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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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They don't have the time or luxury to screw around. This isn't an afternoon on the croquet field. They're humanity's last hope and they're pussyfooting around with
"oh but we can't destroy Pluto! Think of the children!"
Screw you. Pluto isn't even a real planet. It's just a cold rock. There's millions of similar rocks near it. You want to keep the "moral" high ground? Cool, you can do that
at the bottom of Pluto's oceans.
Meanwhile everyone on Earth dies for the sake of your morals. That's a great ethical system you have there.

Or you could have listened to the glasses guy and used your unstoppable superweapon.

I'm not talking ethics. Destroying pluto is all well and good but imagine if you get to inchindar and come back and oh no accidentally there was this big debris field and i guess it annihilated earth even though we saved the human race oops


I'm not talking ethics. Destroying pluto is all well and good but imagine if you get to inchindar and come back and oh no accidentally there was this big debris field and i guess it annihilated earth even though we saved the human race oops

That seems extremely unlikely.


I'm sad that no one even cared enough to sub the Space Dandy leak. Bomba incoming?

I'm not talking ethics. Destroying pluto is all well and good but imagine if you get to inchindar and come back and oh no accidentally there was this big debris field and i guess it annihilated earth even though we saved the human race oops

Pluto is so far away that I don't think that would even remotely be an issue.


you blow up a planetoid in the sol system and see where it gets you. we nearly get hit by shit all the time, a planet exploding in our local system would probably suck.

even if it's tiny moon-sized pluto


I doubt debris would be that big an issue with a handful of spaceships breaking up any large chunks that pose a real threat to the Earth.


you blow up a planetoid in the sol system and see where it gets you. we nearly get hit by shit all the time, a planet exploding in our local system would probably suck.

even if it's tiny moon-sized pluto

Look at the circumstances though:

If they fail, humanity dies. End of story. Not using the Wave Motion Gun is an enormous risk that no one in their right mind would ever have taken under those circumstances.


I don't think anyone really knows what the side effects of blowing up Pluto would be, because being able to do so seems so out of our reach to begin with. That itself is enough reason not to do it, because when you're dealing with such unknown power, it's best not to fuck shit up within your own solar system. :p


Setec Astronomer
you blow up a planetoid in the sol system and see where it gets you. we nearly get hit by shit all the time, a planet exploding in our local system would probably suck.

even if it's tiny moon-sized pluto
There are four vacuum cleaners in the orbital space between us and Pluto.

Also, there isn't any danger as long as it gets blasted in a direction going away from the Sun. If we presume that it blows up from the inside, then the center of mass for the debris doesn't move so you only see a portion fall towards the Sun and us.


I don't think anyone really knows what the side effects of blowing up Pluto would be, because being able to do so seems so out of our reach to begin with. That itself is enough reason not to do it, because when you're dealing with such unknown power, it's best not to fuck shit up within your own solar system. :p

Not that far yet but everything about that discussion where Okita decides not to use it struck me as him being uncomfortable having such power at his disposal and opting for a more conventional approach.


You know who Earth needed at that point in time? You know which brave hero would have done what needed to be done?



From the New World 3


It seems kinda silly that the kids are allowed to go out on their own if there're various secrets out there that they can easily stumble upon.

This show keeps ending episodes on cliffhangers.
Dakara boku wa, H ga dekinai series ("So I Can't H" or something in English) - Okay, so I just finished this series. I'd watched the first few episodes back when it released, but picked it up again a few weeks ago. At first, it was average. Up through about episode 5, the show is okay. Episodes 6 through 9 were the high point, and I thought that maybe the show would actually be decent. But then it completely collapsed, and episodes 10 through 12 were truly awful, barely-watchable junk. Unfortunate.

Back in the early parts though, the show isn't good, but it's not all terrible either; this is a harem comedy action series, and as usual for the genre it's not exactly all that high quality, but there's worse than this one. The first five episodes introduce the cast, set the scene, and absolutely RACE through a lot of material at a breakneck pace. I've read some of the manga, and several dozen chapters in it's still only a couple of episodes into the anime, I think. Yes, they cut a lot early on in this anime in order to cover more material, and changed things as well -- Cule is much more threatening in the manga than in the anime, for instance; here her threat is minor and is dispensed with in the first episode, but the arc lasted longer in the manga and surely in the original LN. Well, at least this means that they can cover more material, but while it's okay here, this problem of going too quickly would come back to bite the series later on.

The series is about two worlds connected by magic, one Earth (Japan being the only part of it we see of course), and the other Grimwald, the world of grim reapers who take the energy from dying people and send their souls into whatever the afterlife is, they don't know either. As for the cast, the main character is one of the shameless-pure-pervert types, so he's perverted but isn't actually going to do anything with the girls even if they wanted to, conveniently enough. He's a human
but later we learn that actually his father was a grim reaper and he has half of the spiritual sword in him from birth.
The main girl is Lisara, a grim reaper. She's on earth looking for a person with a super-powerful spirit, which she wants to help her world. She's tsundere, and the MC falls in love with her by the middle of the series on but it takes until the last episode before she finally admits she likes him back. The other haremites include Cule, a relative (I think) of Lisara's; the MC's childhood friend who likes him, Mina; and a rival girl for Lisara. As this is an action show, there's plenty of fighting. Though Mina doesn't fight, the other main cast all do. Lisara is the main action character, but the MC has to save her or recharge her magic stocks with his perversion-based power at some point in pretty much every fight. And on that note, in the first eight episodes of the show, Lisara gets naked (down to panties only basically) in every single episode. Yeah, the fights are absolutely loaded with clothing damage to a kind of stupid degree. It wasn't as overdone in the manga version. As for the last four episodes... well, Lisara spends like 98% of episode 9
in her usual barely-there clothing-damage outfit. Episodes 10 through 12 have no nudity of note though, except for a tiny bit in ep. 12.

I won't describe most of the plot, but it's a fairly mediocre and bland story that isn't terribly written, but is badly, BADLY rushed at times. And unlike some things, this one does fall apart eventually, which is the main reason I'm writing this, to complain about episodes 10 through 12 and how bad they were. The first third, as I've said, is an intro. The middle third is an arc set in Grimwald, as Mina was kidnapped and the MC and Lisara are off to rescue her, and Grimwald since the world is under threat from some villains. As I said earlier, these episodes, while generic, were reasonably well done, and I enjoyed them even if the plot was mostly very predictable. Lisara gets saved at the last second several times, and other times fights competently.
Come on Lisara, you really didn't see rival girl's betrayal coming? You should have, it was blatantly obvious that it was going to happen... but naturally she has a change of heart at the last possible second and saves you. Of course. And then later, Lisara is again just about to be killed, when this time the MC Ryousuke shows up just in time to save her. She's annoyed naturally, since he's supposed to be staying way to keep the villain away from his power, but Lisara, otherwise you'd be dead... and anyway, as if a girl who isn't the MC is going to save the day in a harem show with a male lead? Not going to happen, unfortunately.
We also meet Lisara's mother, who doesn't seem to have any problem with her daughters' near-suicidal rashness because she is doing what she thinks is right, or something. But even so, yes, this was the GOOD part of the series, sadly enough.

And then comes the end of ep. 9, where Ryousuke and the villain face off. Even though the MC wins, the villain, somehow, in a way that really isn't explained,
seems to activate what he wants anyway and tears the fabric between Earth and Grimwald. He says something that's incredibly badly explained and confusing about how he was one of a group of grim reapers which had extended human lifespans, so not enough people were dying, which was starving Grimwald of needed energy, so he was going to tear open the rift between worlds and have grim reapers go in and kill all the people whose lives had been extended, or something. Even though he lost at the end of ep 9, he breaks open the rift anyway, and at the end of the episode a lot of people who I presume are grim reapers are seen flying off towards Earth.
The show completely fails to adequately explain this critical moment in the plot; parts of it are mentioned in the end of ep 9 and then the beginning and end of ep 10, but they never actually come out and clearly say what happened. It left me incredibly confused and very frustrated at the horrible writing in episodes 10-12. Okay, so stuff happened... but WHAT? What, exactly, were the effects?
How many people died? What was that about the Restall army going to Earth and doing... I don't know what? Were they fighting those other grim reapers or something?
I have no clue, and the series never explained it, that was just a passing reference to something that sounds like it was important, but was never explained. You CANNOT just pass over critical parts of the plot like that, in favor of three episodes of harem nonsense and ridiculous over-dramatization around Ryousuke's impending (but obviously sure to be averted because he is the main character) death without actually explaining WHAT HAPPENED! But instead the show settles for an unexplained shot of grim reapers flying towards earth, a couple of seconds of TV show footage at the end of ep 10 that starts to answer some questions but doesn't go nearly far enough, and not much else. Maybe I was missing something, but really this was a serious problem for me.

The pacing is really bad too. These three episodes are slow and deliberate, but not in any good way. They're full of pointless long shots, irrelevant drama -- no, I was never convinced that Ryousuke was actually going to die and this whole arc is about how sad he is about what happened to Earth and him blaming himself for it (and it IS partially his fault so that, at least, is reasonable) and him being all out of character and depressed all of the time and etc etc. Yeah, don't expect the normal MC for the last quarter of the show, because you won't get it. Also, these episodes have REALLY ugly backgrounds which constantly repeat because they spend the majority of the last three episodes inside his house, I think. There is a "date" part in ep. 10, which is utterly bizarre in its own way --
WHY ARE THERE NO OTHER HUMANS SEEN IN THIS ENTIRE EPISODE??? We know that humanity is not extinct. People exist on TV and in episode 12 a few times. How many people did the Grim Reapers kill, anyway?? I wish we knew, because the utterly empty city in this episode is beyond bizarre, and I can't think of a single explanation for why there aren't any people in the arcade or in the park or anything. Even if the reapers took some older people or something, I'd think that younger people would be unaffected... unless there's more to this, lots more killing, that the anime never bothered to mention? Don't ask me, I have no idea, but it's incredibly weird either way, and makes absolutely no sense. Once again, we know other people exist, since we see them on the TV at the end of ep. 10 and a few times in ep 12. But where are they outside? Why do none of the outside shots in ep 10, 11, or most of 12 have any people in them? I know that Earth and Grimwald have in some way merged, and the "grim reaper fight field" visuals are there all the time here as I get into below, but this isn't a usual grim reaper field, it's something different, how I don't know. Were, like, most humans killed or something? But most humans aren't so old that they should have been affected by grim reapers going after humans with extended lifespans or something, so the whole thing made no sense. Or are they there but you can't see them because our characters are in grim reaper version of earth and everyone else isn't? But the ending doesn't let that explanation make any sense either -- it's still "ugly colors around the screen" right to the end.
So yeah, I don't know what's going on. Can anyone help? I couldn't make much sense out of the plot behind this arc. Maybe the LN explained things better? I don't know. Overall, seriously, I think that all three of these episodes could have been easily condensed into one episode, and the show would have been better off for it. Oh, and don't expect any fights, either -- there are no more after episode 9. I would never say that anime needs fights to be better, but if the choice is between this complete failure of a drama (eps 10-12) or the generic action rescue arc of 6-9, I'd pick the latter just about every time.

There's a second major problem with some parts of this show too -- the visuals I referenced earlier. So, when a grim reaper field is open (to allow them to fight and such without humans noticing because it is hidden from the normal world), there's this really ugly visual look and annoying tone in the background... and ALL of eps 10-12 have this going on 100% of the time that it's not a flashback. Earth and grim reaper world have merged, or something, so now it's got grim reaper field sound and ugly filters all the time. Episode 10 is all about the girls trying to use any means to distract Ryousuke from noticing what has happened to the world. This is all in the MC's house, where the show's weird visual look is at its worst -- there are weird mostly green and yellow colored filters around the screen. Green is my favorite color, but this is REALLY annoying, and it is NEVER explained. These filters exist in earlier episodes too, but it seems to get worse, and become more omnipresent, near the end, and it really makes almost every shot look really ugly. The only exceptions are the OP, ED, and some flashback scenes which look thankfully normal; the rest of episodes 10 through 12 is a barely-watchable mess thanks to those ugly color blobs around the screen, on top of all of the confusion from the unfinished plot, tedium, depressed-MC-and-worried-girls drama, and all the rest of it. Episode 12 is a slight improvement over 10 and 11, since it has a little bit of action and some scenes in new areas (
MC's mind, flashbacks, and the like
/)that aren't quite as visually ugly, but it's not nearly enough of one to make it anything other than still awful.

Of course -- and no, I don't think this is a spoiler -- the MC does live in the end. How... I don't even know, really. Basically it's a time-paradox kind of thing, with the weakest of barely-explained "solutions" at the end.
So, the MC was going to die because he was told at the beginning that he was going to die in a few weeks, because Grim Reapers can see when people are going to die soon. Lisara then spends a lot of time looking for a super-powerful-spirit human not because she wants it to help recharge Grimwald as was her original goal, but because she secretly likes the MC and wants to save him. In ep, 8 or so, we learn that Mina is the super-powerful person. Huh. However, her power only activates when she's really happy or scared it seems, but the MC won't return her feelings because he just thinks of her as a childhood friend and can't think of her as a love interest; plus, he likes Lisara the most by far. So this keeps her from activating her power and saving him with it, since he's resigned himself to dying in order to make up for letting that poorly-explained grim reaper invasion happen in the first place, and thus tells Mina the truth, that she's just a childhood friend to him, and can't lie like Lisara wants.

So yes, he only is going to die because of something that would never have happened if Lisara hadn't come into his life and focused on him because she saw that he was going to die in a few weeks. Circular logic there at its "finest". But it gets worse. How is he saved? Well, Lisara goes in and saves him, of course. Naturally, the scene is partially cut off and looks unfinished, so it fits in with just about everything else in the last three episodes. But from what is there, it seemed like
he lived because he decided to live. I mean, he wasn't sick or anything -- he was just going to die... uh, because. No actual reason, no illness, just dying because he was told he was going to die now so evil reaper girl was going to kill him at the proper time. On that note, yes, seeing evil reaper girl explaining to everyone how she was going to kill him and MC's mother won't you get out of the way so I can take his spirit energy now as usual was so, so weird... I'm sure it never works like that! They don't talk to other people around a dying person, they are invisible to normal humans or something I assume and would just take the energy. So the whole scenario was bizarre and contrived. But beyond that, it was incredibly stupid that they didn't even bother having any actual reason for him to die other than "well it's your time".
Come on. Write a competent plot. This isn't one.

In the end, we have ... no real progress. The MC and Lisara are technically a couple, but she doesn't want to do anything "H" with him, of course, while he does pervy stuff. The other girls show up and we see that the harem is still around. "End." Darn you, stupid LN conversions.

So yeah, now I guess I'll have to watch the OVA episode. I'm not looking forward to it.


I hate you, stupid ugly filter! Go away!


From the New World 3


It seems kinda silly that the kids are allowed to go out on their own if there're various secrets out there that they can easily stumble upon.

This show keeps ending episodes on cliffhangers.

All I'll say, and you may not want to know even this so I'll spoiler tag it, is that
they pay off kids in society having that kind of freedom. Not until much, much later though.


Setec Astronomer
The important thing to remember is that Newton's third law can be rephrased as the law of conservation of momentum. Without an external force, the center of mass of a system remains in a constant velocity. Internal forces all balance each other out at all times.

If Pluto were to blow up, then it would become a cloud of debris in orbit rather than a solid body in orbit. There are some extra considerations like how much mass stays in the same orbit and what is accelerated out of it and to where, but it's not like its own momentum and gravity vanish.


The important thing to remember is that Newton's third law can be rephrased as the law of conservation of momentum. Without an external force, the center of mass of a system remains in a constant velocity.

If Pluto were to blow up, then it would become a cloud of debris in orbit rather than a solid body in orbit. There are some extra considerations like how much mass stays in orbit and what is accelerated out of it, but it's not like its own momentum and gravity vanish.

The Wave Motion Gun would likely core Pluto, causing it to collapse in on itself instead of it turning into millions of chunks flying through the solar system anyway.

I guess.

I'm not a scientist.


Setec Astronomer
The Wave Motion Gun would likely core Pluto, causing it to collapse in on itself instead of it turning into millions of chunks flying through the solar system anyway.

I guess.

I'm not a scientist.
What you're describing is one-handed clapping.


Yamato 7

What a great cooldown episode. Protag getting the ladies tho. All that development for all the cast members.

The random fanservice bits were odd, but it is a cooldown ep.



And most of those are very low-risk.

I don't think anyone really knows what the side effects of blowing up Pluto would be, because being able to do so seems so out of our reach to begin with. That itself is enough reason not to do it, because when you're dealing with such unknown power, it's best not to fuck shit up within your own solar system. :p

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The plan they go with is actually faaaaaaaaar riskier because Earth is screwed anyway if they fail.

Not that far yet but everything about that discussion where Okita decides not to use it struck me as him being uncomfortable having such power at his disposal and opting for a more conventional approach.

Fortune favors the bold. Opting for a "conventional" approach is incredibly stupid in this scenario.


Desperate times call for desperate measures. The plan they go with is actually faaaaaaaaar riskier because Earth is screwed anyway if they fail.

If they were so concerned about risk, they would have skipped Pluto entirely. It has nothing to do with their mission at all. These are men, not pussies. If they weren't confident they could take out the Pluto base without using a weapon they didn't even expect to have when they started the mission, then the odds of them getting to the end of their actual mission is probably 0!


If they were so concerned about risk, they would have skipped Pluto entirely. It has nothing to do with their mission at all. These are men, not pussies.

Right, so you're saying they not only ignored their actual mission, but that they risked everything on the worst plan possible instead of using their unstoppable superweapon. Wow, they're even dumber than I initially thought. Thanks, duckroll.

If they weren't confident they could take out the Pluto base without using a weapon they didn't even expect to have when they started the mission, then the odds of them getting to the end of their actual mission is probably 0!

And that confidence was misplaced. Yet more evidence of their incompetence.


The Light of El Cantare
Not that far yet but everything about that discussion where Okita decides not to use it struck me as him being uncomfortable having such power at his disposal and opting for a more conventional approach.

As far as I know, the UN Cosmo Force was using Pluto (or at least Pluto's gravitational field) as a strategic outpost even before first contact with the Garmillans. It would be like the U.S. military nuking Guam as a first resort against an occupying force.

Granted, for the simile to work Guam has somehow managed to lay waste to the entire world, but that doesn't negate its strategic value.


They did mention
using the explosive camo to feign death so they could do some patchwork repairs. Now, if you were to say the Gams were incompetent because they didn't bother to spot the wreck before reporting their victory,
I'd be with you there.


I don't think
the Yamato ending up on the bottom of Pluto's ocean
was part of their plan. They were also completely unprepared for Pluto's attacks, something that wouldn't have been a problem if they just used the WMG.

What sort of story this would be, if the "solution" of every part of the journey is the Yamato using a weapon they're not supposed to have in the first place to completely eradicate every planet and outpost which has an enemy presence as they travel across the universe.


What sort of story this would be, if the "solution" of every part of the journey is the Yamato using a weapon they're not supposed to have in the first place to completely eradicate every planet and outpost which has an enemy presence as they travel across the universe.

Sounds like a realistic one.
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