Twin Tails
Shinmai Maou no Testament 12
It was terrible, can't wait for S2!!
Parasyte 24
It was alright =
It was terrible, can't wait for S2!!
Parasyte 24
It was alright =
I see, didn't know it happened something similar with other series also at Crunchyroll! But yeah, that special episode didn't air on TV while being exclusive to the last digital disc volume release (, and with this information you bring it seems even more likely to actually be something related to the publisher pushing on this case for the higher-quality BD purchase rather than the stop-gap streaming option.I'm not familiar with the show in question, but, was that episode originally a home video exclusive one? On the occasions that CR gets the rights to stream those (fairly rare), they often seem to be given DVD-quality assets. The DRRR!! home video episodes are the same way, for example. The exact reason I don't know, probably something to do with the complex web of rights-holders and distribution agreements.
Oh, what the fuck:
So they based the character models on real people, huh?
A lot of them were. Did you miss the story where the real 'Funny Story' guy was pissed off on twitter?Oh, what the fuck:
So they based the character models on real people, huh?
100% definitely the original Gundam Build Fighters.You sure you're talking about GBF and not GBF Try?
You'll be fine. I'm most likely a crowd of one against a storm of people who loved or enjoyed it.What am I getting myself into?
Is there any smut anime? Closest thing I've seen is that kid with the dragon arm that says "BOOSTU" and please, high quality stuff *shrugs*
Smut as in 'bordering on porn', you mean?
Its a work of art! Haven't you read Prison School?!
kind of lol
Why you got to pick me apart like that man T_T
I mean, I can't endorse or support people watching Mahoka for example. But if people have said they enjoy something like Bleach or Naruto (and I've certainly given advice on this matter many times) I would suggest Hunter x Hunter or Full Metal Alchemist. It's that difficult to tailor responses based on genre and experience.If someone is recommending School Days or Eiken of course that's going to viewed as a suspect or bad/trollish recommendation.
But if someone comes in here saying they like Naruto, Cowboy Bebop and Bleach recommending them Mahōka or Attack on Titan isn't a shitty or bad recommendation. Like someone else said it doesn't make sense to recommend someone Flowers of Evil or Yamato 2199(anime a segment of people consider to be good) if they just said they like anime like Attack on Titan or Kill La Kill.
In a way its kinda a argument regarding what one considers to be a bad anime but is popular. A lot of people consider Bleach to be a bad anime, however Bleach is also an extremely popular anime as well. Course I've also noticed people played off that as well "Oh this person likes Naruto and Naruto is a shit anime so I'm going to recommend shit anime like Eiken!"
true true
If you want good and sort of smutty, my pick would probably be Godannar. It's a mecha show with a lot homages and send-ups of classic mech shows, but the fanservice is crazy and there are a lot of crude sexual jokes. Golden Boy also toes that line pretty close, but the dub is greatest dub ever made and the comedy is amazing, which makes it a hilarious classic; definitely watch it (dub only) if you haven't.
The only other one I've seen would probably be Divergence Eve, but that show is trash, avoid.
Just a quick comment on post formatting, you leave a lot of extra spaces between your sentences and it makes your posts a little difficult to read. I'd recommend just leaving one space between lines (as per the above version of your posts) to increase not only the readability of your posts, but the thread in general.I never know something like that existed... Thank you.
The Irregular at Magic High School Episodes 14-18
It's starting to come into place now.
So essentially to main protag is actually asuper-human, military weapon with no human emotions left outside of the sibling love for his sister
I get it now, but it's an unfortuante turn for my interest in the last 7 episodes.... I guess I will probably finish them all up tomorrow, but it's definately an intersting turn of events.
Wow, a whole new story arc for Episode 19 now, crazy stuff...
Watching Samurai Flamenco now
what is my expectation?
Testament - 12
Came for lewd, stayed for censors. Maria did some funny things occasionally. That about sums it up.& Zest
Looks rather lewd in the next season, which means more censors! I'm in.
Is there any smut anime? Closest thing I've seen is that kid with the dragon arm that says "BOOSTU" and please, high quality stuff *shrugs*
In two days I thinkDid blurays come out for this yet?
Watching Samurai Flamenco now
what is my expectation?
Still looks janky ;_;
A lot of them were. Did you miss the story where the real 'Funny Story' guy was pissed off on twitter?
Just a quick comment on post formatting, you leave a lot of extra spaces between your sentences and it makes your posts a little difficult to read. I'd recommend just leaving one space between lines (as per the above version of your posts) to increase not only the readability of your posts, but the thread in general.
There's always Cream Lemon - Pop Chaser, actual porn that was animated by some of the top animation talent to ever exist.
In two days I think
I mean, it's fine to say that WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3 is a slow, thoughtful movie but I can't imagine it being that different to Mamrou Oshii's works purely in terms of pacing. That's all I am saying!
This looks right up my alley.
Did blurays come out for this yet?
Is there any smut anime? Closest thing I've seen is that kid with the dragon arm that says "BOOSTU" and please, high quality stuff *shrugs*
Silver Spoon Season 2 Episodes 6-11 END
Well, you guys were right. The second half of Season 2 is a huge improvement over the first half. Lots of character development and real struggles that you just can't help but feel for the characters and become attached to them.When Hachiken started crying after reading the "thank you" note in that notebook, I practically cried with him as I could feel the emotion that message sent him after seeing all the struggles he went through only to feel like he was useless and not needed. And the part about Komaba's farm having to shut down after going bankrupt really hit hard. It was great to see the show bring hard situations into the mix like that and change up the always-happy pace of the show, but at the same time, devastating to see Komaba give up on his dream and relent his life to working to pay off debts. I was also glad to see Hachiken and Aki's relationship move a bit forward. They'd make a great couple.
I look forward to a 3rd season if there's one in the works. Oh and Hachiken's mom is cute.
Cross Ange
Qwaser of Stigmata
Golden Boy is the direction I'm trying to head towards but as with every great show, its very difficult to emulate that boisterousness that's found in the show. I'll try out Godannar but seems like my search might turn up cold cause studios don't animate these great pieces of work, and if they do, its censored to oblivion to spike sales after the anime finishes ;_;
There's always Cream Lemon - Pop Chaser, actual porn that was animated by some of the top animation talent to ever exist.
Nisekoi: 04
Seriously, man? I'm about as oblivious to love as they come and I would have easily been able to see that Onodera really, really likes you.
Ah, anime...
What was GAF's final verdict on this show?
People are free to recommend whatever they happen to believe is good content, but there are plenty of posters recommending deliberately (and obviously) terrible shit, which is specifically what I was referring to.
I mean, if people recommend stuff that they like which I happen to think is rubbish I will probably view my thoughts on it that but that's a very different situation.
Gotcha. Yeah, Golden Boy is a rare bird.
I guess you could also include most of Infinite Stratos as smut, but the only reason to watch IS is Charl, otherwise it's just really bad harem crap.
Nisekoi: 04
Seriously, man? I'm about as oblivious to love as they come and I would have easily been able to see that Onodera really, really likes you.
Ah, anime...
Alright, ty. I'll have to keep my eyes open as the text often goes by too quick and if I back it up to re read, Crunchy often sends it right to a commercial. ..
Very interesting stuff though, I'm diggin' the show.
This song:
Watch "Sword Art Online Opening 1 Full" on YouTube
Sword Art Online Opening 1 Full:
Kancolle anime getting a sequel
How come this chuni show went from nonsense to all about love. It's like a completely different show now.
Nisekoi: 04
Seriously, man? I'm about as oblivious to love as they come and I would have easily been able to see that Onodera really, really likes you.
Ah, anime...
I wrote a review on MAL one time for Patema Inverted.
Then a mod deleted it and gave me a warning.
Apparently you can't call movies shit, but you can review half broadcast shows.
If someone is recommending School Days or Eiken of course that's going to viewed as a suspect or bad/trollish recommendation.
But if someone comes in here saying they like Naruto, Cowboy Bebop and Bleach recommending them Mahōka or Attack on Titan isn't a shitty or bad recommendation. Like someone else said it doesn't make sense to recommend someone Flowers of Evil or Yamato 2199(anime a segment of people consider to be good) if they just said they like anime like Attack on Titan or Kill La Kill.
In a way its kinda a argument regarding what one considers to be a bad anime but is popular. A lot of people consider Bleach to be a bad anime, however Bleach is also an extremely popular anime as well. Course I've also noticed people played off that as well "Oh this person likes Naruto and Naruto is a shit anime so I'm going to recommend shit anime like Eiken!"
Oh, what the fuck:
So they based the character models on real people, huh?
Is there any smut anime? Closest thing I've seen is that kid with the dragon arm that says "BOOSTU" and please, high quality stuff *shrugs*