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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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The cast for Mangaka-san to Assistant-san-san to has been announced, and sadly differs from the Drama CD voice cast.


The previous Drama CD voice cast included the following main cast: Jun Fukuyama, Mamiko Noto, Haruka Tomatsu, Aki Toyosaki, and Rie Kugimiya. Eiji Miyashita and Hikaru Midorikawa voiced two minor character roles. It appears that Rie Kugimiya is the only seiyuu keeping her character role at the moment. Kind of surprised Rinna Fuwa's character is not listed, so maybe there is still hope that Aki Toyosaki will reprise her role, if I remember who voiced whom from the Drama CD?

EDIT: I guess I should also note the episodes are listed to be only 13 minutes each. Better than 2-5 minute episodes though. Hope someone licenses it or I will have to import the Drama CD to show my support.

I guess I'll look forward to this. Enjoyed the manga at least.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Show is getting self referential and talking about the toksuken or whatever its spelt genre.
was nisio involved in the writing in this show?
But Yours Truly, Toma, and Shin?! And Diabolik Lovers had one of the best antagonists in the genre, when Cordelia came about. If people would give these series a try and look at what dwells beneath the surface.

Problem with Amnesia was that she was just foolish as they even said in the anime. If she only had listened. Characters had good outfits, and Recall and Zoetrope are the best op's and ed's in the nonUtaPri otomes.

Honestly, Amnesia just failed to hold my interest whereas Diabolik Lovers actually actively put me off. As funny as it was the first time hearing Daisuke Hirakawa say "Bitch-chan," I just wasn't comfortable with the show and ended up dropping it.

I just write it off as a kind of masochism, only verbal instead of physical.

Makes sense. People like what they like, I guess.

Yeah, Haruka pretty much becomes a non character by season 2. Even her fluffy moments of supporting the guys gets shifted over the new guy instead, lol.

Yeah, I joke with my friends about how Cecil is pretty much the protagonist of season 2 instead of Haruka. Honestly I felt like Haruka had more character in the Christmas OVA than for most of season 2, and she's not even present for most of it!

In other news, Bakumatsu Rock is getting an anime.

I hope it is still as fabulous as the game looks with all the music.

Looks interesting, at least. I'll give it a shot when it airs. Character design is colorful and a little complicated for some of them so I'll be interested to see how it works in motion.


Nagi no Asakura episode 22

drama. Drama. DRAMA.
So, Manaka can't love anymore? Good news for Miuna and pseudo-incest! Horray for pseudo-incest!


Kill La Kill episode 20

Does Satsuki
have any bad qualities at all? Okay, she's a strict and gruff and emotionless.
Her imouto
Ryouko, on the other hand, is chaotic, quick tempered, and immature. Hopefully Satsuki
can beat some sense into her.


Samurai Flamenco 19

The start of the episode changed things and the end of the episode changed things so suddenly that in the span of one week, the show has once again gone in directions that nobody could predict.
The world is at peace, and Masayoshi is considered for leader of the free world. Slice of Life Flamenco is what it is. And then Goto's been sending himself all of his emails from his girlfriend because she went missing, and there's a boy who recites Masayoshi's speech from episode 2 and a building explodes.
this boy
have anything to do with
Goto's missing girlfriend?
What does
"The Boy from the Past"
mean, in terms of foreshadowing? And in only three episodes, what the hell is next? Everything I thought I knew, I once again no longer know.

Z/X Ignition 08

What I got from this is that giant demon lady chests can absorb just about anything, and also the heartwarming story of a girl and her pet T-rex. Looks like resolving the battle that took place on New Years' will take a couple more episodes. I think everyone's backstory is fleshed out, so all that's left is to wrap things up. It's not the greatest show on the air, but it's enjoyable.
Spice and Wolf Season 2 - 6

Trading goods shouldn't be this interesting. Seriously, if there's one thing this series should be commended for it's taking the act of merchanting, explaining some of its more nuanced aspects, and then wrapping and presenting it in a package that's just thoroughly engaging. The conclusion of this arc has definitely been one of the high points of Spice and Wolf as a whole and I'm really looking forward to checking out the rest of the season. I'll admit to the deepening relationship between Holo and Protagonist worrying me as Season 2 started but it's definitely enriched the interactions between the characters and added a whole new level of drama to the events in the series.

To merchanting duels!

But the show's charm is how he is just some everyday guy who isnt even super strong or anything trying to be a hero.

I'm still waiting for that show to come back. Welcome to the real Samurai Flamenco.


Mikakunin de Shinkoukei 9

Best show continues to do best show things. That's all that really needs to be said.

I was amused when Benio and Hakuya had that rare moment of being perfectly in sync thanks to their shared excessive doting on Kobeni XD


Samurai Flamenco 19



And then SamFlam decided it was tired of getting real and went insane again.


Samurai Flamenco 19

They actually did a decent job of pulling off the twist in a relatively down-to-earth way, even if I tooootally called it. I bet the disappeared GF turns out to be the final villain somehow.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Samurai Flamenco Episode 10
This is a pretty crazy episode, and was eye opening for flamenco diamond, curious about where her character goes from here.


Corvo I'll be holding you to that avatar bet on whether Gotou's girlfriend shows up. If not I'll get a digital gypsy on your ass.

At this point it's pretty much a given that I lost the bet. Remember that the terms of the bet is her face. Until her actual face is shown in its entirety, I declare myself clean. That said, I still called that
Goto was dating his cellphone.
Honestly this just kinda makes all the
defense of his fidelity
earlier that much funnier. Still calling it that
Goto and Mari wind up together at the end.

Getter Robo G 5

Gosh darn it Benkei, if you're going to fill Musashi's seat, then you need to get your head in the game. I do NOT want to see you pulling these same stunts 20 episodes down the road, do you hear me?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Samurai Flamenco Episode 11
Just when you start getting use to the crazy, they decide to raise the bat kid icarus uprising style. Show suddenly feels completely different now.
Samurai Flamenco 19
Excellent surprise twist at the beginning with
Hazama on his way to become World president. The absence of evil seems very peculiar. Then, Got's girlfriend being basically his phone is interesting. I'm going to guess that his real girlfriend is a big part of this new evil
Samurai Flamenco 19

Masayoshi was very :dtl this episode lol. Guess I was off the mark a little about Goto girlfriend
I thought she was dead. Guess she will be the final villain or Goto killed her.

And shit gets crazy at the end like always.


[Samurai Flamenco] - 19

This shows. I have no words. To compare what happened in last weeks episode and this weeks episode you'd think these were two entirely separate shows in different genres. It's a real testament to the writing how well everything hangs together. It shouldn't really be possible to make a show this aggressively unpredictable and still have some semblance of character or continuity.



Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
[Samurai Flamenco] - 19

This shows. I have no words. To compare what happened in last weeks episode and this weeks episode you'd think these were two entirely separate shows in different genres. It's a real testament to the writing how well everything hangs together. It shouldn't really be possible to make a show this aggressively unpredictable and still have some semblance of character or continuity.


This is what im taking from it, all this stuff is happening and yet for some strange reason it doesnt feel like it fdoesnt fit at all, it helps that some stuff sorta kinda comes together
like the master disappeaing whenever hazama needs him and wasnt just because he was hollywood obsessed but working on a secret team
Samumenco 19

Well guess in technicalities nobody really lost. Except Goto. Sad stuff.

As to him and Mari I hope
Goto doesn't end up with her.

I'd rather have a DTL ending than that.


The planning for this show must have looked crazy. I mean, from a pacing and impact standpoint, in episode 18 of Samurai Flamenco our main character
becomes a giant, fights aliens on the moon and talks to god about shaping reality. Then, next week he's dealing with his friends down-to-earth personal problem.


Onee-chan ga Kita 09

Cute in most senses, but that chocolate doesn't look very appetizing.

Pupa 09

Not very appetizing in all senses.
The planning for this show must have looked crazy. I mean, from a pacing and impact standpoint, in episode 18 of Samurai Flamenco our main character
becomes a giant, fights aliens on the moon and talks to god about shaping reality. Then, next week he's dealing with his friends down-to-earth personal problem.

he will deal with angsty teenagers.


[Samurai Flamenco] - 19

This shows. I have no words. To compare what happened in last weeks episode and this weeks episode you'd think these were two entirely separate shows in different genres. It's a real testament to the writing how well everything hangs together. It shouldn't really be possible to make a show this aggressively unpredictable and still have some semblance of character or continuity.


I'm having a hard time choosing between Samurai Flamenco and Gundam Build Fighters.
Been marathoning cardfight vanguard for some reason... finally finished season 1.

Probably my favorite TCG anime and I really did dig yugioh 5D lol. The cast is fun and have quirks that aren't too annoying (besides kai's 1 face expression). Card battles are exciting because unlike yugioh, protags can lose, and do lose. And of course this is naturally a scripted show, the 'draw winning card' doesn't feel as bs as some other shows.

Also some neat kinda oddly progressive life lessons at the end of the season about not suppressing your weird side but embracing it or something. The scifi fantasy crap isn't that forced and seemed ok enough (kinda feel like more stuff will happen in later seasons though).

Emi is adorable.

Misaki is awesome.

Manager is adorable.

aichi's evil voice is great.

Will keep watching.


Nagi no Asu Kara 22

Goddamn, I thought
were one of the cruelest things you could take from a person, but this might actually be worse.

Ironically, it throws a pretty large spanner in the pairing works, too.
Manaka is one of the few people I don't mind not getting paired off, since there are better options for both of her love interests, but since I can't see anyone accepting this episode's new development, now she's going to have to end up paired with someone, or else how will we know when the problem is truly fixed? And it will probably be Hikari, too, which is the worst possible outcome since MiunaxHikari is the best pairing in this damn show.

I appreciated the whole exposition about the Ocean God;
the separation of his "emotions", which are what is causing all the trouble through their impulsive and irrational actions, from his actual "will", which wants things to turn out all right for everyone, actually makes a lot of sense and neatly explains the supernatural phenomena we've seen. It also brings up one possible solution for all the issues, which is to somehow restore the Ocean God to his original form; with his will once again in control of his emotions, he would presumably be able to reverse the climate shift and even restore Manaka's stolen heart. Whether resurrecting a broken god is even possible, on the other hand, is anyone's guess.
Golden Time 21

What the fuck is up with that ending?
I mean she's obviously lying because she wouldn't put on the evil air if it wasn't

god dammit this unnecessary last stretch drama. It's going to probably end neatly but this kind of soured my week.

And then the previews make it seem like everything is fine again. Fuck this anime for toying with my emotions. And fuck this author. I'll be back next week though.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Halfway through Cardfight Vanguard S1. It's shit. The best thing about it is the Milky Holmes cameos. <3.

Card game animes generally suck but I still hold out hope that someday a Magic anime will get made. It'd probably suck but whatever I still want it.


Golden Time

That ending seemed
like a dumb way to force some more drama.
sigh. Oh well, have come this far might so well ride it out to the end.


Golden Time 21

Forget Banri's issues. Everyone else has so many issues that even getting to a position where things can be explained clearly requires some acrobatics that the universe is clearly not willing to give these characters.
And Koko, what's up with that? That's not going to make this better. Give Banri some time to air his thoughts, probably, but the fallout. The fallout. Will not last that long, but I don't expect it to be easy.
Golden Time 21

Everything went better than expe--

Wait, what?


[spoiler]I swear she's lying to try and make it easier for him somehow. But the preview with them smiling at each other again is pissing me off. It better not be them pretending to be friends[/spoiler]


[Silver Spoon 2] - 8

So I guess this is still pretty good. On the face of it there's nothing particularly stand-out about this anime from the design/direction/production stand point but it just happens to excel (at least compared to most anime) in a rather obscure area known as 'writing'. Writing is that thing that occurs between action, fanservice and gags so naturally most shows don't devote much time to it, however Silver Spoon's writing, while fairly pedestrian by, say, Western TV standards. is so far ahead of most other shows out there that it's really a treat to watch.

Still, we're actually kind of lucky this season in that we have at least three fairly well written shows; Gundam Build Fighters, Samurai Flamenco and Silver Spoon. What I mean by 'well written' obviously differs greatly between these three shows but without the strengh of the writing on those projects shows would just collapse. Samurai Flamenco would be an almighty clusterfuck, Gundam Build Fighters would be pretty but inherently boring and stale kids crap and Silver Spoon would be another sleep-inducing examination of highschoolers in a slightly unique setting.


I swear she's lying to try and make it easier for him somehow. But the preview with them smiling at each other again is pissing me off. It better not be them pretending to be friends

I believe in Takemiya!
She's obviously concerned about his well-being, I wonder if she just thinks being with him is just going to make things worse for him down the line.

That preview was definitely peculiar. Really have no idea what to make of this ending now.

EDIT: Thinking about it some more,
they put an obvious cut to Oka's camera during Banri's breakdown, I wonder if Koko ended up seeing that by mistake. I could definitely see that guilt-tripping her into doing something like this.
Just finished watching Awakening of the Trailblazer. I'll post my full impressions in a bit but I can quickly sum it up like this:

Silver Triangles have never been so confusing.


Great Mazinger 5

So in this version, Shiro does not yet know that Kenzo Kabuto is his father, nor that Kenzo is in fact a human brain in a robot body. Which was a pretty cool shot. Fair enough. I can reconcile this in my head with Shin Mazinger. Still easier than watching 90 episodes of Mazinger Z.

Anyway, Tetsuya's an ass, but DAT JUN people. Sayaka who?
I'm glad to see my decision to drop this show because of Benio remains justified.


Spice and Wolf Season 2 - 6

Trading goods shouldn't be this interesting. Seriously, if there's one thing this series should be commended for it's taking the act of merchanting, explaining some of its more nuanced aspects, and then wrapping and presenting it in a package that's just thoroughly engaging. The conclusion of this arc has definitely been one of the high points of Spice and Wolf as a whole and I'm really looking forward to checking out the rest of the season. I'll admit to the deepening relationship between Holo and Protagonist worrying me as Season 2 started but it's definitely enriched the interactions between the characters and added a whole new level of drama to the events in the series.

To merchanting duels!

I'm still waiting for that show to come back. Welcome to the real Samurai Flamenco.

Lol I've always said this about Spice and Wolf. It's a show that on paper doesn't sound that interesting, but in execution has you really tense with every decision Lawrence makes. It's strange just how compelled you become with the show. Sometimes episodes feel so short but they are 22 minutes each so you wonder how the time flies.

I would totally recommend Spice and Wolf to anyone. It's a pretty great anime.

Samurai Flamenco 19

They actually did a decent job of pulling off the twist in a relatively down-to-earth way, even if I tooootally called it. I bet the disappeared GF turns out to be the final villain somehow.

Alright Gazoinks here's what's happening... you're gonna power through the next 5 episodes of Clannad After Story!! This is to make up for not watching it in over a week. :p

I am kidding you don't have to do anything I say. :(
[Silver Spoon 2] - 8

So I guess this is still pretty good. On the face of it there's nothing particularly stand-out about this anime from the design/direction/production stand point but it just happens to excel (at least compared to most anime) in a rather obscure area known as 'writing'. Writing is that thing that occurs between action, fanservice and gags so naturally most shows don't devote much time to it, however Silver Spoon's writing, while fairly pedestrian by, say, Western TV standards. is so far ahead of most other shows out there that it's really a treat to watch.

So why do you watch anime? Why does anyone watch anime when it's inferior to Western TV in every way?
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