That's better.[/QUOTE]
I was just about to post this.[IMG]
That's better.[/QUOTE]
I was just about to post this.
That's better.
Yamato 2199 - 21
fuuuuuuuuuck so much awesome. i thought this would be a reprieve
That's better.
Man, I fell so-![]()
The same thing I'm always wondering.
And she thinks just like me, it's better to get warm on cold weather than get cool on the hot weather. Mitaka cockblocking Godai was so easy, he just had to break a leg, then the two of them get the short end of the stick since they have more girls to take care of them. It was funny how they were this close to being BFF and just seeing Kyoko put them on fight mode again.
I know it's been some years since they went to the beach, and Ikuko-chan was just a little taller than Kentaro, but wow she really grow a lot or Kentaro has been getting shorter.
It's ok Casshew. I feel your pain Megaman.
Uh... Anime? Why was I posting again? Oh yeah, Precure.
Pretty Cure Splash Star: 07, 08
Episode 7 was alright, introducing a new toy. Episode 8... was very depressing. Sibling fights hit a little close to home here.
This wouldn't have happened if Saki learned how to stop putting liquids next to important shit.
Indeed. Orange juice on good drawings equals a bad time.
That was the moral, right? I'm gonna assume it was.
Btw just watched the entirety of Casshews Sins 8 and holy shit. That final scene of Casshew fighting all those robots as the lady sang was really well done. Also friender kicking some ass.
On the one hand, I agree that smoking in public is rude, on the other hand, I'm not sure I want to be allied with a show that has little girls running around almost naked.
On the one hand, I agree that smoking in public is rude, on the other hand, I'm not sure I want to be allied with a show that has little girls running around almost naked.
The other moral is that Saki still has the best little sister in the franchise.
Minori ;-;
Sekai Seifuku 3
If there's one thing that shits me more than liberatrians, it's indignant smokers that'd put the Climate Changer deniers to shame with their disregard for the overwhelming science against their filthy habit. As such this is p. much the best episode of anything ever.
Oh dude he's totally Mega Man, right? The whole show felt like Mega Man Zero the animated series.
There's very few designs I've seen where the robot has the helmet look with the human face. So yes it looks like characters from Megaman.
Casshews Sin 9: Nico Bellic
A few manly tears shed. Thanks Nico.
Remind me, was there bowling in this one?
That show about conquest
Kate might not have conquered smokers today, but she has conquered my heart! Keep up the good fight, public smokers are scum!
It's a small price to pay for delivering justice against smokers.On the one hand, I agree that smoking in public is rude, on the other hand, I'm not sure I want to be allied with a show that has little girls running around almost naked.
All this smoking talk because of World Conquest? Anime must be pretty alive to warrant this level of influence.
So good. The way the characters are setup and established is really great. Wako is a spunky heroine but not that annoying. It's also clear how Takuto is growing on her and Suguta. There's some really great shots early on such as the black silhoutes under starlight or Takuto being next to the cherry blossom tree. The show really uses a strong color palette and it helps give a vibrant feel to the show. One thing that struck me now is how long those damn necks are. The body proportions at times look almost CLAMP like.
Now that I'm watching Utena proper, it really strikes me how similar the setup is in this show. There are so many similar elements such as the offgrounds battle arenas, the protagonist fighting to protect the heroine, all the sexual undertone stuff, the secret society and their goals, the heroine having this weird pet creature, and some of the power sequence stuff too. It's like a mecha version of Utena at times. The interactions as a whole though are really playful and have a good sense of charm to them. I really like Takuto and Wako. Suguta is the weak link of the three. I know he's supposed to be the straight man of the trio but he still comes off too sour. Also I still can't help but think of Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. It's perfect too with Wako's mascot being a pet version of Tails. It's really a damn shame how this show turned out as going by these first three episodes, it had a shitload of potential. Absolutely amazing how they turned an interesting premise into something mundane and boring.
So I decided to rewatch Star Driver 1-3 and skip to 25 due to the Anime OP list thread. I'm partially interested in the directing style in prep for Captain Earth but I'm also curious whether the mecha sakuga was as good as I remembered it.
Star Driver 1-3 rewatch
So good. The way the characters are setup and established is really great. Wako is a spunky heroine but not that annoying. It's also clear how Takuto is growing on her and Suguta. There's some really great shots early on such as the black silhoutes under starlight or Takuto being next to the cherry blossom tree. The show really uses a strong color palette and it helps give a vibrant feel to the show. One thing that struck me now is how long those damn necks are. The body proportions at times look almost CLAMP like.
Now that I'm watching Utena proper, it really strikes me how similar the setup is in this show. There are so many similar elements such as the offgrounds battle arenas, the protagonist fighting to protect the heroine, all the sexual undertone stuff, the secret society and their goals, the heroine having this weird pet creature, and some of the power sequence stuff too. It's like a mecha version of Utena at times. The interactions as a whole though are really playful and have a good sense of charm to them. I really like Takuto and Wako. Suguta is the weak link of the three. I know he's supposed to be the straight man of the trio but he still comes off too sour. Also I still can't help but think of Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. It's perfect too with Wako's mascot being a pet version of Tails. It's really a damn shame how this show turned out as going by these first three episodes, it had a shitload of potential. Absolutely amazing how they turned an interesting premise into something mundane and boring.
Now as for the mecha sequences, I'll let you be the judge.
Otaking eat your putrid heart out. Mother of god, this stuff holds up even better than I remembered or would have imagined. When we get so much 3D shit nowadays, it's really nice to look at some spectacular, and I mean flat out spectacular, 2D mecha action. That said, these fights are short as fuck and are pretty lopsided. One complaint I remember having about the series is the need to constantly throw fights in each episode, sometimes where there didn't need to be one. Still, this is probably the best looking mecha show since TTGL.
Fucking show should be retitled Sakuga Driver.
Star Driver 25-
oh lawd
why am i crying
Stop trying to get me to watch this show.
Stop trying to get me to watch this show.
Trigun 5
This is the first episode where Vash is actually pretty cool. Also, about time those girls realize that he's Vash
There has been a lot of top ten topics as of late and the lists are quite unique and varied. So it made me curious and think, what are you guys' top ten favourite anime series/films?
Stop trying to get me to watch this show.
lool .![]()
That's better.
I'm not surprised ... according to a quick google search , there seems to have no effects indeed.I'd like to see the science behind there being no harmful effects from smelling poop.
And by I'd like to, I mean I don't.
All this smoking talk because of World Conquest? Anime must be pretty alive to warrant this level of influence.
I'm not even that big on mecha shows and I want to watch this.
As weird as this sounds, I really wouldn't recommend anyone to watch the show proper as so many segments and episodes drag. It's much better experienced in selective Youtube videos such as MADs or AMVs. That said, holy fucking shit. Like the final episode is just almost one constant barrage of sakuga. I had my hands in the air and was literally yelling "oh lawd".
If Captain Earth is even a quarter as good visually as this...
There has been a lot of top ten topics as of late and the lists are quite unique and varied. So it made me curious and think, what are you guys' top ten favourite anime series/films?
The power to influence AnimeGaf, what influence indeed.
Stop trying to get me to watch this show.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Eureka Seven
The Big O
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Martian Successor Nadesico
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Slayers NEXT
There has been a lot of top ten topics as of late and the lists are quite unique and varied. So it made me curious and think, what are you guys' top ten favourite anime series/films?
It looks spiffy, plus the words "2D Mecha" sell it.
if you do watch star driver , you'll have a whole new meaning for the term "bishonen" in your mind.