Looks more like Pixiv fanart than something like a key visual.
I admit I still don't really know anything about the Mahouka characters, so this new key visual of what is apparently the student council just looks silly to me, especially the girl with orange hair.
Ok I dont have the time or desire to watch Fairy Tail but Juvia and Levy are SERIOUSLY CUTE.
Maybe I just have a thing for blue hair.
but DAMN.
Mikakunin ep.8
I am sorry, but Benio's existence is really starting to drag the show down from something that would be outstanding to something that's just really good instead.
Yep, Benio is the worst part of the show. Longer scenes with her are a real struggle to watch, especially that one in this episode in the student council room. The humor with her doesn't really work anymore, and dragging those attempts at humor out really bring down the show.
Benio was one of the things that made me drop the show back then. Haven't looked back since.
Benio is getting a bit stale
So does anyone else have a case where you really disliked a character but powered through and enjoyed the series despite them?
Looks more like Pixiv fanart than something like a key visual.
You know, there was something that felt kind of off to me about a lot of the official Mahouka anime art so far, and I think this might be it.Looks more like Pixiv fanart than something like a key visual.
I guess the most obvious example in recent memory is Gingitsune (SATORUUUUUU). Come to think of it, with all the parallels between the two shows, I guess I might as well just consider Touka the Satoru of InaKon. For all that I keep complaining about Touka, he's still significantly better than that guy ever was.
The only other examples that come to mind are harem/romcom shows where worst girl steals all the spotlight that other girls deserve - Ichika in NatsuMachi, Masuzu in OreShura and so on. I wouldn't say I hate those characters, but I certainly resent them to some extent.
See above.
wow, the KLK thread descended into madness at some point and i didn't notice
Sounds eventful.Wonder Momo Episode 4:
I admit I still don't really know anything about the Mahouka characters, so this new key visual of what is apparently the student council just looks silly to me, especially the girl with orange hair.
Also they technically "announced" three more characters, but they were among the ones that were revealed back on the 8th in other sources so it's really nothing.
Hamatora 08
That was a fun episode.
Not so surprised that we didn't get much fallout from what happened at the end of last episode but I guess it'll be some time before everyone discovers it.
The whole bitter melon fight was pretty fun to watch though. Why bitter melon?
I know very little about Mahouka other than a general plot summary, does it have not-incest?
AAAAAAAARGH JAPAN said:However, she has been constantly shown to harbour forbidden feelings for Tatsuya, even lamenting once the fact that she was born as his little sister, clearly indicating that she wishes to have a romantic relationship with him.
The thought of marrying another boy repulsed and disgust Miyuki. It wasnt a biological issue, so something like dancing was still acceptable. However, in Miyukis heart, the only who was allowed to touch her was Tatsuya. The only one who could do as he wished with her was Tatsuya alone. Her love for her brother was to such extent that she would be willing to offer her heart and body to Tatsuya willingly. For her, "No matter if it was her body or heart, everything that she was belonged to Onii-sama."
Speaking of which, someone in the OT spotted that Crunchyroll already has a preemptive notice that episode 20 will potentially be late by "12-24 hours".
This is not a positive point if you're not talking about Naoki Sato. And that sure ain't Naoki Sato.
Yeah, cute girls and fanservice are the real reason for reading/watching Fairy Tail. I'm pretty sure the author understands this XD
I'd say it's more like...Madoka Rebellion =Votoms Shining Heresy with Magical Girls
Clannad After Story 11
Workin' in the real world! Good thing Tomoya has a girlfriend who is unconditionally approving of everything he does! It's definitely cool seeing Tomoya adjust to post-high school life. Very different dynamic, and good development for him,
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY Akio remains best. Lightsaber fights!
I admit I still don't really know anything about the Mahouka characters, so this new key visual of what is apparently the student council just looks silly to me, especially the girl with orange hair.
Also they technically "announced" three more characters, but they were among the ones that were revealed back on the 8th in other sources so it's really nothing.
I'd advise you to stop and end the pain if I didn't know there was something inside you that enjoyed the pain.
So does anyone else have a case where you really disliked a character but powered through and enjoyed the series despite them?
I wonder if swagamoto does the same thing as the guy in mahouka would we complain about it?
Engaged to the Unidentified 08
It's misunderstandings piled on top of more misunderstandings. Unfortunately, what happened at the end doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding at all. Kobeni continues to let the season of chubbiness go strong. Also liked the gag about the rooftop having unsuitable conditions for a showdown. Not even the snowman looked like he wanted to be up there.
She is fine too.
But I love me some tsunderes, especially Matoko.
I can't wait for Keiko to teach her what it feel like to be a woman. Or rather both of them being awkward. Hmmm don't know what would work better.
Y'all be crazy, Benio is consistently entertaining and she gives the show a lot of its wonderful manic energy.
20 episodes of Nisekoi confirmed.
20 episodes of Nisekoi confirmed.
So does anyone else have a case where you really disliked a character but powered through and enjoyed the series despite them?
I powered through all of Ranma 1/2 in like a week back in college but that didn't make Happousai not the most annoying character in the history of the medium.
That picture tells me the exact opposite story. Explain.http://i.imgur.com/dOE5A6P.jpg
I powered through all of Ranma 1/2 in like a week back in college but that didn't make Happousai not the most annoying character in the history of the medium.
I have both in my head right now.Both sound equally appealing, either one needs to happen.
Mikakunin De Shinkoukei 8
So we all agree that the newspaper girl is going to expose everything.
I doubt that will happen. Nothing is going to upset the status quo.
For me, at least, it's a testament to how really damn good the rest of the show is that I'm still enjoying it each week even with her in the way.
I admit I still don't really know anything about the Mahouka characters, so this new key visual of what is apparently the student council just looks silly to me, especially the girl with orange hair.
Also they technically "announced" three more characters, but they were among the ones that were revealed back on the 8th in other sources so it's really nothing.
Those poor fans. They'll think that with more episodes there's probably a chance a clear frontrunner will be chosen.
They said the same thing about [insert every other harem]
Apparently, the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga is about to release, and an image has surfaced:
This is probably not the same art style that Ikuhara will use in the anime, but this is at least some small indication of what the hell this is even going to be.
Oh man, I just remembered that there's the anime original character for Nisekoi who's going to show up eventually. Wonder how large an effect that's going to have on where they go with the show and which chapters get adapted...
Apparently, the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga is about to release, and an image has surfaced:
This is probably not the same art style that Ikuhara will use in the anime, but this is at least some small indication of what the hell this is even going to be.
This is probably not the same art style that Ikuhara will use in the anime, but this is at least some small indication of what the hell this is even going to be.
That's... stupid.If you mean the Kiki Mimiko character who was introduced in the original anime seiyuu announcement, I don't think she's intended to appear in the anime itself, she was introduced as just a promotional vehicle "presenting" the info column about the anime in Jump.
Oooh, cheers for the heads-up madp!
Yuri, the magical girl on the right, says something like "I'm Yuri, the one who changes Telos!". Telos or τελος is an Ancient Greek word meaning "end" but can mean "fate" or "destiny". With the verb henkaku in there (the same kaku as in kakumei) that one line of dialogue pretty much sums up Ikuni's work
The girl on the right just says "Yurishiro-san?!?!?!". The yurishiro kanji read as "castle of lilies" but I guess there's probably a play on shiro also meaning white?
(yes I like overanalysing Ikuni works shut up)
No problem:http://www.pingpong-anime.tv
They updated the Ping Pong website, and there's a new TVCM, except it's region locked. Thanks Aniplex!
Those character designs look pretty great though.
I can understand not having watched any Jojo's but I'm stunned that Corvo seems to not know literally anything about it. Just from general anime culture osmosis I would think at least everybody knew something about it.
Oooh, cheers for the heads-up madp!
Yuri, the magical girl on the right, says something like "I'm Yuri, the one who changes Telos!". Telos or τελος is an Ancient Greek word meaning "end" but can mean "fate" or "destiny". With the verb henkaku in there (the same kaku as in kakumei) that one line of dialogue pretty much sums up Ikuni's work
The girl on the right just says "Yurishiro-san?!?!?!". The yurishiro kanji read as "castle of lilies" but I guess there's probably a play on shiro also meaning white?
(yes I like overanalysing Ikuni works shut up)