Silver Spoon 2 03
Well, it did a good job of capturing Hachiken's despair from the past.

Well, it did a good job of capturing Hachiken's despair from the past.
Well, it's over for now, but there wasn't an ending. The manga is insanely popular and the anime sold very well too, so they'll certainly be making more eventually, but they haven't announced anything yet.
First season is done. Second season might occur in a year or two since the manga will have enough material. But these seasons will come out slowly since the manga is so slow.
As to the pacing issues, they're definitely existent, and very apparent, but not enough to ruin a perfectly decent show that has introduced plenty of people to anime.
And one with a great OS.
Sweet. Thanks for the info. The only anime I've really watched for a good while now has been non-filler Naruto, so I need something to get back into.
I'm becoming more and more interested in Hunter x Hunter, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump into something that long yet given what I've already got going. If I liked Yu Yu Hakusho, should I consider this more?
I'm starting to think the writer of Hunter x Hunter is the japanese GRRM of making characters/races you hated before and making them surprisingly likable. I mean so many Chimera Ants I really like now.
Well, it's by the same manga author and it's a great adaptation of his best work so yeah.I'm becoming more and more interested in Hunter x Hunter, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump into something that long yet given what I've already got going. If I liked Yu Yu Hakusho, should I consider this more?
I'm becoming more and more interested in Hunter x Hunter, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump into something that long yet given what I've already got going. If I liked Yu Yu Hakusho, should I consider this more?
I'm becoming more and more interested in Hunter x Hunter, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump into something that long yet given what I've already got going. If I liked Yu Yu Hakusho, should I consider this more?
Why do people argue over waifus in K-ON? It's clear who the winner is. People acting like a bunch of birds picking up dinner scraps that have fallen off the table.
How was it just her glasses keeping all her hair in place?
She was keeping her hair in form via sheer willpower.
mugi > sawa-chan > nodoka > *K-ON!!-10
Why do people argue over waifus in K-ON? It's clear who the winner is. People acting like a bunch of birds picking up dinner scraps that have fallen off the table.
Hey just let us know if you're ever interested in watching more. There are plenty of grade A anime that have already ended that are worth a watch for fans of any tv type. Shows like Fate Zero. Or Black Lagoon.
If you like good shonen action, period, you should consider this. Yu Yu Hakusho up until the tournament was AMAZE BALLS. Hunter x Hunter 2011 has been amazing all the way through so far. Definitely give it a watch. I have a huge list of shit I gotta watch, also watching another show, and I've put everything on hold because I'm obsessed with this show
He's the Japanese GRRM, but even slower.I'm starting to think the writer of Hunter x Hunter is the japanese GRRM of making characters/races you hated before and making them surprisingly likable. I mean so many Chimera Ants I really like now.
I do enjoy good shonen action that has an interesting and progressive story. For example, I love Naruto, but hated Bleach. Kinda not interested in One Piece, though I like it's distinctive style. Loved Death Note, and was into the first run of Full Metal Alchemist when it came out. FLCL and Monster were good as well. Princess Mononoke is a masterpiece. Redline is sitting in my closet but I have yet to watch it. I believe the last thing I watched was High School of the Dead, randomly enough lol. Just got a Crunchy Roll sub too, so there is that.
Yu Yu Kakusho was always a fun watch :^)
He's the Japanese GRRM, but even slower.
Chuu2Chuu2 03
Still doesn't give any real reason why this sequel even exists.
Tenchi GXP Dub 14
Did I really watch 3 women in their 20's get jealous and try to compete with a200012 year old girl? Holy shit this is getting stupid. The ending words words words explanation was really boring too.
Also why is mopping girl been added to the ED when she's not once shown any sexual interest in Seina?
Kaede still pulling her weights
Kill La Kill 15
Fuck those delays were worth it. Episode was ridiculously hype. So good.
I feel like going out for a run at 2 in the morning.So hot blooded.While completely nude.
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha 2
Hearing so much accented Japanese is a rare treat in anime.
The power of the penguin.