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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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BTW there's a super shitty camrip of the One Punch Man PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiumzFockS8
From what I can make out the PV is actually mostly text anyway.

That reminds me, we still haven't seen anything about LWA2 PV.



Hi there, I love how the thread turned out! I'm going to take my time coming up with my favourite soundtracks and compiling a list, and I honestly look forward to the task ahead of me. Music is a massive part of my life and I listen to music day in and day out, but I’ve never really assign ratings to them as a whole, so going back and looking through the countless soundtracks that I have on my shelf that I've accumulated over the years is going to be a blast and I think that's the best thing about threads like this. It's less about what wins, because I think everyone wins in the end as we go back and listen to all these wonderful soundtracks and recommend our favourites to others.

Having said that I had a few questions for you and I didn't want to clutter up the other thread so I thought that I'd ask here. When looking at a soundtrack like the ones for Memories and Robot Carnival for example (probably two that will make my list) since they are compilation films comprised of many smaller films, I'm guessing that they all fall under one title instead of counting each short film separately?

Some films like Neo-Tokyo contain pieces like Georges Bizet’s Ouverture and Gymnopédies No. 1, I guess that these tracks are omitted from the soundtrack as a whole and the OST is judged for its unique tracks or do we go by what is specifically played in the show/movie? Because Evangelion has loads of awesome tracks, but most of my favourites aren’t even in the show, but on the CD's (the S2 Works Soundtrack has loads for example).

Basic questions with simple answers I’m sure, I don’t mean to make a mountain out of a molehill, but I thought that I’d ask while I’m listening to some of these awesome tracks :p
Just caught up on the latest episodes of Fafner in the Azure: Exodus.

I wonder why more people aren't watching this show. Production quality seems to have increased since the first show and the plot is interesting (to me at least). The latest 3 episodes have really picked up the pace in terms of progressing events outside of the island (especially 9 which featured some amazing scenes and lines).

The first one is on my backlog, I'll get to watching it eventually. I've heard good things about it, so I regret not being able to watch the currently airing one.
Log Horizon 2 24

Are these Moon Rabbits a Dragon Ball reference or is there something in Japanese folklore about rabbits on the moon? Is the last episode going to be the same as S1 where Kureha shows up and says weird shit to Shiroe then leaves

Yeah this is usually how my raids went.


Log Horizon Season 2, Episode 24:

I see we are keeping this mini-arc refreshingly simple and we are going in a direction I was not expecting.
The Eternal Moths are apparently Genius Monsters that have nested at the source of the other quest. Clearly somebody is pulling the strings here, but whom and for what purpose? Anyway, we are going to be closing out the season the way we started by engaging an epic raid. I am going to miss Log Horizon and I do hope we get that third season. At the very least we are not getting any god damned gecko endings that would run the series.


So is there a new Lupin series starting next month? I've seen it listed as airing in April, but there's been zero promotion for it.
It's a sequel to an old franchise most aren't familiar with.

It's a shame because I feel it's one of the better shows this season so it kind of sucks to see not many people watching it versus other particular shows.

The first one is on my backlog, I'll get to watching it eventually. I've heard good things about it, so I regret not being able to watch the currently airing one.

It's an underrated mecha series as far as I'm concerned. I'd definitely recommend catching up if you can at some point.
I wonder how the Gangsta anime adaptation by Manglobe is gonna handle the Sign language.

Has there even been an anime that has dealt with Sign language before?




Sailor Moon Crystal 18

Having everyone get captured may have been in the original manga, but I like the way the 90s anime did it better. At least we get Pluto soon.

Milky Holmes TD/DOG DAYS'' 11

Music saves the world! With far less Satanic rituals this time!

Rolling Girls 11

The show's always been blending Japan's culture with a Route 66-style Americana landscape, but what could be more Japanese than a robot?


Aldnoah Zero 23
Haha that twist. Inaho
got NTR'd.
But he got a new Mecha at least as consolation prize.

I don't get how you can be 2 years at war with somebody and still capable of an all-out assault, why did you not think of such a great plan earlier you dummies.

Hime didn't even bother to explain anything to anyone ...

Just please end this with the next episode.


Hi there, I love how the thread turned out! I'm going to take my time coming up with my favourite soundtracks and compiling a list, and I honestly look forward to the task ahead of me. Music is a massive part of my life and I listen to music day in and day out, but I’ve never really assign ratings to them as a whole, so going back and looking through the countless soundtracks that I have on my shelf that I've accumulated over the years is going to be a blast and I think that's the best thing about threads like this. It's less about what wins, because I think everyone wins in the end as we go back and listen to all these wonderful soundtracks and recommend our favourites to others.

Having said that I had a few questions for you and I didn't want to clutter up the other thread so I thought that I'd ask here. When looking at a soundtrack like the ones for Memories and Robot Carnival for example (probably two that will make my list) since they are compilation films comprised of many smaller films, I'm guessing that they all fall under one title instead of counting each short film separately?

Some films like Neo-Tokyo contain pieces like Georges Bizet’s Ouverture and Gymnopédies No. 1, I guess that these tracks are omitted from the soundtrack as a whole and the OST is judged for its unique tracks or do we go by what is specifically played in the show/movie? Because Evangelion has loads of awesome tracks, but most of my favourites aren’t even in the show, but on the CD's (the S2 Works Soundtrack has loads for example).

Basic questions with simple answers I’m sure, I don’t mean to make a mountain out of a molehill, but I thought that I’d ask while I’m listening to some of these awesome tracks :p

No, it's fine. I would say for stuff like Memories or Robot Carnival, it would normally go under one title but you can specify further if you want. It would kinda be identical to the Franchise vote thing.

As to the 2nd question, I would lean towards no in that it should be played inside the work itself but it's certainly not a rule. Like Eureka 7's OST has a disc full of electronic remixes and I wouldn't really consider that part of the OST. That said it is in the CD release and there are cases such as JoJo's Bizarred Adventure where the sound director butchers what even gets to the screen.

Also if a show inserts something like Beethoven's Fifth then that would be perfectly acceptable as part of the show's OST.


Serial Experiments Lain 01-10 Mind
So Far

ImoCho 06
, this is the most
thing so far,
Metal Gear???

You poor bastard having to watch ImoCho :(

This looks strange.

Excellent,. I will contribute.

Aldnoah Zero 23

Haha that twist. Inaho
got NTR'd.
But he got a new Mecha at least as consolation prize.

I don't get how you can be 2 years at war with somebody and still capable of an all-out assault, why did you not think of such a great plan earlier you dummies.

Hime didn't even bother to explain anything to anyone ...

Just please end this with the next episode.

I hate it when cutie princess is suffering.
Aldnoah Zero 23

lol. Both Slaine and now Inaho
got NTR'd
. I dont know why any of the Orbital Knights will listen to Asseylum now however.

The watercolors in the ending theme looked lovely.
Shirobako 23
Really good episode. The director was awesome, the editor got his just desserts and Zuka got a role finally. They are cutting it close but it looks pretty damn good for them


No, it's fine. I would say for stuff like Memories or Robot Carnival, it would normally go under one title but you can specify further if you want. It would kinda be identical to the Franchise vote thing.

As to the 2nd question, I would lean towards no in that it should be played inside the work itself but it's certainly not a rule. Like Eureka 7's OST has a disc full of electronic remixes and I wouldn't really consider that part of the OST. That said it is in the CD release and there are cases such as JoJo's Bizarred Adventure where the sound director butchers what even gets to the screen.

Also if a show inserts something like Beethoven's Fifth then that would be perfectly acceptable as part of the show's OST.

Thanks for the answer, I'm currently writing up my inevitable post and I'm going to spend a bit of time on it as it goes through some much needed revisions so I'll definitely justify anything that I put in my list and explain just why it's there in the first place :)
Dog days S3 - 11

DAT 10/10 godly animation.

They managed to give a decent reason for the ennemy , one for aria , while giving us such a godly fight afterwards.

The animation for this season of dog days is SO GOOD.

Gaul & Genoise entrance after breaking the wall ..was perfect .. 100% badassery , right there.
So freaking GOOD.

Wait ...... they updated the ED animation ?
I just can't find much to watch on the Funi app myself. I started to watch Assassination Classroom, but other than that I own most of the older stuff and the newer stuff doesn't really interest me.


Your Lie in April-22 [fin]
This was a much stronger episode than I expected mainly because they toned down on the elements that didn't work. Most of this episode was about resolution and winding the down the story as a whole. Narrative elements such as whether Kousei got into that elite musical prep school are thrown to the waistside and instead the show focuses on Kousei and Kaori's relationship. This pared down approach really works for the episode as it doesn't feel as meandering as the rest of the show. The first half is just straight Kousei playing for Kaori and there isn't much dialogue for a good chunk of the performance. There's still some monologuing unfortunately but it's relatively minor and the show tries to make the performance speak for itself. This is something that really stands out as the show makes full use of being an audiovisual medium in a way that a manga could never attempt to replicate. A manga would have to use words to convey what the music is trying to say. Here, shots like these are worth more than a thousand words:
I don't even to describe what the shots means. The facials shots of Kousei during the performance really say it all. Elements such as light and motion are used in a mesmerizing way to bring everything together into a strong singular package. It's not just the performance either but things such as showing the transition of seasons:
It's very mono no aware and shows a theme of life moving on.
The show doesn't really address the immediate fallout of Kaori's death and instead focuses on her long term impact
. In a way it's very anti-melodramatic which is very surprising considering how the rest of the show has been handled. There's no
Kousei running to the hospital or the parent's crying as the doctor gives the bad news
. It's all played very dryly and I think that works in showing how transitionary
Kaori was. She even states in the letter that she was just drifting through his life
. I cannot emphasize how appreciated this was. For a series that has choked itself to death and melodrama:
This episode stood out in sharp contrast. So transitioning into my thoughts of the series as a whole, it's a very beautiful end to an uneven work. As to the entire show, it was largely sunk by the writing and direction. It's really frustrating as the direction at times is spectacular. I mean really spectacular.
However then we get shit like this:
It's just so overly melodramatic at times that it's hard to take the work seriously. There's a strong story buried somewhere in here but it's buried by things such as physically abusive parents, bad timing, hamfisted symbolism, early teenagers acted like they're 27, and dramatic closeups. It's so obvious what emotions the show is trying to rip out of you that the work comes across as artificial and doesn't connect at an emotional level. Most of the best scenes are the simpler ones without the drama that has plagued the show such as "Friend A" or whatever. A perfect example is the performance in the last episode in that
despite it being dramatic, it doesn't delve into the drama. Kousei isn't breaking down or anything that ridiculous
Then there are the comedic scenes which really detracted from numerous key bits by undercutting the atmosphere or playing up physical abuse with a boy who was literally physically abused as a child. I will admit that some of the comedy works but a large amount of it doesn't.
Then there's also stuff like the love triangle/rectangle/pentagon/whatever that again feels unnecessary and meandering. Did we really need most of the girls having a crush on Kousei? I feel like the show would have been much stronger if it either focused on Kousei/Tsubaki or Kousei/Kaori and cut the other character completely out.
I can't say I hated the show but I also can't say that I liked it that much either. There were certainly moments where I laughed due to bad direction but there were also moments that impacted me emotionally due to good direction. It's not a consistent work but things such as the strong soundtrack help to elevate it. Well one clear theme I got from the show though is that Japan really needs to create better mental health services and stop degrading people who clearly need them.
Log horizon S2 - 24

OMG Shiroe , that look at the end of episode 24 ... i almost cried of joy when i saw that...

Is that tears of joy that are on my face ? It sure feels like it .
"thirty minutes are enough"
^^^ and then you have the whole log horizon guild + tea party that know that he is BACK ...

our vilain !! The best vilain in anime smiled.
Shiroe , Best VILAIN.. ever

Henrietta best support. i'll put you in charge every day , every week any year.


Your Lie in April-22 [fin]

Then there are the comedic scenes which really detracted from numerous key bits by undercutting the atmosphere or playing up physical abuse with a boy who was literally physically abused as a child. I will admit that some of the comedy works but a large amount of it doesn't.

This part especially. When there is the spectre of physical and emotional abuse hanging, I mean c'mon, it is the entire reason Kousei is not playing, it is such a terrible idea to use slapstick comedy while she is trying to convince him to start playing again.
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