Or smokers could stop trying to poison themselves and others.
Easier said than done
Or smokers could stop trying to poison themselves and others.
You may want to go back a few pages....What?
Funniest bit is I was thinking of the same exact thing when watching the episode too.How convenient, look up a bit. Miyukichi unf unf and all that.
Okamura pls.
I dislike straight spoilers so i'll say this ( strike the blood spoilers )
End of spoilers , i won't say more.The attack on yuuma was a decoy for the real attack it wasn't intended to kill. The attack on natsuki, wasn't intended to kill either but to steal her magic , so that the seal could be broken..
You may want to go back a few pages.
Ok, I take bottom of the page.
This is not the argument I was expecting to happen in the anime thread when I woke up today.
It's mostly a straightforward adaptation with some minor changes here and there. It's still pretty good even if you have read the manga but it'd probably be better to just tackle the backlog and come back to it some other time.
Is the Medaka Box anime good, or should I read the manga?
Funniest bit is I was thinking of the same exact thing when watching the episode too.
So unf.
Easier said than done
Is the Medaka Box anime good, or should I read the manga?
Loving how i must be the one needing to avoid the "bad" areas created from smoke that can appear anywhere or everywhere. Areas created from toxic elements that i have no control of.You could just leave your house and keep some distance from smokers?
The thing with second hand smoke, and the reason most studies are nonsense, is because they don't actually test real world scenarios. Yes, second hand smoke contains much higher doses of potentially carcinogenic and/ or toxic substances than what is inhaled, but that smoke isn't directly inhaled by anyone. It gets diluted in huge amounts of air, a tiny fraction of which is inhaled as second hand smoke by the smoker himself, and even less by people in the vicinity. In an open space, the doses are so fucking tiny that it's almost impossible to measure them two meters away. We're talking a few nanograms over a span of six to eight minutes diluted in many cubic meters of air. That's borderline homeopathic.
So many sdburton characters this season.Go! Go! 575 03
Stalker turns out to be SDBurton. dun dun dun
I personally didn't even like the medaka box manga even that much. It was too self-aware and Medaka's character did a complete 180 and turned into a huge asshole. The main guy deserved better.
NIsekoi - 03
Alright adaptation , i still don't see why shaft is adapting this one, anyone could have done it as they are sticking to the manga to the letter. Aside from the graphics i'm not seeing the "SHAFT TOUCH"
Well, no shit, if you ban smoking, you have a significant decrease in second hand smoke. But did that actually have any significant effect? Nobody knows. We're talking about very long term effects here, nobody inhales some smoke and dies all of a sudden. Smoking can contribute to CHDs or cancer, but both rely heavily on genetic predisposition. If you have the predisposition, you'd most likely get one or the other anyway at some point and smoking only accelerates the inevitable. Smoking doesn't directly kill anybody, we all die anyway - smoking just causes certain people to die a few days, months or years earlier.Well in the United States, especially New York, the smoking ban has been pretty beneficial. There has been a significant decrease in second hand smoke and no negative financial impact on businesses.
Unfortunately the anime adapted only the material before medaka box could truly shine and take off.
It had a good ED song second season, and 1st season was relatively interesting and 2nd season actiony. But youd still have to read the manga at the end of the day.
And she loves cute girls too!
Go! Go! 575 03
Stalker turns out to be SDBurton. dun dun dun
So many sdburton characters this season.
Another good episode though I feel I might not be quite in the mood for this show at this moment. Even so!![]()
But the "Shaft touch" is the visuals.
Space Battleship Yamada!Yamato 8
If it wasn't for the whole "committing genocide on humans" thing I would feel abd for that dude. The Gamillian king is pretty tight, he's got no time for his subordinate's shit.
Yamato 9
AwReally good episode.
fake edit: I keep mixing the title up with Yamada, bleh
There are no reasonable sacrifices to be made here. Alcohol causes more health issues and more social issues than tobacco. "Drinking is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"? Fast food causes more health issues than smoking. "Fast food is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"?Sounds like a reasonable sacrifice to make as a step towards the ultimate goal that we should be aiming for of eliminating smoking as a habit altogether. The more inconvenient it becomes to be a smoker, the fewer people are going to make the silly decision to start in the first place, so society as a whole wins in the end. Except the cigarette manufacturers, and really, who's got anything good to say about them?
If you start this shit, it never ends. The only things absolutely certain in life are death and inconveniences. You can't just run around banning shit left and right just because it might shorten your lifespan a little, let alone because it's a (minor) inconvenience. It's asinine. Once smoking is eliminated, the mob might be after something you enjoy.
Fuck you Toei with your teasing
Bestest yamadaSpace Battleship Yamada!