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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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There are no reasonable sacrifices to be made here. Alcohol causes more health issues and more social issues than tobacco. "Drinking is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"? Fast food causes more health issues than smoking. "Fast food is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"?

Not to mention you just said that it's not even the health issues you're primarily concerned about, it's your personal convenience. Yet you still support a ban. That's fine, I hate pop music. It's inconvenient to me if people play pop, I might visit a bar and they might play pop, let's ban pop! Let's also ban TV ads for detergents, they're all bad and really annoying! Pigeons are annoying as well! And hipsters! And soccer!

If you start this shit, it never ends. The only things absolutely certain in life are death and inconveniences. You can't just run around banning shit left and right just because it might shorten your lifespan a little, let alone because it's a (minor) inconvenience. It's asinine. Once smoking is eliminated, the mob might be after something you enjoy.

I'm concerned for the health issues. I don't support an outright ban, but I do support that smokers go away from folks when they have to smoke. Like completely the fuck away not under a roof. If I have to enter a house that reeks of cigarettes I have no right to tell you to not smoke in your own house, but I'm sure as hell gonna avoid that house like the plague.

Smokers feel victimized but at the end of the day they're outright endangering the health of those around them in the act. Pop music isn't actively harming the health of others, neither is alcohol


Setec Astronomer
Mana's mary sue powers were on full display. It was only shocking if you didn't see the joke of a resolution coming.


Setec Astronomer
Bad? Dokidoki Precure? I can't. I just can't. That was the best ending to any Precure ever. It will likely never be surpassed. I'm still laughing. I can't stop. It's too much!
That was eyerolling bad, not entertaining bad. Watch better magical girl shows!


Doki Doki! Precure
Mana and Friends of Mana

I first got into Precure with Fresh (it had KitaEri, and my love of voice actors is enough to keep me hooked), and have been regularly watching ever since. This is the first time I'll be commenting on a complete series here. And while Doki Doki had a few elements I wish it had done differently (namely, giving Joe and Regina more to do by not having Regina vanish for half the series), I enjoyed it.

Mana's a nice new concept for a heroine. She's competent. Some would say too competent, but the idea of a female character having the aspiration to be Prime Minister of Japan is noteworthy in any media. She's willing to make a change in the world. Mostly for her harem, because the tag "Mana Harem" for this series has never been more accurate.
Especially since Regina is now attending her school in the finale. YandeRikka tags have been quiet for a bit, but if there's anything that'll make them have a comeback, it's this.

Rikka and Alice also never felt like they had much to do (Cure Batman needs more than one scene, Toei. Come on.), but Alice had some of the series' best fights. She turned shieldcrafting into an offensive weapon. The helicopter fight is right up there with the Father's Day episode of Smile (what is it with yellow cures and their dads?), and one of the standout moments of the series.

I was hoping something more would come of Mana's heart being corrupted, but she just came back stronger than ever. Paladin Mode blew away damn near everything with grace and a kick that would make Koichi Sakamoto proud. The Selfish live to see another day, and without their King, any sighs they had set on world domination are effectively dead in the water.

The yuri is strong in this series. Not just for Rikka and Makopi and Regina being Mana's wives, but also for how
there's a purple Cure desperate to get back someone she loves, and fails to do so. The Queen will never return, but rather, will allow Regina and Aguri to live their own lives. It's a noble goal, and Makopi is kind of a tragic heroine. The Trump Kingdom may advance technologically, but she's got scars from this battle that being a superhero the world over can never fully heal.

Like I said, some characters were underused - a given of any ensemble cast - and it had the occasional odd episode (the carrot one comes to mind), but overall, I found it a very enjoyable Precure series. It took its time setting up the team, and everyone had at least a few recurring characters based around them. Like Reina and Sebastian. Sebastian is awesome and also Batman. There is no reason why he shouldn't be there in the Dream World for the next all stars movie.

Final Thoughts: A fine finale that seems like it's setting up for the next series. I like that it took place on Earth, instead of a magical dimension or a ruined world. Gave the final fight a real sense of stakes.
Mana did push the limits of overpowered, but not to the point where my suspension of disbelief was broken.
Plus, it had some of the strongest yuri shipping vibes of any series. Even beating out NaoRei from last year. An enjoyable one, and I'm curious to see what Toei will do with some new blood for the 10th anniversary.

This, too, is Decade's fau- wait, wrong thread.


Well, no shit, if you ban smoking, you have a significant decrease in second hand smoke. But did that actually have any significant effect? Nobody knows. We're talking about very long term effects here, nobody inhales some smoke and dies all of a sudden. Smoking can contribute to CHDs or cancer, but both rely heavily on genetic predisposition. If you have the predisposition, you'd most likely get one or the other anyway at some point and smoking only accelerates the inevitable. Smoking doesn't directly kill anybody, we all die anyway - smoking just causes certain people to die a few days, months or years earlier.

What's funny is that recent scientific studies show that long term nicotine consumption seems to lower the risk of Alzheimers and dementia. So smoking might shorten your life, but you're more likely to still know who you are and be able to recognize your children by the time you die. Though granted, pure nicotine would probably have the same effect without most of the adverse side effects, or maybe smokers just happen to die before their brains have a chance to fail. That's the thing with studies: They show correlations, not causations. ;)


1.Scotland (2006)-Implementing a comprehensive national smoke-free law (banning smoking in enclosed public spaces)

Rapid (within 2 months) improvements in a number of health outcomes in nonsmoking bar workers, including—
reductions in respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath;
reductions in sensory symptoms like eye and throat irritations and runny nose;
improvements in lung function;
reductions in inflammation or swelling of airways; and
improved quality of life among bar employees with asthma.

2.Ireland (2007)-Implementing a comprehensive national smoke-free law (banning smoking in all workplaces)

Improvements in the respiratory health of nonsmoking bar workers, including—
improvements in lung function,
reductions in coughing and phlegm production, and
reductions in sensory symptoms like eye and throat irritations.

3.California (1998)-Implementing a state law making bars smoke-free

Improvements in the respiratory health of bartenders, including—
decreases in the proportion of bartenders reporting respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath;
decreases in the proportion of bartenders reporting sensory symptoms like red or teary eyes, runny nose, sneezing, or sore throat; and
improvements in bartenders' lung function.

Multiple reports have linked a 20-30% increase in the risk of coronary heart disease to second hand smoking. So no, you're wrong. We do know there are significant effects involved. Not to mention, why should other people suffer another person's individual desire to smoke? At least with alcohol you don't burp out noxious fumes.

Also so what if it decreases the possibility of getting dementia? There are so many increased risks involved with smoking that even if it did offer a decreased possibility of dementia, it doesn't get offset with increased heart attacks, lung cancer, or gum cancer.

There are no reasonable sacrifices to be made here. Alcohol causes more health issues and more social issues than tobacco. "Drinking is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"? Fast food causes more health issues than smoking. "Fast food is a bad habit, we should eliminate it altogether"?

Not to mention you just said that it's not even the health issues you're primarily concerned about, it's your personal convenience. Yet you still support a ban. That's fine, I hate pop music. It's inconvenient to me if people play pop, I might visit a bar and they might play pop, let's ban pop! Let's also ban TV ads for detergents, they're all bad and really annoying! Pigeons are annoying as well! And hipsters! And soccer!

If you start this shit, it never ends. The only things absolutely certain in life are death and inconveniences. You can't just run around banning shit left and right just because it might shorten your lifespan a little, let alone because it's a (minor) inconvenience. It's asinine. Once smoking is eliminated, the mob might be after something you enjoy.

Are you seriously trying to argue a 'Perfect is the enemy of good' type argument? Also yes, we should be trying to decrease alcohol and fast food for numerous reasons. The big difference though is that the consumption of either have no direct impact on the people surrounding them. Yes you have drunk drivers or obese people screwing up the health system but the direct consumption of either don't cause the people around them to be drunk or obese.

People want it banned not because it shortens your life, but because it shortens theirs.
In lieu of DDPC

I will say, fuck you Yes! Precure 5 GoGo Movie... and probably GoGo too.

The cause of all the bad trends in the movies (miracle lights, Pink lead only getting the power for examples). Ugh. The latter just had to fucking get into the show.

If Hapcha does a Pink lead only power up, the ending is shit instantly. Instantly.


Setec Astronomer
You can have a solo showdown, but you need to properly set it up, not just have your main character be perfect and the rest useless bystanders.


Damn all those dokidoki impressions are telling me that i need to watch the finale episode.

it can't be that bad , can it ?

No, it was amazing. If you rage uncontrollably whenever Mana's on screen, then it's not for you, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it if you understand the concept of a main character.


If you start this shit, it never ends. The only things absolutely certain in life are death and inconveniences. You can't just run around banning shit left and right just because it might shorten your lifespan a little, let alone because it's a (minor) inconvenience. It's asinine. Once smoking is eliminated, the mob might be after something you enjoy.

Like my guns! Heavens to Betsy! Won't somebody think of the nicotine addicted children!?
It's only 24 minutes

lol you're saying that as if it's a chore

No, it was amazing. If you rage uncontrollably whenever Mana's on screen, then it's not for you, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it if you understand the concept of a main character.

i think she is themost overpowered main heroine in a magical girl show ever made in japan , but i liked her. toei put all her stats at max and went with it all the way .. it's an intresting experience.
Recently my sister is unusual - 04

Actually an episode that showcased what the show is trully capable. , because this wasn't a show with overly stupid fetishes.
As a result it was most enjoyable because it actually moved the characters forward. you could say that if you need to watch an episode of this show , you have to watch this one.

Bonus point to the MC that actually looked at possible clues toward her sister changes , he used his brain , that's a big plus. Another bonus point for the same character that actually kept the communication problem away from his father.
And yet another bonus point for the brother again for actually thinking , in the last scene in the room.

Anyway i like protagonist that are actually thinking , and it's a good thing that they actually gave him many points in INT.

i'm still convinced that we'll get the most stupid explanation as of why the violet girl is knowing of this problem and how 2 people seems to be aware of the ghost but i'll set it aside for now. We might have passed the worst with this anime..now it's watchable.


I'm concerned for the health issues. I don't support an outright ban, but I do support that smokers go away from folks when they have to smoke. Like completely the fuck away not under a roof. If I have to enter a house that reeks of cigarettes I have no right to tell you to not smoke in your own house, but I'm sure as hell gonna avoid that house like the plague.
The stuff you smell isn't a health concern, the smell is an inconvenience. Just because you can smell smoke doesn't mean your health is at risk. You usually smell old smoke, something not even smokers like. But that stuff isn't dangerous.

Anyway, most of the dangerous substances aren't even caused by the tobacco itself, but by additives, or they get released by burning any form of plants. I personally only use tobacco without additives, which is about as dangerous to people in my vicinity as burning some dried grass. The same carcinogenic and toxic substances, nitrosamines for example, are in smoked bacon as well. I hope you don't eat bacon.

Smokers feel victimized but at the end of the day they're outright endangering the health of those around them in the act. Pop music isn't actively harming the health of others, neither is alcohol
Alcohol is, actually. Through DUI, drinking during pregnancy, and violence. On top of that, it's highly toxic and causes massive social issues, much more so than tobacco. Smoking doesn't stop me from doing my job and feeding my family, drinking potentially does.
Yamato 10

Blue skinned people are dickbags. Whitebeard is a bad ass. Glasses guy is annoying.

Next episode is a open bath episode! I... can't wait.
Alcohol is, actually. Through DUI, drinking during pregnancy, and violence. On top of that, it's highly toxic and causes massive social issues, much more so than tobacco. Smoking doesn't stop me from doing my job and feeding my family, drinking potentially does.

If we start looking at indirect methods drugs affect health then smoking would also have to be looked at through other methods. Drinking during pregnancy? What about doing any drug during pregnancy? Social issues? Alcohol is well ingrained in today's culture, moreso than cigarettes that have all but been forced out of media. Most drugs have the capabilities of harming your mental state. You're going around the argument that second hand smoke is what's being argued here. I don't want to go to a room full of smoke and thanks to the certain laws and social practices that have been done to prevent this, I no longer have to. Smoking is more noticeably bothersome by itself than drinking, if we're going by legal drugs. And that's because smoke bothers people. Nobody is arguing against the idea that alcohol ends up being a bigger issue to others once consumed in excess. We're arguing that anything that has smoke coming out of it in closed spaces is going to bother people.

If a smoker goes out of his way to smoke in the open, away from others that can be affected by second hand smoke, who am I to judge?

Either ways this is going too off topic at this point. We're just going in circles here. I'll continue with my animu. Time to get depressed with Casshews Sin.
Alcohol is, actually. Through DUI, drinking during pregnancy, and violence. On top of that, it's highly toxic and causes massive social issues, much more so than tobacco. Smoking doesn't stop me from doing my job and feeding my family, drinking potentially does.

What ?
Smoking give you cancer , and give people around you cancer, sure you're not going to die in the short run, but you will have your life span reduced and you will die earlier than if you hadn't smoked..

So smoking will not stop you from feeding your familly , smoking will stop you from seeing them at all in a couple of decades and that is the tragedy when the lifespan of humans in first world countries is increasing every decade..

Your arguments are flawed.




What ?
Smoking give you cancer , and give people around you cancer, sure you're not going to die in the short run, but you will have your life span reduced and you will die earlier than if you hadn't smoked..

So smoking will not stop you from feeding your familly , smoking will stop you from seeing them at all in a couple of decades when the life span in first world countries is increasing every decade..

Your arguments are flawed.

Don't forget to point out that, just as drinking is dangerous while pregnant, smoking while pregnant is hardly the healthiest thing in the world.

I really have no idea why you would bring up the negative effects of drinking while pregnant in defense of smoking. It's almost funny, really.
Casshews Sins 8: 7 8 that nut

Another example over why engrish is so funny. Even when not heavily accented, the lyrics are so nonsensically simplistic it's hilarious.

I wanna be a staaaaaaaah
I wanna be a staaaaaaaa that shines
I wanna be a moooooooooon
That blows like the wiiiiiiiind


What ?
Smoking give you cancer , and give people around you cancer, sure you're not going to die in the short run, but you will have your life span reduced and you will die earlier than if you hadn't smoked..

So smoking will not stop you from feeding your familly , smoking will stop you from seeing them at all in a couple of decades and that is the tragedy when the lifespan of humans in first world countries is increasing every decade..

Your arguments are flawed.
Or not. That's the thing. Nobody really knows. If you have a predisposition to get cancer, you will most likely get cancer one way or the other. If you don't, you most likely won't. Neither first nor second hand smoke has much of an impact there.

I know it's hard to accept, but whether or not you get cancer or CHDs at some point is pretty much predetermined before you're even born. There's next to nothing you can do about it other than dying before you get those diseases. I know right now that I almost certainly will get CHDs and won't get cancer. Every male ancestor died of CHDs, whether they smoked or not. Nobody in my family ever had cancer. So that's that. But everybody in my family who managed to reach his 90th birthday had dementia, and if that's what it takes to get old, I'd rather die a bit earlier. So if my smoking causes you to die early (it almost certainly doesn't), I probably did you a favor.
Wait why are we talking about smoking and cancer?

You mean it wasn't a metaphor for Doki? ....Guess it's a good thing no one was being overly dramatic then.


Or not. That's the thing. Nobody really knows. If you have a predisposition to get cancer, you will most likely get cancer one way or the other. If you don't, you most likely won't. Neither first nor second hand smoke has much of an impact there.

I know it's hard to accept, but whether or not you get cancer or CHDs at some point is pretty much predetermined before you're even born. There's next to nothing you can do about it other than dying before you get those diseases. I know right now that I almost certainly will get CHDs and won't get cancer. Every male ancestor died of CHDs, whether they smoked or not. Nobody in my family ever had cancer. So that's that. But everybody in my family who managed to reach his 90th birthday had dementia, and if that's what it takes to get old, I'd rather die a bit earlier. So if my smoking causes you to die early (it almost certainly doesn't), I probably did you a favor.

I mean seriously, how do you even reject that smoking causes cancer? It is beyond dispute. Hell, the National Institute of Health says, and this is from their own website:

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and heart disease.
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