get the biggest rise out of a person.
But I get their interpretation. When P4 begins Yu doesn't have any courage, smarts, understanding, etc. So that he's kind of an apathetic kid makes sense, as long as that's only how he starts.
But hey, seein' Izanagi rip those shadows a new one was perfect. Does this animation include the P4 Golden events like the ski trip and the beach trip, or is that a no-go?
As I've said before, the anime as a standalone production is pretty mediocre, but it's a lot of fun for fans of the game, and has some legitimately really well done bits.
her running gag with the vice president was actually pretty good.![]()
no problem sir
Log Horizon Episode 16
Best Fall OP: Log Horizon
Best Winter OP: Log Horizon
I want to play Elder Tales.
I see Shirou his made a miniversion of himself in Minori.
If it don't have Marie then I'll be set.
If it don't have Marie then I'll be set.
If it don't have Marie then I'll be set.
6 is the Sanya/Eila episode so do it especially for that.Ill watch a bit later in japanese just for you Zachy.
Samurai Flamenco 4
Thank you, Kirby. Thank you.
Oh God, Woofington. I should've known you were into dogs.Nobody talks shit about my waifu.
Raise up them fists boi. It's fistycuffs time.
Original P4 content only!
There's no Golden material.