Agreed. I got a bit overhyped.Samurai Flamenco 14
I was expecting something crazier based on the reactions.
Agreed. I got a bit overhyped.Samurai Flamenco 14
I was expecting something crazier based on the reactions.
Though that Gon face at the end. How many episodes do the manga readers estimate before the arc is over? I remember KirbYayoi saying that there were a couple of more fights that haven't been animated yet.
Kill la Kill 15
That was EXCELLENT! Damn exciting conclusion to the arc, thought it was made slightly less amazing thanks to Nonon fucking everything up. Can't wait to see where things go from here.
There should be a new OP next week, right?
Hunter x Hunter 113
Ok whoever said that the infamous 15 second Attack on Titan episode was slow was bad with its pacing hasn't seen this episode. Also I'm getting tired of the narrator being the only one talking haha.
That many chapters? out of how many? Because Attack on Titan managed to squeeze 30 or so chapters in 25 episodes. So at this speed the arc won't end for a while.
The fights in this show should be so much better. On one side you have nobodies that puff themselves up for five to ten minutes before getting thrashed like nothing, and on the other end you have characters that the show deems too important to mess with sparring with one another in low stakes battles. There's no intensity to either arrangement. The show even kind of sets up that maybe someone will lose a hand or something just to spice things up a little, but it kind of just immediately writes off those complications for more awkward flying and flailing around the city scape. High impact moments tend to devolve into startling CG segments. For all the effort put into the background work there is little done with it to maintain a consistency that establishes defined locations for fights. Characters fly off across the city and magically show back up in yelling distance to other members of the cast they should have left behind.
whats a xilliaPlaying Xillia and Jude said, "Wait, what?" Made me think of kayos, it did.
Kinda enjoyed this one. Probably because the world finally feels a little bit bigger and stuff is moving forward again.
If it don't have Marie then I'll be set.
You're asking someone who watched BRS TV for Miyukichi. Though really she's the only one I'd do it for.
It requires effort to watch something; it requires no effort to not watch something.
Magical Warfare 3
Guys. I have a confession to make. I'm rooting for childhood friend. That usually never happens, but she's obvious best girl.
Magical warfare - 03
If there is one thing that i HATE in anime , that i really HATE , it's the characters that hate others for no reason. Arata kangatari was bad with that but unfortunatly i just found the 2014 version in magical warfare.
So your brother is a traitor because he acted before you ? that's it ? WHA THE HECK ?
I wasn't ready for a Triangle DRAMA so soon . I don't even have a prefered heroine so far , they all feel so disjucted .thsi anime need to seriously "improve each character develloppement " this episode started just way too many sub-plots
Why do people argue over waifus in K-ON? It's clear who the winner is. People acting like a bunch of birds picking up dinner scraps that have fallen off the table.
mugi > sawa-chan > nodoka > *
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha 2
Hearing so much accented Japanese is a rare treat in anime.
Jesus christ, my anime club has become unbearable. New fucking member joins up who is extremely rude. Constantly bitches when we offer the dub option for shows like Brotherhood, Bebop, Monster, Space Dandy because "English voice actors can't act." Constantly bitches about how anime is a shit medium for any sort of plot so we might as well only watch shows like Kill la Kill where we can ogle the characters, or shows with pretty art. And now everyone and their mother cracking unfunny jokes, and screaming "OH YEAH HIT HIM!" during any emotional scene that escalates into a physical confrontation... or "Oh Yeah GUURL POWER!" said unironically every single time a female hits a male character (which happens every 10 goddamn seconds in the shows we happen to watch).
Sounds like somebody needs to learn the true joy of dubbing.
No idea what FUNimation is doing, but the limited edition sub-only release of OniAi has been delisted at Right Stuf. This release just came out December 31! Did not care one way or another about this harem series, but I hope that FUNimation will still consider sub-only shows for physical release over not releasing anything at all.
Kyou no Asuka Show 1-20 END
I saw the first 5 eps ages ago so i had to rewatch them now the rest has been finished off and this is honestly a pretty funny series once you look past how perverted it is. You can't go wrong with this at 3mins an ep.
I'm actually kind of glad I was only in my school's anime club for one year (my 12th grade year). Full of girls with the obvious anime likes. At least the club leader was cool.
Also, I'm starting to get a sense of being able to identify voice actors by voice. This is not good...
Golden time - 15
See what happens when you mess things up ghost banri , you get this result .. banri pushed on despite the odds to have a "memory" , something he clearly lacks and this is the result .
F**k you ghost banri ..it's too late to scream "this isn't what i wanted" when you messed things up so bad in the first place.
Damn i was ready to give this episode a glorious note because it had NO LINDA but the events are now extra messed up
so yeah ghost banri need to find "peace" or get exorcised ASAP
Sakura Trick 3
There were thighs this episode. That made it better than last weeks.
It's a really close one.
hum i kinda want to watch aikatsu now ... i stopped at ep 3 ..i probably will if hapiness charge doesn't meet my requirements.Aikatsu! 49
I was afraid of this shit happeneing
At least last ep gave us Miss Ultrasonic odangos so not all is lost.
mugi is secret best k-on
Why is there a trend for posting tumblr-esque .gif responses in here lately?
Now that I've finished Yamato I feel like there is a hole in my watching schedule that I need to fill.
Anyone got any suggestions on a show that is vaguely similar?!
Why do people argue over waifus in K-ON? It's clear who the winner is. People acting like a bunch of birds picking up dinner scraps that have fallen off the table.
Yeah, that one i'm doing atm where you go into a corner and cry because you'll never watch it for the first time again.
It's a terrible feeling, I had a similar experience when I finished Evangelion sometime last year.
I'm sure there is another show out there to take it's place, I've just got to find it!
Try Gankutsuou or Birdy if you havent.
Neither of these opinions include Ritsu, and therefore they are wrong.
Ritsu > Azunyan > Yui > Ui > Mugi > Mio > Nodoka > Sawachansensei
Anyone got any suggestions on a show that is vaguely similar?
Sorry, I only seem capable of suggesting shows that leave you with a lingering melancholy!
Well, even in America, for all the gay characters on TV - they never actually touch each other.
I don't count Shameless because it's Showtime, but I take your point. It's changing, but it's not really truly normalized.Eh, that's very exaggerated. Just look at Happy Endings (RIP) or Shameless.
Magical warfare - 03
If there is one thing that i HATE in anime , that i really HATE , it's the characters that hate others for no reason. Arata kangatari was bad with that but unfortunatly i just found the 2014 version in magical warfare.
So your brother is a traitor because he acted before you ? that's it ? WHA THE HECK ?
That's a pretty stupid reason to hate someone ..it's ridiculous even !
I wasn't ready for a Triangle DRAMA so soon . I don't even have a prefered heroine so far , they all feel so disjucted .thsi anime need to seriously "improve each character develloppement " this episode started just way too many sub-plots
But he pushed him in front of a moving vehicle, how cruel is that.
Romance stuff was a bit way too much or either I dozed off as I cant even remember it this episode.
Mahou Sensou ep 2 - 3
ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz,this show is so average. RIP this show.....sacrificed in productions for Mahouka.
I want childhood friend to win.
i think it was actually the opposite and that moron was actually too angry to realise that . proof is that he's perfectly fine.But he pushed him in front of a moving vehicle, how cruel is that.
Romance stuff was a bit way too much or either I dozed off as I cant even remember it this episode.
Why do people argue over waifus in K-ON? It's clear who the winner is. People acting like a bunch of birds picking up dinner scraps that have fallen off the table.
Saki 07
The power of the penguin.
Date A Live: 05
Well, Shidou is turning into some sort of awesome character. Stopping at nothing to save the harem.
Hot Springs episode next? Guess we need some time to cool off, after the fighting and awesome music this episode.
Sentai got Sakura Trick