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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 88

So at last we come to the final battle of Sailor Moon R and I have a variety of complex opinions on this matter.
So the final confrontation comes down in two parts; first talking down Black Lady from the precipice of oblivion. I find is very ironic that these scenes were centered around the Momoru-Usagi-Chibi-Usa dynamic when this was one of the few plot points from Black Moon that didn't center around them. I will not say too much on that but it was the grand culmination of Sailor Pluto's contributions to this arc and I shall rant on this a bit later. There are a couple of reasons for this playing out differently and not just because of story alterations. The very story structure of the 1990s anime means that Chibi-Usa has more friends then just Pluto at this point since she actually spends a great deal of time with the Inners. At any rate, even with Black Lady defeated and reverted, Wiseman reveals that the black gate is complete and his rule is almost at hand. What transpires next is so epic it requires its own unique theme song that I quite like. Also, Chibi-Usa finally realizes what a grandiose little shit she has been this entire season and reveals that she has the Silver Crystal of the Future and their combined power instead of dooming the world overwhelms Wiseman and saves the day. The forces of evil are beaten back once more and the future is secured once again and Chibi-Usa is sent back to the future.

Right, so what do I think of Sailor Moon R having watched it with fresh eyes. Well, I think I have tipped my hand on more then a few occasions. It still a few wretched warts that I can't overlook. I have made my feelings clear on the likes of Chibi-Usa, the Tree of Doom arc and that stupid fucking break up subplot to the point where I don't feel the need to rehash them. Instead I want to rant about how they fucking wasted Sailor Pluto. I remember thinking sometime back at being surprised that Sailor Pluto debuted in R because I didn't have any memories of her until S from back in the day. The reason is simple, she is barely fucking in this season. Okay, they got the fact that she is the guardian of time and space and the most bored doorwoman in the universe down. The problem is she is supposed to leave her post in order to help the others in some of their darkest times at the cost of everything. It is seriously my favorite parts of Dark Moon and it disappoints me that she had to wait until S to shine. Still in spite of all of these issues I welcome the Ikuhara era as it marked a fundamental shift from slice of life event storytelling to much more dramatic character based tales and because of that this is a better season then the first. Still not agreeing with Jaken that it is the best of Sailor Moon be it manga or anime. Indeed next week we head to what many consider to be the peak of Sailor Moon as Infinity awaits us.


Crowdfunding campaign started for a film version of Fumiyo Kōno's manga Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni (In a Corner of this World)
script & direction by Sunao Katabuchi (Black Lagoon), MAPPA studio for 2016 release
20% after only a few hours!
Coincidentally, I suppose production for To All Corners Of The World continues more smoothly than on its rough start, judging by Mr. Katabuchi's personal column at WEB ANIMESTYLE (http://animestyle.jp/column/1300/). Also, could Mr. Maruyama & Co., be preparing to make something similar for The Dream Machine?


Maturity, bitches.
Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan anime announced

Btw, Japan win WW2 in this series lol.

Talk about awful timing.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has begun a two-day visit to Japan by discussing Germany's reconciliation efforts after World War Two.

She said Germany had "faced its past squarely", helping it move forward.

Japan has been criticised by its neighbours for what is seen as its inadequate acknowledgement and education of wartime atrocities.

PM Shinzo Abe is due to give a statement later this year to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the war.

But there is speculation he may water down Japan's past apologies for its aggression in Asia.


What the Hell, Sunrise? Can you seriously not tell one coherent mecha story this season? It's not like you have a shortage of opportunities? I mean sure, Tomino's gonna be fucking insane, but you're ripping off Gundam with Ange, you could at least have death matter. This is AGE tier shit.

Nah, it's just the usual Fukuda tier. A shot of people disappearing into light or a broken helmet floating in space didn't stop him from bringing people back in SEED and Destiny. If he wants them alive, they'll be alive.


World Break - 09

Fuck yeah all this glorious Chiaki Omigawa! It's enough to fuel me for the next year till her next role or another SYD OVA.


Think of the whole Tusk thing as a device to piss off the yuri shippers instead of a means to try and devlop Ange.

The Hilda threesome is definitely viable now though.

please don't ask me to believe that there are people who unironically enjoy any part of this show or who actually root for characters in this show to hook up.

Well... if that was their plan... I guess it worked.

For the love of blushing Hilda why couldn't Tusk stay dead. YOU BASTARDS!


Nah, it's just the usual Fukuda tier. A shot of people disappearing into light or a broken helmet floating in space didn't stop him from bringing people back in SEED and Destiny. If he wants them alive, they'll be alive.

What bothers me is most is that Cross Ange is aping SEED and Geass and both were just aping UC Gundam. Which most of Gundam AU does anyway.

Sunrise has been making Robot anime longer than I've been alive and yet it's still recycling Amuro Ray and especially Char Aznable.

Cuz that's all Ange is, guys, and don't believe for even one second she's more or less than the dredges scraped from the bottom of the Char well.

-Former royalty driven from home by traitors.
-Seeks revenge on the one who killed her parent(s)
-Little Sister complex
-Heroic Deliverer to an Unusual Slave Race
-Driven to believe that the only way to 'save' the world is to 'destroy' it.
-Ace mech pilot (well duh)
-Not really that interested in improving the state of the slave race
-love/hate relationship with that brownhaired idealist.

The only real difference is that instead of wearing a mask ange cuts her hair.



For some reason, I was expecting a story about an actual knight, set in a time period/place when and where they actually tended to exist. Silly me.

Great Teacher Onizuka 13
Onizuka makes another precious friend.

I hope the stalker sensei will stay around for a longer while as he's hilarious to watch. Especially now that he's getting bullied by his own private student.
Nodame Catabile - up to the beginning of episode 11

Really enjoying this, even though there's some characters that do grind my gears for the most part (that drummer or whatever the correct term is).

However it's really damn unfortunate that the budget didn't allow more actual animation. Obviously animating an entire orchestra is rather difficult but I'm just asking for more than 95% stills and some decent, yet still distractingly off looking, CGI close ups.

It's just unfortunate, can't blame any party for that though.
Nodame Catabile - up to the beginning of episode 11

Really enjoying this, even though there's some characters that do grind my gears for the most part (that drummer or whatever the correct term is).

However it's really damn unfortunate that the budget didn't allow more actual animation. Obviously animating an entire orchestra is rather difficult but I'm just asking for more than 95% stills and some decent, yet still distractingly off looking, CGI close ups.

It's just unfortunate, can't blame any party for that though.

It is a shame, though the reaction shots of people in the audience losing their minds at the performances have always amused me.
You'd think that you'd have learned not to expect serious storytelling from Cross Ange by episode 22.

Though filled with fanservice and overly trashy (it's Sunrise!) and derivative (it's like other Sunrise works!) in the developments and main plot, and with some bumps in quality both up and down in storytelling, I would say it didn't really jumped the shark until Ep 22.


Pretty sure I'm done with original anime from Sunrise after Ange. It's not like they'll top it anyway.

Ange'd have to be original for it to count.

Though filled with fanservice and overly trashy (it's Sunrise!) and derivative (it's like other Sunrise works!) in the developments and main plot, and with some bumps in quality both up and down in storytelling, I would say it didn't really jumped the shark until Ep 22.

Episode 22 is Cross Ange having trained the shark to jump other sharks by having shown it 21 times how to do it itself.


Ange is about some nerd who couldn't get laid so he decided to create another world where he could play god and make strong* independent** women suck his dick 24/7. Ultimately he meets a woman who outright refuses him and he goes into a manrage spamming his zergs to force her to be his new Queen. However Tusk representing the jock, ends up NTRing the nerd as always. Nerds never win. #beta4eva



I feel if they made CA less needlessly trashy and with production values similar to Code Geass it could have been very successful. It's just so much fun /hides
Ange is about some nerd who couldn't get laid so he decided to create another world where he could play god and make strong* independent** women suck his dick 24/7. Ultimately he meets a woman who outright refuses him and he goes into a manrage spamming his zergs to force her to be his new Queen. However Tusk representing the jock, ends up NTRing the nerd as always. Nerds never win. #beta4eva

This is the funniest thing I have read today and I thank you for it.
Gaiking: Legend of Daiku Maryu - 21

So in this episode, Daiya's fear of getting NTR'd indirectly almost ends up getting an innocent girl killed in a trap from the enemy.

Good thing he got his act together in time to save her and escape the trap with the crew doing that light speed attack from the Sonic Adventure games.


Yuri Kuma Arashi 08

Rejected lesbian ruins everything again.

I've honestly forgotten who it was that really put Sumika 6 feet under so I guess 'll have to rewatch the first ep.

Despite the convenient ass lightning and that cruel cliffhanger, this sits next to the Lulu flashback as the best episode so far.


Kanda temple is best Temple

More picture



I knew I should have created a Cross Ange OT.

You mean there isnt one for this masterpiece?
Actually, maybe thats not a bad thing...

Wondering for people out there but for Saishuu Heiki Kanojo manga, is it worth $63 dollars for the complete volume 1-7. Just saw someone is selling it and kinda want to get it as I own the anime but not yet watch it (will start watching it soon). Just an advice if it`s worth the cost...

Hmmm. I dont know the quality of the manga but its a solidly depressing anime. I advise against marathoning it.


OK, I'm new to this stuff guys and I feel I may be to old to be watching this stuff, but damn..., so go easy on me.

I recently bought SAO for Vita during the last sale and everyone said I had to watch the Anime before I play it, so I just finished Season 1 and most of season 2 and I have to say wow.... Powerful story lines, (yes, I'm a sucker for love stories) good humor, the homage to gamers was great and the characters overall were excellant. I think I have about 6 episodes left and I'm hungry now...

2 questions:
- will there be an SAO III?
- Are there any other series on Crunchyroll with the same depth of story (Love stories are appreciated) but also include action, homor and everything else that SAO has offered?


Crowdfunding campaign started for a film version of Fumiyo Kōno's manga Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni (In a Corner of this World)
script & direction by Sunao Katabuchi (Black Lagoon), MAPPA studio for 2016 release
20% after only a few hours!

Coincidentally, I suppose production for To All Corners Of The World continues more smoothly than on its rough start, judging by Mr. Katabuchi's personal column at WEB ANIMESTYLE (http://animestyle.jp/column/1300/). Also, could Mr. Maruyama & Co., be preparing to make something similar for The Dream Machine?

I dunno, it still seems like the project is somewhat struggling. That's not a crowdfunding campaign for the entire movie. The description and announcement says that they've spent 4 years on pre-production for this film, and the script and storyboards are complete. They're asking for about $200k via crowdfunding to keep the staff attached to the project and to develop a pilot film. This is the "next step" in the production phase.

While they do expect the actual film to go into production after that and be released next year, it sounds to me like this is a way to see if there is enough support for the film to actually get made. If they can raise the money to push the pilot film into production, sponsors will probably be willing to commit to funding for the actual film.

It's worth noting that there are very minimal rewards for the crowdfunding campaign. The physical rewards are very small tokens of appreciation. There's a pin badge and a letter from the character in the story written and illustrated by the author, and that's it. Everyone who contributes to the lowest tier at least gets it. Those who give 50 bucks or more get to attend a scheduled backer's meeting around the middle of the year, where they'll get to talk to the director, get a report on the production, and see some completed footage. They're being very conservative about this, and they're not promising anything like DVD/BDs or anything like that.
I've read part of the manga version of this. It's AMAZINGLY bad. I mean, even by the usual standards of this genre, it's horrible.

Also, expect all of the usual standards of the genre and more. Expect, by chapter two in the manga:

-Harem action

-Tsundere European princess main girl who is his partner and roommate and falls in (tsundere) love with MC after he defeats her and then she learns about his tragic past, which makes her feel for him. It's got WAY too much of one of my most-hated sexist tropes in anime to it, "she falls in love with the guy who defeated her because what the 'strong woman' actually wants is a stronger man". That was one of the major reasons why Cecelia is worst girl in IS, for example.

-An overpowered protagonist. "Worst" is a complete lie, this guy is ultra-powerful but of course few people recognize that.
He can also pretty much instantly copy attack abilities by seeing them used in combat, and despite having weak magic power can turn super-powerful for one minute because he's just that determined and trained himself for it.
He's a "failure" who can beat the strongest knights! Why do these shows keep try8ing to come up with these awful superpowered "failures", it's completely absurd. I don't like it when they overpower these protagonists so much while trying to claim that they are "underdogs". It doesn't work.

Etc. Ep. 1 basically goes like this: 1) "I will kill you for walking in on me and seeing me in my underwear!" 2) He soundly defeats her with his super-ability 3) She learns his tragic past 4) He comes to in their room after the fight with her straddling him and feeling his muscles in his sleep.

Yup. Really.

(Oh yeah, and MC's grandfather is the swordbearing samurai who won WWII. How, I have no idea.)

So yeah, it's a terrible series. On the other hand, this show could have some comically dumb moments. The bit that happens after #4 on that list there sure kind of was. So maybe I'll try the anime despite knowing that it's completely awful. It's always easy to drop these shows when they're unwatchably bad, such as Unlimited Fafnir this season. Dropped that after a few episodes.

I actually really liked the first half of Xenoglossia. It's too bad that it gets much more dark and serious in the first half, I'd have rather seen more of the lighter tone of the first half of the show... still a good show, though.

I felt the same way about Shinmai Maou No Testament/Keiyakusha or Testament of Sister New Devil. Horribly cliched battle harem with more intimate fanservice and a "cooler" MC than High School DxD; however it takes out all the soul that makes DxD so fun, especially the Light Novels.

tl;dr High School DxD is all you need. Especially the novels.
I dunno, it still seems like the project is somewhat struggling. That's not a crowdfunding campaign for the entire movie. The description and announcement says that they've spent 4 years on pre-production for this film, and the script and storyboards are complete. They're asking for about $200k via crowdfunding to keep the staff attached to the project and to develop a pilot film. This is the "next step" in the production phase.

While they do expect the actual film to go into production after that and be released next year, it sounds to me like this is a way to see if there is enough support for the film to actually get made. If they can raise the money to push the pilot film into production, sponsors will probably be willing to commit to funding for the actual film.

It's worth noting that there are very minimal rewards for the crowdfunding campaign. The physical rewards are very small tokens of appreciation. There's a pin badge and a letter from the character in the story written and illustrated by the author, and that's it. Everyone who contributes to the lowest tier at least gets it. Those who give 50 bucks or more get to attend a scheduled backer's meeting around the middle of the year, where they'll get to talk to the director, get a report on the production, and see some completed footage. They're being very conservative about this, and they're not promising anything like DVD/BDs or anything like that.

It's too bad that it's so difficult to get funding for these kinds of non-franchise general-audience animated films to be made. I'd be happy to see more of them. At least there's Miss Hokusai coming out this year.


OK, I'm new to this stuff guys and I feel I may be to old to be watching this stuff, but damn..., so go easy on me.

2 questions:
- will there be an SAO III?
- Are there any other series on Crunchyroll with the same depth of story (Love stories are appreciated) but also include action, homor and everything else that SAO has offered?

I'm no expert on the franchise so take my answers my the grain of salt but:

1. In all likelihood yes. It's popular and there is still a lot of material left to be adapted.

2. Uhhh Log Horizon? It's about people trapped in the online game too. But as I understand it - with less action.
OK, I'm new to this stuff guys and I feel I may be to old to be watching this stuff, but damn..., so go easy on me.

I recently bought SAO for Vita during the last sale and everyone said I had to watch the Anime before I play it, so I just finished Season 1 and most of season 2 and I have to say wow.... Powerful story lines, (yes, I'm a sucker for love stories) good humor, the homage to gamers was great and the characters overall were excellant. I think I have about 6 episodes left and I'm hungry now...

2 questions:
- will there be an SAO III?
- Are there any other series on Crunchyroll with the same depth of story (Love stories are appreciated) but also include action, homor and everything else that SAO has offered?

1. Probably. It prints money.

2. Things that come to mind in terms of Crunchyroll shows with action, nice stories, and a touch of romance would be ...

Voices of a Distant Star
Gurren Lagann

... and some shows that don't necessarily meet all of your criteria but are also on Crunchyroll and worth watching.

Madoka Magica
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

... and because you enjoyed SAO so much.

Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
The Irregular at Magic Highschool


1. Probably. It prints money.

2. Things that come to mind in terms of Crunchyroll shows with action, nice stories, and a touch of romance would be ...

Voices of a Distant Star
Gurren Lagann

... and some shows that don't necessarily meet all of your criteria but are also on Crunchyroll and worth watching.

Madoka Magica
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

... and because you enjoyed SAO so much.

Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
The Irregular at Magic Highschool

I'm no expert on the franchise so take my answers my the grain of salt but:

1. In all likelihood yes. It's popular and there is still a lot of material left to be adapted.

2. Uhhh Log Horizon? It's about people trapped in the online game too. But as I understand it - with less action.

Thank you. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying SAO. I've never evern watched Anime before, there is only a couple episodes left and I'm going to have to dig into some of those other recomendations...

Thank you again!

Side question...

What is all the hate I see whenever SAO is brought up?
What is all the hate I see whenever SAO is brought up?

Well, you see, the thing about that is, uh...how can I put this...

There's much better anime out there! Yeah!

Have you seen the masterpieces that are known as Madoka Magica and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? If you liked SAO, I can almost guarantee that you'll Iike those shows as well! Perhaps even more so than SAO!

Are there any other series on Crunchyroll with the same depth of story (Love stories are appreciated) but also include action, homor and everything else that SAO has offered?

Yeah, I think you'll definitely enjoy Madoka and Gurren Lagann. More so on Gurren Lagann with the humor and action though.
Nanatsu no Taizai - 20

These last episodes have been great. It's been a breeze to marathon through this show because there's always something going on.
I always expected the reveal to happen in one way or another, but I didn't expect it to have been 'hinted' like this since the beginning.
The way the keikaku was delivered with the flashbacks was nice, and it makes me question why a certain someone is still alive. But man during this (spoilers) I was hyyyyype!

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