Could be fun!
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.
In no particular order:
cowboy beebop
samurai champloo
attack on titan
one piece
dbz etc.
accel world
knights of sidonia
psycho pass
fairy tale
devil part timer
gundam (and a bunch of other mech series)
I have a wide palette (I think) for anime.
Any advice would be appreciated (probably checking out fate zero next).
My main source of anime is hulu and netflix, but I'm not above getting something like crunchyroll for more.
Well the Manga doesn't really end so much as stop.
Define "end"
So according to a recent magazine thing, the tone of Sound! Euphonium is going to be less "easygoing daily life" and more "passionate sports drama."
For those getting EXCITED for Garo because of the animation, don't. Out of like 18 episodes, so far, there are probably like 2-3 episodes with what anyone can say is "good animation". Most of it is really cheap and over half the series is outsourced to South Korea. It's a fun show though!
I think this pretty much sums up every episode of Hyōka I've seen thus far.
I have a feeling it will continue to be that way. I just hope the mysteries get better.
Animation is certainly gorgeous though. So many intricate details happening in the background. Makes me wonder how this even got a budget for 22 episodes at times.
The mysteries, even the first mystery, are all about developing the characters. Hyouka isn't a procedural; it's a character drama.
not gonna Google this, begone Satan.
Tenshi no Tamago (Angels Egg) is a film directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, Mobile Police Patlabor) and was released in the year of 1985. This film, although not as renowned as his (Oshiis) other works, Id go as far as to say that its perhaps the most expressive and visually compelling of his portfolio and has garnered somewhat of a reputation of sorts for its stunning artwork (Yoshitaka Amano), and for containing a story that many may at first glance seem to consider non-existent....
it SHOULD be a procedural. Would have been a lot better.
I have this show. Its about a bunch of girls who are soft drinks. Like upotte but the girls are grape, lemon, orange, etc
Almost certainly going be to the best comicbook film released this year.
Shin Mazinger Z - 26 END
So at first I was all:
But then I was all:
Like, I knew the ending to this was gonna be batshit nuts but, holy shit!
How do you go from freaking 100 rapid rocket punches with all that cheerful music to...that?!?
Why oh why is there no sequel to this show? There really should be. Like, I guess I could just say that Mazinkaiser V.S. Great General of Darkness fills the gap somehow even though there's no Baron Ashura there, but come on!
It is at this moment where I now stand alongside my fellow mecha fans and join in the chanting of:
Death Parade 6
This show is starting to get closer to the OP in tone.
Waifu app now includes bicycle husbandos.
I have this show. Its about a bunch of girls who are soft drinks. Like upotte but the girls are grape, lemon, orange, etc
The mysteries, even the first mystery, are all about developing the characters. Hyouka isn't a procedural; it's a character drama.
The funniest episode yet. This girl was just something else. Lost it at the flashback with the mother. Plus that outrageously stupid conclusion to the fight ...
I can't believe I'm about to praise an episode about
I forgot that The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is coming out this spring.
This spring gonna be TRIGGER levels of good.
This episode was based on a true story.Strike Witches 07
I can't believe I'm about to praise an episode aboutstealing pants.
But it was a welcome reprieve from the tiresome pattern the show has followed so far and it was decently done comedy. So yeah an improvement over SW's previous efforts.
Anonymoose: Nihon Art Animation Eiga Senshuu
Here is the featured work's list with references to those with added English subtitles.
Four days after being near completion, they were reserving the release for this 'lover's day', huh?
Now available to anyone, the Nihon Art Animation Eiga Senshū represents different stages to contemplate the definitive roots and influence such authors made on the Japanese animation methodology, as seen in famous milestones like Toei Animation's early era or Mr. Tezuka's own experimental shorts... a must-see to understand from where many nowadays creators are coming from.
If anyone is uncomfortable downloading on this manner all the published animated shorts 'ripped' from a official release, take into account that it is possible to decide and select what specific batches to obtain; as for example 'pre-war period' works should definitely be in the clear to obtain by any means without restrictions, I think.
Many thanks to duckroll for his fast PM response... much appreciated, man!
There is a ton of variety in anime character designs. Even the marquee series have a good level of variety.
Well....that will be my next anime collection I am going to watch next. No clue of this show so, it will be interested to see this 1st time. Should I watch this in dub or sub for this show?
Like I said earlier, the movie has its prerogative, its motivations and its messages however delving too deeply into that rabbit hole is missing the point. This is a film that requires you to capture those fleeting feelings and hold onto them. It requires you to savor those moments and to grasp tightly onto that fragile and brittle egg, protecting it from the outside world. Narrative can and is told through different methods, and just because Angels Egg decides not to follow the standard template for story telling doesnt mean that a story cant be formed from your viewing. In the end it really comes down to one question, and instead of trying to figure out just what Angels Egg is about, the real question is how did Angels Egg make you feel?
Keep precious things inside of you, or you will lose them.
So according to a recent magazine thing, the tone of Sound! Euphonium is going to be less "easygoing daily life" and more "passionate sports drama."
This won't affect how I personally view it, because passionate sports dramas can still be moe. Like Bamboo Blade or Taisho Baseball Girls.
Def blu-ray, Cajun!
Also To-Love-Ru is nice, because of the beautiful and amazing Riko-chan <3
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.
In no particular order:
cowboy beebop
samurai champloo
attack on titan
one piece
dbz etc.
accel world
knights of sidonia
psycho pass
fairy tale
devil part timer
gundam (and a bunch of other mech series)
I have a wide palette (I think) for anime.
Any advice would be appreciated (probably checking out fate zero next).
My main source of anime is hulu and netflix, but I'm not above getting something like crunchyroll for more.
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 6
This show has been really poor at establishing conflict. Was I supposed to do anything other than laugh at that end scene where Mio breaks down because she invited her friends to a concert with a small audience? You have a problem when a significant portion of your cast is sub-Miki tier.
No way! Hyouka was great as it was. The characters developed very naturally, and I liked seeing that.
On the topic of Akikan, I remember absolutely hating it. It just made me really angry for some reason. It was just so... dumb, but not in an endearing way. More like in a "please make this stop" sort of way.
But what about Jupiter Ascending!!!!??
from me to you
Heh. Interesting.