Pigtails. The perfect ratio of flesh to fabric between the top of the stocking and hem of the skirt. Speech impediments. Otaku can masturbate to anything. To paraphrase pop culture pundit Azuma Hiroki, you too can learn to become sexually aroused by cat ears with the proper conditioning. Today we’re taking a look at ikabara(イカ腹, another 2D fetish that has everything to do about conditioning--or rather, the lack thereof.
animegaf, take a break from anime and educate yourselves with this:
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This statement needs to be retracted so fast that it gives you whiplash!
Awful person? Yes.
Awful character? No.
Since I got a wonderful gift from a good friend, I figured it wouldn't be fair if I didn't watch one of them, so I decided to watch TGWLTT, what a mouth full!![]()
Is this Makoto, or is it Shinji? You be the judge.
This in-depth review brought to you by Chet
animegaf, take a break from anime and educate yourselves with this:
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Fate/stay night
A Legend is Sung of When England Was Young
And I'm still not interested in Fate/Zero. I got plenty of backstory in here, and don't feel an immediate need to watch a full series of that.
I actually think Asuka still comes out way better than Rei and Mari.
Best girl is Misato, though.
You don't watch Fate/Zero because you want backstory. You watch Fate/Zero because it's a great story on its own, and because why wouldn't you want to see another Holy Grail War?
Firehawk and I were the only ones to put Sora no Woto so I think we may be closer than previously expected.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Since I got a wonderful gift from a good friend, I figured it wouldn't be fair if I didn't watch one of them, so I decided to watch TGWLTT, what a mouth full!The whole time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but be bugged that the main girl, Makoto, looks just like Shinji from Eva, just with boobs. And now that I'm thinking of it, Shinji should've had boobs... Anyways it's a very pretty movie no doubt, though sometimes I feel like it wastes too much time on background visual porn.It was the only choice since I've already seen Summer Wars
The story is pretty by the books time travel leads to butterfly effect narrative, but I feel it handled it really well and made me actually care what happens to these characters. I still don't quite understand the reason whynor do I really understandThe guy from the future had to see that one painting.But these points hardly ruin the story.Makoto's aunt and why did Makoto feel like she could tell her she could travel through time?
All in all, it was a good movie, maybe not incredibly good, but I'd recommend it to watch it. I don't really have much else to say...
It feels so weird typing this, but Magi Season 2 is actually.. *gag* pretty damn good. Especially the current arc, the first season was very meh but shit is getting real.noooo, I don't want to watch Magi S2
animegaf, take a break from anime and educate yourselves with this:
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I haven't seen any of F/SN, but F/Z is one of the most incredible anime series I've watched and I have to thank Kayos for convincing me to watch it
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Since I got a wonderful gift from a good friend, I figured it wouldn't be fair if I didn't watch one of them, so I decided to watch TGWLTT, what a mouth full!The whole time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but be bugged that the main girl, Makoto, looks just like Shinji from Eva, just with boobs. And now that I'm thinking of it, Shinji should've had boobs... Anyways it's a very pretty movie no doubt, though sometimes I feel like it wastes too much time on background visual porn.It was the only choice since I've already seen Summer Wars
The story is pretty by the books time travel leads to butterfly effect narrative, but I feel it handled it really well and made me actually care what happens to these characters. I still don't quite understand the reason whynor do I really understandThe guy from the future had to see that one painting.But these points hardly ruin the story.Makoto's aunt and why did Makoto feel like she could tell her she could travel through time?
All in all, it was a good movie, maybe not incredibly good, but I'd recommend it to watch it. I don't really have much else to say...
The aunt is the girl who leapt through time in the original novel.
The painting was gone in the future. He just wanted to see it.
Ah, didn't know the movie was part of an existing series.
I got that, but why wasThat painting in particular so important to him?
animegaf, take a break from anime and educate yourselves with this:
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Youve done well
Haha thanks, I have to thank gaf and toonami for introducing me to waaaay too many awesome anime I would have missed out on otherwise!
And because Rider beats out Kamina as the best bro in anime.
Ah, didn't know the movie was part of an existing series.
I got that, but why wasThat painting in particular so important to him?
Its been a while but all the servents in Zero were WAYYYYYYYYYY better than Stay Night imo.
I haven't watched F/SN, but probably.![]()
animegaf, take a break from anime and educate yourselves with this:
probably nsfw
It's all fun and games until people start recommending School Days and Strike Witches.
Did anyone ever recommend Boku no Pico to you?
Ah, didn't know the movie was part of an existing series.
I got that, but why wasThat painting in particular so important to him?
Haha thanks, I have to thank gaf and toonami for introducing me to waaaay too many awesome anime I would have missed out on otherwise!
Ah, didn't know the movie was part of an existing series.
I got that, but why wasThat painting in particular so important to him?
Its been a while but all the servents in Zero were WAYYYYYYYYYY better than Stay Night imo.
Thats what art is to people. Cant really explain it.
Glad youve enjoyed it!
Welcome to animegaf and hopefully you continue to have fun!
Its been a while but all the servants in Zero were WAYYYYYYYYYY better than Stay Night imo.
God were Berserker and Rider infinitely better than their FSN counterpartsFSN had uninspired ass heroes. They looked incredibly generic anime the first time I watched them. I mean the best heroes are from FZ haha.
I actually think Asuka still comes out way better than Rei and Mari.
Anime gaf, toonami gaf, and manga gaf is where 95% of all my posts go lol I need to get caught up with all the fall anime I was loving and got behind on cause of life (kill la kill, log horizon, build fighters, phi brain s3)
I remember somebody else in another forum recommending. As funny as it was it was also pretty douchey.
Those are both on my top 10 list!It's all fun and games until people start recommending School Days and Strike Witches.
Call the police, I bet these guys are pedos.![]()
Those are both on my top 10 list!
If we want to haze people, we should be recommending Master of Martial Hearts.
Noragami - Episode 4
Oh damn. This is really, really funny. Yato is such a lameass though. I think what makes it work is how well all the other characters play off on him. I think the show gets more and more interesting as they introduce more wacky characters. I kinda wonder if they'll ever get into a "serious" storyline given how it seems like this is a 12-13 episode series. Even if they don't though, it sure is a lot of fun. The visual gags are awesome.
Wizard Barristers - Episode 3
This show is soooo lewd. It's really kinda disgusting at times when you think about how creepy the tone is in all the scenes with Cecil. Umetsu should probably really be locked up to protect the world. This is also the most incompetent "magic court" ever. It's bad enough that they seem like a poor system for carrying out justice, but it seems they can't even protect themselves properly. Shit security, shit management, hilariously bad all round.
I guess with the plot hints this week, the show is going down the route of good wizards vs bad wizards + end of the world crap at some point. Hopefully the action stays enjoyable, because I don't really have much hope for the story being great. Better than Galilei Donna though!![]()
Mari isn't even a character, that so that's a given!
Noragami - Episode 4
Oh damn. This is really, really funny. Yato is such a lameass though. I think what makes it work is how well all the other characters play off on him. I think the show gets more and more interesting as they introduce more wacky characters. I kinda wonder if they'll ever get into a "serious" storyline given how it seems like this is a 12-13 episode series. Even if they don't though, it sure is a lot of fun. The visual gags are awesome.
Servant ranking time:
FSN Archer> F/Z Rider> Gilgamesh> FSN Lancer> F/Z Lancer> FSN Fake Assassin> F/Z Caster> FSN Caster> FZ Berserker> Saber> FSN Berserker> FZ/FSN True Assassin
No Apocrypha, Avenger, Hollow crap.
Voiced by the goddess Miyukichi too.The ending scene sure seemed like it was teasing a big serious storyline. Also, to judge from the OP and the preview, next episode should be(speculation)introducing a (main?) antagonist for Yato.