I began to notice the subtle particulars of the staircase around the third episode, when the fangirl inside of me managed to stop being excited/distracted by the mere possibility of an Utena reference. I'm not sure I've figured out their role yet, but it's worth mentioning that bird symbolism was central to Utena (in its own reference to
Demian) and, naturally, Penguin Drum. And, I only noticed this because I started rewatching episode 1, but
the first shot of the entire series is of birds, initially framed by the bear logo.
I'm embarrassed to say that I caught none of the horror references outside of Suspiria, but I'm fascinated by what those and the allusion to an actual real-life bear attack mean for the tone of the show. Are we meant to think of it as horrific, if not now then by the time it finishes? Curious. The tone feels fairly light to me so far.
Two more things I forgot to mention- I noticed teacher lady "filing away" her students in a giant series of shelves, in what I assume is a callback to coffins in the Black Rose arc of Utena. And again, we have an adult with strange disregard for the seemingly horrible fate of children, bears and otherwise.